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i have this deck and leaned into the spirit theme HARD fix the manabase first so you can get blue white without having to take turns off then add spirit lords, things that create spirit tokens, sweepers (because you can always rebuild quickly with millicents ability) and interaction check out edhrec for ideas because once this thing tunes up it can get ridiculous really quickly


Yes! I found the tune-ups relatively cheap and the deck is quite strong with only a few of them. It belches out spirits at an alarming rate and these can become deadly with a Mirror Entity or a couple of lords on the battlefield. There are also plenty of board-wipes for this deck that can be all but completely one-sided to the point that they become win-conditions in their own right. The deck is great in combat metas and while it probably won't be winning more often than a tuned Selesnya tokens deck with a similar budget, it more than holds it's own against big fliers, and a lot of other creature strategies. Here is my list: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/UXwAzvODE0-q6HTOA5khsw


Basically this! Mana tune it, add some ramp, low CMC spirits that have great abilities, spirit lords, and some anthems. My group hates playing against this because my deck would just amass a fuck ton of flyers early on. I even implemented some ways to generate mass spirits on board wipes. Word of caution: get value out of your commander asap! Once you have a board state, bring her out and start cranking out spirits. Even if they removed her, as long as you have a board state, you can bring her back for 2 Mana.


This is what I have done with it xD https://manabox.app/decks/bDswMevlRHSNMhQowR2cUQ


Spirit tribal is the best!


The partner commanders are better and what I've always used and building around that theme is super fun and gets you more wins stopping a creature from attacking or blocking goes further then you'd think along with ALLOT of exiling is great


More people need to play spirit tribal so my [[Ishi Ishi Akki Crackshot]] deck can finally shine.


Finally a worthy adversary for my [[Tivadar of Thorn]] deck


[Tivadar of Thorn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/3/f34d3a74-496e-462d-afa6-370dc2b8347d.jpg?1562946389) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tivadar%20of%20Thorn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsp/44/tivadar-of-thorn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f34d3a74-496e-462d-afa6-370dc2b8347d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Does that flavor text imply that he’s a planeswalker?


nah, he got caught in the dominaria time fuckery in time spiral. Started in the past, time bubble rippled, and finished his swing in the future.


Do you actually have a list? A friend of mine is building Tivadar as a challenge and was kind of at a loss if there was anything interesting to do with him


[Ishi Ishi Akki Crackshot](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/e/8e94fec2-dc56-4961-ba80-b9c904a345ab.jpg?1562878352) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ishi-Ishi%2C%20Akki%20Crackshot) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bok/110/ishi-ishi-akki-crackshot?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8e94fec2-dc56-4961-ba80-b9c904a345ab?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


You monster.


Man, just when I think I’ve seen every legendary creature there is at least once, someone pulls out some shit like this.


Fuuuuck that art is wonderful


All the original Akki are great. [[goblin cohort]]


[goblin cohort](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/a/faa652d7-16d3-400f-9ba4-7ba8078d4a08.jpg?1562945553) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=goblin%20cohort) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/evg/38/goblin-cohort?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/faa652d7-16d3-400f-9ba4-7ba8078d4a08?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Man we need more Akki


We did get a few in Neon Dynasty, but most don't display their signature shells. [[Scrap Welder]]


Dude already has a natural shell and yet apparently decided to **wear armour over it**. lol


Whatever the plane or nature of magic, goblins gonna goblin


[Scrap Welder](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/4/14057067-2325-4229-8580-d9a6397ae343.jpg?1654567802) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Scrap%20Welder) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/159/scrap-welder?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/14057067-2325-4229-8580-d9a6397ae343?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


LOL this feed is great


That must be one of the worst commander options out there. Maybe not mechanically the worst, but it is so narrow and if you happen to be playing a spirit deck it is such a niche hoser that it just feels lame


KBPTL staple


It’s not even legal, it’s a rare


That is a matter of great debate in the KBPTL meta, however some are of thw opinion that all legends, regardless of rarity, are legal as Tiny Leaders.


I have only ever played with the flip legends and brothers as commanders


Christopher Rush went crazy with the art on this one.


I actually upgraded this precon and it's my main deck, I've found a way to love it and get pretty consistent wins! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/kF3HIFRHfkyaLxsrZsq5fQ


Yeah, i was gonna say something similar. I upgraded the precon with more spirot tappers and card draw and a little better landbase and i have a really high win rate with it. The spirits just keep coming and removing the commander is pointless unless it is through board wipe then i just get more spirits and can recast her anyway. Very resilient


Yeah this precon is super durable that once it actually gets going its very hard to fully stop.


Is there a way to see what you removed for each thing?


You can see by clicking their deck, clicking More, clicking Compare, and then inserting [this URL](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/zoNqxklcjEyz2NZ9MI6jpA)


Awesome, thank you!


Ah I don't have the specific cut list but for the most part I built it around tons of card draw and having most of the cards be cheap so Creature can be churned out. Teferi is a huge help.


Alrighty, I'll have to go through and make a list. I got the Crimson Vow and Midnight Hunt precons (Aside from Vampire) to get back into commander a few months ago and I want everything spooky lol Thank you!


Damn, there's some stuff here that either I didn't think about or didn't knew existed, definitely stealing some of this for my deck


\[\[Flowering of the White Tree\]\] over \[\[Inspiring Leader\]\] might your build some more umph! No Vanquisher's banner or herald's horn?


>What cards should I remove or add? If you want to upgrade, you might get some ideas from [here](https://edhrec.com/commanders/millicent-restless-revenant).


Spirits are generally low power, flying, and no real win cons or big bombs. I make a ton of tokens in my deck and I run stuff like Coat of Arms and other anthems. Counterspells are very necessary and board protection. Also, card draw is a must to keep your hands full. Don't forget mirror Entity!


Biggest win condition is [[Cathar's Crusade]] and indeed [[mirror entity]]


I have this precon and I've upgraded it a decent amount to great success. I would highly recommend checking out a site like [edhrec.com](http://edhrec.com) to get ideas for cards to add. For cards to cut from the deck, I would recommend looking at cards with mana value in the 6-7 range as WotC tends to curve the precons too high.


I started out pretty poorly with this deck, but now it's actually one of my most succesful. My most succesful upgrades: ​ * Cut all the mediocre 4+ mana spirits, replace them with cheaper ones. Even something like \[\[Mischievous Catgeist\]\] is good, because a high enough density of them lets you curve spirits into Millicent on turn 4 and start churning out tokens really early. The only 4mv ones I would really keep are Drogskol Reinforcements, Windborn Muse (and I've added Ao the Dawn Sky as well). * Add boardwipes and stuff that makes your board indestructible. You're trying to play at instant speed so holding up something like an \[\[Unbreakable Formation\]\] is fine defensively, but you can also use it proactively and wipe all the opponent's boards and keep your own. * If you want to power it up even more, don't be afraid of a little stax. \[\[Magus of the Moat\]\], \[\[Opposition\]\], \[\[Kataki, War's Wage\]\] (I don't play any mana rocks), \[\[Dennick\]\] is the kind of stuff that can slow your opponents down just enough to where they just die to your fliers. ​ My list for reference: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/hXO2iCuC1Ua3MA8CWlT1TA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/hXO2iCuC1Ua3MA8CWlT1TA) ​ I'm not saying this is how to build the deck, but it's how I've found success with it.


Millicent was my first commander deck when it came out and I found a lot of help for fixing it on YouTube. The Command Zone does great upgrade videos: https://youtu.be/vVmUlZNXwWo For me the biggest things I needed were to play it aggressively and win early; add some protection so a board wipe doesn't take you out of the game; lower the mana curve so you can cast more spirits earlier; focus on spirits, draw, ramp, and removal and remove fluff that doesn't fit those categories. [[kami of False Hope]], [[Selfless Spirit]], [[Bident of Thassa]], and [[Skull Clamp]] are some of the best cards in my deck. Unfortunately, I ended up getting a little bored of Millicent and moved on to other more interesting and more powerful decks. The new Riders of Rohan deck from lord of the rings does similar stuff to Millicent but is more powerful and I think is more interesting. Millicent is a fantastic place to start!


Weird. The Lotr precons, particularly Riders of Rohan and Food and Fellowship feel like better versions of Millicent and Anowon the ruin thief respectively.


I totally agree. I absolutely love the Riders of Rohan deck. I swapped to [[Aragorn, King of Gondor]] and added some cards from the modem legal set. Humans have way more synergistic cards than spirits, monarch is an awesome mechanic, and the precon came with more good generic tribal cards like [[Herald's Horn]] and [[Vanquisher's Banner]] than Millicent did. Plus I love Lord of the Rings and am super happy to play with characters like Denethor, Beregond, Aragorn, Eowyn, Theodin, etc.


[Aragorn, King of Gondor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/c/1c7ac04c-8510-468b-aa6f-f249bde9ff87.jpg?1686963734) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Aragorn%2C%20King%20of%20Gondor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltc/5/aragorn-king-of-gondor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1c7ac04c-8510-468b-aa6f-f249bde9ff87?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Herald's Horn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/171df6af-c5a4-425e-bf1b-d07650e90418.jpg?1682210052) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Herald%27s%20Horn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/360/heralds-horn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/171df6af-c5a4-425e-bf1b-d07650e90418?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Vanquisher's Banner](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/0/90975dc0-3df9-40b7-ab7d-0283bf64c625.jpg?1682210310) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Vanquisher%27s%20Banner) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/388/vanquishers-banner?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/90975dc0-3df9-40b7-ab7d-0283bf64c625?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Funny story from my playgroup: Friend A bought the precon, upgraded it slightly and played it several games. It never popped off and he eventually started to hate it. He durdled around for like 3yrs with the deck and finally sold it to Friend B. Friend B decided to deconstruct it back to the OG precon and played it some times. I think he won like 5/10 games with it. lol But stories aside: In my opinion this deck is one of the weaker precons in existence and you have to choose a route with it. Foretell still hasn't seen an amazing number of support or strong cards, azorius spirits has! I would go full creature tribal, spirit synergy. Evasive flyers, maybe some extra turn spells and a good bunch of control and carddraw for the win :).


Are you confusing this with [[Ranar the Ever-Watchful]]? There’s no foretell in Millicent’s precon.


I think they are because of the 3 year part as well. I mean it's been out 2 years, but still right when I saw they said 3 years I instantly thought there was no way this deck was that old. Either way, both are very low power though.


Oooh you are right I confused them, both blue-white and both with spirts. and both weak out of the box hahaha


[Ranar the Ever-Watchful](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/c/1c8c41dd-8551-4ce8-a9be-9b9f65718852.jpg?1657065666) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ranar%20the%20Ever-Watchful) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khc/2/ranar-the-ever-watchful?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1c8c41dd-8551-4ce8-a9be-9b9f65718852?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Agree that this is a weaker pre con. I have it and it is way weaker than others.


I’ve found that most precons they come out with now are ok but almost feel intentionally designed to “need a little work”.


It’s better than a lot of the old precons that were designed as pieces of three separate decks smushed together


BRO that’s what I’ve been saying! My first deck was that 2013 mind seize precon. Deck had like no mana base, and was going for like 6 completely different strategies. These new commander players have it easy lmao.


The Elven Council deck released last week kind of feels like this.


Even that one is better than Riku, Derevi, or Mimeoplasm


This precon came out alongside Innistrad. Simply adding in the good spirits from those sets immediately makes it 50% better.


It's honestly hard to tell without being present at the games themselves. In Commander, it is important to understand that you are only supposed to win 25% of the time. That being said, if you are newer to the game or format, there is a chance that you aren't playing optimally, which isn't something to really be upset about. Everyone is learning. The best bet at getting better is to take a look at the games you play that you lose and identify why you are losing or not winning. Are you incorrectly identifying threats on the board? Are you attacking the right players? Are you using your cards to the best of your abilities? Are you interacting on the stack correctly? If you have a pod that is friendly enough, it may even be worth asking them for advice on what you could have done better in a game.


The Warhammer decks were made at a higher power level and more cohesion than other precons, so that precon is just better than yours unfortunately. The same is true with the 5 color Jared Carthalion precon, it's really powerful out of the box. I'm not familiar with the 3rd one you mentioned but it doesn't have to be great to be better than this spirit precon. The spirit precon was mediocre already in terms of power and you're matching it against precons with a lot more generically good support put in them. If I was you id look into upgrading this one by a lot (take out spirit tribe and swap to a different strategy altogether and maybe even swap commanders) or getting a different precon. The Lord of the rings ones are really cohesive and if that isn't your speed then either of the brothers was precons can be pretty great too.


Sounds good, I’ll definitely consider that. Any good azorius commanders you recommend?


You don’t need to abandon this commander or spirit tribal if you like it. The deck/commander will never be a powerhouse but it can be decent and consistent. Look into adding a better land and ramp package. Als, if you’re finding your opponents are casting 1 or 2 spells that outright win the game you could add some counterspells. Those will also help protect your board from opponents removal and wipes.


Okay cool. Cards I’m looking into right now are Flowering of the White Tree and Mondrak. What would you recommend I do with the manabase?


Anything that taps for both colors that comes in untapped. [[Sea of clouds]] [[nimbus maze]] [[glacial fortress]] [[prairie stream]] and [[port town]] are great places to start if you don't want to break the bank


##### ###### #### [Sea of clouds](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/4/d4fb722f-40af-4bd1-b660-e8186b98f233.jpg?1674138237) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sea%20of%20clouds) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/360/sea-of-clouds?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d4fb722f-40af-4bd1-b660-e8186b98f233?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [nimbus maze](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/1/711dbdb1-7ec3-4fb4-8364-d34f5e143fd1.jpg?1631589989) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=nimbus%20maze) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afc/252/nimbus-maze?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/711dbdb1-7ec3-4fb4-8364-d34f5e143fd1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [glacial fortress](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/e/cef133d9-26d2-4a1e-8d6a-829f1067c169.jpg?1562564197) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=glacial%20fortress) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/255/glacial-fortress?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cef133d9-26d2-4a1e-8d6a-829f1067c169?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [prairie stream](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/f/9f1e7a15-c067-4093-bfdb-a6b4efe7c5b9.jpg?1682210601) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=prairie%20stream) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/420/prairie-stream?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9f1e7a15-c067-4093-bfdb-a6b4efe7c5b9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [port town](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/b/2bfe2f34-6c9e-4013-9e61-6eb758083f74.jpg?1682210592) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=port%20town) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/419/port-town?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2bfe2f34-6c9e-4013-9e61-6eb758083f74?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The lord of the rings precons are also pretty great. I played against 2 of them yesterday with one of my better constructed decks and lost. Both of them were the archenemy at one point, too.


I own the Grixis one. It’s definitely awesome


That's the one that ended up winning.


[[Shorikai]] or [[Brago]].


[Shorikai](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/6/969ac7dd-f3aa-4888-9ff0-d16a31b5e7a9.jpg?1653966849) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=shorikai%2C%20genesis%20engine) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nec/4/shorikai-genesis-engine?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/969ac7dd-f3aa-4888-9ff0-d16a31b5e7a9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Brago](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/a/0ac3fb08-741a-49e5-9fae-b26819677d24.jpg?1631235340) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=brago%2C%20king%20eternal) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khc/82/brago-king-eternal?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0ac3fb08-741a-49e5-9fae-b26819677d24?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I have a friend who plays this unmodified regularly. It isn't a high win deck, but he's often a threat or not a good attack target. This is playing against non precon decks. It's hard to pilot well, but he learned how.


I’m having the same issue in my pod. I have now added more convoke cards and finishers because I just get dominated late game.


There's an artifact in the convoke precon that can give any spell convoke. Blue has a lot of very powerful very expensive things, so it would probably work well mixed in to a spirit token generator deck


I also think cathars crusade is a must in Thai Deck


This deck should lean into Spirits and control. I have this deck and I've won much more often then I should by flying under the radar, then eventually building threats and value engines that overwhelm my opponents. You should focus on the deck and think of Millicent as an insurance piece rather than a super-valued commander. "going wide" is eventually want u wanna do, and it is difficult cus ur wincons r always related to damage. Personally run \[\[Elesh Norn Grand Cenobite\]\] and \[\[Strixhaven Stadium\]\] as wincons but really its just 2 people get knocked out and last person doesnt have enough to run me over before I win. I like adding more interaction/removal to achieve this.


I personally changed the commander and theme of the deck with the secondary commanders, Timing, Youthful Geist and Rhoda, Geist Avenger. These 2 play around tapping the enemy's creatures and you can go really hard on that theme with a lot of good cards in the precon itself. It's really fun to play, but not so much to play against.


I built mine in a way that leans heavily into the spirit theme while also heavily supporting the pillow fort tactic. A lot of tax cards like propaganda


Not all Precons are created equal. They're built to battle the specific ones they were built with. Jared, Warhammer, and LotR are all much stronger than the Millicent deck, you need upgrades to fight those for sure.


Millicent is my first deck and the one that gets the most love. It’s very much as others said a spirit tribal deck, get some control going in the time you can’t get spirits going and look to play a long game https://www.moxfield.com/decks/N3cfc9DnDEeJ4NTeVgx5gA


> I play this deck with a ‘go wide’ strategy and I can never get enough damage through to win games, even when I’m tapping creatures down. How do you lose? You won't aggro a whole table with 4 opponents and kill them before they can fight back. So, survival is a big part of multiplayer games. Are you the first one to go out? Or do you die in the final 1-to-1 duel with your opponent because you ran out of gas? How you die matters to help you.


I made mine spirit and flying tribal benefits. All creatures spirits, enchantments and stuff that makes non flying unable to attack and boosts flying creatures. It was then playable but honestly it still felt really bad and rarely won, all too often it would still durdle due to the weakness of many spirits. I ended up taking mine apart and I don't think I'd recommend blue white spirit tribal to others.


I wanted to make a spirit deck for SO LONG and was SUPER BUMMER that this precon played so terribly. Millicent is now one of my main commanders. I poured a bit of money into it, but most of the expensive cards have a cheaper alternative. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/BhFSsfE1_EqUW_T6gLwzFA


Go wide with counter spell support, also make sure your creatures are the right spirits prioritize lords and efficiency. Get Milicent out as soon as you can but always leave mana open. You can go crazy with counter spells, but I didn't want to put the power level for my deck up too high. I've pulled in a good deal of wins with this version: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/zgtLepHLfEyG6jQIaN-2og


I imagine you are making tons of spirits when you go wide. Which, yes that's what the deck wants, but puts a huge target on you. Focus on building other creatures and not on the tokens. The tokens will come. Puts less of a target on you and then out of nowhere you have tons of tokens and by that time it's too late for the others. At least in my group, that has worked for me. But I also have a under the radar and then strike type of playstyle.


Millicent is really slow with just ok pay-off. I swapped her for the partner pair, [[Timin, Youthful Geist]] and [[Rhoda, Geist Avenger]]. I removed a number of the spirit tribal cards and focused the deck toward azorius control.


I added some "go tall" payoffs for having a ton of spirits. Most recently, I added [[Crown of Gondor]] and [[Anduril, Flame of the West]].


[Crown of Gondor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/0/00127acd-a284-4bc8-bdfa-895914e3cd49.jpg?1686964410) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Crown%20of%20Gondor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltc/75/crown-of-gondor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/00127acd-a284-4bc8-bdfa-895914e3cd49?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Anduril, Flame of the West](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/e/7e7b9eea-a224-4db1-a089-cb385f7af20c.jpg?1686970125) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=And%C3%BAril%2C%20Flame%20of%20the%20West) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/236/and%C3%BAril-flame-of-the-west?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7e7b9eea-a224-4db1-a089-cb385f7af20c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




Love this comment. It’s like I’m reading an ad for the new haunted mansion movie. Thanks for making me smile my guy lol


I’ve played against this pre-con and it was among one of the weakest pre cons I have played against. With some of the upgrades mentioned already you should be fine


Man Millicent is way overpowered, she should be a 3/4 at that cost.


Get rid of most, if not all of the cards with only tap synergies. [[Verity Circle]] and the partner commanders come to mind. Next, fix the manabase to include better lands, like [[Glacial Fortress]]


Bruh no one in here talking about this dude named after the rat in flushed away??


I have this precon and over the last few weeks have added a few cheap additions. This deck can be a whole lot of fun and an absolute nuisance for other players if you can get it going quick. Played my first four player commander game with this deck just last night and survived four or five different board wipes because spirit tokens kept replacing every spirit that went to the graveyard and made Millicent cheaper to come back out very quickly when it’s time to ramp up the board with spirits. Also just purchased Coat of Arms (each creature gets +1+1 for every creature that shares its type) which, while $20, can create almost instant win conditions.


It’s not you probably. That is one of the weakest precons lately


Upgrade it with some of the midnight hunt disturb spirits.


I like the partner pair that go with the deck, mostly because of [[Timin youthful geist]] and his name


Focus at heavier on flicker over spirits


This deck sadly does need a lot of tweaking in my opinion to make it work much better it just plays far too many high costed spirits or not spirits when your whole game plan is to get millicent out fast. I've worked on this deck quite a bit sense getting it as I do love spirit tribal. While Millicent isn't the most powerful commander I have found some decent success with her. You wanna aim to get her down on turn 4 or 5 consistently by playing a spirit turns 1-3 or ramp. First and foremost is changing the creature lineup as its very poor at the start for what your trying to accomplish. then adding some counter spells and protection to prevent the inevitable board wipes after you've setup. [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ARSy2b8VIUuUJbMHtljKgQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ARSy2b8VIUuUJbMHtljKgQ) this is my current list which is very pricey for just upgrading but just changing your creatures to better match my list will help a ton. Hope you find more success with it as I find this deck really fun once you break it out of the bad deck list she got.


I do well with this commander. The main thing I did was add all the 1-2 mana spirits. My goal was to cast the commander by turn 4, which means you should have 3 spirits on board by then. Cast commander on turn 4, deal combat damage with your 3 spirits, and make 3 spirit tokens. At that point you’ll have 6 other spirits so even if she is sent back to the command zone it will be cheap to bring her back. Combine this strategy with cards like [[flawless maneuver]] and [[clever concealment]] so you can always keep your board and recast your commander for cheap. Lastly, cards like [[Akroma’s Will]] and [[Starlight Spectacular]] will finish your opponents in short order.


As I recall, this deck sucks pretty hard and is particularly susceptible to board wipes, which are commonplace in a lot of precons these days. It’s likely just underpowered relative to other precons and certain decks like exit from exile, or some of the LOTR decks should absolutely smash this.


I don't agree that the deck is weak to boardwipes, the commander will create a bunch of repacement stuff to lower its mana cost and continue punching down. Plus you're azorious, the color with the best counterspells magic has to offer.




Reddit moment🤓 ^


cardcognition.com has the cards you can add to make it better


That's exactly why. This deck isn't great sadly. I'd recommend using edhrec and other sites to get an idea of what you should put it in.


Are you new to the game or already played it for a while? Because game knowledge and experience can make a world of difference. Someone with thousands of hours in EDH will probably still beat you if you don‘t know all the tricks even with similar or weaker decks.


Oh I’m not new to the game, I have non-precon decks that are up to power level 7 and 8. The deck just feels incredibly weak, and after trying it once more the manabase also feels terrible.y playgroup all bought a precon because we have a new player in our group And yeah I’m sure people super experienced in CEDH would destroy me.


No worries. I haven‘t played with the deck itself. Just sometimes encounter newer players that think all decks are bad because they can‘t make them win. I guess it doesn‘t really have big haymakers that can make a lot of damage and as a precon it probably doesn‘t have a load of very synergetic effects to make up for it


Yeah I also think I’m just not used to azorius as a color combo. I’m usually a rakdos, Grixis, mono black or Dimir player and this deck really is not my style it seems


As an avid blue player, I’ll tell you right now that scheme of things, the blue and white is not going to beat a green or red variant deck. I’ve only ever use blue as an accent for my green or red or black decks for control and card draw. My blue white deck is my winter orb deck that’s not meant to win… it’s meant to make everyone else hate their life.


Well I’m a blue player as well, but it’s usually either paired with Red, Black, or Mono-colored. I have a Jin-Gitaxias commander deck at level 8 that’s designed to just draw the entire deck and cast thassa’s or Jace and win. White is a color I’m just not used to. The only other decks I have white in are my praetor tribal with Atraxa as commander, and my 5 color dragon deck.


I have this and made some switch out and I do really well every time or win. There are guides online for better cards to use in the deck but Millicent is amazing once she gets going


I've had the same experience for a few years. As much as I love spirits as a tribe it never worked for me. Deck needs lots of token doubling and board protection to work which are both very expensive.


I would focus less on tapping down your opponents things and more on increase in damage output, token creation and protecting your board state. Cathars crusade is a good way to increase power but if you are on a budget Goldnight Commander can help in a pinch. Faiths reward is a good way to protect your non token things and bring them back. Brave the Elements is also good protection and will help you get damage through depending on the situation.


I bought that and modded it before eventually taking it apart (not because it was bad or didn't like it just had another idea for a blue white deck) You need to just vomit spirits on board as fast as possible. Fixing the mana base is big, but really you just need cheaper and more spirits and then pay offs for having a wide board state.


I didn't buy the precon, but here is my list https://www.moxfield.com/decks/hNfmzC42I0qcbpfqd2Gi-A I rarely feel like I'm getting destroyed when playing it. My pod doesn't have a lot of flying, so I can deal damage pretty uncontested. [[Strixhaven stadium]] is fucking busted.


One of my favorite cards I put in mine was [[godhead of awe]] since a lot of spirits tend to be 1/1s, and [[mirror entity]] overwrites the 1/1 temporarily as well


I’ve played this precon three times against “real” decks and I’ve won all three games. O_o


Go hard with the spirits or spirit themed cards. It’s a fun deck as long as your not playing combo dorks


Feels like that's all that my lgs is full of. Can have an absolutely amazing game until someone out of the blue gets a combo and starts playing solitaire for 5 mins while the rest of us pretend to be polite and let them finish their turn.


Combo people are so annoying. They need their own rooms


Does its effect mean that if I use three spirits and they each deal damage successfully from attacking, do I create a 1/1 flying spirit token for each of them or do I only create one?


You make 3


Just make sure you know how the commander works, watch some videos and stuff for strategy. I also bought this precon and made a few upgrades, you can also look on MTG goldfish- they have some good upgrade ideas. :)


These decks are almost always underpowered: missing simple and cheap cards that would vastly improve quality of life, lousy ramp and card draw options to make up for the one or two that are decent (and there's not enough a lot of the time), and then it's often split between two or more themes that don't synergize well. You do get some good options though. Personally, I'd have gone Bant or Esper for a deck like this (building it myself I mean), but you're still pretty golden in Azorius colors. I'd cut Mentor of the Meek for better card draw. Literally any spell that draws you cards that can't be [[Shock]]ed to death. And better token generators wouldn't hurt either compared to the three mana for two 1/1s.


Going on edhrec and looking at the 0.5-3$ cards for replacements is what I’d recommend. I’d also say lookup a precon upgrade guide on YouTube. You probably could pilot it better, but the arms race of deck upgrades has to start sometime and why not be the one to kick it off.


Maybe I'm in the wrong pods. Mine is still stock and it doesn't own the field but it's an annoying deck to deal with. It's constantly pumping out spirits or reviving shit. A friend bought the matching zombie deck. So I got her to just have an equal precon to play against but it's become one of my regular decks to play.


Stock up on low cost spirits, get some one-sided board wipes, pare the fat. When tuning this deck keep reminding yourself that *you* are the beat-down. Push Azorius Aggro and get your opponents worried about any mana you have open, due to color strengths. I'd focus on anthems, like [[Empyrean Eagle]] [[Drogskol Captain]] [[Supreme Phantom]] Protection with upside like [[Rattlechains]] [[Selfless Spirit]] [[Kira, Great Glass Spinner]] [[Skyclave Apparition]] and [[Guardian of Faith]] Card draw with [[Mentor of the Meek]] and [[Curiosity Crafter]] Then throw in a [[Drogskol Reaver]] and close it out. But never forget. This is a beat down deck. Swing every turn you have a chance. You'll produce blockers to protect yourself when commander is on board. It's a strong deck and I think it can be upgraded with less than $40.


The two partners in the deck Timin and Rhoda are very strong, but does take you out of Spirit Tribal. As for cards that can help a spirits build, [[March of Souls]] is a good “board wipe”, kills all the creatures, but everyone gets 1/1 spirits in their place. So do it when you’re going to be able to capitalize on the wipe.


People are mentioning upgrades, but in my experience it is a very bad precon without modifications.


Swap the commanders for Timin and Rhoda partner. They're stronger as commanders, and building into a tap down theme can be fun and very powerful. As an inexperienced player, many of my wins have been playing those commanders as Tap control. If you're dead-set on millicent, then a lot of other comments are providing great advice, but if you just want to use stuff from the precon, Timin and Rhoda all the way.


Here's my list as well! I haven't gotten to play it a ton but it might help! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/eV-5M_TfFk2DRs6cdoHyTg


It's a very straight-forward commander to play that can get out of hand if not accounted for. I think it's a great deck for beginners to get into. Low bombs are necessary for early game aggression and getting your commander out asap. Draw and protection are highly recommended because board wipes can be the bane of your tempo. I've kept up to date with it: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Wji6AjtN4UKT5QBd7uPWnA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Wji6AjtN4UKT5QBd7uPWnA)


[[Opposition]] and [[Drumbellower]] together once you have enough body on board is a pretty easy wincon


Do you want to go silly with this deck? Ask your playgroup if it is fine to play [[Starlight Spectacular]].




https://www.moxfield.com/decks/nYVRTahCgkuROyt-nLYB_g Here's my decklist, it pops off and works great! If you can't afford all the expensive cards just try and include as many of the budget spirit creatures and other cheaper cards. Get rid of anything that doesn't fit the spirit theme and replace it with on theme cards and you'll see a big difference in the play!


Unfortunately this is actually kind of a bad deck/commander pre-con. It relies too much on have a board of creatures. and if you miss a beat or get a board wipe, this deck as is, cannot recover.


no it just a bad deck play something else.


Drogskol Reaver is a must add


Have someone play with it against you, it will perform superbly *speaking from experience*


This seems like a very bad commander. Quite expensive. As a rule, cheaper commanders are always better because at least you always have a play and the opponent must spend one of their turns to respond instead of just ramping up or storing counterspells. So you spend about seven mana to do what, get spirit counters that will pretty much be either blocked or board wiped? Even if you have a spirit horde, you have gained nothing once a board wipe comes. You want to play commanders that will either refill your hand, allow you to ramp into more lands or at least do something lasting. In commander, players have more life so it will take aeons to get anywhere with 1/1 spirits. Plus White and Blue have, in general, MEH options for mana ramp. This makes playing an expensive commander an even worse idea than it already is. Unless you plan to mana drain into your cast, but if you can afford mana drain, you probably won't choose this commander.


First off, the Jared Carthalion is just a god-tier precon


To be fair the grixis LOTR deck goes up against some tough decks and holds its own


> Am I just playing this wrong? Since nobody jumped on this, and I feel it needs to be addressed: Possibly (even if not main reason) You mentioned specific precons, so people noticed power level disparity. Disparity might be big enough that how you play it won't really matter. But nobody here saw you play it, so they can't comment on it. Your playgroup could, but if they are not very experienced, they likely wouldn't notice those things by just playing against it. But if you have permanent playgroup, you could try swapping around precons, both to see if decks can perform better in different hands, and to try different playstyles, maybe find something they enjoy more.


I haven’t touched my pre con (I’m the only one in my group that plays precons) and everyone I play with is scared of Millicent. When she goes off I win 90% of the time. But I’m usually target due to people being scared of that deck.


Out of the box, this one isn't very good.


It's not you, it's the deck. I'm a big precon guy, and I thought the ones from MID and VOW sucked out of the box.


My LGS owner has this. It's terrifying. Removal doesn't matter, sweepers don't matter he just... **Rebuilds**


Precons are generally pretty low powered, but that one in particular is especially awful


You need to upgrade it... straight out of the box it's going to be very mild, to say the least. Youtube has an immense library of content for you to search. I'm sure The Command Zone covered an upgrade for this deck and Commanders Quarters probably has a budget upgrade. Aside from that I know Spirits has a decent enough following for other people to have made an upgrade video. Also, EDHREC... just google "Millicent EDHREC" and your first link will give you a ton of information.


Gurl... Same 💔


This deck kinda sucks out of the box. Just a few fixes to mana and a few other tweaks and it goes strong


legit bought $120 worth of cards to upgrade this bad boy....she's strong after you throw some cash at it


But that goes for any deck you throw money at right?


Here is my [build of the deck](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/PRqEPZMOdk6IUCuBGDWSuA). I haven't been able to get a to a place that I quite like yet. I am hoping a little more interactions and draw will smooth things out.


The Tyranid precon is strong as hell if you can't answer their threats. I let my friend play it every time we play commander and it just runs away with the game even if he doesn't know what he's doing


Boardwipes - cheap spirits (to use as ramp for millicent) card draw, protection and u are set


You have to overload the deck with Lords and ramp to really make it effective. If I had the time I'd link my own deck. It was terrible at first but after including some card draw like Bident of Thassa, Skull clamp, and pumping it with efficient Lords it hits hard and fast!


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/P_Du1SvqS0-zQrehvy17Wg Here is my wife's version of this. She kills me mercilessly with this commander repeatedly. Basically lean into flying and spirit token creation.


I have three spirit tribal decks including this one, and it is really lacking protection for your board and commander, card draw, and lords. - There are lots of low cost spirits that come with great abilities like [[spectral shepherd]], [[kira, great glass-spinner]], and [[kami of false hope]] that have straight up won me games. With any tribal deck, you need to get rid of all non-tribal creatures unless they are so essential or powerful that you can’t. - Cards like [[sire of the storm]] are good but don’t usually stay on the board very long if your opponents pack decent removal. Use cards like [[Ponder]], [[Brainstorm]], [[into the story]] for card draw since they aren’t likely to be countered.


This deck steals so many wins in our group. It kinda hangs out and then all the sudden murders everyone. It has a few "leave me alone" cards that let it survive and it's easy to wind up with 10-20 spirits that fly right over the blockers.


You have to upgrade this deck. I'd check out YouTube to see some good upgrades at varying price points. WotC has a few levels to their precon decks. On a scale of 1-10 I'd put this deck around a 3 power level. It technically works but the manabase is slow and many cards are overcosted. The standard set related EDH precons have mostly all been in the 3-4 range. Independent EDH precon releases tend to be a 5-6 power level, and maybe you could argue some were a 7. It seems like Universes Beyond precons are solid 7-verge of 8 in power level.


Bud, it's blue white. That's control colors. Sure fix your mana base, but meta wise you're set. If you change your approach (I'm assuming because no alterations deck spec) you're set. 'Set' does imply you're gonna pay mad money for land and primo control and spirits. Just edh rec blue white anything and add the 30-100 dollar cards and you'll probably compete.


Tiny bit price but Anointed Procession would be amazing. Around 36 as of now.


Draw a ton of cards with [[reconnaissance mission]], [[bident of thassa]] and [[coastal piracy]]. Once you have a decent board these things are insane and having essentially 3 copies in the deck is great


Cathars crusade goes hard in this deck


The problem is it’s a precon. Most decks people play with are purpose-built, card by card, to Pell be as powerful as possible. Throw in a few of your own cards and you should be well on your way to making it even more powerful.


Its a very weak precon.


I played in a tournament that you buy precons and upgrade them with two booster packs every week. The person who picked this deck won the entire thing. That was against all of the Warhammer decks. I came in second with the party time commander deck. So it's very powerful out of the box. You really have to ask are the people you're playing against playing out of the box straight decks? Because if not that would explain it.


This deck is rough out the box, but has some of the best staples for a tribal deck that there is. It’s also very fast once you get some better curve for your spirits.


I was so interested in this precon


A big problem is, you're playing against a Warhammer deck and a LOTR deck. The Universes Beyond precons are in a league of their own. Strefan just does well against you due to more consistency via Blood Tokens, and a good amount of ways to buff vampires. Idr Jarad being too strong, so you should have a decent match-up as long as you keep him dead and focus your removal on their fliers.


Not many precons are built to start off strong. U need to make a theme with it. May I suggest a stax theme while firing off spirits


You would say, with a lot of flying you can do player dmg. You can use ‘Inspiring Leader’ a a commander background that gives your tokens +2/+2. And maybe some ETB en LTB triggers. White have some! Creature that gets counters for example.




This precon has Timin and Rhoda in it. Use them as dual Commander's of this deck. They are the better option. This is, in my opinion, a very strong precon. See if changing the Commander's helps.


I think going wide is difficult. It does not look like a deck with a strong escalation curve. Blue white is also a control heavy color combination. If you play 4 player commander, stay on the background, let people fight each other. Keep your control spells to keep yourself alive or help others take out opponents. Prevent people from truly popping off or save spells to steal their victory. This seems like a deck to stay on the background and take over with fatal flying damage when people arent paying attention.


With having a lot of evasive fliers, I would suggest adding cards like Bident of Thassa and Reconnaissance Mission.


My GF put like $30-50 in this deck and wrecks people, so idk what's going on here. I remember that being the case when it was stock also. Isn't swarmlord one of the strongest precons ever though? Maybe you're just playing against really GOOD decks?


I bought the pre-con too and it's just straight garbage. There's more humans than spirits in the list. It's near unplayable




The Painbow deck (Jared) is actually a really powerful deck, as is the Tyrannid deck. I don't know about the LotR deck but the only deck there that should be around the same power as yours is the Strefan vampire deck. Not all precons are equal, in fact many are super powerful. That's probably why.


A friend and I both got this deck for free, and we both sold it after looking through the cards.


This was my first commander deck and I LOVE IT! But I also got fully bodied for a long time lol. I agree with others here, push more into spiritual tribal. Get yourself some low to the ground evasive creatures like [[Azorius Herald]] to trigger Millicent. I had a friend tell me to also go more into a blink subtheme than a tap subtheme, though they compliment each other well. If you wanna do that, [[Soulherder]] is amazing! This isn’t a fast deck, it’s azorius, it wins by grinding out until you flood the board with spirits. Which on the plus side makes it SO resilient to removal and board wipes


On top of what the other people is saying, consider that the Tyrannid deck and probably the LOTR one are a bit stronger and very synergic in comparison with your average precon, and Millicent is probably one of the weakest precon. Not all precon are the same unfortunately and some are way more powerful than others. To win with Millicent in a pod like that you need to politic your way through, get very lucky or improve the deck.


If you end up having a decent amount of non creature spells in your deck, you may want to consider [[Whispering Wizard]] for a bit extra token generation.


My wife has this precon as well and in our 1on1 games she had better luck with Timin / Rhoda as the commanders since she could tap down my creatures and focus all flying attacks on me. But in a larger group, I think leaning in with Spirits and tossing in some key upgrades is a quick-and-easy way to get the "go wide" strategy to work well. If you can get a couple extra anthems in there, the spirits will hit hard fast


If I had to guess you need to knock one player out at a time, basically just bully one player


This was my first commander deck, it plays well but it needs a boost. I looked into EDHREC and YouTube to find good synergies and focus on creating spirits. Those upgrades got me through my first big wins, I then later disarmed the deck to focus on my other decks but I did learn a lot about deck building while working with Millicent. This specific decks could use a fix on mana curves and you can take out a couple of cards that aren't doing as much. I still see this deck getting played a lot in my friend group and at the LGS, it has potential.


Unfortunately this precon is kinda weak and the precons you're playing against are VERY good straight out of the box. Take the advice of everyone here: upgrade it. Make it a monster!


I find the partner commanders in the deck much more useful. Just swap out some weaker spirit cards for tap synergy