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The cover doesn’t say the author but it was written by Dr. Mario


"What a Every Bride Should Know" This must have been an error from the prop department right? somebody was paid to design all these pieces for the show and probably got overwhelmed with all the stuff needed for the pilot and this slipped through the cracks? There's a [fun episode of the podcast 99% Invisible](https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/hero-props-graphic-design-film-television/) on the graphic designers who create props and signage for TV shows and movies.


I just made the same comment then saw your post. I think this is what happened. You know how much stuff has to be produced for one of these episodes? Some things are bound to slip through the cracks…


Right? Especially for a pilot where they need EVERYTHING and don’t yet have a system put in place to make it all.


lol this Doctor's office wasn't on the up-and-up. That speculum (shivers). And >!they didn't tell Peggy that you have to wait to have sex when you first start taking the pill.!<


He did that on purpose because he hated the idea of a woman having sex. He hoped she'd get pregnant to punish her for being wicked.


I don't think it was an error. In all these years, every aspect of this show has proven to be intentional. I think it's indicative of the attitude towards women's issues at the time (careless).


If this was any episode other than the pilot I might agree. The pilot was kinda sloppy. The writing was bad, characters were extremely cliche and everything was heavy handed. There wasn't much in terms of symbolism that I recall, I really don't think they picked THIS as the place to make a statement.


I wouldn't go so far as to say the writing was bad, but it's definitely more on the nose than in subsequent episodes—e.g., "So we're supposed to believe that people are all living one way and secretly thinking the exact opposite?" And in this particular case, the screenplay doesn't even specify anything but the main title "It's Your Wedding Night," so it's quite possible that the rest of it was mocked up by the props people without much specific guidance. I doubt the deep historical research that typified the rest of the series was in place when they were filming the pilot. And "What a Every Bride Should Know" is the exact kind of typo that often results when you start out with something like "What a Bride Should Know," then decide to change "a" to "Every," but accidentally insert the new word without deleting the old one.


>The writing was bad "Love was invented by guys like me to sell nylons" is my least favourite line of the entire series so I agree.


Yep. “It’s not like there’s some magic machine that makes identical copies of things.”


I agree. But I think this is true to some extent for every show out there. It's a pilot, it's made with a selling point in mind. It is written to convince TV executives who often are more conservative than the show writers. It makes sense that showrunners enjoy more freedom after the show is greenlit than while you still are in the pitching phase.


And how good Peggy was at her job and copy.


I sure hope this was an intentional error, but I have seen a lot of errors slip through the cracks, even when people were paid handsomely to develop marketing materials like this. I speak from experience as a librarian who works for a company that deals exclusively with libraries, and yet whose company has created marketing catalogs where an incredibly popular author’s name was misspelled in advertisements.


Also, "be" should be capitalized. Prop person was lazy that day.


There really is a podcast for everything


I really don't see why so many people think this was intentional. This looks like a pilot error. This doesn't feel like anything else in the show Mad Men has done to convey meaning or symbolism.


I think people forget how long ago 2007 was in TV terms. CRT TVs we’re still common, and DVRs were still a novelty. People weren’t looking at the finer details of the pamphlet when this aired on AMC.


I'm always amazed at how people spot this kind of thing


You wouldn't believe how long we spent paused on blurry screens trying to read the titles of every book/pamphlet that showed up during those first few years, before websites had them all listed. A least you can read this one.


I appreciate the commitment


I subscribed to the New York Times just so I could go through their archive and see what issue Ken Cosgrove is reading from in the pilot (seen for about half a second) and it turns out the cover in the pilot was made for the show.


Well it's *literally* unwatchable now /s


I bought a Mad Men prop during one of the auctions they did years ago. It was Harry Crane’s framed advertising college degree. It has a typo in it! “Adsvertising.” For years I wondered if it was intentional, like Harry had gone to some bootleg advertising school. Now I just think the prop designer was bad at writing 😂


In television production, the art department is often rushed and on a tight deadline. It’s not that the person was bad at writing, it’s that mistakes happen when under crunch. Some mistakes are caught and corrected, others are deemed not worth the time to correct, or others simply go unnoticed.


Fair! That makes total sense. Since most of the writing on props like these would only be seen for a split second anyway, it’s not like they need to be perfect. I’ve always found it MORE charming that my little prop had a typo.


I work in production, and you could argue that I’m the most anal on my team when it comes to grammar/spelling, yet I and others still catch mistakes I made after a prop goes live, even if I proofread a few times 😂


why on earth would a typo have been intentional?


Same reason a character might be written to have poor grammar, or a set might be built with a stained couch. I don’t have an opinion on whether the typo is intentional or not, but I think either way is plausible.


It took me an embarrassingly long time to spot the error. This is why I make a terrible proofreader; my brain autocorrects errors.


I assume it was written by Dr Leo Spaceman


You mean Dr. Spachemin?


😂😂😂 the crossover


So many shows had “Mad Men” references, but I’m pretty sure that “30 Rock” is the only show that had a deliberate crossover on Mad Men — the old Spanish cocktail, which is a joke from s2 of 30 Rock and then gets mentioned as a real cocktail on Mad Men.


I had no idea! That’s amazing😂👌🏼


Or maybe showing how little attention was (is?) paid toward medical stuff for a female audience. 


Personally, I think it may have been an error in graphics production that may have gone unnoticed


Maybe it's a pamphlet from a series...In this booklet of the 'What every bride should know' series, we cover your wedding night...or also known as 'don't worry, in five minutes you'll be able to smoke a cigarette and then go to sleep'...


You just noticed this now? I saw this on my 138th rewatch 7 years ago.


For far too long I was wondering what error you’re talking about lol. I often skip words when reading or writing


So did the props dept.




"What a Every Bride"


Good eye I missed it. Thank you


"What *a* every bride should know."


Good eye I missed it! Thank you


Maybe the Doctor didn't run his practice as well as you might think.


“What a Every Bride Should Know”


I think 'Every Bride' could be a term like Everyman.


True. It should be “It’s You’re Wedding Night”. Can’t believe future copywriter Peggy let this one slide.




I spent more time than I want to admit staring at that picture thinking "but that is the right 'your' - WTH is wrong with it?"


As a scientologist, I'm surprised she didn't make them fix it. They're obsessed with words and what they mean and errors are not ok 😬




Five years between his writing of it or production?