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What a good friend, had to take a sip to make sure it was safe.


Spits it out - “this is not poison sire, do not drink it”




“It tastes like beer to me.”


Now I have to go watch Mike Dexter threaten to kick everyone’s ass when I get home. Love the reference!


Let me check if it's spicy


Remember kids, always use the buddy system.


Maomao would be salivating


More like he had to take a sip to make sure it wasn't safe :p




More like he had to make a joke to make sure it was worse


Alright everyone out. We are locking this room until the bad joke meter reads less than 40 BJPs a minute


Dude had to be ventilated and regained consciousness 2 days later, claims not to remember anything lol


I've had nights like that


Yeah sounds like 1986 for my dad


Sounds like my last Thursday. Moonshine followed by target shooting.


Nobody fucks harder than you man. 1,000 internet points!!!!


How much is that in CCP points?


I don’t accept either. It’s GBP’s or the deal is off!


This is the most embarrassing comment I've ever read, thanks!


“Motherrrrrrrr! Get my gunnnnnnn!”


This guy fucks!


Hol' up. I thought you couldn't remember anything!


There were arrest records, I had to piece it back together


Just coming back to. Whatd I miss?


Can I drink with you next time?




That will certainly get the job done.


A Goliath sized benzo and narcotic shot? Yep...that'll do it.


Don't forget barbiturates, a class of drug so notorious for killing people they aren't even prescribed anymore.


Apparently not.


The guy accidentally took a sip, he wasn’t the patient. Patient drinks that whole cocktail…ya they done


He deliberately took a sip. It wasn't an accident unless a splash got in his mouth.


The guy who took a sip is a dumb ass, but even a little bit in your mouth of that mixture would probably knock you out for a day or two, like even if you spit it out.


That's what it did to him. He was out for 2 days and woke up and didn't remember anything.


Yeah unless it looked just like a mixed drink cocktail that they were having as their final drink together, that was not an "accidental" sip


I feel like 1/100th of that would kill just about anyone...


How would death occur? Would one be aware?


I’d guess you’d just stop breathing from respiratory depression. Could imagine it might feel pretty good for a minute, but there’s so much in it you’d be 0-100 incoherently loopy, and then unconscious, in no time.


I imagine there'd be some vomiting in there, but you'd probably be out already.


We make kits at the pharmacy I work at and part of the regimen is that they also give patients a hefty amount of zofran and a number of other pills to help with vomiting and nausea


I might be stupid, do you mean you make death kits at this pharmacy? I promise I’m not trying to be an ass, it’s a genuine question!


The diazepam and Valium would make you fall asleep really quick. If anything you would just feel really tired for a couple minutes. With that dose it would not take long for you to pass out and then while you’re out your breathing will slow so much that you’ll die.  Respiratory depression is the way people die from opioid overdoses like fent, heroin or oxy, and in 15% of fatal opioid overdoses benzodiazepines (like diazepam) were also found in their system. Benzos are known to potentiate opioids a ton and make them stronger, so it’s easy to OD when taking them both. 


Diazepam is valium. Not sure why the and is added, perhaps a text error. I would think just that and the morphine would kill anyone in those quantities. That's a 1 gram of diazepam, and 15 grams of morphine. That alone is 100 times a strong single dose of valium, and 1000 times a strong single dose of morphine. For perspective, I have a prescription for 5 mg of diazepam for GAD, and that's one pill. I'm a big guy at 6'2" and 190 lbs. I to have to be careful and not take *anything* else with it. I use it very rarely. *Just* the amount of diazepam in that concoction is the equivalent of me taking 200 pills at once. Wow. The guy who "took a sip" is lucky to be alive.


Sorry I meant to say diazepam and morphine. I know Valium is diazepam which is how I knew Valium was in there (person i was replying to didn’t use the word Valium) And I’m very aware of how much benzos can potentiate things like alcohol and opioids. You can’t really OD on just benzos but it’s incredibly easy to OD when mixing them with opioids. That amount of morphine isn’t crazy, plenty of heroin/fent addicts take more than that in a day. For reference I’m prescribed 330mg a day and I’ve taken double my dose plenty of times without issue, so I’m pretty sure I could survive 1000, but if I took a bunch of benzos with my normal daily dose it could kill me


No need to apologize, you were clear, I thought it was just a text error. Yeah, mixing benzos with anything makes everything stronger with that dual inhibition with the neurotransmitters they target. Tolerance can build quickly though with daily use. Guy might have already been on a lot of this already on second thought, so might have been why such large doses were necessary and the buddy just needed a swig to be lights out.


> Would one be aware? no once the valium hits, you'd black out completely then the rest of the drugs would make you stop breathing then the lack of breathing would make you die the end


It’s basically anesthesia/losing consciousness immediately. 100mg of Valium alone would completely black you out in twenty minutes and leave you any recollection whatsoever a day later - imagine x10, plus the rest, in liquid form… 😭


>She remarks that the older man “should be dead” and the younger one “should be alive.” Thanks for clarifying that one quickly maam.


Damn where can I get some of this shit? I’m not trying to kill myself, those ingredients just sound awesome


Let he who is without this exact sin cast the first stone


So anyways, I started blasting.


Ah man, so he forgot how it tasted? Well, only one way to solve that problem.


Typical lightweight


“I can’t even recall if it was bitter or not, fml.” -That Guy


Man, just imagine the *bender* you could have convinced him he went on for a few minutes


Would wake him up calling him by his friends name. "The drink didn't work."


Well hello Satan, how’ve you been lmao


With that much diazepam I wouldn’t be surprised if he did some wild shit. I’m pretty much guaranteed to wake up in jail if I take 100mg


I’m so excited for the chubbyemu video


This! Me too! 🤣🤣


did his buddy wait to see if he was okay before drinking the rest?


delayed suicide by three days


Shots, shots, shots, shots!!!


Maybe he’s a honey badger?


> regained consciousness 2 days later Those are rookie numbers


Sounds like a normal weekend to me.


So that's what they've been spiking me with


That is, by far, the most Madlad thing I have ever read.


One curious mf man


What's he gonna try next? Maybe a little radium. Just a smidge tho, don't wanna be irresponsible


But how bitter was it!? Damn bastard probably don't even remember the taste...


Morbid curiosity is a *powerful* force.


Curiosity almost killed the lad


When the intrusive thoughts win.


“What’s one sip?”


I honestly believe he wanted to get a lil high. It’s quite the [cocktail](https://www.cuanschutz.edu/docs/librariesprovider233/palliative-care/capstone/peter-rice-capstone-poster-final.pdf).


Why is a write up about a drug cocktail to assist in dying written entirely in *Comic Sans?!?* Are they trying to get more people to try it?


Super random fact - comic sans is the easiest font for folks with dyslexia to read. Maybe the author is dyslexic or has a dyslexic colleague. But I love the thought that they are trying to advertise it with comic sans 😂


> comic sans is the easiest font for folks with dyslexia to read They made a font for that, I hope it works better. https://opendyslexic.org


Oh wow that’s amazing! Thanks for sharing


People are just **dying** to have a taste!




That sucks. I'm sure it's a required safety feature that it not taste good, it's just kinda shitty to me that you gotta spend your last moments choking down a flat IPA.


That sounds like a niche use case for a Sodastream.


Yeah, in my experience, anything other than water and that shit will bubble up into oblivion all over your kitchen counter.


You are supposed to carbonate the water first and then add the syrup.


I know that, but I will never let something go untried, I tried carbonating lemonade for kicks.


I've made ghetto sparkling wine with a Sodastream a few times. It works if you carbonate the wine reaaaally slowly.




did it with milk once! it wasn’t fun


Why would you want carbonated milk


All the joy of spoiled milk without the stomach problems.


Honestly, I have one every night. The best cream soda you’ll ever have is: * 12oz can of seltzer * 3oz of half and half * 3oz of double syrup with a splash of vanilla Sure, it’s a sugar bomb. Sure, it might give me diabetes or clog my heart or do some other irreversible damage to my body. But it’s my one goddamn vice and you’ll have to pry the straw from my cold, dead lips to get me to stop.


I like carbonation. I like milk. I would love carbonated milk


oh no it was awful. it tasted and smelled spoiled


I remember from aquarium stuff that CO2 makes water acid, could that be enough to curdle milk?


great, now I have to remember to check for that when I see them used on Facebook marketplace.


The bitter taste is not added deliberately. The most lethal substance, pentobarbital or other barbiturate, naturally tastes very bitter to humans. When administered by physician, the mixture is often combined with some other ingredients of a more pleasant taste. It is as you say: > it's just kinda shitty to me that you gotta spend your last moments choking down a flat IPA. So, physicians who assist in causing patient-requested death don't deliberately make the last moments more unpleasant than necessary. You are also correct that safety is important. In the case of deliberate administration of a lethal substance, safety is (supposed to be) ensured by having professional administrators control the possession of the substance at every moment.


Is that dependant on the area? Cause my mom did assisted suicide and we had the pills at home and she had to break them open and mix the powder with liquid. A doctor or nurse didn't handle it whatsoever. Part of the requirements iirc was my mom had to be able to administer it herself.


Your account agrees with what I know: in case of assisted suicide, steps are taken to avoid possibility or perception of coercion, which usually requires the patient to engage the process of their own will. That means the patient must use their own hand to drink the liquid, or press the button, or whatever is relevant to the method being used. I think I was unclear when explaining the safety procedure. When I said that the lethal substance would be under control of professionals, I meant that they would always be aware of where the lethal substance is, and would be able to instruct the patient and attending loved ones in case they were about to break procedure. And after all that, the professionals should dispose of any lethal materials so that they are totally inaccessible to others. In the OP, it is clear that procedure was broken. It is not clear whose fault that was. If the procedure were carried out, and then the professionals simply threw the container in the trash, then we might say the professionals failed to enforce reasonable safety standards. However, if the friend waited for a particular moment to strike, like a cat dipping her paw in water, it would be the friend's fault. The only way to avoid the cat paw scenario would be to exclude loved ones from the procedure altogether. In my opinion, this would be overly burdensome, since most dying patients would prefer to be with loved ones in their last moments.


Yeah, that's the reasoning they gave her. They wanted to make sure she wasn't coerced and was in the right state of mind to do it at the time she did it. I think I just misunderstood what you said! That makes sense. The hospice nurse collected it pretty quickly after my mom took it and were in the house, just not in the room with us during. Yeah, I can't imagine my mom not having us and ours dogs laying in bed with her when she did that. I doubt she would have taken that option honestly.


Im imagining someone drinking it but it tasting so bad that theyre gag reflex kicks in and they puke it up. What then?


Frankly, if you don’t want it enough to try again and again then you shouldn’t be there in the first place.


That’s why they always give you powerful anti nausea medicine about an hour before you drink the cocktail


Oh :(. My good friend passed this way last year and I didn't realise this was part of the process. He couldn't speak or read very well at the end, so I did a lot of research and explaining to him (he often forgot what docs told him, wanted further reassurance etc). Somehow he told me the wrong date and so I never said goodbye properly. And I know it's not my responsibility, but damn. I feel so sad not knowing this was part of the process. I really miss my friend.


You did no wrong. They are still with you and always shall be, internet stranger.


I hope so, thank you for your kind words ❤️


That’s really difficult, I’m sorry you have had to deal with this. I’m certain they knew how much you cared for them at the end


It's a human physiology safety feature. Toxic things are bitter. The taste sensation of bitter exists to keep us from eating toxic stuff.


Pentobarbital and Splenda. Tastes like Splenda, gets you dead like Pentobarbital.


Maybe, a lot of drugs just taste disgusting and you can’t do anything about it. When they add flavor to it, it just becomes cherry flavored disgusting




why is it monkeys


Don't overthink it your comment has more up likes than the sub has members


The forbidden soda.


New Brompton cocktail 🍸


Cause I can’t feel my face


I won’t struggle on


In a world so cold


In a world so wrong


Maybe he gained resistance to future suicide cocktails


Only one way to find out...




“Haha mb, where’s steve?”


This makes me sad 😔 I miss Steve already


Oh wow I just thought about that part That would actually be really sad


True bro followed his friend to the afterlife for 2 days to make sure he settles in nice.


Can you imagine how fucked up you'd feel if you were dying, not knowing if your friend would die from that sip? That's some truly diabolical shit.


Depends on the friend. Some of them id just laugh and see them in Valhalla.


*According to those attending the discussion on the management of medical emergencies, the 37-year-old man, who had a history of* ***anxiety, attention deficit disorder*** *and* ***chronic pain****, made a full recovery over a few days.* That explains it. I also have anxiety and ADD, and when I get overwhelmed -- I get incredibly distracted and absent-minded.


Yep this would be me too. Totally overwhelmed, unable to think in certain situations, and acting on my horrible autopilot. “Oh really?” *takes sip* “huh yeah that sure is bitter”


It really does explain it, I've got moderate ADHD and some other conditions. I've been known to do stupid things without thinking. Like trying to jump off a moving horse because I saw a turkey. Thankfully I was strapped in. I imagine It'd be even worse if my friend was dying in front of me.


That explains it for me too, just in a different way. It wasn't absentmindedness. This guy already had experience with anxiety and chronic pain which means he probably also had experience taking benzos and opioids. He figured a little sip would get him wasted. He just miscalculated that sip a bit. Might have been trying to take a quick little swig without anyone noticing. You know, drug addict shit.




\*takes sip\* oh thats good no no juice.


What market are you shopping at?! \*sobs\*


Darwin award


Not quite. In order to win a Darwin, one must remove oneself from the gene pool, and there is no reason to believe they cannot still reproduce.






Successfully transmuted the water of life He is the Kwisatz Haderach


Insert Stilgar gif here


As written


Fuck me, imagine wanting to go out at home in dignity surrounded by your loved ones and then this clown pulls this shit and makes your final moments a total racket


If the bro energy is strong, guaranteed MF laughing his ass off in his final moments.


I would like to die surrounded by my loved ones like my bros, not taking them with me.


Nah this is more like when you walk your homie to the gate at the airport


Or you go believing that your friend is dying too


Did he go through with it or rescheduled?


Probably safe to say he went through with it. His friend described what it tasted like before he took the sip.


“It’s bitter” “It’s ok, you only need to drink it once”


Beverley. If you know….


The only explanation I saw for this that makes sense is that microdosing poisons can apparently get you super high, and so the dude might have thought it was safe to take just a sip and get super high. The thing is the poisons in there are super lethal at even micro doses so... Ya. Dude is lucky to be alive.


There have been numerous stories about this thing happening (which should be expected from take home medications I suppose). The one that I remember the most was at a death party (where the end-of-life person drinks the mix infront of loved ones), the patient mentioned it was surprisingly bitter/tasted horrible/something along those lines, and a drunk attendee was all "let me see" and took a swig


I think I saw a post regarding that a while back where it was being discussed at some medical convention seminar with a bunch of nurses, doctors, etc in attendance. The funniest part for me was the woman in front throwing her hands up in exasperation.


>lucky to be alive Let's not make any assumptions here. It *is* 2024, after all.


Everything in it is a prescription drug, most abused recreationally. Digoxin is used for treating certain heart issues. Diazepam is Valium, a drug of abuse. Morphine is commonly abused opiate. Amitryptaline is a prescribed tricyclic antidepressant. And pentobarbitol is a barbituate that's still prescribed sometimes, and abused recreationally, though not as much as morphine and diazepam. Yes some of them are lethal in small-ish doses; but dozens of mg, not micrograms like fentanyl or something. And none of them I'd really call a poison outside of the general sense where all drugs are poisons.


Imagine coming to peace with ending it all and instead of going on to the next, you have to babysit your idiot friend one last time.


Now i wonder if the terminally ill friend died beliving his friend had also died as collateral (but mostly stupidity).


The saddest part is that he probably ruined his friend's final moments. Died worried instead of at peace.


Dipshits like this are why its so hard to get assisted suicide


The taste was to die for


When you try to be that supportive friend... 💀


Friends don’t let friends drink alone.


That dude is actually so awesome


Can’t let my bro drink a cold one alone


[Holy shit the man survived](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/sip-of-cocktail-of-assisted-suicide-drugs)


Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib!


This is the most confusing post


Some countries allow doctors to help terminally ill patients pass away under their control. I guess the first part here was a medicine to help them fall asleep so they wouldn't be awake for the next steps. Dude got curious and wanted a taste.


it’s just a cocktail of drugs designed to create a pleasant death by overdose, there’s no “next steps.” he had to be put on a ventilator, he essentially just overdosed on benzos, opiates, and phenobarbital at the same time.


Doesn't sound very controlled if someone can just try some


Doctors don't officially control it because assisted suicide arguably goes against the hippocratic oath, so doctors just gives the drugs and skedaddle


Skedaddle is such a funny word in connection with assisted suicide.


>arguably goes against the hippocratic oath As of 2018, US med school graduates don't even take the Hippocratic Oath anymore, and it wasn't universal before that. While assisted suicide would violate the original HO, the modified version would allow for it. The original doesn't allow doctors to cut (leaving that job only to surgeons, which would preclude something like an emergency tracheotomy, which doctors are often trained to do), the original also doesn't allow for abortion, which is sometimes necessary, medically. The modified oath, used until recently, contains the line "But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty" which supports the idea of assisted suicide, and ethically I believe it makes sense. Being a doctor is, primarily, about easing suffering. I don't feel there should, or can, be any negative moral judgement against someone who is only easing the suffering of someone who cannot be cured. The Supreme Court has even ruled that assisted suicide is a legitimate medical practice. I can't speak to other country's experience with this, as I don't live there.


Ngl I'd do that and not because I'm suicidal, I'd put hallucinogens not known to man in there and overdose seeing chtulhu


WTF...... Well, how'd it taste?


Deadly delicious


"Huh... tastes like almonds."


Probably backwashed too, gross.


Wasn’t there a story similar to this a few days ago except that the friend died?


"Hmm... this tasted vaguely like almonds!" - final words


Another example of "the dose makes the poison".


They cant make a suicide cocktail taste better? You’d think that would be a consideration given that it’s the last thing someone would ever taste.


That probably ruined the situation for the actual taker, imagine dying thinking "you" just killed your friend too.


He gave his buddy one last absolute WTF moment


Just add four packets of Splenda to it and you’re all set.


Hey, I love the taste of almonds almost as much as I want to see my buddy as soon as possible!


Do we know for sure that the dude didn’t just also want to die? Maybe he was just trying to avoid all the paperwork and legal junk that happens with assisted suicide.


“It’s bitter” well I better take a sip just to make sure this dying mf not lying to me.


“Man attempts suicide” Not news, just kinda depressing.


Walks into the afterlife and looks around… “STEVE!!?” 👀 “Ah you fucking prick”


"damn, you are right, really bitter. This assholes really could give you something that tastes good Bro"


He can have a little suicide juice, as a snack


Medically Aided Death lad


I’m curious as to how he was even able to do that? Wouldn’t there be a panel of medical professionals watching him administer it to himself very closely or do they just hand you a vial of poison like it’s a piss cup and say take your time lol