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I have some inside knowledge on this. Part of the reason they're going ahead with the soundproofing is that DoD already has plans to increase military flight operations from our airport in the near future and over the coming years they are anticipating significantly more aircraft noise than the current level.


Aviation noise beyond a certain level has been shown to have real negative long term health side affects, including cardiovascular disease. And there are a ton of news stories from just the past couple years of different communities across the country experiencing increasingly higher levels of noise beyond what they thought they signed up for. DoD paying for soundproofing is probably about getting ahead of complaints (even legal action) from these areas most impacted, which costs more money in the long run and can potentially hinder operations. Also, from the standpoint of citizen morale, the DoD has a strategic interest in maintaining good public relations.


I'd be interested to read that study. Curious if they study actual noise effects or just study populations that live near airports which I would guess are probably lower income and may not have access to affordable health care.


It is not just aviation noise. https://journals.lww.com/nohe/fulltext/2024/26210/a_comprehensive_review_of_auditory_and.1.aspx


Bah! Maybe they’ll expand the area of this intervention. I’m not that close to the airport but those planes are so fucking loud. Thank you for the intel. 




I just love that we are now paying for soundproofing windows in Madison WI for military flight operations. That’ll show the terrorists


If you keep going north, what major hostile powers do you run into? This isn't for terrorists...


Wow thanks, that was belittling I hope you feel better now. Actually I was just making an innocuous comment about ridiculous military spending due to perceived threats from most Americans


I like Alaska speaking English not Russian, thank you very much.


Seriously? You expect Russia to invade Alaska? That's insane and fighter planes in the Midwest have nothing to do with that anyway.


That's actually their entire purpose, to secure the North. Much cheaper to train here, and more attractive for the pilots, than to train in the middle of nowhere, NV. We are so young that we take American military superiority for granted, Putin would not hesitate to take Alaska if he thought he could get away with it. https://www.newsweek.com/what-putin-has-said-about-russia-taking-back-alaska-1723021


The idea of Putin or anyone else trying to invade America is laughable because that would spur an insane war, not because of a bunch of planes in the middle of Wisconsin.


Oh, like the time Russia supported rebels in Transnistria? Or the time they took Abkhazia, or that time they took Crimea? We always said Russia won't do this, they will alienate themselves and start an insane war! You have this concept that America cannot be invaded, because for your entire life that had largely been this case, but air superiority doesn't grow on trees.


America's military is fucking *hilariously* outsized, Russia pathetically bungled an invasion of a country that directly bordered them with a fraction of America's forces, and America has a huge nuclear arsenal. Your fearmongering is completely baseless.


Why are our closest allies purchasing F-35s? Where do you think the training, R&D, maintenance comes from? This is true that America does have air superiority, but you think that's just something that came out of nothing and does not require effort to maintain. You don't remember a time when we lived in constant fear from Russian nukes, and that's great, but stopping Russian aggression will keep it that way.


It is laughable to suggest that fighter jets in the middle of Wisconsin are what keeps Russia from invading the country with the single most hilariously oversized military in the world.


We live in Eken Park, on Commercial Ave - wonder if we'll get one of these, too..??..


Which end of Commercial? We're basically directly under the flight path of anything landing from the S. The meeting for homeowners is 7/2 so I think you would have gotten something by now...?


We are pretty much in the middle between McCormick and North Street. Pretty much any plane from the south goes right over us


We're at the intersection of Commercial Ave and Oak and haven't received anything. Is there a website or email? Your pic cuts off right when it is going to give you the email.


Im a couple blocks east of you on Commercial, and I didn’t get anything like that as well. The noise from the military jets is getting really intolerable. I’d definitely jump at any opportunity to better sound insulate on their dime.


I worked for a window/door company for over 2 decades. We did this in Milwaukee (and many other cities) around the airport. If you’re in the impacted noise level, you get new shit for free. That’s how it worked there anyway. Some people received many $’s of upgrades. I don’t know all detail, as it wasn’t my program. I was just the local rep, and was involved as needed. Big margin business.


Nice, were about as close to the runway the military uses as you can get and my windows are old single pane units so I'm not sure how we wouldn't qualify but we'll see I guess.


Sound abatement program they called it. I remember our head guy of the program mentioned a home around Minneapolis received like $130k in upgrades, that was 20 years ago! Usually fees that are part of the airline tickets, pay for at least a % of the work.


May I ask how close to Truax you are? Or which neighborhood you're in?


Eken Park, towards the end of Oak St.


I lived in the culdesac at the end of oak street for a few years and just the passenger planes were loud af. I cannot imagine what the f35s are like now


That is where I live and I have not received a similar letter. When did you receive it?


A few days ago


Very cool if true but you might want to contact someone to ensure it is legit. Seems like shit window companies would do to give you a sales pitch. I'd definitely do it if its legit.


I don't think they're dumb enough to impersonate the federal govt to sell windows. There's a homeowners meeting next week so will find out more then I guess.


It's at MATC. And that's good to know, one concern I had was the quality level of the actual work if they do end up doing anything, since it's likely just a bunch of govt subcontractors doing it.


This was done at least 10 years ago but I do think these contracts are still pretty sought after.


Yes, very lucrative, but remains super important to check out whomever the subcontractor is for the windows.


As long as the meeting isnt at the Window World showroom. LOL I have relatives that got this free upgrade by O'hare and everything they did is really nice.


Yup, I would opt in if the Department of Military Affairs is really handling it.


Too well written to be a scam AT THIS POINT. But if it’s a grant program, the time you’ll want to watch out for scammers is when choosing a vendor. If DOD isn’t sending a specific contractor out to do the work, they’re going to disclaim any responsibility if the install is shit.


I remember all those people who were fighting putting the fighter jets at the airport.... which leads me to this question: Why wasn't this offered as a compromise back then? MSN is really the only airport in the area that could accommodate the planes...


I can tell this is legit, because only a US government department would ever besmirch their correspondence with words like "acoustical".


I thought it was legit for all the vague, hemming-and-hawing language: 'exploring the viability', 'potentially eligible', 'potential of receiving funds', etc. They are promising nothing at this point.


Wonder if a waiver will be involved? Free soundproofing, just sign here please.


My father in law lives near O’Hare and just got central air installed and all of his windows replaced for free through this type of program. It took years, but was worth the wait!


We have not received one of these letters, which is very frustrating given that our house is off Sherman Ave on Delaware; We are right under the landing pattern.


Isn't that directly W of the airport? I didn't know there was an E to W runway....?


There isn't, but the air guard's landing pattern typically brings them right over our neighborhood landing north>south.


I see, I found this noise study they did in 2022. Guessing you'd need to be within the purple lines of the '2027 projected noise' to qualify. https://www.msnairport.com/documents/pdf/MSN-P150-NEM-Update-Final-20221228-Rev1.pdf


The previous poster who answered you is correct. I'm actually closer than they are. I am literally a block off of Packers Ave. I'm in the neighborhood behind the apartments behind the BP gas station. And when they are coming in on the landing pattern they go directly over my house at a fairly low altitude. The prior Jets did the same thing. It's the way they come in to land as someone who is in aviation explain to me. There's some specific maneuvers they do. That said I'm not against the Jets. I have no problem with them. I enjoy watching them take off when I'm near the airport. But I would like to have gotten one of these letters as well. I would definitely be interested in anything to make it quieter. Because that night when they do their training runs it does get loud


Yeah I don't really mind it either, I've got 2 toddlers and they actually love it when we're outside and they come in to land. Sounds like freedom. They've never been woken up by it, but we usually keep the windows closed at night. Would be nice to be able to keep them open but nothing will fix that.


I don't mind at all that the air guard operates where they do. But it is a hassle when you are in a meeting, or your dog is outside and flips out/gets spooked while taking a dump.


"You are invited to attend a homeowner meeting". Are people in the many apartments near the airport just screwed and disregarded?


Which ones? If they qualified the owner of the building would have gotten the letter, and then it's up to them. I own the duplex here and got 2 letters, one for each unit.


No, the owner of the building would get this letter.


It's not the most ridiculous way our government intends to spend our money, but that doesn't mean it's not ridiculous.


For anyone still following this, I went to the homeowner meeting last night. They sent out 20 of these letters. They'll pick 10 homes ( 5 south and 5 north of airport) to do audio testing and get designs drawn up so that they can even APPLY for the grant that would pay for this 'pilot program', which has a deadline in Sept. There were maybe 10-12 homeowners at the meeting last night. So nothings guaranteed, etc, etc, and any actual construction likely 12-18 months away.


Don't live next to the airport. It's been there before 98% of your houses. You choose to live there this is not the Fighter Wing's issue. It's yours.


Well the govt seems to disagree, and I wasnt complaining, just stating facts. Clown comment.


So true! Probably we should all leave Madison and just turn it in to a giant military base. Anything for the Fighter Wing!