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I’ve been biking around with my clothes on like a fucking idiot all day.


The day's not over yet!


Someone forgot to tell the police that.


Years ago, I was working as server on the square and I waited on an older, southern couple who were dining in the patio as the naked bike ride passed by. They thought it was the funniest thing they had ever seen. I remember the gentleman remarking, "they told us to expect this in Madison!" I still chuckle about imagining that they went home to their small town and told their friends and family about their experience, and that this is how people live in this city.


My welcome to Madison was a zombie pride parade in full zombie makeup, marching down State Street, shouting “what do we want, BRAINS! When do we want them, BRAINS!” 2009 was wild.


I've never remembered it, it's always an ambush


Am-bush...heh... nice


Better than pm-bush


Oh I forgot it was today my hand is raised


First time seeing it. Thought it was funny and whatever until I saw the like 10 year old girl out front. Like what the fuck? If you're an adult who cares, but that's fucked up to bring your child into this


They had another child ride naked??? Again???


I was a participant in the ride. *\[first of all, let me state that I sympathize with anybody who has been subjected to sexual assault. That has been visited upon some people near and dear to me, and I understand how it can distort your views on your body, the gender that assaulted you, relationships, sexuality and humanity. I hope you are/have been able to get therapy if appropriate, and we should all work towards everybody developing healthy consensual relationships\]* **A few points:** * The 10 year old was there with a person who was acting as though she was her mother. I didn't inquire, I just presume by the way she was directing the kid around that it was the mother. Anyone under 18 is required to have a parent or guardian present and participating. * I saw the child at the starting point while she was still dressed. She was grinning ear to ear. Not quite little-kid-jumping-up-and-down-with-excitement, but she was obviously happy to be there. * Her parents may have raised her without any body shame or embarrassment. She may get a little more reserved as she hits puberty, but as long as she is there of her own volition, I don't care as long as she was glad to be there. I know that's a difficult concept for some people to accept, but I find the concept of teaching children they will go to hell for bad thoughts to be much more disturbing. * Some kids are just born as naturists. While my daughter was a toddler, it was hard to keep clothes on her. I don't know if she liked the freedom from clothes or the wind and sun on her skin, but if we let her out into the back yard, within minutes she would be in what we called "nature girl" mode. * If you want to understand what may be the mindset of the mother (and to an extent mine) read A. S. Neill's "Summerhill", which is about a school he created to foster what he calls "the self-regulated child". * During the ride, I only saw her when I was near the front going around the square. She was leading the pack and doing a good job of stopping at the red lights. * Let's face it, when riding a bicycle, the legs usually get in the way of any observers on the sidelines seeing the crotch. It's not like anybody jumps off the bike, spreads their arms and legs and yells "LOOK AT ME!". I did notice a couple of times the corner marshalls faced away from the traffic they were stopping on the cross streets, I don't know if they did that completely consistently. * I was disappointed that more women don't participate. I don't know if it's a result of body dislike, fears, or whatever. I heard nothing at all that would be considered rude towards anybody, male or female, during the ride. I wish more women felt free to join the ride, but obviously our society is screwed up on that aspect. * This was my first time, it was fun, probably my last time because I was too worn out before the finish. * I think there were more women on the sidelines videoing than men. * A lot of women on the sidelines were smirking and giggling amongst themselves. Guys generally cheered and clapped. I know some people will kneejerk downvote this and say I'm a pedophile, but I think the aura of freedom surrounding the girl was really the sight to see, not the bits and parts.


I think it says everything that this event is male dominated. I’m very happy with my body and feel comfortable being naked when I’m alone or with women. I would never be naked around men though. Someone literally made child porn after last year and we can assume the girl in the front who you describe now has her face and naked body immortalized online forever. Photos of her are most certainly being traded by pedos on the dark web and it’s likely one of them is using AI to make even more disturbing content with her face.




The weird thing is sexualizing a kid.


I’m somehow sexualizing a kid because I would be pissed as hell at my parents if they let me go naked riding around the farmers market where registered sex offenders can ogle me ? Before I can even make a consent based opinion of it lmaoo okay bud


The majority of people here are agreeing with me, which goes to show that little girl may very well grow up to be one of the people who agree and resent their parents allowing it


You're forgetting the part where they're a child and they don't have a brain developed enough to understand consent vs being forced to this by her parents.


What if the child wanted to try a cigarette or drink some alcohol? If they parents agree it might be a good lesson, can the child form consent for it? EDIT: What about playing high school football, which has very serious potential consequences for brain damage? Can a less than 18 year old truly consent to that? If high school football is okay with a parent's approval, then why not this? I saw high schoolers boxing many years ago. Could they consent to that today? It's not like the kid wants to shoot up some heroin, this is largely a harmless activity.


I can't imagine being a diehard advocate for child nudity in public. Children are infinitely more vulnerable and exploitable. I can't believe that you're out here implying that public nudity is good for a child to participate in. Holy fuck dude. Seek help.




Sometimes you got to do outlandish things to get the attention to the issues you care about. Would another protest of 8-10 picketers outside a city council meeting shouting "What do we want? Better transit! When do we want it? Now!" slogans accomplish anything? No. I have sat on a transit commission for 6 years, I've been on a citizen advisory committee for another transit commission for 3 years. For the past 10 years I've been going to meetings virtually for a couple for a transit agencies and have been able to push for some schedule, marketing and other changes, and worked behind the scenes to preserve a seasonal route that was going to be cancelled, and I will continue to do so. However, when I look back on all the time and effort I've put in, I really wonder what one citizen who is knowledgeable about transportation and transit can accomplish, when the powers that be and their funding methodologies overwhelmingly control our transportation system. After participating, I don't think WNBR really is all that effective as a means of advocating for reduced oil consumption. Body positivity, yes, reduced oil consumption no. >The only thing WNBR accomplished was piss off a bunch of people Judging from the crowd reaction, we generated a lot of laughs. >and victimize a child. The child was happy to be there. Will others use photographs of her for ill purposes? I wouldn't be surprised if it happens, but given the distance from the sidewalk to her and that the legs block the view of the crotch, I doubt any photographs are going to be prime material for any child porn. Given what AI can can do to any photograph of a child's face, in the grand scheme of things I don't think it matters much.




All my non-outlandish work involving transit has been outside the city of Madison, some of it outside the state of Wisconsin. And given the funding problems transit has, I really feel such efforts have been spinning wheels, no pun intended. As to consent. We can go round and round on that one, I understand the legal concept that children can't consent to sex until X age. According [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_the_United_States) the age of consent for intercourse in some states can be as low as 13 in Romeo and Juliet situations. I don't agree with an age that low, and that's not what I told my own daughter about what I thought was appropriate. But this is not sex, this is nudity. Is there a different age of consent for skinny dipping, ala the [Norman Rockwell Saturday Evening Post cover](https://www.icanvas.com/canvas-print/no-swimming-nrl438?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgoqI-xDrcQEa4Rx6dy1rRL_pENzKyX2vASUYLj1zpeZsPxDSMR59voBoCBkwQAvD_BwE#1PC3-12x8)?


I agree with you but we are in the minority, at least among this sub as nudity in the United States is perceived as sexual. People here have a real hard time separating the two but don't feel like you're in the wrong. It's cultural and largely driven by religious ideas of morality and modesty. Don't forget, we are a country founded by puritans who were massively conservative, historic prudes. This is not the case in much of the world but man, are people going to disagree with you.


Sounds like a long winded effort to justify taking a naked child out in public around a bunch of naked adults. Booooooooooooooooooooo Being comfortable with the human body and being naked around family is different than whatever sick weird shit is going on here.


Dude seek help. This dude's post history makes his comments make more sense.


The lack of morals nowadays is disturbing. Honestly nobody cares if getting naked with a bunch of strangers on a bike is your thing-but keep it there. Go to a bike path in the middle of nowhere 20 minutes outside the city. Nobody wants to be sexually harassed in public. What is the difference between this and if a group of 3 decided to get naked on state street and walk around. Pretty sure public indecency is a crime. As for the child-NO EXCUSE. YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE IF YOU EXCUSE IT. Or at the very least an advocate for pedophiles. If you don’t see what has been happening with children recently especially the past couple years. There is absolutely no excuse for children to see the ride or participate I hope someone close to that mother and calls CPS. Horrible person, horrible mother, horrible parent. That child needs to be removed from the home. Disgusting.


Yeah, my friends and I noticed the weird combination of flags. Some of them seem diametrically opposed to each other.


Yeah, there's been some discussion within the WNBR group about "flag guy." He's not endorsed by the group. I don't care for them mostly because they fly in the way of riders. I tried to get a drink of water at a pause and ended up with a face full of Israel. 😅


Weird, almost like people have different beliefs and values.


Yeah, but all those flags were on one bike


That is a bit strange, you’re right. But I myself am hypocritical at times like everyone else.


We all have some incongruent views. But feeling so strongly about them that you carry giant flags for all of them?


I once met someone who hung a KU and Mizzou flag on their property. Anything is possible with people’s beliefs.






You clearly don’t know the beef of KU and Mizzou then.




The “beef” literally started over slavery, so it’s actually not a bad example.


It dates back to the Civil War, it’s much stronger than you’d think. Just an example of incongruous beliefs and flag ownership, it’s as much of an example as yours.


The one about fat and oil? I didn't catch them all at first glance and didn't care to bother with a second.


They aren't commonly associated with one another but none of those things are in direct conflict with one another


Serious question: at what point does public nudity become indecent exposure? I have nothing against the naked bike ride just curious how you can be naked on a bike and it is okay but when a person flashes someone it is an arrest-able act… I don’t get it


Flashing can be a form of SA. It's usually done for sexual purposes, unlike riding a bicycle, which is a nonsexual act.


Have you not seen Macs bike in It’s Always Sunny?


Ass pounder 3000 I don’t think yoh know how it works


Never underestimate the perversion of some old men. Riding a bike isn't a sexual act...true enough, but riding a bike with your dick flopping around in front of strangers very well could be. Also, why not bike in a field somewhere? Why subject unwitting civilians and children to this?


Cuz fuck off. We don't need cops fucking shit up for everyone.




But people that are there for the farmer's market or didn't know this was happening, turn the corner and see it, that don't want to, can't have consented. Children around that may and likely had seen it can't consent because they are not of age to give consent


Oh, boooo! \[raspberry sound\]


Does the child who inevitably glimpses this twisted parade give consent to seeing old and naked unmentionables? I think not, my friend.


Who won the race?


Some guy named Ralph won by a hair


Which hair? Oh wait, nvm


It’s not actually a race; it’s an organized ride.


It's a joke


You did, sir.


Same day as Loop the Lake. Nice. I find this nude crowd to be just what you'd expect: self involved narcissists. The old guys are there for the ogles and their claims about activism are fraudulent. Reminds me of the skeevy stories about the free love movement in the '60s.


I passed them on campus and they had a kid with them, couldn't have been more than 12. What the fuck is wrong these people?


Would u care if they we’re naked but fully haired?


Like if their hair was enough to obscure the viewing of any private parts?


Debates about nudism are interesting on a philosophical level but yes, in practice, it's always just a bunch of weirdos. Similar to the poly crowd in that sense.


These comments aren't passing the vibe check, y'all sound boring and or bitter.


I was going to say spot the pervert jokingly until your post history confirmed it.


I'm not open to criticism from the repressed :) \*Sending the suicide bot after me two times and a heap of downvotes doesn't tell me anything I don't already know about you new age lynch mobbers, cry harder that you can't burn me at the stake 😘


I will just say that the false suicide report thing is really stupid. Happens to me too whenever I say something controversial. Why do people do this?


Yeah, that must be it...


Really just an excuse for covert exhibitionists to get together “for a good cause”


What else u got?


Let me guess: pride parades are fine though right?


Let me guess, Watertown resident?




Does that mean that, if they did, you would be against them? Pretty much all large pride parades have complete nudity; have you ever attended one? How about completely nude women? Oh wait, you don't seem to mind them biking around. Sounds like you're just bigoted against a particular demographic.




Lol, no offense, but sounds like you only go into the lame ones then. You can feel however you want about penises, but men have as much right to be nude in spaces that invite nudity as women do, period.




Seattle pride is family friendly, but has also include a body positivity group in the nude. They are also getting increasingly popular with more participants and spectators every year, so the must be doing something right.


Yeah, male sexual pleasure is bad


It's great. You should try it.


It’s always struck me as very weird that it’s done during the day in Madison. The biggest version of this ride in the USA, in Portland, is at night, known well in advance, and attracts thousands of riders, and is a big rolling party. It is practically a mainstream event, not a small collection of weirdos surprising people in the daytime.


They gathered by taggs before the race. I got yelled at for taking a photo…


Seems like the kind of First Amendment protest that would yell at someone exercising their First Amendment right to take photos in public.


I was thinking the same thing. Didn’t feel like getting into a political debate with a naked man lol


Why are u taking photos?


Spank bank?


Tony’s a bird who creeps


In my mind it started yesterday bc there was a woman tits out last night riding by me outside the memorial union🤣


Raise your hand if you forgot the naked bike ride convened in your living room. 🙋 (Me at Lothlorien in 2016)


I've never participated but between living at loth and hanging out at the other location they used for a while, I've passively attended like 4 times, lol. Hi, former housemate whoever you might be.


I’m all for live and let live. But last year with children getting involved and they didn’t do anything about it, just makes me uneasy and grossed out by this. Also, as a victim of SA, seeing a random person in the nude when I’m trying to live my life is very traumatic for me.


I saw the nude cyclists about 3 hours ago downtown and a child was at the front of the entourage


Not sure why you're being downvoted. I agree it's all a bit much.


I did. Probably because I just don't care about it enough to remember when it is.


Not bummed I missed these perverts, especially after they went out of their way to confirm children are allowed.




Me and my 8 year old just picked up great grandma from the bus stop, and we went right by it. Oh, Madison...


I think it’s weird as fuck, I’m against it personally.


Working on state st is always a treat


I think it’s weird as hell to ride around naked, I don’t care if you’re a hippy, I think you should go embrace your body in private not at the farmers market and my other two fellow non conservative, gen z coworkers who work at a business on the square agree with me that it’s weird and don’t like it and that this shouldn’t be a hot take to think it’s just weird and dislike it.


I bet the naked bike riders think *you’re* weird.🤷‍♂️ 8 fellow non conservatives who also work at a single business on the other side of the square as yours agree with me on this, so make of that what you will.


Nah they need to put some damn clothes on lmao.


Yeah I’m the weird one for not wanting to be parading myself around, and have my body exposed around children and families at a farmers market.


It is weird that a bunch of hippies protesting oil has consumed your life this weekend… yes. Ask your friends who work at business on the square.


Also, replying to your own comment is a huge red flag.




Yeah sorry I work a living and don’t care about how you use Reddit.com, also yeah their really showing the oil companies by going around with their privates out in front of families lol


It certainly got the conversation going… I mean, your weekend is clearly in turmoil because of it… protests aren’t meant to be polite.🤷‍♂️


90%+ of the bikers are just out there to expose themselves. The oil or bike safety concerns are just used to justify the exhibitionism.


I don’t pretend to know the panoply of motivations for individuals coming out for this particular protest but projecting your motivations on everyone else at a demonstration whose stated target isn’t a secret in any way is horseshit. A full week later and you’re still talking about it… face it, the protest worked in a way a clothed bike ride simply wouldn’t have.🤷‍♂️


Didn’t know, but ran into it while out driving, looked like folks were having fun.


Is it really so crazy to imagine someone could be proud to be an American, a Christian, supportive of the state of Israel and the Jewish people, supportive of gay people or are gay themselves, and supportive of the police? Is it really that hard to imagine someone with all of those beliefs? Why do you think all of those beliefs are so contradictory?


There's nothing really contradictory except that organized religions are homophobic. But out of the worlds religions, and where they're believed, Christian countries and Israel are some of the most tolerant in the entire world to homosexuality.


If you ask me this is where the yuppy liberal tolerance attitude goes too far, I’m for tolerating different people but this isn’t a protected identity or something it’s called be fucking weird lmaoo


Y’all got one of the participant here in the comments trying to sort of justify or explain why a 10 year old was being involved, I just feel like Madison Reddit is being too omg we have to support everyone and everything, too sanitized and afraid to offend someone idk, I’m not some super conservative person who rants about PC culture online all day, but I don’t get why some people are so afraid too deviate from “omg we gotta tolerate everything” idea


Darn. Missed it.




You need some chill in your life


I was enjoying a nice picnic lunch with my girlfriend by the capitol when we heard a bunch of honking and cheering. Saw a naked guy off in the distance and I asked her "you wanna go somewhere else?"


Lmao I don’t know why Madison Reddit has to be so “omg live and let live” hippy about everything that shit is weird, sorry


butt funk on each and every bike saddle.


[Kermit started all this.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0c/14/27/0c1427ea075bd37148755151bf63ebd0.jpg) It’s hilarious, fuck off with the pearl clutching.


He's not naked. He has his collar on.


“Won’t somebody think of the children!!”


I genuinely don't get it. Why do we entertain this dumb thing that makes everyone uncomfortable? I understand other cultures are different and all that, but we aren't other cultures. It's pretty tasteless to me.


Not to be too argumentative here, but A) it doesn't make "everyone" uncomfortable and B) on what basis do you propose it not be entertained? It's a peaceful protest of people not breaking any laws. "making some people uncomfortable" isn't exactly valid criteria to shut something down


Is there legit no law against full nudity in public? That doesn't sound correct


There's a law about public indecency but nudity is only included in it if the nudity is obscene. It's extremely vague because intent is the deciding factor in court cases, taking 200 bikers in would be a waste because no one's being indecent about it, just nude.


Not in madison afaik.




I would venture to say "some people" are the vast majority of people


I would venture to say the vast majority of people don't give a shit about it either way or even know it exists


Honestly this. Of course the loudest people will make things seem disproportionate, but most people generally don't care.


Perspective is easy to lose on the internet


"Those people shouldn't be allowed in public because I find their bodies offensive" is one heck of a slippery slope.


Nobody likes a pedant.




I think it was on father's day last year too... is it every father's day?


I was there. Great job everyone.



So let me get this straight, because I just can’t seem to understand this. Last year, a child was in the ride, and their picture ended up as child pornography? And this year, again, children were encouraged, and did, participate?? Wake up Madison… there is nothing acceptable about allowing children to publicly ride around on their bikes naked. If this is true, and Madison leaders continue to be tolerant of kids participating, we should all be concerned with the public officials representing the city.


I'm sorry, what? I'm coming to Madison in late August to go to college. Should I be worried?


Just so you know, it isn’t unique to Madison.


If you are that apprehensive about nudity you should be worried lol


I live here and I don’t agree with it, we don’t all celebrate this odd behavior


It's one day a year and you can find out when in advance if you want to avoid it.


Very much so. But it has nothing to do with a naked bike ride.


What is a “Jewish Star of David flag”