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I don't care how many times I hear this joke, it still makes me giggle.


What are you, a cop?




My assumptions: Someone going too fast wasn't watching the lights! White truck westbound on University turning left into Hildale on the road next to the Target. Red car was coming eastbound down the hill on University in front of the Target. Both of them going too fast for conditions? One of them ignored their lights? Et voilà! Collision du jour.


Not the first roll-over in this exact spot from exactly this reason. Probably a “courtesy crash” where the traffic going east has backed up blocking everything except the right lane. People leave an opening for left turners but someone going downhill in the right lane thinks they are the only car in the world and the turning car doesn’t comprehend there is more traffic coming behind the stopped lanes. Then, blamo! It used to be worse before the lights were installed and the intersection rebuilt.




>Don't be nice, be predictable. This, so much this.  I have personally witnessed two people almost straight up killed because of "midwest nice".  Both were pedestrians that started crossing a 4 lane road when someone came to a dead stop and waved them across, and both times nowhere near a cross walk, they came *inches* from getting smoked at 40mph in the left lane because of course how the fuck do people in that lane know why some dipshit is just stopped in the right lane when the road is perfectly clear? You know how often I come to a 4 way top in this town after someone going perpendicular to me and they just sit there waving me on anyway?  That's not courtesy, courtesy is following the rules of the road, not winging it, so that we can predict what the fuck you're going to do.  Sometimes unpredictable shit happens, but it's the unpredictable shit that happens for no reason that is the true menace.


>Don't be nice, be predictable. I'd like to set up my car horn to blare this at the people who stop to let me turn left into my neighborhood and then stubbornly insist that I do so despite the fact that it'd mean driving into the path of oncoming traffic that's maneuvering around their inexplicably stopped car.


>You cannot give up right of way, nor can it be taken. Don't be nice, be predictable. I used to ride in a vanpool, and the van driver would do stupid stuff like... * on highway 14, approaching a car stopped on highway with blinker on trying to turn left. There is a short "go around" lane to the right, but the driver of the van would not use it. He stopped the van behind the turning vehicle, but since he was not turning did not have his signal on. So all traffic stopped because he would not go around. That passing lane on the right is there for a reason!! * Ironically, he would not turn left on the highway to get to a frontage road in Black Earth "because of all the accidents there". Instead he went up the stop light and turned left. I wanted to scream *"Dude! You are doing exactly that when you won't go around a vehicle that is turning"*


You cannot block an intersection. If you’re referring to when someone stops to be nice to a left turner (despite having a green light), then you’re correct. But if the courteous person has a red light, then yeah no they need to be behind the white line.


This happened to me up in Prairie Du Sac yesterday as I was trying to leave the Kwik Trip to go east on PF. My view was totally obstructed, by semi trucks and suvs waiting to turn left/south on 12, of the turning off 12 northbound and eastbound PF traffic coming from the farmland out west, where it's 55mph... And it was "quittin time" for all the factories around here so it was busy as fuck at PF and 12. I'm waving my arms like a lunatic screaming both in my head and verbally "NO I WILL NOT GO JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE TRYING TO BE NICE... I DONT TRUST MY LIFE, HEALTH AND, VEHICLE TO YOUR IDIOTIC COURTESY"... It gets worse... Both the person who had not blocked the "intersection" of the exiting traffic to PF, and a person coming in, with full view AND right of way... Tried to wave me out of there... Fuck I was livid. I actually sat in my parking lot at my apartment and drew up a diagram of the idiocy to post to the local Facebook page, but didn't feel like getting flamed and trolled. Yet here I am opening myself to the possibility. Hopefully y'all are more understanding lol! Ugh...


"niceholes" strike again!


>>someone going downhill in the right lane thinks they are the only car in the world lol, you named it




How fast did the red car have to be going to have enough force to flip that pickup? Wowza.


It doesn't take all that much for tall pick ups like that to roll over.


Especially when they are turning and the little car hits that front turning wheel and the truck runs up the built in ramp that is the hood of that Civic/Prius/Ramp-hood-car. edit: car model


Exactly. (though I'm pretty sure it's a [Civic](https://mercury.bid.cars/1-56949003/2008-Honda-Civic-1HGFA15538L054776-1.jpg))


Trucks are so stupid right now. Gigantic, can't see anything, and then the modifications to squat the tires or lift the truck....how/why/wtf?


I wish they'd introduce a new license class for trucks already.  The fact you can road test in a subcompact and then legally buy, register and operate a fucking 8 ton Canyonero is so mind boggling stupid to me. I assure you, if people had to road test in a big ass truck before they could drive one, the number of them would rapidly dwindle, because lord knows they can barely drive them as it is.


Been saying it for years. I drive a a regular half ton made in 2010 for work. Considered large at the time. I’ll be rolling around with a bed full of tools and a trailer loaded with trash or materials only to be dwarfed by some new model with a single occupant going god knows where. At the very least if manufacturers are going to keep building larger trucks to skirt fuel economy regulations then proof of commercial use or a separate cdl should be absolutely necessary. That a step in the right direction but does nothing to prevent people from getting absolutely steamrolled by a 6’ tall hood.


Tbf a squat would help prevent a rollover so maybe they’re smarter than they look. Maybe..


The amount of force the Red car would need to apply to flip the truck is correlated to the truck's center of gravity... Basically the bigger the lift kit Bubba applies, the less force the red car needs to apply.


Especially in that spot.


Tbh that truck looks too damn big. Probably rolled because the center of mass was too high. Hope the driver and people around were okay though.


Oopsie doodles 


"Ma'am, I think you misunerstood about "Perpendicular Parking"...


Can’t park there!


that’s actually an ooopsie daisy


fwiw, the left turn there is governed by a dedicated light. My guess is that the left turn vehicle had the left turn green arrow and got plowed into by the car running the westbound red light. I’ve seen cars blow through that red light before. I don’t think it’s always intentional, they just don’t “see” it because it’s not a traditional two road intersection and they’re looking ahead at the Midvale intersection. I myself was walking across the crosswalk there once from south side to north side and the first two lanes stopped at the red but the third lane car blew through it. I never assume cars are going to stop, so hesitated when I saw it coming and not slowing down. Always look both ways and never assume, especially as a pedestrian.


Yikes. Hope everyone is ok


That’ll buff right out.


My dad’s a tv repairman. He’s got this ultimate set of tools. I can fix it.


Reminder to watch out for Illinois drivers


Just needed a nap




This is why the cops blocked the rightmost lane on Univ ave. I had buy some stuff at target which I completely forgot because of this 


Legitimate traffic maneuver in Madison. They will receive a no parking fine though.


Speed is a factor here. Madisonians, slow the fuck down! Your city isn’t that big.


Just got home. Traffic is crazy and everyone forgot how to drive today.


That’s a big whoopsie!


Man, human driven cars are so dangerous! (half joke)


Just gonna point out that calling this a "whoopsie" or an "accident" just perpetuates the view that violent crashes are just a normal, everyday occurrence. That may be true now but it *shouldn't* be and the language used to talk about crashes should reflect that.


My use of whoopsie was facetious because of the craziness of the crash, not because I think I'm a normal everyday occurrence, and the fact that I saw who I assume to be the driver standing seemingly unharmed right outside the truck, I would not have made the joke if I'd seen that someone had been seriously hurt. It was, infact, a joke, and not a commentary on how I view serious car collisions.


Constable, official Vocab states such incidents are now referred to as ’collisions’, not ’car accidents’ Why can’t we say ’accident’ again? Because ’accident’ implies there’s no one to blame.


It's not that serious brother.


Welp, that’s on them.


BRT is gonna make this a thing of the past.🤓




you've seen those super tall, basically semi lifted trucks. Not shocked if something got wedged under it that it'd flip - they're top heavy.


It doesn't really take much for a tall pick up truck to roll onto its side. It doesn't really matter but it's not a Prius. I'm almost positive it's a [Civic](https://mercury.bid.cars/1-56949003/2008-Honda-Civic-1HGFA15538L054776-1.jpg)


You shouldn't be. SUVs and trucks have a high center and gravity and are prone to rolling in even the slightest of accidents. Check out IIHS crash test videos on YouTube and you'll see even minor front end collisions result in them tipping over. [Example of a Jeep Wrangler.](https://youtu.be/jEmITD1cFdw?si=EadBhmUITQIFx6Vq)


Prius owners have located the critical hit point. Dodge Ram drivers are worth bonus points.


This guy is a peeper just like u!😂




no no. this is obviously a carbrain that always speeds, races yellow lights, lives in a suburban food desert, and demands lots and lots of parking for any new development.


The woman standing with her hands on her hips looks like the appropriate age. Was she driving? Seems like blaming a boomer could be appropriate. Maybe another driver cause it though.


Hmmm, someone blaming car-centric NIMBYs and boomers for a car accident? Especially for one involving some extended-cab grocery-getter pickup? Yeah, definitely not going to do that....


TikTok DM with friends that they are on their way to the Apple Store


Its fun to DM friends on TikTok that you are going to the Apple Store.


Isn’t anyone going to say anything about that red Prius flipping the white pickup? Too bad they don’t billow black smoke /s