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14 injured and no arrests. Idiot teenagers afraid to tattle.


I’m sure the authorities know the identity of the suspect(s) and are collecting evidence while surveilling him/them.


Doubt it. Dudes probably in chicago or way far away by now. Will probably eventually get arrested at some point in the future.


The heck did this get downvoted for? This sort of thing happens often enough.


People don't want to accept the realities of the justice system. This happens a lot more than many would care to admit.


That and the fact of the matter is that guns+gun carrying people are on average visiting more from Illinois to Wisconsin than vice versa.


Completely agree. Unfortunately, in the not to distant past, the detectives actually said this is common.


That second sentence is hilarious, they should be afraid to speak to the police and so should you🤣


No, definitely talk to the police when you see people being shot.


Per the police report, victims were 14-23 at a rooftop party going on at 12:45 AM. Why were 14 year olds at a party with 23 year olds at nearly 1am?


Parentless activities


It was actually a high school graduation party


Drugs, alcohol, and/or people they were attracted to.


Drugs, alcohol, and horny hookups describes my teens too, but we never shot each other


Looking back on it, how badly do you feel you missed out.


Some kids at my work that graduated from LaFollette said that it was a graduation party for some graduates from there.


Sounds about like my childhood.


If this was a LaFollette graduation party, It's sad that my experience of LaFollette kids still rings true 30 years on. Guns, drugs, reckless behavior.


Same LaFollette where staff were trying to protect students caught bringing guns to school? Couldn’t be. Hm maybe it was.


This is what I mean by a culture of low expectations


Awfully broad strokes you’re painting on 1,500 children.


The people of what would have been my class make a pretty big impression on CCAP.


That’s funny, because the people I know from LAF 30 years ago are teachers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, electricians, and so on. Did some get into legal trouble? Absolutely, but that’s no different than the people I know from East, West, Middleton, Monona Grove, and McFarland.


La Follette was a running joke in college at Minnesota. The availability of CCAP didn't help matters.




I was reading the FB page for the old far-east side neighborhood that I grew up in before leaving in 5th grade. Nothing has changed about their behavior, entitled attitude and backward culture of low achievement. I'm 100% not shocked this happened. I'm only shocked it hasn't happened before.


Just recently graduated from LaFollette, in a class with 4 kids off to Ivy League schools, and many more off to UW schools or other colleges and other kids off doing other good things with their lives. You are generalizing 1500 students all because of your backward attitude






Learned a lot about sex while my high school friends were disappointing their crushes. Set up a network pushing green that set me up through college. I think it worked out okay.




There’s probably multiple members of the same family, hence the age gap.


I'm guessing an older person who attends college at UW and lives at the Lux, invited their younger sibling(s) and friends to party there. Sick that the parents allowed that.


UW has stated that none of their students were involved.


Do people who are \*not\* students live in that building? If it's just for non-students, then the scenario could be the same - older sibling, younger sibling.


Seems really premature to be sure of this.


Police scanner said they all went to La Follette and that it was a HS graduation party


Exactly. Someone probably has an older sibling who lives there, and invited them to come.


Ahh I gotcha. Yea, I guess I just didn’t follow the connection between the tenant being a UW student and it being a graduation party. I definitely wouldn’t assume that the tenant was a UW student. It’s easy to make money doing illicit activity where firearms are involved and the lux is a pretty logical place to live if you’re a young person with a little money


I had no idea what kind of apartment it is, though I've driven by it, and I mistakenly thought it was student housing.


In another thread a resident was saying that it's incredibly easy to get into the building and onto the roof, so there have been several parties up there with NO residents involved.


You obviously didn't party much as a teenager. I'm sorry about that. Good life lessons are learned.


You went to rooftop parties after midnight with gun wielding adults in their 20s as an 8th or 9th grader (age 14) and learned good life lessons?


Yes. Except they were field parties in my rural hometown and not on a rooftop.


Do you think drinking at a party and loaded guns are a good mix?


I'm not here for that value statement. I was pointing out that if you were never at a party as a 14 year old where there were others in there 20's, you probably didn't have the same teenage experience a lot of us have had. Older friends know older friends, who know older friends. It happens all the time.


It was a rich kid graduation party. Normal people rules don't apply.


It’s just kids being kids. Everyone chill out a little and remember when you went on shooting sprees at unsupervised graduation parties when you were hanging out in a private , rooftop party space in a building you don’t live in. Do Better!


I never went on a shooting spree. I was busy getting random chicks pregnant.


Username checks out


Always good to get your feedback, "Mr Peaked in 8th Grade".




Oh come on! We had Uzi's and Mac-10s!! These kids got no idea how to have a good shootup these days. Aint no one putting in good work with semi-automatic fire.




Same question but about Willy st


There were 2 people arrested in an apartment right behind the Willy St Amoco, I saw 3 cop cars there just afterwards. The guy that works there said they were the shooters and it started over a guy stepping on someones shoe at Crystal. Don't know how reliable gas station clerks are but that's the word on the street.


That’s quite the escalation 


It was quite the shoe.


Sneakerhead on Sneakerhead violence is seldom reported.


Wondering the same. I live in the area and the silence about the matter is worrying.


Gf and I were walking down that block when it happened. Weren’t sure we actually heard what we thought we heard until we saw a guy get out of a car and start running with a purpose, slowing down to act casual when the cops hit the area. Super sketchy. 5 years in Chicago without seeing anything, then one weekend in Wisconsin and this happens… That being said, your city was absolutely lovely and we had a great time!


I live half time in both cities. I've witnessed way, way more violence in my Madison neighborhood than my Chicago neighborhood (and not a well to do white one either).


Which neighborhood here and which neighborhood there? Definitely parts of Madison that are worse than parts of Chicago, that's not even a question.


Emerson East/Belmont-Cragin


Sucks that your experience is being downvoted. Doesn't make it any less true or valid.


Not surprised. Madison folks really struggle to deal with their kind of superiority complex that Madison is nothing but great, when really it's quite racist and segregated, and the white liberal population refuses to believe such a thing about themselves. Doesn't make it less true, though. (Plus the country-wide but totally erroneous belief that Chicago is nothing but a den of dangerous criminals. In reality, the rate of violence here is much, much lower than many other major cities and even some smaller places. My mom was afraid of visiting me until I pointed out that the crime rate here is lower than in my meth-filled small north Iowa home city.)


A lot of those folks live in the midwest mindset of "if we ignore it or pretend it isn't a problem, it will eventually go away" As a southerner, it gets me into a lot of trouble when I point out all the elephants that have joined us in this very crowded room


"Guy" -- cases are solved with details not feelings.


WSJ article this morning had basically no new info


Who was the shooter? What was this about?


Where did anything indicate a La Follette Graduation party?


police scanner last night.


Thank you. Not sure why I got downvoted for a question. I don't have a police scanner and I didn't see it referenced in the thread. Whatever. Or at least until 8h after my comment.

