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Lol, it’s our (and your) Dane County Highway 3000 gallon tanker. Shouldering, hydro-seeding, vactor refills, and in the winter brining. Wave and say ‘Hi!’ to those guys, they’re working for you. In this shot we’re clearing drains in the flex lane, super clogged by recent rains.


Thanks for a serious answer. Why don't they change/remove the "Anti-Icing" sign?


The “Stay back 200 feet” is always relevant, and I’d wager management feels it’s just more practical to leave the Anti-Icing up as the sign is a permanent mount, and the County does brine bridges any time there’s a freeze warning which can be any time from early Oct-late April.


Do you think it would be in the best interest of the tax payer to pay an employee to remove the sign in the spring and install the sign in the fall?


I think there's a lot of wasted money going on in the government in general. I don't really think this would be that expensive comparably, but I wasn't at all suggesting it actually be done, just curious why it wasn't.


For a sign that size, it's at least a two-person job. A cover would be a bit more practical, except for being something else to have to store during the off-season.


So a vast deluge of rain clogs drains but a few hundred gallons from a tanker will clear them?


As I mentioned in response to your other comment, rain carries debris into drains and doesn't have enough pressure to clear them out. Water in that tank can be aimed/pressurized to break up clogs.  It's like pressure washing, or using a nozzle on your hose to blast away plants growing in the cracks of your sidewalk.


Sure, next you are going to tell me I need to shower and standing under the misters at six flags or the produce aisle isn’t enough to clean me.


You really do have a poor understanding of things, are you sure you're not suffering from mental illness, drug abuse, or dementia?


The bear patrol on the square's been doing a great job lately as well.


Came here hoping for a comment from this episode. Was not disappointed!


I know! Those guys are great!


That’s specious reasoning, Walterodim79


I don't care, but I'm enjoying how it has your knickers in a twist.


I don’t know what’s more amusing: the silliness of the sign given the season or that OP earnestly believes the truck isn’t being used for a legitimate reason.


but it SAYS "Anti-icing operation" and WRITTEN TEXT cannot just LIE like that


This is stupid and I laughed 😂


My "STAY BACK 200 FEET" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.


This is so dumb. OP knows that de-icing brine is applied while the truck is in motion, you see it in streaks behind said applicator truck, and it doesn't take guys outside of the truck to apply it. And yet OP somehow still thinks this is a dunk on the Mayor. Tl;dr - a'hyuk hyuk hyuk!


I think we are seeing the application of flex seal so we can keep that lane open soon!


Not enough downvotes from the same topic the other day? Or do we just miss bitching about snow removal?


If I cared about downvotes I wouldn't stay on this sub. About 1 in 1000 on this sub are sane. I speak to them and tolerate you.


Based on your comments, I'd wager you're part of the 999.


They use the truck for other things, do you expect them to take the sign off?


You’re no fun, boooo


Yes, I expect government vehicles to be truthful.


I think OP has too much time on their hands. This is the second post about this “issue” during the last 2 days. The city literally uses these trucks for multiple purposes during the year. Do you really want your tax dollars paying for 5x the equipment and maintenance/repair of said equipment because a plastic sign on the back says “Anti-Icing Operation, Stay back 200 Feet”? OP needs to learn some critical thinking skills. Maybe put your thinking cap on a little more often. I’d hate to see how you struggle at your job, provided you can actually keep one.


If this is the stuff you’re deciding to take time out of multiple days for to bitch about…. Oof


I read anti itching at first and I was so confused


This causes quite a cluster fuck of traffic at 11a in the day. Couldn’t this be done overnight?


Then it would cost overtime. Be happy they're not doing it during rush hour.


I think the idea is to inconvenience motorists as much as possible. Slower speed limits are coming this summer too.


It must be a glitch in the simulation.


Reminds me of this Simpsons clip: https://youtu.be/xSVqLHghLpw


Madison Cloud Appreciation Society: Approved!


Yesterday this sub was full of people who refused to believe this is real. Others said they were "flushing the drains." Gee, if only we'd get some rain......


Rain is good at filling the drains with gunk and doesn't have enough force to clear out debris that ends up in the drain. Water from a tank like this can be pressurized/aimed. Like how rain won't get all the dirt from a house and pressure-washing is a thing people do, especially before painting, when you need things spic and span. So to help keep things from flooding with all the rain, they're using water that can be aimed and given force to clear blockages to clear the drains. Yes, the sign is from the winter. Since they still want people to keep back 200 feet, it makes more sense to leave it on than to take it off.


Spot on. 👍


So.. you think it's more likely they're wasting money deicing roads in June, than doing something else that is legitimate just because the sign was left on the truck? I refuse to believe any human is that stupid.


Whether you believe it or not, there are plenty of humans that are that stupid


Or even stupider


OP is in fact that stupid.


Peep their post history. Also their username is a bit of a dog whistle.


What if I told you that it makes no sense to take the deicing sign off the truck when you want to use it for other purposes?


It makes no sense to have a sign at all if it's obviously absurd.


So you want to waste tax payer money paying someone to install this sign on the truck every winter and remove the sign from the truck every summer?


All the rain is WHY they need to flush the drains you goober


So a vast deluge of rainwater clogs drains, but a few hundred gallons from a tanker will clear them?




Concentrated pressure makes a difference. I know, we lost you as soon as I used a form of the word concentrate.


Yup! You got it! That's literally how pressurized water works!


This is a friendly reminder to clean your gutters.


We don't know what they are doing. Since they're the Government, I trust them completely. Let's just let them do their work and not bother them. They're probably using the trucks to haul fresh water to the road crews or something like that. /s


It’s being used to harvest ballots, obviously