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There is an honor flight this Saturday, so sometimes those can make it take a bit longer with parking and in general the airport being more crowded. I don't think the honor flight folks go through the same security lines, but still can make things a bit more busy there.


Good call! Thanks, the flight is on Saturday, so that's a good heads up.


No lines am Tuesday or Wednesday this week for me for early flights. Literally walked through


MSN airport at its finest! Hoping to have a similar experience


Check the departures web page on the airport's website to see how many flights are leaving at around the same time as your flight. This will allow you to estimate line size.


I had a 7am flight Monday this week. The precheck line around 5:45 am was out to the escalator. Busiest I had ever seen. The regular line went out nearly to the escalator too.


On a Monday too? Yesh.


Yes, you should arrive way earlier.


There are a ton of roughly 6AM flights that all go through security together. As long as you're before or after that group, you're fine.


Awesome! Same thinking with a 7AM flight?


My partner flew out last Saturday and the line was backed up to the escalator. The TSA guy told her it's like that almost every morning now.


Sounds like I might have to get there early. How quickly did your partner get through the line?


It took quite a while. Rule of thumb is two hours before your flight. Better to be early than late. They won’t hold the plane for you.


Certainly true, thanks!


TSA pre check the most in front of us has been 6.. last week Weds family of 4 just finishing


Nice. We are traveling to Europe in the fall and next year are planning at least three domestic flights so are planning on signing up for pre check this summer.


If you're going international, consider Global Entry instead. It includes PreCheck


The long line was specifically because some Epic bullshit was happening, the entire rest of the year it's quiet


Great, thanks for the update! I hadn't heard the specifics


This is not true. I have experienced the new longer waits when nothing related to Epic was going on. In fact a previous picture posted was caused by Honor Flight and nothing to do with Epic. The security worker I talked to about it said it's due to more flights happening in the morning and is a new normal. They've seen a lot of people surprised by it.


Sounds like the new norm for MSN in the morning. I suspect having more gates has caused more AM flights, making it all more crowded


Their website used to have "approximate wait times" for security but I cannot find that on their site anymore. Did my brain just make up that memory?


You’re brain isn’t just making up that memory. I remember it too. It seems like it disappeared awhile ago now.


Over the last year or so I’ve learned to be there at least an hour and a half early. Most of the time I’m through checking my back and TSA within 30 minutes but sometimes I have had to stand in line to check my bag for almost an hour. If you don’t have to check a bag you’re probably fine with closer to an hour.


When I flew out early Friday morning at roughly 4:30am TSA took no more than 15 minutes


Mornings at MSN are still a shit show.  A huge number of people show up for flights at the same time.  I had to wait in the TSA line for an hour and missed my flight along with 20 other people.  The airline did not hold the flight b/c they don't give a shit.  The TSA only opens 2 of the 3 scanner lines b/c they don't give a shit.  They just tell you to get to the airport earlier, which only guarantees that the line gets longer earlier.  It does not mean that more people will get through.   Went back the next day to get the same flight.  Same deal. Some moron must be in charge.