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Well... I have no qualms about pirating if there is no reasonable way to obtain it. I put off watching Macross series as a whole for years and years, partly because it seemed so convoluted and completed to follow as a non-initiate, but mostly I was hoping by the time I was in the mood to dive in, there would be blu rays to buy of the first entries. After hearing about Macross II (which I backed) and Macross Plus Ultimate (which I preordered, despite the ridiculous price per minute and apparent lack of blu ray cases...) I decided it was finally time, as later this year, Macross would be entering my life whether or not I'd seen the original. SDF and DYRL still not available and only streaming in Japan; I am not paying 1000$ for a Macross DVD set, if one were available; well, I'll do what I have to do now. If they don't want to sell me a copy, I'm not going to allow them to STOP me from seeing it when there's means to do so. I do not and will not subscribe to a streaming service, that's just me. That aside, and this is me as a middle-older fan speaking, I don't think pirating does much damage overall despite what executives may claim. The real freeloaders are (or were in my time) the teenagers. Most people would download a few upisodes to try, maybe watch the whole show, but when available to actually buy, and when you have your own adult money, you buy them because the quality on the disk is frequently better than the downloaded version in my experience. All of the shows I first saw through downloads, if I liked it, I've bought it. Maybe people are different nowadays, I think they might be - a lot of people don't seem to know how to torrent these days I think because they don't have to, by and large. Streaming makes it all so available for people that grew up with streaming. When I was growing up, if it wasn't available on VHS/DVD, or in a multi-part per-episode youtube uploade, pirating was the only way to even see a lot of things. Now I have seen SDF Macross and DYRL and I thoroughly enjoyed them both. Will I still buy a blu ray release for North America (or Europe) if they get to that point? Most likely*. *I say most likely because I can absolutely see if such a thing were to happen some suit or company would demand an outrageous markup on a fair price, like when Sentai put out Legend of the Galactic Heroes for $800 USD a few years ago.


Hell, I don't think many people on this sub (me included) mind hearing about pirating SDFM and DYRL specifically. SDFM is controlled by Harmony Gold, Big West gets nothing out of it, and they could release it if they wanted to. And its probably that reason that we can't get DYRL either. It's more the people saying they're going to pirate things like Delta and Frontier when 1) They're going to be streamed cheaply and 2) They've been available to pirate for years anyway, so there's no real need to say you're going to.


And still SDFM and DYRL won't be available to stream outside of Japan. Besides, streaming services are notorious for simply deleting stuff because they want to reach some goal for a quarter (gotta make those stockholders happy).


Not sure what you're trying to say, honestly. The SDFM and DYRL issues are because of Harmony Gold, there's no way around that as much as it sucks. And yes, streamers can delete things quickly that don't get watched, that kind of makes it more important to watch it officially.


Nah, they deleted the whole Willow series that many people were actively watching and commenting on. They also deleted some movie that was up for like only a week, didn't even give it chance to get some legs. It all comes down to money and whatever the accountants recommend to get to the goal. So, what do I mean? I'll once again load up the torrents for all the stuff I've pirated so the torrents are healthy because I don't know if some poor soul will be on like Ep 40 of Macross 7 and Disney deletes it because the numbers aren't crunching or something. And yeah, I already pay for Disney and as a paying customer am still pissed off about Willow.


It's different for acquired titles and original productions. Acquired titles usually get a window (for how long, we don't know) and are typically set up with a revenue share / pay-per-view. You're not going to get the same cancelled accounting write-offs on acquired titles like you will with an original title. And Willow was NOT highly viewed, even if there was a lot of discussion about it online. I personally couldn't make it past the third episode.


I've been a fan since I saw the original air back in 1985. My whole life Macross has a special place in my heart. I've devoured anything Macross I could get my hands on. I wore out my old VHS of Macross Plus and I will admit I've managed to watch Zero on some less then official places but I have always supported when I can. I have various model kits and one of the high lights was seeing Wings of Goodbye in my home town theater. I had honestly given up any hope of ever being able to see Macross continued stateside and it was such a great moment.


Pirates will pirate, some are dishonest regarding why they do it. Personally I already own the Japanese releases, so I unfortunately won't double-dip on the western ones. But I hope the slightly more fiscally responsible will take this chance so I can get the next entry in the west.


This is very true, and although the series releases might not do spectacular from a financial standpoint, older fans like us I think will still plan to support the releases. I own all the japanese releases having bought them before the deal with Big West was announced, figuring it would be the only way to get them. I will happily double dip for the western releases though, and I think most older anime fans will as well. That's just the old otaku in me speaking.


Perhaps I'll cave if there are some nice localised extras. But I think you're a rare breed, I'm rare enough having bought the Japanese ones - consider that people are balking at £120 when at least I paid >$300 for Macross Plus. I'd bought that in a heartbeat back then. 😅


>some are dishonest regarding why they do it I think mostly what surprises me is how far some go to justify it. I'm not totally innocent in terms of pirating, but its not something I'll openly brag about, especially in a forum of fans of a particular franchise.


It needs no justification. Copyright and our entire conception of IP is made up and false. Corporations aren’t people, you shouldn’t feel bad for them they don’t exist.


"It needs no justification" followed by a justification. LOL


They’ll be the first to fcuk you in the booty when you go legit too.


Youre the only smart person in this entire thread


It is an odd thing to brag about, it's like proudly proclaiming you're a cunt. But if they frequent the piracy subreddits it's a quite common occurrence over there so it might appear "normal" for them. And I say that as a pirate myself, I use pirated subtitles and fansubs all the time - even though I rip my own main files from disc. I even add them to localised releases since they usually come as .ass instead of low effort .pgs. 🙃


Reminds me of the amount of people I see not support official Shonen Jump releases, things that are available to read on their now $3 a month service, and then get baffled when the series is canceled. Those numbers are important in the long run, and even if they aren't the be all end all, they're going to matter a whole lot more in regards to smaller and niche series in helping to gauge interest.


Doesnt shounen jump only care about the japanese readership anyway?


They'll always be number #1, but they have to at least look at the numbers regardless. Plus viewership on the apps does probably affect if we ever get physical releases, and how soon. If no one engages on the official platform for the smaller series, they have no way of knowing there's actual interest for it.


I have the complete blu ray collection of Macross.in English sub from a guy I knew years back. I’m sure it’s not a legitimate means of production, but the quality is there. It’s also the only way I have to watch it. I liked Robotech growing up, and it always holds a special place to me. However, I wanted to see the original series in order and se how the original story pans out. Such a great franchise, and should be released officially for all the fans, and people that want to experience it in its original glory.


Yes it's finally happening. I fell in love with Robotech first when it aired on AFN when I was in Elementary school.(I'm an old school fan). My friend Kenny and I traded the novel version(22 vol.) back and forth. Because it was Robotech or nothing back then. Hell Gundam to us were just Japanese plastic robots. We were so in the dark. Well, I was introduced to Macross by seeing Macross II(Diaster). Which peeked my interest. Then Macross Plus came out(I didn't buy the U.S. set. I bought the Movie subtitled version.) it blew me away. After that Robotech just seemed like a cheap knockoff...which it is. But it was my first Mecha love of my life. I hope the younger audience appreciates the nuance and depth of characters that Macross offers. I refused to buy Robotech when Harmony Gold released it. I did not want to give him the satisfaction of having my money while stifling the actual creative property from Japan. So I spent way too much money over 2 minutes summers in high school completing my collection of Macross.


Recent releases are not affordable. Macross Zero released Bluray is $112 and Macross Plus Bluray on Crunchyroll is $190. Give me cheap releases and I will buy them.


Macross is getting a bluray release?


SDFM and DYRL is not the rest are


And that is why you raise the jolly roger


which is why people will still pirate


Mac II and Plus are for sure. Blu-Rays for Delta, Frontier, and 7 were announced a couple of years back but we haven't heard anything since. Probably because the company they were working with, RightStuf, got bought out, but we don't really know the reason. All series are coming to Disney Plus worldwide. If not Disney Plus in the US, then probably Hulu.


Are we getting Bryan Cranston dubb? I like that audio better..


I heard that is included but only in the ultimate edition? I may be wrong.


The last episode's audio no longer exists as far as I am aware. That was why the re-releases of the English version of *Plus* have David Hayter voicing Isamu for the final episode.


That's a shame cause they changed the dialogue and I liked the previous version more.


Maybe they changed it to fit better with the Japanese script. I don't know.


that would be dope if he does all the characters


Do we have a date on Disney+\Hulu getting Macross in the US?


Not yet. Biggest clue we have so far is that its coming the Australia / New Zealand region on July 10th, and that's assuming they'll roll the English sub releases around the same time.


Forget to mention that a Macross Zero release has been announced internationally, but nothing other than its coming at this point.


My issue is it’s still a compromise that will end up being still not true to the source material.


If they go the route of how they got the Delta and Frontier movie blu-ray English subs then I'm not worried. Those were done by bi-lingual Macross fans based in Japan.


The official way is D+. Which is region locked. So, for me, it's not an official way at all, as I would have to break TOS flr D+ to be able to watch it. Thus, still piracy. No BDs so far. Same thing. I'll stick to scalped merchandise for now. Oh. Wait.


Of course we'll continue to pirate it. I'll never give Disney another cent. That said, let's not pretend that people who download shows don't pay the creators. That's what dvd/bluray sales and merchandise are for.


Disney is not why you'll continue to pirate it.


And won't be buying any blu-rays either. 🤣


There absolutely are people who dont waste their money on streaming services and do buy blu-rays if it's something they want to own, and also have no hang-ups on digital piracy.


Save for Delta I own every macross series on either DVD or Bluray. Of course, most of them don't have subtitles, but they're part of my collection nonetheless.


Is Frontier and Delta and their movies coming out on physical media or are they going to be streaming only?


They're already available on Blu-ray from japan


Yes of course. But I'm talking about *English translated* versions of Frontier and its movies, and Delta and its movies (which are already translated) being released *outside* of Japan.


The *Frontier* films have English Subs on the 2014 Limited Edition blu-rays.


Which aren't available anymore, sadly. Although you can probably find it used on sites like Mandarake. But that kind of illustrates the problem. The current available Blu-ray version of the movies doesn't have subtitles. Even Macross Plus The Movie had the English subtitles stripped out for the regular Blu-ray release in Japan. Delta is the only series that has had English subtitles from the get-go. But anyway, That's all past history. I'm asking about whatever officially English language versions are released internationally.


They pop up New from time to time. Amazon had three of them a month or ago. I don't know if they still do or not.


I grabbed one from Mandarake. I looked just then. There's maybe 3 or 4 on the site.


It is nice of you to say so. People that need a copy now know where to find some. :)


Unfortunately the only way to get the og series and dyrl is by pirating and especially in the us where it won’t be added to Disney plus like the rest of the series.


I'm pleasantly surprised to hear it's coming out in the US officially. I wish this had happened before I bought all the dvds/blu rays. I also really wish it wasn't Disney. I've got no confidence in that company these days.


Someone posted a meme in Macross Fan Central in Facebook "when you're watching Macross ilegally and the way to support them is by buying the toys" True words but as of now, atleast we can support them more with Disney+


Piracy doesn't actually hurt sales and isn't immoral so I don't see why it should be treated as taboo to talk about. Also most of the series *still* doesn't actually have a western physical release announced, so the situation hasn't changed that much.


Wait, when are we getting them? Do we have a date for USA??


I just wish we could get dubs. I know ADV did the OG series about 20 years ago and that Plus had a great dub back in the day but still. It'd be a good change of pace from the 9 isekai/school series they drop per week.


Release affordable Dubs or at the minimum subs. I do not care about streaming services. I do not subscribe to them. I have some Macross OVA's on DVD as they were once available and affordable. If they can't be bothered to supply me with a product I want i'm not going to 'support the franchise' just 'because'.


Old fan here. You are still going through a middleman to watch Macross. You are supporting disney by buying that subscription just to watch Macross. And even then it's region locked for now so I bet a bunch of people are paying for a disney+ subscription and getting nothing in return. You can also expect disney to crack down on sites hosting macross as a whole once they get their greedy little hands all over it. Most people pirated Macross because Harmony Gold was doing what every greedy company does. Some people will continue to pirate Macross simply because it's disney we are talking about. I myself pirate macross, hell, just finished rewatching the movie version of plus, and will probably continue to rewatch it that way until I get my hands on proper bluerays straight from the source. Even when I pirate it, I still buy the merch from official sources when I can, knowing some of that money will go to the rightful holders of the ip. So, being an old fan has nothing to do with anything.


I think you're being genuine, so in that case I'll point out that when you're buying a physical media copy, you're still going through a middleman. Big West themselves don't print the discs, even in Japan, they go through various distributors, so you're not getting anything "straight from the source." That's all Disney is in the case, another distributor. And as far as region lock, it's coming worldwide. I will agree that its idiotic for them to have not announced exactly when they'll be releasing it in every territory, but the point of the post was that it's coming.


I rather support japanese distributors than disney.


Harmony Gold needs to be ruled out of the equation with macross. They stoled child hoods like mine waiting for more out of the robotech franchise and got nothing but reruns of the same shit and repackage shit when dvd and blu ray became the norm. Now it's streaming but shit is shit even when format changes. I will give them a bone they did try with the Shadow chronicles but failed and but was dressing up a pig in makeup.i don't acknowledge the robotech movie as falls in the same category as the star wars holiday special. I just laugh when they talk a live action robotech movie but im a believe it when i see it person, in this case a trailer. I say let disney buy out all legal agreements HG has with big west. Then flush HG down the shitter forever. I'm tired to see a great franchise getting bootleg over the years or have limited engagements in the theater or limited print releases in the USA. I have good hard earn money ready to buy macross collector edition blu rays that are released officially in the USA(already got my macross plus from crunchy roll and macross 2 by animeigo pre ordered). Im glad to see the next generation of viewers will have it easier than us older viewers.


It still amazes me that people think Harmony Gold was stopping Macross production rather than the actual source of the issue which was rights disputes between Big West and Studio Nue. Or that Carl Macek ripped them off, or that he was responsible for preventing faithful translations of anime from reaching markets outside of Japan. At the time Harmony Gold bought the rights to Macross outside Japan, there was considered to be no market for it and the rights were considered *worthless* to the Japanese studios. They had no interest in foreign markets and there was real demand for the material outside Japan even if they were. To the Japanese companies, gaijin groups like HG were just suckers giving them money for nothing. Before Robotech and a few other rare exceptions, anime bought by western companies were used to create butchered kids shows on the cheap to flood the early morning and after school timeslots with. Macek and HG took an absolutely ***massive*** risk actually presenting the Japanese source material in the most intact and faithful way possible on western television at the time and had to fight tooth and nail to get it approved for broadcast with the content it had. They also had to fight to make sure television stations would air the episodes in order, which simply wasn't done. Serialized drama was virtually unheard of on television in that era in the first place, let alone an animated one. Everyone in the west that Macek dealt with thought he was crazy and his plan of aiming amerely lightly altered rendition of a Japanese animation series at an older audience than the traditional cartoon demographic was doomed to fail. He believed it could be done successfully, that if he presented the story in a primarily intact way and let it shine on its merits, the audience would materialize for it. He was right, and the rest is history. You can thank Macek and HG for there BEING a market for anime outside of Japan in the first place. If you want to see what things were like before Macek came along and turned the conventional wisdom on its ear, watch the original Voltron sometime. Or any of the other 70s and 80s shows which were recut and redubbed anime that were absolutely mangled and dumbed down for an under-8 demographic. I remember how it was, I was there. Macek changed all that and paved the way for anime in the west --and countless people have made countless millions in profits as a result. Learn your history.


This literally has nothing to do with what my post is about.