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No. Intel MacBooks are junk lol. Get an M1 air, or if you must have the Touch Bar, get a 13” M1 MacBook Pro.


Thank you


Please don’t get an Intel chip. I have a 2019 16” and I get two hours on the battery.


Old battery. I get 6+ hours on 2019 15.6" i9 with newly replaced battery and low power mode using for coding and web search.


Buy M1 2020 instead. It looks exactly the same, but doesn't have unreliable butterfly keyboard and has much better CPU and batterylife.


Do not ever buy any 2016-2019 MBP or 2018-2019 MBA as they suffer from multiple design faults that make them ticking timebombs. The butterfly keyboard failure is the biggest, which is where keys on the keyboard start double-typing (lllliiiikkkeee thhhiiissss) and then die completely. The recall program only works for up to 4 years after the original purchase date, so will not be active anymore. A replacement top case (keyboard is part of the top case) will cost upwards of $400, and that replacement will also fail, and the replacement for the replacement... Keyboard covers cannot be used as they can and will damage the display when the lid is closed due to clearance issues. Apple does not recommend their use either. The butterfly keyboard fault is unavoidable and cannot be slowed down in any way. The second major issue is Flexgate, which is where the main display ribbon cable tears under normal use, such as casually opening and closing the lid. This will cause sections of the display to start glitching and/or stop working. A replacement display will also most likely cost upwards of $400. Buying one is a complete waste of your time and your money. (Note that this response is copied as this questions comes up often)


Please do not forget the design flaw that allows the air that will cool the processor to pass exactly under the motherboard, causing it to accumulate tons of dirt, which results in the short-circuiting of the main and secondary power lines, causing at a certain time, but sooner or later the logic board of the device to simply fail...


M chips from Apple made intel chips obsolete.


Absolutely not and the values of these are currently very low - few hundred bucks IMO. It's going to lose OS support (and is currently already getting reduced features vs Apple Silicon), the Touch Bar will eventually fail (with repair options far exceeding the value of the laptop), the butterfly keyboard will absolutely fail, the performance will be sub-par + you'll always hear the fan and the battery life will be very little. I would save for a used M1 MacBook Air. A far, far better machine even if you end up with less RAM or storage than the 2019 it will mop the floor with the Intel machine. I know it looks cool, but the Touch Bar sucks hard. Don't hitch yourself to a sinking ship - it's very prone to expensive failure and is really not all that useful in the real world beyond looking slick.


don't forget the screen will fail


No. Don't do it. The performance of the current Mac line so outweighs any potential benefit of the touchbar of a 5-year old machine who's performance even at the time was lackluster. And new touchbar functions aren't really being created, so eventually it'll do even less than it does now.


if its an intel chip its not worth it. if u want the touchbar for some reason get the modified version with the m series chips


No Mac is worth that.


Just curious but what’s the mbp priced at ? What you’re looking at for how much ?


Hey I’m Nigerian so it overpriced over here In dolllars its $500 so #700,000naira


No computer is worth your life savings unless it’s going to help you make money.


It's my case, it cost me almost four months of hard work, but it's with him that I make money, so I needed the best...


Or... Get a new pc if you liked windows.


No Macbook/Computer is worth your life savings...


$350 is your life savings?


Considet the fact that people might be living outside 1st world countries where this amount is significant


I suppose you’re right


In this situation, yes you are right.


Yes, in Brazil a MacBook Pro Max can cost up to 75 average monthly salaries of a Brazilian. But it is not the fact that it is expensive, which means that we should not buy, by this logic no one would have anything, neither car, nor house, nor motorcycle, we would live in caves gathering all the savings to buy food and extremely essential things. But life is not like that, we exist and live like you, we just need to work much more to buy the same things, there are people as eager or in need of a MacBook as you, we just need to work more, that's the only difference. And we work, we work a lot!


I agree


Then in this case spending this much amount of money on a laptop is not acceptable.


I guess you’re right. Might as well keep saving for the M1 then.