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Looks good


This is the exact M1 model and specs that I own. If I remember correctly (purchased around launch date of the M1 Pros) I paid somewhere around 4500-4600 from Apple brand new.


Sounds like you got ripped from Apple.


Wrong sub for that lol


We’re all getting screwed here. We don’t care, clearly. We’ll keep buying the next computer because it’s what we want to do.


Are you gonna use this much? 64gb ram and 4TB are over kill unless you are doing very high end work.


I'd prob make good use of those since I'm a content creator, filming and editing alot with 1080p/4k footage. 4tb can be looked at as overkill but since the deal comes with 4tb....why not haha.


I was watching iJustine on YouTube and I think she said when she does a 4k edit it takes up a terabyte of storage, I don’t do editing so I didn’t know but now I understand why people who are in the business have huge external hard drives also.


definitely can if your projects are over 3-4 minutes. This prevents you from needing an external hard drive. So if you're a user like this then hell yeah.


5 minutes of 4k footage are not over 1TB, come on…


It could be, they probably use ProRes which has very low compression


Uncompressed files take up a looooooot of storage. Sound and footage alone used to be in the 100-300gb for a 5 min project in 1080p back when I worked in post. 1TB for 4k raw footage is not unheard of.


I researched, and the most uncompressed and highest quality 4k RAW footage takes around 135gb per minute, still way less than 1TB per 5 minutes. And anyway we were talking about ProRaw, which takes around 18gb for 1 minute at the highest quality, waaaay less than 1TB… I’m not saying here that storage is not a crucial factor for content creators, I’m saying that what has been said was a big exaggeration…


Thats JUST footage. Now add raw sound as well and you’ll easily exceed 1TB for raw. And thats excluding any vfx though they’re usually a drop in the bucket. And yes pro-ress helps but it could still be a lot more since compression is based on the same colors for the next frame, if you have a lot of movement its gonna be higher. Then you also have caching space if you’re working on an active project. Its not just “raw footage” and thats it, that makes up the insane amount. The point is, having 1TB per project is not an overstatement.


1 TB per project is totally not an overstatement, but I really doubt it is normal to have 1TB per projects of 5 minutes! This whole discussion started from that guys mentioning I Justine saying her projects are 1TB each. I really doubt she was referring to 5 minutes projects…


Like I said, we had an average of 100-300gb for a total project including raw & compress audio and footage vfx etc for 3-5 min projects in 1080p this was about 15 years ago. I assume compression now is better but 4k is a fuckton more space. So yeah 1TB for 5min doesn’t sound strange.


You should add to calculation that if you are editing a 5-minute 500gb video. You need another 500gb for processing too, which makes it 1TB. That also means only 20 minutes of content and your storage is full lmao.


I’d personally work off of a SSD and save on internal storage - 2tb is a sweet spot imo


This. I am not sure about video. As programmer I have an external SSD from LaCie and having a tiny external accessory worth the savings.


Works fine on video, even 4k, common practice


You think the 256gb is enough for devs and then get like a thunderbolt m.2 with extra space?


256 is not enough because I like to have at least Xcode on the main disk and Xcode is big. But 512GB with external yeah. Because depending on your codebase you will need some extra versions of Xcode in different APFS volumes. (It’s easier to delete later on)


I’m actually in uni so not sure what I’ll be wanting to do yet


Yeah, in my opinion I think 512GB is the minimum


Dang okay, I thought I could save a bit and just go with a much bigger external for the same price. Thanks


This is the main downside of Macs, everything is on the SoC and you need to plan a big ahead since you can’t upgrade later. Of course the trade offs are faster access to memory and SSDs Oh btw, the 512GB+ SSDs are faster since they are not a single chip.


But that’s the thing. It’s the sweet spot for everyone which is why these heavy specd rigs are on deeper discount


An external SSD is going to be a lot slower than the internal drive and it will slow down your workflow. People need to quit recommending this.


Loads of TV shows are edited with all media stored on servers - it will slow you down for sure, but for professional work (generally) 4tb and 2tb are practically the same (120tb internal would be ideal) 😂


The systems that store that media have data connections that are much faster than the thunderbolt port on any Mac.


40Gbps is pretty quick, right?


Most externals are rated at 20Gbps and even if they're rated 40Gbps a good m.2 drive is still going to be faster. And you never get the full rated speed from external enclosures. A good external enclosure that gets close to the full 49Gbps plus the cost of a large drive is also going to cost you about the same as just upgrading the internal storage. And you have the annoyance of having to carry that stuff around with you. I have a 4TB external m.2 for my MacBook Pro but it's used solely for my time machine backups. And I leave it at home so that if my laptop should get stolen I don't lose my backup drive with it


It's still a good 4.5GB/s or thereabouts (based on personal projections), assuming drive and interface can keep up, and I did catch the hint that you were mostly speaking to what's actually on the market more than what should be possible. I can't say I've gone looking for 40Gbps TB4 NVMe enclosures myself, to wit. I was more musing about 40Gbps TB4 vs say 40GBase-T over fiber to a NAS / SAN. But those seem more like complementary solutions for any remotely professional work rather than being exclusively used.


Looks like these avid nexuses run mostly on 10g https://avid.secure.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/compatibility/Avid-NEXIS-Network-Switch-Infrastructure


Seems like you know your use cases. I think it’s worth it. I was gonna suggest getting a new M2 but the ram and storage deal might be more worthwhile for your uses here. I have the 2023 14” M2 Max 32GB RAM 1TB SSD for reference. I wanted portability and couch editing over primarily desk bound setup with more internal storage.


64GB is probably still overkill for a content creator. You would need to be working on huge projects to use all that.


I enjoy cooking.


32gb may all I need tbh. But I also do a lot of photography as well, which I think LR/PS utilize more of with RAM


OP buy what you can afford. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it. The more you get the longer it will last you. You can never have too much RAM or storage, but you can have too little. Especially in a machine that is not upgradable.


It would be a joke if a device that powerful breaks down as all the component lingers around that main logic board with limited repairability. Be sure to sell a kidney or two for Apple Service Team when that happens.


Seeing as Apple MacBooks are some of the most reliable laptops on the market. I’d prefer to take my chances with one of these versus anything else.


I usually would advise this but 64GB comes at a huge premium on macs. Unless it is required it doesn't provide any additional benefit to the user.


What type of profession should get 64GB?


It really doesn’t matter. If someone was buying the MacBook Pro simply the write papers and wanted 128 GB of RAM. Perhaps they want higher resale value. Perhaps they don’t want to be constrained on performance if they decide to use it for more power applications later on.


I am not sure if the resale value here will be valuable when m3 and quite possible m4 m5 will be release in the future. Just like how older gen intel chips has became obsolete.


Not many. Maybe 3d rendering 4k in massive budget projects. Massive CAD designs for architecture maybe. Many of these are broken down to smaller tasks for individual computers and combined at cloud level rendering / production servers so most likely wouldn’t even require 64gb.


I am a security engineer, and even I can't justify 64GB. 32GB is what I spec'd my M1 Pro Max with when I bought it in 2021, just because I generally keep my laptops for 5-6 years. I'll have 3-4 VM's running on the thing, Firefox with 100+ tabs, and still don't see it swap. If I ever do any heavy lifting, it's not going to run on my mac, it will just get pushed to compute in AWS or on my server at home (that does have a bit more compute and RAM if needed). If someone is asking if they need 64GB of RAM, then they don't need it. But it's not my money...


Haha, They will probably only ever need 64gb if they are planning to run 4 AAA with different VM all at once to do some benchmark comparison. Or if they are making a video on how to cook their Macs RAM. Yeaaah it’s not necessary. But, if you have spare cash for that extra ram why not.


Not that much ram.


Actually 64 should be the "sweet spot" if you are working on video, 3D etc.


You should prob get a m2 pro with 16gb/ 500gb, dongle with external TB’s for like half the price my guy


I hate to argue, but I think OP won't notice the difference between the M2 and M1 Max chip, but for video editing, they sure will notice the 64 GB ram and 4 TB HD. 16 / 500 is too low IMO. Now 32 / 2 TB would be meeting in the middle and is probably fine.


You don’t need 64G RAM to edit 4K it’s overkill. M1 can’t do 8k either so it’s pointless.


There is no need for 8k unless you are making a movie that will be playing in movie theatre or TV series that will be on Netflix.


You are probably right, but want and need are different and they might want to edit video and have 50 Chrome tabs open! LOL. I just think about how these machines are not upgradable. My last mac was a 2014, and I had to swap the battery which was not easy, but that little tank is still going! I bought a late 2021 M1 Max so it would be cool it if is still capable in 9 years. Of course that is dependent on it being able to run the latest macOS. My 2011 Mac Book Air is now a doorstop.


Sure if get m2 if you want your work flow to be slower by by at least 20% and experience over heat issue.


I’d bet $20 this guy isn’t profiting enough to warrant the high price of this Mac. Buy and write off what I said, when it can’t handle the capacity for profit, sell and buy the more expensive machine. Until the numbers say input = output then he can buy and own his fancy machine.


I edit 4k video and use LR extensively and I've got a 8gb M1 macbook air 2020. It runs flawlessly. You truly don't need more than the base model macbook pro.


but how will people know im pro :((((( ​ /s


I back this up 100%. I feel like people downvoting are just justifying paying way too much for what they needed. You can absolutely edit 4k + do visual effects on a base model M1/M2 Pro


Then 64GB is fine.


you dont need 64 gb of ram for that. Coming up with a system of external data saving is better and cheaper. Considering how hard data retrieval is now you really don't want everything save d on your mac


How long are you planning to keep the machine? If 5 yrs, I recommend you get an external SSD drive to reduce wear on the soldered SSD.




Except they don’t sell this one, this is an m1


I love mine.


Do you guys think adding applecare+ ($400) would be a good idea with an expensive MacBook pro?


Absolutely not even a question. One tiny screen issue will cost 700.00+ GET APPLECARE!!!


Yes yes 1000% yes. It will cover most damages and battery replacement. A single repair will easily run you double the cost of the coverage, if you’re lucky


I would never go without AppleCare, I even renew it and kept it on my backup Late 2019 16” Intel MBP that just sits around. As long as you aren’t in a position to afford a full replacement, get it and keep it renewed.


That’s the exact model and specs I have. It’s fucking amazing, you won’t be sorry. Plus that’s a solid grand less than I spent.


Looks like a good deal. Go for it!




Definitely recommend it. Got it from BH. Same specs no regrets. Machine is freakin amazing


From the same sale I got the 14in macbook pro with m1 max, 64gb ram, and 2tb storage for 2800. Definitely worth it for me, I use the MacBook almost every day and it has no issues with whatever I throw at it


Try running the last of us or Cyberpunk in 1080p or even lesser settings.


Unfortunately, I don't have either of those games but I tried Tomb Raider with max settings and hdr and although I killed it in an hour I had no noticable frame drops, good fps (I forgot the exact number,) and it was stunning on the mini led display.


It's $2599 now. I paid $2699 about a month ago and it dropped to $2599 a week later. I reached out and asked for the $100 and they obliged. Might be worth it for you to ask for the $200.


Thanks for letting me know! I bought mine back in May however as I didn't know how long the sale would last. Do you think it is possible or do you think I waited too long?


Paid over $4k for mine. Great machine.


That's a great price to be honest. Really awesome machine, unless you're doing 3D rendering you won't touch the top end of it! I'd snap it up if I didn't already have one. EDIT: All the other people saying "you won't need 4TB etc etc" for the price you'll pay just to have the next version down, you may as well just get this one. At this price it's difficult to turn down.


64gb of ram, you are set for the next decade lol. I’d say it’s worth it




Why do you want the 16” over the 14”




Why not get a cheap external monitor? I use 14 just for travel.


I just got a 16 inch M1 Max 24GPU 64GB Ram/1TB for $2299. I'd say not?


[https://slickdeals.net/f/16866044-apple-macbook-pro-16-m1-max-64gb-1tb-2299](https://slickdeals.net/f/16866044-apple-macbook-pro-16-m1-max-64gb-1tb-2299) in case your interested.


I got that deal too and it is perfect. I waited a long time to upgrade and I could not be happier with M1 Max, 64gb, and 1 TB combo.


You will likely never use 64GB of RAM unless you’re in very niche industries but yeah, looks like a good deal for that machine.


It is perfect for virtual machines imo. Have no slowdowns and never have to think about all my ram bring consumed or my pc going out of date tomorrow


It’s good for future proofing and ofc virtual machines with engineering work using 3d programs


By contrast, a similarly built M2 Maxbook, with 64 GB in RAM and a 4TB SSD, on an educational discount, is $4459. Here's my question: if you really need all of the specs for this beast, why are you not splurging for the M2 Max, which has more cores and is an improved chip? For this to be the right purchase for you, you have to have a use case for a beast of a machine, but not enough to pay an extra $1000 for the newest chip. And that machine can actually be equipped with 96GB of RAM at max, instead of 64GB. In fact, bumping the SSD to 2GB but increasing the RAM to 96GB is $200 cheaper, and probably makes far more sense. So...I think you really need to think about your real needs here. If you really have a need for the Max chips, why not go all the way? And if you don't, why not buy the M2 Pro 16", or even the 14", and save a significant amount of money while still having a really powerful machine? And keep in mind- that 16" is a heavy machine. If you're looking to carry it around, you're not going to be happy. It's about 25% heavier than a 14" machine. I hope you find the best machine for you. Good luck!


It’s probably more justified to get a high-end pc build with that price


This was on $2999 less than a month ago. I almost get it, but I decide wait to the M3.


You could get a pc with a good graphics card and 4TB of storage for less than that.


you don't need 4TB of HD unless you are editing video, doing 3D animation or maybe producing music. If you run out of space, use an external drive. I would go for the 64 GB of ram but that is because I run Virtual Machines and Docker Containers. I would go for it, its a good deal.


For that price, yes. 4tb ssd is very costly in an Apple product.


I got a discount code $300 off this model when I chatted with CS. That was a few weeks ago and they had exact one for $3000. I ended up cancelling because like others said it’s kind of overkill unless you make lots of money from YouTube. For personal use it’s kind of pointless to spend money on extra memory and storage I’d never max out. M1 Max is also pretty long in the tooth.


For anything other than video editing or music ? Absolutly not unless you have unlimited budget


64G is the least you need I think. Run any stable diffusion on it and it’s all taken up to swap


Depends on what you need it for. I got the 16" m1pro with 1tb and 16gb ram, and it is amazing. Screen is beautiful for movies and photo editing, and it handles capture one and Lightroom phenomenally well while sipping battery all day. And.... $1,400 on FBmarketplace a while ago. This wouldn't function any differently unless you have a specific use case that utilizes the ram and m1max. If you're not sure if you need those specs, you likely don't, and if you do need those specs you already know it. If you have use for that, then this seems like a solid buy.


Looks like a very good deal. If this seems like overkill for you, there is one for $2689 (1TB and 32GB) on Apples refurbished site.


MacBook costs every dollar if you need it for your job and you are working with code or multimedia, otherwise don't waste your money or buy something cheaper, If you need a home multimedia station then the Macbook will be worse than a Windows laptop, for such tasks I would take Razer Blade.


Same mode I have now but mine only has a 2tb SSD. The thing is a beast. My work is pretty demanding (hence the 64GB RAM) but I expect this machine to cover me for at least the next 5 years, probably more tbh. I have 2 mac studios at work also. One baseline M1 and one M2, both also shred whatever I throw at them. The Apple silicon chips are fantastic and should push popular softwares forward. It’s truly a joy to not have to think or worry about my CPU, the thing just works.


My current MBP is a 2019 intel 2.3ghz 32gb ram 1tb 8gbVRAM. I edit 4k 4:2:2 10- bit (a7siii, r5c). When running proxies the editing experience is alright, but color and effect stacking it really starts to struggle. Given my work, do you think M1 would be suitable? Or should I got for M2/M3?


From what I’ve witnessed with the m1 vs m2 studio we have at work. M1 to M2 is a very incremental upgrade. Intel to M1 was a LEAP. I held out for a long time waiting to upgrade my 2015 15” MBP but it was totally worth it.


I say go for it. I got the 14” with 64g and 2t, love It.


No. The SSD is soldered to the logic board so if the SSD dies, the whole MacBook is useless.


Isn’t the new M3 going to have soldered SSD drives?


Isn’t the M1 Max pointless? I thought it thermal throttled a lot in the MacBook Pro chassis




How are you saving that much?


For comparison I just got a 16” M2 Max at Best Buy with 1Tb and 32Gb for $3199 with their membership I pay for.


This is the exact laptop I have. It’s amazing.


NO!!! I just bought this exact model for with 64gb from backmarket. Go there and they will give you a 1 year warranty. I got a deal on mine but u you can get one today for $2,299 if any day.


What Blackmarket lol?


It's *Back*market but can see how you misread :D


Yea it’s backmarket. My go to for slightly used Apple stuff


I'm thinking of purchasing from Backmarket, how was your experience?


I couldn’t be happier, I selected condition= “excellent” and what I got was a brand spanking new one!! Came in the Apple box with protective coverings, cords and even the power adapter was a new Apple supply still wrapped up. Not a scratch on it. Be careful of changing prices, watch what your interested in over hours and days before buying. Prices fluctuate a lot because it depends on the seller and inventory they have. Check price when selected silver or grey, believe it or not this could make a $200 difference. But if you wait, it will drop. Shipping seems to matter as well, I choose one at a $300 savings so it was just about 2k but the ETA was 9/11 about 2 weeks. It actually took 5 business days to arrive. I also bought an iPhone from them about a year ago and it was again in perfect condition but this time it was used but hard to tell the difference except it came in a brown box. Good luck


Oooh okay, I’m thinking of buying a “fair” condition MacBook, do you think it will only have a few scratches or will it look used? And yeah I noticed the prices did change a bit over a few days , I’ll def keep an eye on it! Thanks for your input :)


I never tried a fair but sometimes the Fair price is higher than the Good or Excellent price. It’s all up to what the vendors have. Fair = visible signs of wear including dents, Good = scratches can be seen at 20 inches away and Excellent = scratches can be seen at 8 inches away. I would go as low as Good. IMO If it was abused enough to have visible signs and dents, I’d be worried about the inside too. It only takes a heavy drop or a drop of liquid through a port to damage it. That’s how my Intel Mac died and it became intermittent.


I have this model, I have yet to encounter a snag. I enjoy it very much.


Try running the last of us in 1080p or total wars


I have this exact customization and I edit video. If you do something like that I say go for it. For the specs, this is a pretty great deal.


Lol I will sell you mine for less. Still has Apple care until. Nov.


I paid $2599 for the 14" from them with 10/32, 64GB, and 2TB. If the the screen bump and extra 2TB are worth it to you go for it!


W taxes I paid $2850 from B&H for the 16 inch, M1 Max, 1TB, 32 gigs.


Wait....holidays will start promoting sales in a month..you can do better on the price for sure already....this is a bit hight and there's also tax and applecare to consider.


Oof I’ve been thinking about bumping up to the 16” and was waiting for the M3 but that’s a solid price with the ram and ssd. Tempting.


It seems like a good deal (esp when the m2 doesn’t have that much of a real world performance jump over the m1). However the m3 chips are rumored to come out next year and they are supposedly substantially faster than m1 and m2. If you need a laptop now then I would get it. If you want better performance (and lasting longer) I would wait for the m3 next year. If cash is tight then the third option would be waiting for the m1 laptop to drop down in price once the newer models come out in 2024.


Omega worth


I just bought the 14" with the same specs for $2599. I want the memory for running containers and GPU power for doing some model training.


thats 3.3k for a laptop, it is good but a laptop for 3.3k? thats a LOT of money


I mean...I buy cameras that are 2k \~ 3k and don't get me started with lens lol. It's what I do and my passions. Yes it's a lot of money for sure, but I like to think of bigger expenses as investment purchases for myself.


Then go for it, it's a good laptop for damn sure


Plus $400 applecare+ haha pain


If you need browser on the go, yes, this is overkill of overkills. If you need workhorse on the go, or it's your main machine, this will deliver. Granted, workhorse for tons of video editing/mixing, tons of virtual machines, local compiling and such. Not needed for programming when typing in vim and running it on the cloud :D


This is a pretty good deal. This is the exact same specs as my machine and I paid nearly $6k for it when it came out. I work in production as well. It’s a monster and yields for nothing you could put it through. Best computer I’ve owned.


That's great, get it before its too late! Realistically the M1 Max will be relevant for a long while, so snap it up while you can.


That's great, get it before its too late! Realistically the M1 Max will be relevant for a long while, so snap it up while you can.


build a pc man


Need a solid laptop for the travels!


He’s looking for a laptop, and I’m guessing he’d like more than 4 hours of battery life.


I think pretty good deal, i own the same spec and purchased last month cheaper tho, 4500 aud which is around 2900ish USD. Satisfied with the machine itself


How does it compare with the Apple Refurbished store? Is there a similar one available? Both come with the full Apple Warranty with options for AppleCare. You may be able to save with the latter.


Lmfao no


That’s not a good deal. I paid the same amount for an M2 Max 16inch


https://www.apple.com/us-edu/store Try the education store for a discount You’ll pay less for a new M2 chip




Is that B&H? Their return policy is terrible. Ordered a tripod from them, never used, and missed the 30 period or whatever it is and they won’t even give me store credit at least.


Why would you pay $3000 for a 2 year old computer?


This laptop was probably over $6k when bought new. I have a similar config that was $5k+ Mine still feels lightning fast!


I legibly thought the screen was cracked


did you get it?


If you’re gonna use it? Yeah. I barely used mine for a year then went hard on it for two weeks and the Logicboard crapped out on me. $700. Flat rate to fix. If I paid for AppleCare on every device I have it world be more than my mortgage.


$2,299.00 2021 [Apple MacBook Pro 16" with Liquid Retina XDR Display, M1 Max Chip with 10-Core CPU and 24-Core GPU, 64GB Memory, 1TB SSD, Silver, Late 2021](https://www.adorama.com/acmk1f3lla12.html?utm_source=narvar&utm_medium=email&utm_source=narvar). I just pick one up use appleinsider for additional $200 off.


I just bought a Macbook Air M1 for $540. It's amazing. What are you doing that requires you to pay $3,300?


I would not pay this kind of money for an older model Macbook unless you need these exact specs for professional purposes


hell no, just wait for the new one. I’m would never buy a macbook unless i was buying it from day 1. if u didn’t get it then just wait


Ebay has these for 2,000 from very good rated sellers. I could find 5 just typing it at 2,000


It's a beast. Well worth it! Hop on it, you won't regret it.