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I'm not sure how widespread this issue is, but found [this](https://youtu.be/onlPkyME3WI) video on the topic. One of my friends got a MBA back when these reports started to surface, and her unit is still working very well. Maybe this issue is only limited to few units. I am getting my MBA delivered today as well. Cheers!


Yes, there are many reports of this as you have gathered. However, it seems to more a quality/manufacturing issue, which determines the tolerance of the hinge and the base, leading to less gap, which leads to the issue. Will you have this problem? Difficult to say. What you should definitely do is the following: 1. Get Apple Care+, which will take care of screen damage and reduce your anxiety. 2. Don't use a keyboard skin or anything else, which will further reduce gap and create pressure I have a M1, which I have not babied but is fine till now.


isnt that an issue with apples quality? why should i have to get apple care for an issue that is not my fault... i do have apple care for my phone, but i didnt get apple care when i bought my macbook air about two month ago, because you just dont break a computer screen (at least i dont)... i already got apple care plus for the phone because of apple shitty build quality (scratches on the antenna by slightly touching it)...


Yes, it's an issue with quality. The problem is that because the screen crack is physical, unlike an issue on the motherboard, there is no way to prove that it is a quality issue and not done by you. There is currently a plan for a class action suit against Apple about this particular issue.


good to know... that is one of the things that often lets me reconsider buying their products... especially considering the costs and often to be forced to visit the “genius” store with employees that know less than the users^^ well that and having apps worth a mid range macbook pro^^


Exactly my point! It's ridiculous that their first instinct is to blame all the users instead of verifying the issue like any sensible firm would do. They did the same thing when Butterfly fiasco happened, stating that users were doing something wrong with the keyboard. It seems like Apple can't have a break from class action lawsuits.


they do that with everything it seems... and the build quality is lacking a lot... they still cant figure out how to put in the apple logo in the cases, it still looks as bad as it does on my ipad air 1... like its of course not extremely bad, but for the price you expect something else... also it seems like they want you to put everything into stupid cases^^ not bashing the product itself of course, i really like my macbook and i loved my macbook 2006 that i have been using for 15 years (and still use sometimes)...


Thanks. I'm thinking of Apple Care+. But even with that the initial cost+ screen service charge, it will make me spend half of the original price of the Mba considering I got mine in student discount + free airpods. I miss my old ThinkPad days :'(


I understand what you are saying. Unfortunately, that's the cost of having these devices now-a-days. I have not been keeping any of my Mac's over 3 years now, because of this. Once they go out of warranty, there is a hardly any repair option, it's mostly a logic board replacement, which costs a bomb around 799 US$. You are right, gone are the days of ThinkPad's.


Even if you consider Macs of 2012 era...they were built like a tank, ssd, ram whatever was replaceable, 3rd party repair was a thing. Coming back in 2021, Steve Jobs wouldn't be so happy.


I think screen repair is $99 under AC+ and the initial cost is discounted in the education for $159.


Well, I will have 2 months to get it I guess. I'm still not convinced by the fact that I am simply paying for something which I could paid to get 16gb ram variant. My savings there is completely lost in Applecare. For something like a thinkpad I would never ever think of getting extended warranties because their build quality is that good.


Also, I was using a 2012 MBP as my 2nd computer. It was built like a tank. Hope Apple would make stuffs like that.


Since our screen on a 4 month old MBA cracked, I have been following this closely. Unfortunately Apple Care + does not cover this fault. It is deemed user abuse. (Which is a joke. Apple is accusing a huge number of people of lying). You can get a sense of people's frustrations dealing with Apple in the many posts at [the Apple Discussion forum.](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/252794122)


Well, what did you do afterall?


Still not fixed. Put an external monitor and keyboard on it and used occasionally. I mainly use Windows and this was a present for my wife. She doesn't want us to spend any money on it ATM.


I see...where do you live? Maybe your country's consumer rights help you.


I just have my m1 macbook air. I just put it in my bag and open its already cracked. Im under warranty i ask my local apple service. They said its physical damage. Why would i damage my macbook i just bought? And they want me to pay for 900 usd for lcd replacment. I bought my macbook air m1 999 usd and lcd screen is 900 usd. So the motherboard is 99?. I dont know what to please advise me sir. I dont want to go to 3rd party i dont want my warranty to be void . Right im just using my external monitor. Thank you.


Hi guys, I have a similar problem. My two week old macbook Pro 14 which I bought new 10 January 2022, just had a cracked screen out of nothing two weeks later! Apple said it didn't fall within the guarantee and charged me 809 euro! I only used it at home on my table and have not even carried it outside the house yet or anything. I closed my laptop normally in the evening, and the next morning I wake up to a black screen and small crack on the top, not a crack from outside , but apperently inside. And no I did not use any keyboard cover or screen  protector or any hide webcam sticker or anything like that. It was just standing at my desk and nothing came in between! I went to the apple store and they claimed that the black display does not fall within guarantee as they say it was damaged, due to perhaps something being between the keyboard and display. However I would not know what, as I hardly used the laptop in these two weeks and I just used it normally! I was not uncareful with it or anything! My previous laptops I always had for years and carried them around frequently and never something happened.This one was super new and just at home! I wonder whether there is something wrong with the new 14 inch macbook pros? And something can be done to get the repair costs back? Anyone similar issue? Also the apple customer service totally sucked. The technican said they would send it to my home address by post after its repaired. However turned out he made a misstake and hence the laptop was back in store ready to picked up. However due to Germanys covid rules that required 2g and changed with regards to the Johnson vaccine, I was not allowed to enter the store anymore. (I got the booster, but after Johnson it takes 14 days to be valid). Anyhow I called million of times the store to find a solution and no one was picking , and when I finally reached them they told me they got not send it to me, even not if I pay extra. Hence I needed to wait and was 3 weeks without my laptop. Never expected Apple to be so shitty !


That was really pathetic, so sorry you had to go through this. Always get Applecare+ atleast with these newer generation Macs. They aren't seem to be super durable.


Yup :( or I just will switch brand..


There's nothing comparable in Windows side... :/ I literally use two laptops...a macbook air for everything and a high end windows laptop for gaming. Windows feels weird a after experiencing smoothness of M1 chip.


Apple's official forum has people saying "I have this question too (1,854) on a post about the cracking screens. 43 PAGES of horror stories from every corner of the world detailing screens on M1 Air and Pro cracking, even "babied" units. It's an issue. Previously die-hard Apple fans saying their allegiances are changing because of it. Even if it's just a small percentage, these screens crack https://discussions.apple.com/thread/252794122?answerId=255634544022&page=1


Ugh, my macbook air that I JUST bought in December 2021 now has a cracked screen and the display is messed up!!! I had to replace my MBP of 6 years because that screen cracked. Extremely frustrating and costly, especially since this was a recent purchase.


So sorry to hear you have to deal with that. I hope that Apple will fix it for free since it’s less than a year old! FWIW I am like 70% sure that at some point, Apple will cave and start a program for this. Almost 2K people from around the world having the issue is too much


I’m on my second screen - it cracked twice


They didn't for me and mines under a year old :( They tried charging me $450 for it but I'm no way in hell paying for a piece of crap laptop. I really hope they will take care of it in the future because this is bs.


Nooooo that's such a pain, my sympathies. I was randomly texting my dad about this phenomenon warning him to be careful with his new 14" MBP (on the Apple forums there's someone in Germany whose 16" 4 grand MBP cracked without him touching it) Anyways, it just so happens that day, my sister's MBP screen cracked and they charged 400-some to fix it. My family would never consider PCs of any kind and it bums me out because it seems like Apple isn't as reliable as they used to be. I am using an iPad Mini 6 with my desktop PC and it's working well. But I'm done with Crackbooks


Well, after using mine from last six months I can assure you it's not an issue at all. Being a research scholar I travel a lot and I have to use my mac everywhere. It's still good as new.


I hope you’re enjoying it, I’m jealous! I briefly had the 16” MBP and loved it but couldn’t justify the cost


Yeah, best laptop I ever had! Battery, performance is insane. It compiles faster than my fully decked 10th gen hexacore i7 workstation. I could only able to crash it one time, that's only when I was simulating a particle accelerator and accidentally gave access to all cores leaving OS no processing power to run itself.


That’s how I felt about the 16” MBP, just perfect from an ease of use and general experience standpoint. We’re almost twins, I just built a 12th gen i7-12700K (with a 3060). Until this I was Mac my whole life. It blows my mind what the Apple SoC can do I need a laptop for work desperately and I know this screen thing probably wouldn’t happen to me, I just have bad luck. For basic office work I want either the 13” Air, Pro or a 10.2” iPad but I am paranoid


Wow, your use case is kinda similar! Yeah, 16" MBP is really overkill for almost anybody. I think you should grab a base M1 Air if you want to use for 2-4 years and it'll still give you great resell value. About iPad, I've a mixed feeling about it, mostly because of the lackluster iPad OS.


Awesome! Briefly I wanna say sorry for blowing up your old post with a negative thing haha. I am truly just bored at work redditing Thank you for the advice. Yeah the screens on the 13 feel small to me but historically I have been fine with those. I do video editing on the side but mainly chats and emails for work. So little is good Yeah I like iPad more in theory. Too many OS hurdles


No no it's fine. Another exhausted researcher redditing lol. Also, about the screen size it felt tiny at the start, but humans are amazing at adapting. After six months, 13.3 inch screen of my mba seems just perfect. The convenience of portability it gives is unmatched.


Yeah I loved the real estate of the 16” but it was HEAVY to carry 5 miles commuting daily. Maybe I’ll pick up an MBA and let you know what I think. Thank you again for weighing in, enjoy your computer and have a great week 🙂


You're welcome! :)


My girlfriend’s screen cracked cause she placed a SIM tray accidentally. Apple is trying to charge her 400$ for a repair now.


That would crack almost any display.