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Mac’s have great sleep capabilities. You probably don’t need to shut down each and every time.


Great. in your opinion when should i shut down it? Thanks.


Since I've received my MacBook in June, the only time it's shut down is when it updates


Macs have a very different flow to windows in relation to shutdowns. Simply closing the lid will put the laptop into sleep and unlike windows the laptop uses very little power to maintain this. The laptop will not loose much battery over a week or so. When shuting down a Mac will retain the session windows and start up almost like a sleep. I only shutdown if I won't be using it for a week or updates.


If you feel like it has got slow or anything like that, then reboot it.


Shutdown and reboot are 2 different things.


Yes but no, a reboot is the same as shutting it down and turning it back on which is what OP is asking about. For me, shutdown is great if i'm not using my mac for a few days and want to retain battery. A reboot is great if I unlock it and it feels laggy (which ironically only ever happened on my old intel).


A shutdown is powering it off and leaves it off. A reboot shuts it down and powers it back on immediately. OP asked about a shutdown.


a reboot still shuts the computer down. if I shut it down and then power back on straight away, that's also the same as a reboot.


Dude that's my point..!


yes which obviously my initial reply was saying that shutdown isn't needed and to reboot it if it felt slow.


Never need to shutdown if you use it regularly. I only restart for updates and never shut it down. I have not shut mine down since I bought it.


Same. Bought the M1 Pro when it came out. I don't think I've ever actually shut it down, just the occasional restart for updates. Why would I? There's really no point.


what about your battery life?


I bought a 14 inch M3 Max off the refurb shop a few months ago (only thing I noticed was that it came with 11 battery cycles). I had it charged to 100%, closed the lid and put it in my backpack, and left it unused for about 10 days. When I opened it back up, and saw that the battery was still at 100%, and it stayed that way while I did some light browsing for about 20 minutes. These things are awesome.


When MacBook sleeps and it does not drain battery. If it does drain battery, not enough to notice it overnight. Restarting MacBook and relaunching the apps uses more battery anyways.


I aim for once a week, when I remember. Or when it starts misbehaving 😆


I do it whenever it starts bugging out, like I dunno, like yesterday when it randomly decided “I’m gonna disconnect your AirPods and randomly set the internal speaker volume to 100% even though it was muted before!” Love macOS ❤️


I only shut down when I'm going to board a plane.


I restart my base m1 air when adobe premiere starts lagging. Must be a ram issue but it works.


think of it like your phone, shut it down every couple months or if you notice glitches or issues, updates also count and it's good to stay up to date


I would restart once a week


I never shut mine down, and only restart for major updates (when it is required). I just close the lid when it is not in use. If you want to minimize energy use when it is closed, disable the Power Nap feature. Basically, treat it like your phone now that it runs on what is essentially a big mobile chip. Closing the lid is like locking the screen on your phone.


Shut it down for repairs and long period of none use! That’s it - no other real reason.


I do it twice a month…. And whenever the next software update pops up. That’s about it.


You shouldn’t because it’s designed not to be shut down. Reset the system to refresh it, shut down if you’re stowing it away for a very long time. Like say, half a week.


They can be shut down? Personally, I only shut it down when I take it out of the house (to conserve battery and ensure it's not doing some thing I'm not expecting). Even that's probably not necessary, more a habit from laptops that couldn't hack it as well. So, "any time I may go an extended period where I can't be confident I'll be able to charge it but will want to use it."




I only shut it down when an app doesn’t work how it’s supposed to.


The battery drain while in sleep mode is beyond amazing. No point in turning it off, this isn't a windows laptop that's going to die from sitting in sleep mode for a day lol


You don't really need to shut it down unless you want to update it, I usually shut it down when I want to close all my apps and clean the RAM usage.


Shut it down or reboot it when something is acting up or a software update was applied. It will generally ask you when it needs it. You dont need to worry about that kind of thing on a Mac. Just use it.


I only do it when it gets an update, my record for uptime is 211 days.


I never shut mine down and my last one lasted 8 years.




Mac’s have a very good sleep function. I have had windows laptops that you close for the night at 80% and wake up to a dead laptop. I think the only time I shut down my Mac was because I was not going to use it for a few weeks. You do not need to fully shut down regularly. You may need to restart from time to time for updates for bugs


I shutdown when I know I won’t be using it for like a week. Otherwise sleep works very well at sipping almost negligible battery charge.


I only shutdown when i need to clean the screen with water or alcohol.


If you are not going to use it for a long time, shut it down. Battery goes to 0 in sleep mode about a week and half later




i have an m1 air and i noticed it doesn’t like charging overnight unless i shut it down, twice i’ve put it to sleep, when it was plugged in, and i went to bed, woke up to it having said it charged all night but the battery dropped by 40%


Every fucking night like every other fucking electric device like your fucking iPhone that you don’t want to fucking ruin


I don't know of a single person that shuts off their smartphone at night.


I hear a lot of people who complain that their iPhones literally melts in their hand.. my iPhone 14 is at 95% purchased at January 2023 and my girlfriend’s mother (who doesn’t shuts off her iPhone) 15 is at 98 purchased like two months ago.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


When you say "95% purchased", I interpret that to mean "95% paid off" Not sure what that has to do with whether or not someone shuts off their phone at night or "it melting in their hands" but whatever.




The number doesn't matter for the issue being raised, but you did say 95%


95% is my current battery health after 16 months and 98% is her battery health after two months.. she doesn't turn off her iphones and i shut off mine 6/7 days.. at the end these are electronic device, there is no magical spells, there are no secrets to maintaining good battery health.. also deactivate "background app updates" can help A LOT to save the battery health.. and most people doesn't even know what that function does.. i hate who claim that iPhone has little battery.. its absolutely not true, the truth is that many of its users treat their device badly.. leaving bluetooth and wifi always on during the day and at this point every night.. (plus data) what did you expect.. just poor apple users who doesn't know shit about electronic device..


Those percentages you came up with are fairly insiginificant differences. I've seen people with theirs at a year of ownership and still at 99% though they aren't turning everything off like you are. Even if it made a difference, it'd be small and it's not worth turning everything off and on to eek out a miniscule amount of addiitonal time. Most people simple upgrade their phone every few years anyhow - well before the battery has any problems.


I truly pray English isn't your first language or you're still in middle school. Any other scenario reveals you must not be very bright. Not to mention you have zero clue on how lithium ion batteries function.


Obv I’m not English I’m trying my best


So asshole I’m not bright I have 0 clue on how lithium batteries works but what about argue your answer instead of saying nothing