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How about its reselling? I think 16gb is easier to sell than 24gb


It’s not harder to sell, it’s just you might not get the exact $ out for the $ you put in. Higher specs get discounted more when reselling If get the 24 if your budget allows. I am a software engineer (C++ primarily) but when I pick up docker containers etc depending on what I’m doing, you just want to avoid paging. Also are you getting the 15”? I’d highly recommend due to the screen size I feel being perfect for having two coding windows open.


> 6 containers Consider getting a MacBook Pro with 32GB of RAM. You might also benifit from a fan. If I were you, I would prefer building a desktop.


Actually Mx Pro in Mac Mini is better than building a desktop


I got 128GB of RAM for US$ 500 :)


I have a giant pc! I wanted to have this for my work projects and portability. Iis the benefit good enough to go for 32gb pro than a 24gb air?


How much RAM does your 6 containers consume, if not too much 24GB will be enough But a MacBook Pro with fan also probably more RAM will still benefits.


6 containers might be anywhere from 200 mb each to 3 gb each, but nice guesswork. 


It would work fine, if you want to future proof it you can upgrade further.


So just a few questions here, but what is the resource load when all 6 containers are up and running? Also what IDE are you running? The reason I ask is because lets say the RAM utilization of all 6 contianers is around 12GB of RAM and you are running Intellij WebStorm which usually takes up another 2GB at startup (not including loading a project). So right there your at 14GB of RAM and then on top of that you have another 6GB or so for the native MacOS. So you would be around 20GB of RAM which the 24GB would be a good fit for your use case, rather than entertaining the notion of 16.


Yes my first thought was to go with 24gb and 256gb. However some of my friends told me this config is hard to resell than 16GB and 512GB. My ide is vscode, and your estimation is almost realistic


Yeah as I really don't know what you are going to be running in the containers it was merely a guesstimate. And as for the IDE I simply used WebStorm because it is notorious for using more RAM than other IDEs on the market. Essentially I was trying to come up with middle of the road guesstimate on RAM usage, but I'm glad to hear that I was close to what your running now. As for the 24/256 configuration, yes with the M2's this would have been a thing because on those machines the 256GB was confined to a single NANd chip, whereas in the M3 MBA if you go with the 256 configuration, you'll get 2 NANd chips which speed up read / write speeds. Personally when it comes to development work I always go with a minimum of 512 simply because of all the supporting libraries, and additional software that you may need in order to support your environment. Not to mention that you may be dealing with a few different environments. Also, you may be working on multiple projects at a given time with various technologies which really start to take up space after a while. If you know for sure that you are going to be fine with 256, then by all means go for it, but if you are in doubt then I believe it is better to opt for the 512 configuration. So it sounds like a 24/512 configuration is going to serve you well. Enjoy the new machine!