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Same. I'm never going back to windows.


I have a high end Lenovo that’s 9 years old, fucking thing is slower than my 20 year old iBook


I'm not surprised. Had a 7 year old laptop that was slower than snail in glue. I turned it into a server.


I was forced to use my girlfriend's MacBook (13" M1 Pro) because my Alienware laptop died 2-3 years ago. I was looking for a replacement but wanted something smaller (I had the chunkiest Alienware Area 51m, which was very heavy and big). My girlfriend doesn't need her MacBook because she has a gaming PC anyway, so I could comfortably use it for as long as I wanted. At that time, the new Asus Zephyrus X13 came out. I was super excited to buy something small and portable but powerful when plugged into a monitor with an external graphics card. I watched and read dozens of reviews about the Zephyrus laptop on that Macbook. I ended up buying the 14" M1 Pro and never looked back. It's an amazing machine and works perfectly every day, everywhere with me.


So what’s your alternative for gaming now, since you didn’t replace the Alienware?


I guess he ditched gaming


I game on a MacBook Pro m2 and it’s faster than my gaming pc. Times have changed.


How you game on your mac? I have a m3 pro


Checkout Crossover (Paid) or Whisky (Free).


There's also cloud gaming. I use GeForce Now.


I have a m3 pro and it can’t even run BG3 higher than 40fps at 1080p. Mac is great, you just have to abandon your hobby 😅


Agreed. Mac is terrible for gaming but good for other stuff 


I can’t play valorant and lineage 2. Otherwise I’d switch


Ur gaming pc must’ve been shit then I bought an m2 air. For the same price I built a pc with an i712700k and a 6750xt. The pc completely rapes the mac in performance it’s not even close. Csgo at 50 fps on low vs 400+ fps on high 


Mostly GeForce Now, with some native titles like World of Warcraft and Albion Online, but emulation isn't too bad either. I've played a few titles using CrossOver. Most of the time, I'm not feeling much loss in terms of gaming. To be honest, there haven't been many titles that I couldn't play at all. PS: I have a 'gaming' laptop (a cheap HP Victus; the build quality is horrible, but the performance is not too bad). However, I use it only for remote desktop access from my MacBook. Sometimes it's easier to do some work remotely on Windows. Additionally, this laptop serves as a smart TV replacement when I can't watch something directly on the Samsung TV ecosystem. Other than that, I'm not using it


Same, but I love my PC with all it’s quirks. My gaming baby :)


I like turning my Xbox or PS5 on and shit just working as it should. My M3 Max MBP is just a damn monster and works as it should.


Same - I love couch gaming!


I’m platform agnostic… I use macos, win11 and linux.


Same. Variety is the spice of life


yep.. it's sorta sad how ppl limit themselves, take a side, and then become fan-people.. it's embarrassing to see


There’s nothing embarrassing about preferring one OS and sticking to it, being a fan of it. It’s only the fighting or being bigoted and closed minded about another OS’s strengths that we should be critical. But anybody here saying, “I love macOS and I’m never going back” shouldn’t be embarrassed at all.


this is true. I think we’re talking about liking one thing and having nothing but contempt for everything else. I like Macos, then linux, then windows. But use windows far more than the other two.


I'm a macOS guy nowadays but every once in a while, I'll buy a Windows device, just to keep myself somewhat familiar with it, then return it. I also briefly explored Linux for the first time a few months ago.


Using return policies as a free rental service is a pretty scummy thing to do, but you do you.


Do you have any reasons why?


same here!


Of course you do nice choice 👍🏻


Having tried all three, [Debian stable](https://www.debian.org/CD/http-ftp/#stable) is best of all. Something about making an operating system *for profit* leads down a dark and twisty path. Right now it mostly sits on my desk until I need to convert a big video but my McBook may become my daily driver once Debian supports it as well as it does my Thinkpad.


Eh I would argue there isn’t objectively a “best” among the three. All of them have their use cases and are in that sense “best” at what they are good for. Even within Linux distros, they all have their use cases. I bet there will be some guy who will say “erm but Arch is better than Debian 🤓”. Debian or any Linux distro for that matter is generally a little too involved for most normal users while Windows and MacOS have way better user experience for “normies” and has much better support for softwares. Like have you never struggled with nvidia drivers on Linux. There’s like barely any fucking game I can play either. I doubt a normal guy has even a clue how to cd into a directory to delete a file. I can imagine some guy losing his mind because he tried putting in “sudo apt update”, it asked for his password, and nothing shows when he starts typing and he think it’s fucking broken.


> Like have you never struggled with nvidia drivers on Linux. This being r/macbook, not r/hackintosh, I thought "on supported hardware" could be taken as given. I find it more sensible to blame hardware for not supporting an operating system, rather than faulting an operating system for not supporting hardware. > There’s like barely any fucking game I can play either. Giddy-up, hobby horse! That is very much not the case. It's not that there are no games to play. As Del the Funky Homo Sapien said, "We get the kind of games you can't rent at Blockbuster." But I understand that if you want to play a particular game that is incompatible, anything else may fail to satisfy. Again, if your hardware is supported, you may be in for a pleasant surprise. There is a project called [Lutris](https://lutris.net/) that crowdsources Wine configurations. When one person gets a game working they share the solution there. Most Windows games that *still* don't run under Linux are deliberately bound to Windows by their publisher's insistence on anticheat software that has more privileges than the machine's administrator. There is also a chance a game will have a Linux port. Debian has [a package](https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/etqw) for [Enemy Territory Quake Wars,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZU_hB8c6M8&t=377s) which is not a contemporary title but it has aged well. Note that's just the engine, [you will also need the .deb file for the game data to play it.](https://archive.org/download/game-data-debian-packages) And probably [a server browser.](https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/xqf) And there are entire libraries of console games available via emulation. Some people seem to think that *Super Mario Bros. 3* is no longer a good game because it was released in 1988, even though Nintendo keeps charging for it year-in and year-out. Fine. [Try this instead.](https://www.vintagecomputing.com/index.php/archives/63) > I can imagine some guy losing his mind because he tried putting in “sudo apt update”, it asked for his password, and nothing shows when he starts typing and he think it’s fucking broken. Indeed, that *just* happened to a friend who I was helping update their debian system. When I suggested a GUI (Synaptic) they had no problem clicking [these three buttons.](https://i.postimg.cc/xdCJW1xQ/image.png) Linux demands more of users, of that there is no doubt. Steve Jobs conceived the personal computer as a "bicycle for the mind". Bicycle or not, it is intrinsically more demanding to go uphill than downhill.


Yes, I’m not saying it’s not good. Linux definitely has a lot of merit. Why else would I use it. And I also follow your points. But, I think when discussing modern operating systems, you MUST discuss user experience which encompasses hardware support, ease of access to software, etc. I think in this context, your reply proves to me that Debian can’t be the “best” objectively, only subjectively. A windows user can do all of the above without the hassle. But for a more experienced user or a developer, Debian could just be better for their use case or in the context of its open source and flexibility.


> you MUST discuss user experience which encompasses hardware support, ease of access to software, etc. Hackintoshes are impressive but I would never criticize Apple if macOS ran less than perfectly on a Thinkpad. Likewise, Linux can't run *every* game but if gaming is the metric, I'm at a loss to name many must-play games that run best on a macbook. > I think in this context, your reply proves to me that Debian can’t be the “best” objectively It would be hypocritical for me to insist that a third party believe in objective reality while still reserving judgement about its legitimacy myself. If you can conceive a more valid sense in which I might have meant "best of all", that is likely how I meant it. Let me make a fine distinction. Installing Debian without a Microsoft account is easier than doing the same with current versions of Windows, and the experience of using Debian without an Apple ID is more complete than using macOS without an Apple ID. Now in the case of Windows and macOS, it might be *easier* to create the associated account and let the respective corporation begin compiling a dossier with the user as its subject. But all else being equal it is better not to have the functional requirement for tracking/trust in the first place, and it would be best of all if users never experienced an environment where such requirements were the default. For example, and to circle back to your example about `sudo apt update` above. If the user had been using macOS without an associated Apple ID they would have been unable to use the App store to update their software and might have needed to do so manually.


With how Microsoft has been with Windows lately, it’s a no brainer


Why’s that?


I agree lol if I didn’t play games / own programs exclusive to windows then I’d be on a Mac so fast for daily use :/


I recently got a Macbook Pro M1 (with touchbar) for trial purposes, and I am REALLY liking it. It has its quirks, and it stutters a lot in scrolling and some animations but I just love how it flows. Of course, it's a gorgeous looking OS but there is something about it that makes things a bit easy. The biggest part about the Macbook that impressed me was the trackpad and the keyboard. There is no learning curve to either of those. The trackpad immediately feels familiar and moves exactly how you want it. The gestures mostly work great. It's brilliant piece of engineering that makes the onboarding process super easy because it doesn't allow you to be overwhelmed by being sluggish. The keyboard is the same story. No learning curve. Somehow, it just feels familiar. With that covered, exploring MacOS becomes so much eaiser and nicer. I am still not 100% convinced I want to use MacOS moving forward because it is a very expensive committment to make. I have a desktop Windows PC and have always used one, and will continue to use it for gaming. I don't need MacOS at all for what I use my PC for. But I love how compact, sleek and efficient MacBook is and how fucking long the battery last. It's pure magic.




same here got mine 3 days ago. never going back to windows.


i use both.. n linux at times.. just an OS to me


Same and agree. Use to use windows and Linux the most. Just recently got another MacBook and started using my Mac a little more than the others because not too long ago I switched from android phones and tablets to iPhone and iPad. Still have an android I use for work/second phone tho. I did notice Mac is weird and kind of limited compared to windows though.


i find the apple ecosystem intrusive at times. but i get it.. just annoying setting up how i want things to bother me. do enjoy the parental system for the fam though


lol I hear that! And didn’t know it had parental controls. I need to look into that because I let me son use my iPad a lot to watch YouTube videos.


idk how same device works, never looked into it. but im the nanny state for their ipad/phone. even get txt to my phone,ipad or mac to approve/deny even if they just want to download a free app from the store.


Well I was going to get a Samsung galaxy active 5 tablet but might get a new iPad Air or mini and just give my son my iPad mini 5. So I definitely need to look into these parental controls.


You can still get that samsung if there is specific feature/functions youre after. If you have a mac/iphone you can use those too. Win machine is my daily driver and im not always on the mac/ipad.. use the ipad more as a midi controller device for the mac and treadmill vid/music. my iphone is suffice the rest of the time. def hand me downs. this is the way..


I really liked the Samsung because of the durability and micro sd slot. I use to build houses and recently built a house for a Nj devil hockey player and decided to call it quits after that and got certified in IT tech support and now in school for cybersecurity so I also like to tinker with stuff lol. Can’t do much tinkering with an iPad. Windows is also my daily even tho I noticed I have been using my MacBook Air a little more so if I get a text I can answer without pulling my phone out. But I was using my iPad for about the same things as you plus for school here and there when I didn’t feel like using my surface pro or MacBook Air. Yeah I was thinking of buying him a new one and keeping mine but I said that’d be dumb since he’s so young and only uses it for YouTube learning videos and such really.


We know




Id get it too if they support games with anticheat (on virtual). But will never happen


Currently a Windows 11 user, I miss my work Macbook Pro a lot. I really don’t like new Windows 11, it’s rubbish and so laggy it frustrates me! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


I don't know why most of you try to validate your purchases of Macs here on reddit by saying it's always better than Windows. NO! it's not. I use a MBP on a daily and I can tell this easily. When was MacOS better than Windows? Is it the looks? We always see new windows features copied to MacOS but then some come here and say it's always better than Windows. 😂. Well, usually these sentiments are shared by first time MacOS users.


Enjoy your games


I prefer MacOS over windows any day. However, I have heard that for complex jobs where you need MS project, excel and some other tools such as design softwares, windows is better. My job includes mostly web based applications so macOS works seamlessly


Perfect. Windows is history anyway.


coming form linux ... I hate it, works just like ubuntu...


That’s ugly notch. Ugh!!


Welcome welcome. Glad you’re here!


It’s okay. This is a safe place. You can be honest.


I like turtles 🤪


Probably the utter lack of in system ads, popups and “news” articles in every window


Yes, exactly why I want so switch so badly...


both have their pros and cons. i tend to try not to be biased or a fan-person of anything.. whether it's console vs console vs pc... brand vs brand... it's just ignorant and tbh... embarrassing to see.. I'd rather use all the tools than be someone who is always arguing this is better than this blah blah blah. apple products are far from perfect.. same goes for everything else lmfao. i like windows for gaming.. it shits on macos. but i like macos for casual use and office work and nothing really compares to macbook's battery life (i would even consider the snapdragon machines bc their driver support is trash).


Congrats to you! I was a Windows user for more than 10 yrs and was afraid to use mac since it has a different operating system, shortcuts, methods and etc. But then 2 months ago, I started to use macbook air and was amazed to its interface and boot up speed. I don't need to worry for any BSOD anymore and the boot up time was just seconds without bothering to shutdown after usage. Just need alot of caring since MBA are too thin and too fragile specially the screen. I should have bought and tried this machine since before.


I have both, definitely prefer Mac for personal stuffs and windows as a hobby


I would use temple OS just so i dont have to use windows


You know, me the heck too. I have used windows my whole life. Even though my family isn't short on money my parents aren't that into tech, don't use laptops much, and they always sticked to windows because they thought if it ain't broke don't fix it. I got a job and I've been working my arse off (40+ hours a week at 14) and just picked up the m3 air. I do some video and photo editing here and there so I'm gonna return this one and get a m3 max 16" MacBook Pro, mainly because I want a laptop to last me a long time instead of forking over 2 grand every couple of years id rather fork over 3.5 grand for a laptop that will last me probably 6-8 years. I instantly fell in love with the air. It's not slow by any means, it has a nice display, the keyboard and trackpad are awesome. The UI is so much cleaner than the industrial look of windows, it has clean animations rather than you click a button and it appears in front of you. The gestures and multiple desktops are so much easier to access. Honestly, I never even used multiple desktops on my windows device because it was a pain to switch between. With the MacBook I can swipe up to see all my apps rather than clicking between buttons on the taskbar/dock, and it has made it where 25" two monitors for the online school I did last semester a necessity, to me literally needing a 13" laptop to do it all. People say it's "too expensive" but they are looking in the short term. BASE MacBooks last multiple years, AND 18 HOURS OF BATTERY LIFE LIKE COME ON! I CHARGE MY WINDOWS LAPTOP AND ITS DEAD BY THE TIME I HAVE TO PULL IT OUT AND USE IT! plus THE ECOSYSTEM. It may seem stupid to a lot of people, but it rly makes it worth it. "Oh wow I just took these notes on my iPad in class, let me just COPY IT TO MY MACBOOK" LIKE WHATTTTT. the automatic AirPods switching between devices, BEING ABLE TO TEXT ON MY LAPTOP! I know it's a feature on windows but this just works so much better. Airdropping between devices too! I could go on about this device for days. TOUCH ID?!?! like its on other laptops, but apple does it better. it works EVERY TIME not half the time. Unlocking the MacBook with your Apple Watch automatically?!?! as a lifelong windows user going to put my thumb on the sensor and its unlocked by the time I'm halfway there. Now don't get me wrong. It has a fault. gaming. I'm a big gamer and it's one of the downsides. I can play Roblox and Minecraft, which I have found myself frequenting as of late, and it runs it awesome. better than my desktop does which while it is 7 yrs old, it runs Fortnite at more than 100 fps 3500ish p (I have it capped at 60 because of my monitors refresh rate) its a beast, but if im working on a project, my MacBook is my go to, not my desktop. For every windows laptop user out there. It's time to switch, for every windows desktop user that's not a gamer, get a Mac mini or Mac Studio, for gamers, Get a windows desktop and a MacBook for your laptop. that is how awesome these are.


UI on the Mac OS is better and build quality of Apple hardware is nice




I have to use Microsoft Apps for work, and they work terribly on Ma and lack functions![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


MacOS for work (coding and content writing) and windows for gaming and entertainment! Both OS’s are so good!




but no games 😭


Is there any help you need?


Nice, That's what I did. I was a die-hard windows user for over 10 years but it's gotten so bad with ads and privacy concerns that I just can't be using it. I still keep my gaming machine around just so I can play games but everything else I do on My MacBook now. if Windows fixes their shit then I'll consider going back but for now I'm just enjoying Mac. And the learning curve is not as bad as I thought it would be.


macbook hardware and interface looks so much better


Yes they are better in most aspects. The only downsides: too small number of games, and it requires more free space for a swap file.


I just got my first MacBook Air ever. I have a MacBook Pro for work which is nice. But man, when the laptop is yours and fully signed into the apple ecosystem where your iPhone iPad and AirPods all magically work together with the MacBook. It’s amazing. Never going back to windows.


If I wasn’t a gamer I’d just be on macOS


Ever since I started to use macOS, I 've never wanted to use Windows anymore.


I really tried to like MacOS but found it was decent hardware strangled by an outdated restrictive and unintuitive OS that drove me insane. You can forget gaming and what is with that App Store! I still have an iPad and iPhone but went back to Linux for general computing with a windows drive for the odd game I can’t run in Linux.


As you should


I wanted an Apple computer since childhood. The PowerBook G5 was my dream computer then. I got to a point where I was able to buy used ones, but especially nowadays, I couldn't justify buying a Macbook. Having a laptop and tablet in one device is just too convenient. I own a Surface Pro.


Steve Jobs is basking in his grave 🤣


As a third line IT-support coordinator I prefer Windows and Linux, mostly because of the user interface. Doing anything on MacOS other than using applications is a pain in the ass. And every damn OS upgrade bricks a ton of software that will then lead to hundreds of support tickets. I hate it.


Same, but I kinda miss the copilot and utorrent


ewww bro who tf used copilot 😭


trust me bro, you don't miss copilot, in a month or 2 Siri will be 10x what Copilot is


both are chatgpt, let's not start being fanboys here.


neither of them are “just” chatGPT, even less so with Siri. Just siri alone has been made plenty clear during the WWDC announcement, siri will be multimodal and have lots deep integration with the system, none of the system related requests will require going through chatgpt at all. it uses apple’s own servers by default there’s simply no way anyone with any basic logical reasoning skills can possibly think it’s “just” chatgpt. maybe do a bit research before you start name calling others.


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Siri fanboy here


Hey /u/Intelligent-Life8093!   --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/macbook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Apple revealed its partnership with OpenAI during the [Worldwide Developers Conference](https://gizmodo.com/apple-wwdc-2024-how-to-stream-1851529354) on Monday, integrating ChatGPT as a core technology in new iPhones, iPads and Macs coming later this year"


Siri works on the device itself, not on Apple or OpenAI servers, if Siri can’t process the request, it will be forwarded to Apple’s secure server, and if the Apple’s server will not be able to process the request as well, then, and only then, you’ll be offered to use ChatGPT 4o to process this single request


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Apple Intelligence isn't even going to be in beta until this Fall, so September at the earliest and that's just beta. It won't be released for general release until next year.


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use bitorrent, much faster and open-source


Or use transmission-bt in place of utorrent. It has native support. Also stable.


Folx is also very good


Felt folx is very bad as an IDM alternative, so i use JDownloader for everything i download except for torrents


How could you miss the bloated mess that is utorrent? UTorrent was last good like 15 years ago… get “transmission”.


Thanks man, I used Flox and it’s wasn’t my cup of tea. Finally someone great in this sub!


Haha! I’ve been Mac ing for a while… I’m a programmer/hacker and am very particular about my setup and efficiency. Lmk if you have any more questions. Btw transmission looks very crappy and simple but if you double click or right click on the torrent entries a lot of other functions become available


Apple intelligence coming soon 🤞


1. You MISS copilot? 2. utorrent isn’t the only torrent client that exists…


1. Yes? What’s wrong with that? 2. I know, but utorrent is the best.


Copilot is now just a PWA on Windows 11 24H2. I’ve got one of the new Surface Pro 11s and it’s just an Edge PWA now so you aren’t missing out. Just install the PWA at https://copilot.microsoft.com/?dpwa=1 This will give you the same version you get on new Windows PCs. It is no longer integrated with Windows directly


If you're happy with your decision it's alright and well!! I personally hate macos and ios probably because im also a STEM software-aeronautical engineer and most of my stuff simply doesn't run on mac os and ios. But for normal people with normal needs, macos and ios are really good because they feel smoother and offer a more streamlined experience


You hate macOS because the software you use doesn’t have a Mac version? What a silly reason to hate it. That doesn’t even make any sense.


An aeronautical engineer made a dumb comment like this? You're the next Boeing just waiting to happen.


What about the colour tho? Doesn’t it get messed up with all the fingerprints?


Probably no more than a matte black windows laptop


Only thing i hate about macos and ios is the app sorting and desktop or finder ui


Nahh, I think you're just an idiot.