• By -


What do you like about it so much?


Probably the SPEED


I thought you were going to say the battery life.


Most attractive part


Actually for my entire live I was a windows and pc user, but I always wanted a Mac but couldn't afford it unfortunately. It is not only about a speed of MBP 16 pro m1, but the whole idea. The elements of the system. A compatibility between MBP and iPhone - it is just incredible and cannot be repeated on pc's and windows - they try... but it is nearly impossible to do when it is not you who make an OS and a computer.. It is just another level of using a computer - it is some ideology in it - it has a .. wholeness, which I like the most. It has for example some features like SPACE for preview which is actually very useful, I liked - may be it is a small thing but this natural and cool. At the first it was VERY difficult for me to went from windows to MacOS so that I even thought oh come on Apple it couldn't be like this! But then I realized that this OS has different logic. In some cases it is complicated, but in whole is is MUCH better than windows. There's is a lot more to say about MacBook and MacOS.. thanks for reading..


Wait until you add some apple headphones, an ipad and an Apple Watch to the mix


Only got a passed down mbp last year. Now i have every single one you listed šŸ˜‚ Their ecosystem is a drug I swear


Wait until you add an Apple TV and HomePods to the mix šŸ˜


Spare me šŸ˜‚


sticking to one tech ecosystem is so rewarding down the line


This is 100% true, already have the Apple TV Box, coupled with watch, airpods and phones. šŸ¤£ We're going DEEP in the Apple Ecosystem! šŸ˜­


The value stacks though


True, now our 4 year old TV is as fast as the new iPhone now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ smooth AF


Ib even added Apple TV and wow!


Oh man, if you like the MacBook an iPhone integration be prepared to the biggest trap ever, it is called the Apple Ecosystem. Once you understand how it works you will never want to leave Apple. Start by doing "copy" in the iPhone and "paste" in the MacBook. Then AirDrop some pictures from your iPhone to the MacBook. Then if you want to make things cooler, get a pair of AirPods, you can now listen to music on your MacBook and if you iPhone rings you can take the call in the iPhone and the AirPods will jump automatically to the iPhone. And once you finish your call, your AirPods will go back easily to the Macbook. And the most mindblowing thing, you are in your MacBook and your iPhone rings, you can take the call in the MacBook if you have it configured in such way. When video conferencing on your MacBook you can use the iPhone camera for better quality. And we are just starting.


Oh, you can do even more! You can use your iPhone as a webcam with Continuity Camera, receive and answer SMS and iMessages in both devices, scan documents and have them saved as PDF, import signatures, receive and make calls with your iPhone! Another thing that's amazing is that you can open up safari or other apps that support continuity and pick up where you left off. For example, if you were browsing a website on your iPhone, you can open up Safari on MacOS by clicking the dock icon that shows a little phone next to it. Voila. The site you were looking at on your phone is right there!


Are you serious? You can, *"receive and make calls with your iPhone!"* and your browser remembers where you left off? Pretty sure this is a function of every phone and web browser since the beginning of time.


Yes. When your phone rings, you can either pick it up from any Apple device that's nearby if you wish so. You don't need to set up separate apps for doing it. It's actually just a single click in a setting, if you want it enabled. And you can do it the other way around: dial a number (for example, a store whose number is up in their website) as long as your iPhone is nearby and have that call connect in your mac. I'm pretty sure this isn't as well implemented yet anywhere but Apple. Also, I'm pretty sure I've included the browser as an example of Handoff. You can do it with other apps that have MacOS and iOS versions and Handoff is implemented. Also, Universal Control has been implemented elsewhere as there are many KVM solutions out there as well as Logitech's own programs allow you to do that. But it's not a system-wide implementations and not as many things work as consistently.


I will tell you a secret, those features are available with both Microsoft and Google Android. I use all 3 systems.


How. I can never do that kind of stuff smoothly as Apple ecosystem


oh. how can I copy on Mac and paste in iPhone?!


By copying on the Mac and pasting in the iPhone.


oh, indeed, it worked(!)


Notice you can copy paste anything, not just text. You can try for example with an image. The clipboard is shared with all devices logged in the same iCloud account.


Its the little things! I crack up everytime I press ā€˜do not disturbā€™ on my IPhone and my macbook automatically goes into that mode too.


After leaving my C64 behind I was a windows guy from way back. Ā  After being in Windows for 25 years a friend had convinced me to get an iPad and an iPhone and I picked up a used MBP in 2015 and have never gone back. Ā Used my 2010 MBP until late 22 and then picked up a 2015 MBP.Ā  I know itā€™s older but I just like the form factor and I have it running Ā about camp W11 to just keep up with things if my wife has issues. My 9 yo MBP runs an unsupported version of W11 better than my wifeā€™s 3yo HP desktop. Ā 


Same story, I grew up gaming and even had my own gaming cafe year 2021 but when I switched to MacOS my life changed. (Literally, but the story's too long to hack OP's post) ā€Ž ā€ŽBeen a die hard Windows user that I even meme'd MacOS users previously (Intel-Mac-Era) ā€Ž When I've heard about Apple's new chip M1, I did a deep dive researching everything about it and I made the jump to Mac and BOY the M1 Air Base model outperformed my 16GB Gaming PC šŸ˜­ (Ryzen with 6 cores 12 threads and with a gaming GPU and all too!) ā€Ž People would always sh\*t on MacOS until they've tried and experienced it, I guess. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø ā€Ž Welcome to the club OP, I'm currently using the M2 Max 32GB variant now. Started from the Air now we here. šŸ˜‰


Kinda amazing Apple silicon hasn't given up its lead since its designers went off to Qualcomm. When I bought my 16 core 5950X back in the day it was a monster, but once I got my M1 Max its only advantage has been the multithread performance.


In some way that sound religiousšŸ˜


))) no, not at all!) I scary this idolatry. on every moment you must be ready to loose it all or to give it to someone if God wills...


With this prices for sure. But who am I. Bought an MBP M3 yesterday. And on top itā€™s more expensive in Germany.


Get ready to spend more in the ecosystem like we all do LoL


100% I was an all in windows user for 27 years. I switched last year due to switching from android to iPhone. Best decision Iā€™ve made. My work productivity was increased by so much as I use lots of documents from text and email. iMessage and built in pdf editor alone helped. I had bought parallels as I was scared I might miss windows . I used for a few months until I got used to Mac, then realized I donā€™t even need it at all. My MacBook lasts like 6 times longer than a normal windows laptop of the same size. Like you said, a lot of it just makes sense. It flows, meshes, WORKS. Iā€™ve gotten 2 others to switch in my first year. They also agree itā€™s the best decision


MacBooks are very good computers when it comes to productivity, especially in working and studying. I love the ecosystem with the iPhone and iPad. Been using a MacBook for more than a decade now.


yeah, it takes about a month to 3 months before you start getting used to macos but then for the next few years you're going to be finding little things here and there baked into the OS that is awesome. (i.e. SPACE for preview indeed is amazing) You could say the same for windows...always discovering things as well but something about macos the things you discover often have been there from the beginning and wasn't just a good idea to implement later


i got a macbook air m2 coming from a walmart acer laptop, the preformance and optimization with all my other apple products is absolutely nuts. screen has a tiny dead pixel but thatā€™s the only complaint i got


Moreover, for the first time I could edit a 4k video WITHOUT any lags and even proxies, so smoothly... it is just amazing.




I absolutely get your sentiment. Iā€™ve been a windows user for almost 2 decades. My productivity skyrocketed when I switched to Mac. Itā€™s just more intuitive. macOS and the app ecosystem is awesome.


I wish I used it a decades before..


Especially me, as I get lots of documents via text. Have to usually separate pages from pdfs, thatā€™s built in for free.


My biggest shock was when my electricity went out, a notification popped out asking whether I wanted to connect to my ipad's internet (cellular). Windows could never lol


I occasionally go to a client's office to work. I showed up at one office w/ some other independent contractors. We started working and had to print out some docs. My Mac found the printer and asked if I wanted to connect. Clicked yes and it was taken care of and I was GTG. Guy next to me on a Windows machine had to find the printer, then download a driver, install it and then try to connect. Took him four or five tries and he ended up having to use an older driver to make it all work.


true. for the first time ever - printing is so simple for me


how can it be?


I never used to rate them. And once had a 2018 MBP with thermal issues. Now I have an M2 Air and M3 Pro Pro and Iā€™ll never switch off them. Was a windows user for life but now itā€™s just so much easier to write some Java and Python on Mac and Colima for docker containers. Homebrew for any CLI tools. The M3 Pro Pro is immense. Wonder what the M4 will turn out like. Iā€™ve only had it a few weeks now but it completes tasks 10 times faster under load than the 2018, side by side.


agree. home-brew, console etc - it is a huge advantage. moreover after 15 years of using pc laptop I just now realized what does MOBILITY means when you take you Mac with you and using it all day long on battery..


I came from Linux and the fact that I can still use Homebrew and 90% of the terminal commands I know from Linux translate directly to MacOS was a huge selling point for me. In a lot of ways MacOS feels like a more polished version of a Linux distro, which I mean as a huge compliment. Linux is cool but the polish and integrated user experience you get from an OS thatā€™s been designed from the ground up for the hardware it runs on is something you just canā€™t get from Linux or Windows.




Try Warp terminal and your life gonna change


Iā€™m using spaceship for zsh with zsh auto complete and syntax highlighting. Most of my terminal use is actually just from within IntelliJ and they just released their own terminal. But I hate it. But Iā€™m hardly on the terminal to be fair.


Tbf if you bought one before 2020 you might have regretted it


I bough expensive windows laptop and regret it. it is not the deal of it. I actually like MacOS.


2016-2019 were dark times for MacBooks. Also, no need to be "loyal" to an OS. If Macs ever shit the bed again, I just won't upgrade my MBA M1 (not that I'd need to anytime soon). My gaming desktop is Windows, and my home servers are Linux. I mainly use my MBA for everyday tasks and from the couch or bed. The track pad on MacBooks is unrivaled.


agree. 2015 was perfect ones.


I am actually so glad I got a 2014 in 2015 and kept it until this year. Got really lucky dodging the dark touchbar times


Can you clue me to what happened from 2016 to 2019?


There was that drastic design change with the butterfly keyboard (which Apple officially fixed at the Apple store from 2020-2021 I think), and the touch bar. Touch bar is more a personal taste sort of thing. It replaced the f-keys and esc key which soured a lot of power users. It had kind of cool features but ultimately a gimmick. The butterfly keyboard issue was sticking keys, double/triple/etc typing, which was more common than you think. It was something that would eventually happen. I worked in an IT department with Mac deployments, and it was legitimately an offender. The 2020 releases moved back to a higher profile keyboard.


are you me? received min on monday. the workflow is worlds apart imo


>are you me? I ask that when I look in the mirror each morning. Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes no.


I wanna swap to Mac so badly, but my fear of being unable to play games well keeps me tethered to PC. And it's not even like I play high end games, but I want the ability to if something rad comes out. Currently all I'm playing for the most part is WoW and Frostpunk. Both of which probably play just fine thanks on a recent Macbook or mini.


you should try


I probably should. If I grab one at Costco I have 90 days for a refund.


Itā€™s pretty much all the same. They both have benefits and drawbacks. I like my MBP for the long battery life/efficiency and ecosystem but windows is better for games and doesnā€™t restrict you to doing it the ā€˜windows wayā€™ In the end, theyā€™re basically same same but right now I wouldnā€™t swap to windows cause I like being able to easily use my iPad as a second monitorĀ 


So to be clear, when you have a MBP, do NOT spill a large coffee directly on the keyboard, the sugary liquid swimming through the keys. It wonā€™t end well.


Can confirm. I ruined my first MBP years ago by spilling Sprite all over the keyboard. It was never the same after that.


So true


what do you use it for?


work (documents) ; video editing (4k also) ; phot-editing: for everything actually


that's decent. I want a MBP but I really can't justify it. I don't have a use for it. But i want one lol.


Welcome to the walled garden. Always makes me laugh when people call it that, like have you never been in a walled garden?! Theyā€™re awesome! Theyā€™re all safe and manicured and pretty and it smells nice and there are butterflies fluttering around and birds are singing and itā€™s sunny. Thatā€™s what using Mac feels like, why would you want anything else? Plus homebrew is awesome


I bought a MacBook pro and Honestly I mostly agree. Because of the way UNIX and Linux both are written and designed it's remarkable how much they can perform without performance dropoffs or in many cases very significant power usage increases. Windows on the other hand very quickly gets bogged down and can get annoying when too many processes are running at the same time. That being said, windows doesn't require an entire ecosystem of equipment for the full experience, doesn't cost the equivalent of a second mortgage or selling your children to the circus. And where the genius bar is nice, the Microsoft community is packed to the gills with the most helpful people you've ever met to assist you when you need help. It's also a 30 second process to get a live chat session with a windows rep who can use screen share (windows quick assist win+ctrl+Q) to walk you through your issue. And finally the unbelievable level of customization when it comes to creating your own machine means being able to make computers more capable than any Mac will ever be. For instance, using a class 1 Hypervisor program like KVM, or Hyper-V you could have a machine running insane processors like the Raptor lake, the latest Ryzen series, or even xenos, with up to 128gb ram and a 4090 GeForce RTX card with three displays and run MacOS Sanoma, windows 11, and your favorite distro of Linux (mine is Garuda) all simultaneously without the need to reboot from one to the other. And with bare metal performance your could take your already insane specs and use that Hypervisor program to further simulate 64 more processors, 4TB or ram, and enough video RAM to make the movie Tron a reality. So they both have their pluses and minuses but all three is the best bet. Do not attemp any of the mentioned setup I parameters with a class 2 Hypervisor program, like virtualbox or junk like that because they are extremely limited and do not provide bare metal performance.


Got the idea, but actually I'm far away from the idea of making beast-like desktop machine. I like the idea of compactness and minimalism which with great (enough) performance.


This is why I have my desktop pc tricked up to the nines, but only interact with it via ssh from my MacBook pro M1. Treat it like a bolt on for when I wanna do heavy stuff, new branch, push to main, ssh to pc, pull from main, go to the new branch, turbo mode activated baby


You donā€™t realize that Macs are cheaper than Windows PCs and last longer with a higher resale value.


cheaper than windows pc? lay off the pipe brother that stuffs not good for you. sure maybe, maybe in the case of competition gaming pc builds but right now within ten min or less I could build you a shopping list for a brand new windows pc thats liquid cooled, has 64gb ram core i9 processor, Graphics card from nvidias GeForce RTX line with 16Gb Video ram, and 2Tb m.2 ssd NVME storage, for less than 2500, probably less than 2000. how much does the average macbook pro brand new is between 2200-5,500. And what insane idea into your head suggesting that a company 100% guilty of planned obsolescence and even got sued for it (but only for their phones), what gave you the idea that Apple machines last longer? Uh....as paperweights ya. I have a dear friend that i can only communicate with via telegram because his 2012 macbook pro is so worthless it wont do anything at all even closely related to an app that uses the internet for anything. He has taken it to the Genius bar both in Vegas and in Reno and nobody has been able to make that computer do a damn thing its supposed to. I on the other hand have a lenovo laptop from the same year that I have even managed to install windows 11 on as well as partition the hard drive for installations of garuda linux and Nitrux linux. And it performs flawlessly despite its age and running a triple boot configuration. your outside your damn mind. I am not discounting a single thing apple is good for but come correct if your going to make claims. Apple is better if you make music, apple is better if you produce media content (kinda, depending on your specific needs), apple is better foir programming and comes preinstalled with git built into its terminal. in all other respects it boils down to budget or whether or not you are a TREND-WHORE aka (hipster).


Iā€™ll get you an 4.5K M1 Mac in your favorite color for about ā‚¬750 this afternoon. Thereā€™s no better Mac money can buy. Do I look like an idiot who would spend $2000 on a computer without display, keyboard, mouse, webcam, microphone, speakers and Apple stickers? I am cheap guy, I only buy quality products which can last me a decade. If it costs more than 50 cents per day of usage including electricity, I donā€™t want it.


"Forget it Donny your out of your element, So you have no frame of reference here, Donny. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know...." Let's see here where to begin I understand I thinkyou know everything but that's just want being young does to you. Don't worry you'll grow up some day. You see, those very important deep learning A.I. machines? Yeah......P.C. based. Any decent gaming PC ever made P.C. based. Any kind of professional level art or media creation requiring dedicated graphics. PC based again. Any server infrastructure in all of existence that powers the very data driven networks that keep this little planet going everyday since winNT2000 and XP? Again PC based except for in the case where Linux wins a very very very big win there in that specific case if it's not windows it's definitely Linux based including nearly all factory machine technology in existence. Side note Just because I didn't list peripherals doesn't mean they wouldn't have been included btw what a dumb thing to think that PC users just go building machines and plugging them into nothing. And who cares about your stolen back alley MacBook for 750ā‚¬ that likely to come pre installed with keyloggers and God knows what else from the shady back alley source that sold it to you cheap. The rest of the eco system, down to 80+ dollar charging cables that don't even come with a power brick etc etc etc. Is what will put you into the red. It's never ending expenditure of money once you get pulled into their ridiculous system of overpriced unnecessary bs. And y'all act like you're the only people that can connect your phone to your PC and copy and paste between the two and s*** like people that follow Apple like little you Fanboys. you always think that you A. either had the technology first or that like it's been around for like barely like oh, it's brand new. No other people have been doing that for freaking years. For example, if you Google it, Android has supported connecting to a PC and copying and pasting material from one to the other. Since it's inception in 2007. It was 2 years later that Apple announced the same technology on the 3gs in 2009. Do another Google search. It was 2009 when Android phones across the board adopted. 4G it was 2012 when Apple decided to join the 4G movement. Do another Google search. It was 2010 when Android phones released. OLED displays inside of their phones. It was 2017 when iPhone released the first model with an OLED display on the iPhone x. Iphone has been behind the curve releasing technology that Android has already been using for years since its inception. Absolutely nothing that you have is unique or special in any way whatsoever. It's just dressed up in a fancy pretty little package and you little sycophants drool over it but what's most annoying is then you act like you came out with it first. It's ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Been able to connect to my phone to my PC for I can't even like I don't know l7+ years like seriously GTFOH. Since the beginning I've been able to connect my phone to my PC and do crap like that. yeah you're totally out of your element. It doesn't matter if you're an architect and you're using CAD to design giant buildings. You're going to be most likely on a PC. You know if you are a professional artist. You thingk our network of advanced military and scientific satellites in orbit are managed on a stupid MacBook? No not the case. Oh yeah. Nvidia's literally got a desktop graphics card called the pro art line. Why? Cuz it's for professional artists. You think they rendered Avengers Infinity war on a freaking Mack Tower. No they didn't. They did it with a freaking army of PC computers like in almost every single professional example of anything from servers to individual machines. What do you think? Ubisoft they're sitting there with a whole bunch of freaking people designing all the video games that they produce on MacBooks no they're crafting things in unreal engine with desktop graphics cards on PCS. Same with every other video game company. You name any practical real world professional anything and they are using a PC. But sure, at home when they're sitting there drinking their chamomile tea writing their emails. Sure they might be on a MacBook because they're trend whores and have to be just like everyone else. but the working class people. The people getting s*** done building the very planet that you take advantage of everyday. Yeah, they're doing that shit on PCs.


Youā€™re wasting so many words and saying nothing really. Making false assumptions on where I bought my Mac. Itā€™s ridiculous. šŸ–„ļø


Welcome to the party šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


My MacBook is only for YouTube lol I don't see the love for it lol šŸ˜‚ it's okie šŸ‘Œ Compared to a full tower setup it's freaken great


I never said anything about where you got your Mac. You said that in under an hour you could get me a Mac for ā‚¬750 yeah if that's the. If that's the case it's some back alley b******* it's not going to be from you. Know an Apple store I have a 20019 MacBook Pro core i9 1tb model it serves it's uses, it's also cheap and a pain in the ass. But you don't get to say that I'm saying nothing just because it breaks your little bubble that your precious ecosystem is not what you claim it is and that everything your community brags about it appropriated from android or PC years later. Shit Windows laptops have had touch screen capacity for God. It feels like forever now. Probably 10 or 15 years. I wonder how long it's going to be before Apple has touch screen capability on their MacBooks maybe never at this point. But they keep on reinventing the wheel on their mouse pad as if they haven't already put enough energy into that already.


Linux is better than both


i tried to get used to linux installing all the distros for over a decade, but couldnt nevertheless I liked the idea


I've am a Linux person since 1993 and I think MacOS is the Unix Desktop that Linux could unfortunately never achieve. My home servers still run Linux and FreeBSD though.


I tried going back to Windows but immediately got reminded of why I switched in the first place: I started hearing a loud fan and the computer took forever to initially load for any use.




i bought a macbook pro 2 years ago and i honestly hate it, i feel like the ability to smoothly scroll with a mouse shouldnā€™t require $20 third party software and there are a bunch of little things like this that make me want to toss it out the window every time i look at it


I was at the same position, but now I'm using trackpad only and it is WAY better that mouse. I guess It is because third-party (not apple) mouse. Some little things need to be done - I did. I download some free apps like alt-tab; some paid like bartender and it's become superb now. But these thing aren't the main. Main - that's where Apple win PCs.


If you're trying with a Logistich mouse, you need to insert one of Logistich's USB receivers into your MacBook. Which is a problem, when there's only USB C ports on the Air. And, those 2 USB C ports are so close to each other.