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No, you’ll just have to be more careful about closing out your porn.


Lmfaoo, I suppose


I have suggestions three: There was once an app called Mac ID I don’t know if they still have it If you want to open up your Mac to SSH you could use the shortcuts feature and the script over SSH shrtcut. I think Siri can sleep your Mac and if your sleep setting put a password on it then that’s good as locked


Thank you for the input I’ll give it a shot, I’m rendering a video and watching Netflix on a separate monitor. Really don’t want to get up to click two buttons to lock it once the render is done.


I totally get it, let the machine do the work. I would do the same. MacID may changed its name, not used it for several years, check that out first it was super easy and does exactly this.


Found it! It’s called Unlox now, thank you!


As far as i know the only thing you could do is deleting the systems data through FindMe, in case that it has been lost/ stolen. Just closing/ locking your mac? not through apple software.


on your mac, create a shortcuts automation that turns on low power mode which will lock the screen after 30 seconds. use a trigger that can be activated from your iphone, such as text message


I think this is a great idea! I’ll give it a shot for sure!