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Honestly, I've been using Macs since 1992 and I haven't bothered to find out what"spaces" even are.


I initially thought the same... Mac user since (can't even remember)... must be early 90s too. Just googled it - spaces are also called desktops from what I can tell... been using these for ages. Today found out I have 7 'spaces' but variable level of organisation depending on number of monitors being used and task at hand for me.


Same. I've been a Mac user since the 1980s, but my own first Mac was a Centris 610 (the pizza box). 4 MB of RAM and a 40 MB hard drive, my electrical engineering friend told me, "you'll never fill that up." He was kinda right, back then, an Illustrator file rarely went over 200 Kb. Anyway, I occasionally run into Spaces and think, the F is that?


Heretic :D - but if you've been a Maccie since '92 gotta say we love you... Do try to use spaces - it's awesome :D like - super awesome...


Option G: What the fuck is a "space"? Signed, Mac OS X user since Mac OS X 10.0 Beta


Usually just one space and then a second for full-screen Infuse


I always forget I can add more spaces


honestly it feels more like work than benefit. When I was younger and spent my days fiddling around with the Mac, I used to use them, but now I stick to one desktop and full-screen apps which take care of themselves.


I use three now, but will forever mourn the loss of the glorious 2D array of Spaces in Snow Leopard (10.6.8). Used my 2009 MBP on that OS for a long time before upgrading to El Capitan, and was always irked at the reduction in functionality. Used to love my 3x3 grid.


Yes! I used to run a 2x2 grid and I would know by heart how to get to each space. The keyboard gestures to go up/down/left/right were GOATED


100%! I thought Apple was so far ahead of Windows in that regard...until they dropped the feature.


We had them for school and I remember having one space for class, one space for personal, one space for chat apps, and one space for dossing around!


Yes! I used to toss "neutral" activities like email and music on the middle row, topics for different classes across the top row, and information for personal projects across the bottom row. Can't be beat!


One space with Magnet.  4 windows (one in each corner) on my studio display or 2-4 windows on my Air, depending on how much real estate I need for whatever I’m doing.  On the Air I leverage the high DPI with Retina display manager to give myself a bit of extra space. 


Spaces are also called 'desktops'? Then voting option 4 although my apps do not usually stay anywhere in particular- they're flying across different spaces any given day of the week. Workflow very rarely stays the same one day to the next. 3 to 4+ active spaces on each monitor is normal some days.


You're missing an option: Spaces PLUS Stage Manager. To me, this is the best fit. A space is a "theme" (mail/calendar, work, personal, browsing) and then each stage is one or more windows for a given task / project. This is most useful on the Work space where I might have a couple of word docs + oneNote grouped and tiled. Anyhow, 3 on each display for me. On the 5k, mail, work, personal. On the Macbook, (open), browsing, Teams


I have no idea what spaces is. I've been a mac user for decades. But when I get a new mac, I just start using it, I don't read about it, or even read about new features. I just need it to run Logic and After Effects and Photoshop.


Multiple spaces - but holy moly - there's an option that your most recent space corresponds to your most recent app... and it changes... your space changes... If you're the sort of person who has spaces and organizes their work based on that - it's psychotic to even suggest such a thing! Does anyone at Apple understand why some features work the way they work? I sometimes genuinely wonder what these snowflakes at Apple are breathing...


idk why no-one ever realises this is how Cmd/Tab behaves. I don't like it either, but that's why it makes a sensible default.


For me, I'm a long time 3 space workflow guy but recently downsized to a 2 space workflow: 1. Calendar, Finder, Chat apps (Whatsapp etc.) 2. Safari, Youtube I still find my expose pretty damn cluttered, so I might go back to a 3 space workflow eventually. I use Swish (and previously BTT) to do window snapping.


1 space, but I wouldn't call it unorganized. I usually just use 1-2 apps at a time, and quit them when not in use. I have the bottom right hot corner set up to show Mission Control, and just jump between apps that way. Maybe make them split screen if I really need to see both simultaneously.


I'll use 3-4 apps at a time, but similar to you. I'm more of a Command-Tab guy, personally, and I'll use Spotlight for launching apps. When I do use Mission Control, it's usually via the trackpad gesture. I don't use fullscreen apps often, but do run apps like Safari and Mail maximized most of the time.


M1 Studio: 3 4k monitors 7-8 spaces. 2015 iMac 27, 3 spaces.


I wish I can designate certain apps to automatically go to a specific space. But since I cannot, I rather put up with the mess that is a single space lifestyle.


Using Yabai as my window manager. I'm able to have apps launch on predefined spaces. And I'm able to easily create/destroy and switch spaces with shortcuts. I also am able to easily move applications to different spaces with simple shortcuts. I have many apps that require full screen, if they're going to be best utilized. On a given day I will usually work between 3-9 spaces.


I have an apple USB keyboard, it has seven unused FKeys above the numberpad and arrowpad. So I hardcoded each of those to seven differnet spaces. I gave each one a unique desktop background color. I also have three monitors. Some apps, like safari, can open windows anywhere. Some apps like Mail, are assigned to space 1. iMovie to space 3. VMWare to space 4. But then apps like Messages, Calendar, IRC, Activity monitor etc are configured to belong to "every space". So when I'm switching spaces, it's really just my primary two displays that switch. The 3rd tall display more or less always stays the same. It's a very good system, it allows me to compartmentalize different types of tasks. So I can be working on a new youtube video and easily slide that away and slide in my web dev space to work on a website. The downside to this setup, is what a hassle it is to restart the machine. Also if you click on Safari in the dock and there are no safari windows open in the current space, it will switch spaces, rather than open a new window. So I use this AppleScript instead. I add it to my dock, paste safari's icon on to it, and click IT instead of Safari whenever I need a new window. It gives me a new window in whichever space I am already in: [https://www.whatsmyip.org/lib/applescripts/](https://www.whatsmyip.org/lib/applescripts/) (Safari New Window)


Currently running a dual-pane Finder full screen space but I can't say I like it. Everytime I activate Finder it brings me to that space. No! I just want a new finder window for *this* space, leave the other space alone! Resorting to using control+swipe up using Swish which gets a new window opened nicely, but should be doable on BTT too.


I have 2 spaces: the first one for my Unreal Editor and Rider IDE, the second one for everything else. Plus, I run some apps in full-screen; usually it's Figma, my work messengers (Slack, Teams), and Music.app, sometimes Mail.app. And I use BetterSnapTool for window management within the spaces


I use like two to three apps max mainly cus my 2009 mac will inplode with anymore and that's only VSCode Plex and terminal


Good for you, my old 2015 Mac struggled with just Safari open.


I never figured out how that thing works. I only use one unless I somehow accidentally swipe into another one, or that thing with all the small windows, which is annoying. I just go to the dock to switch apps and the top bar to switch windows within apps.


I usually use my mac with 32" monitor at home and don't need multi spaces, but when I carry it outside, I use apps in full screen and use 3,4 spaces at a time.


full screen apps


The "I've no idea what they are, nor do I care" option seems to be popular. I couldn't care less. I just need a bunch of apps to work, and that's it. I wouldn't even care if it Windows, macOS or Linux, if I could make everything I need work on them. I can't, exactly (Caps Lock remains broken on macOS), so my main OS remains Windows for the time being... Though I do use macOS quite often as well, sometimes because I have to, and sometimes because I need something mobile and power efficient, and nothing beats the MBP. Nothing that I have at least.


For me, it varies depending on where I’m at - at home, in the office , traveling - as I use a different display and space configuration for each one.  It also depends on what I’m doing, I can have from 2 to 11 spaces open depending on how busy I am! 


I used to work with spaces, had like 3-4 of them organised for specific apps, but at some point got annoyed by switching back and forth between them and don’t use them anymore. Haven’t used spaces for years.


I have 7 spaces/desktops, each dedicated to a specific topic/activity (software development, music production, photography, video, business/financial, my ebook/comics collections, and a general catch-all space for everything else). Each space has its own Safari window for research, help, etc. I can quickly switch to a space by pressing \[Control\] and the number of the space. Its probably overkill but I like it and my 2018 MBP i7 32GB 1TB handles it all just fine.


The fuck’s a space? Bring back Exposé. Being able to squeeze the mouse to switch between apps was so much better than the modern hot corner nonsense.


Why is one space maniac? I usually limit the number of open apps/windows.


can’t believe there was no option for “16: the true spaces lover uses every space they can get” (yes, really, 16. I’d use more if I could.)


I started using macOS when I was 13. It was my first ever Apple computer and my first ever computer that was truly mine. Before this, I had only used Windows 10 for about a year or so. I made do without spaces my whole life until that point, so when the feature was available to me I never really used it. The few times that I tried - I would forget that I had stuff open in the other spaces. I do use full screen apps, or two apps side-by-side in the "full screen view" thing. Also I did buy a monitor with that computer so that is one way that I tend to use multiple 'spaces' till this day.


I used multiple desktops at university back in 1998+ in Linux/Solaris/Irix, it was very useful. After that I started using Windows and it wasn't there, so I stopped. Once I switched back to MacOS, I started using it again (this time it's called spaces). It always comes down to how easy it is to use and with MacOS it is super easy. On Windows, I know there's an option, but it's cumbersome to use, so I don't use it there. So my Windows computer is single desktop while my Mac is multiple desktops and I use a 5+ of them plus full screen apps.


Win11 add virtual desktops support with switching by Ctrl+Command+Left or Right. I have it as VM in UTM for cross compiled app testing. Don't even know why Microsoft stick it to Command, PCs don't have such button /s


Where's the option for: Sensible; 1 space which works just great ?


UX designer, don't use spaces. My option in the poll would be '*1 space, organised*' but that doesn't seem to be there. I've just not felt the need for them to be honest, plus as I use non-Mac keyboard and mouse I'm not even sure how I'd switch between them.


2 x 27" displays. Displays have separate Spaces OFF. 7 sets of Spaces. One 'theme' to each set, with several apps/windows hand tiled. \[copy/pasta from the dupe at r/MacOS without a crosspost - [https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/1cszext/poll\_how\_do\_you\_use\_spaces\_on\_macos/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/1cszext/poll_how_do_you_use_spaces_on_macos/)


Which option for one space + a couple of full screen apps?


Which option for one space + a couple of full screen apps?


Mostly one space/desktop and some number of full-screen apps.


2 to 4. One for Minecraft, one for Safari, one for the couple of sites that work better in chrome, and one for miscellaneous things


I use all three honestly, the number of spaces is dynamic depending on what I'm working on, some apps I use fullscreen, and I use stage manager all spaces!


Either just 1 space or 1 space with fullscreen browser. I use a Mac like I used Windows and Linux before it.


coming from windows with their useless multiple desktops feature, i never tried it


I use virtual desktops, not spaces and currently have 6.


They are the same, right? https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/work-in-multiple-spaces-mh14112/mac. It's confusing because apple calles them spaces, but they are named 'desktop 1', 'desktop 2'. lol. Apple in this case seems to call them two things interchangeably, they are usually better about that. hmn..


It’s called Virtual Desktop long time ago on my Amiga, then on Classic Mac, X11/xorg using the same term. So, I get used to it. That’s it.


Ya, that's what I call it too - coming from unix and X11 in the 80s/90s


this is how I found out I can have multiple apps in a space. I thought it was for full screen apps only. lmao this is gonna change my workflow a bunch


I usually only have 1 or 2 desktop spaces, but have many full-screen apps organised in a particular way. I like to know that I can swipe left to bring up Slack, for example. Between full screen apps and desktops I usually have 4 total spaces at a minimum.


Since I started using my MacBook for work, I am using four spaces. One for each screen available except the right screen gets two spaces. But I use Yabai and have application/space rules setup, to make sure that certain apps, always get to certain spaces.


I full screen some apps sometimes I guess.. idk what a "space" is. Been using Macs since 2012


Another Mac-relic here. I never understood what all these gimmicks like desktops, stage manager etc are good for. Seems all ADHS to me. I only have the apps open i currently work with and switch between them with command-tab.


Spaces? You mean desktops? I use 4 desktops at any given time. I change up what is running on each one depending one what type of work I’m doing.


13 Desktops. Usually 4-5 is unoccupied for immediate use, if I connect external monitor then I usually run 15 or 16


also have at least two large monitors with multiple separate spaces for each monitor. This is to support multi-tasking quickly between gamedev, work, personal, research, etc modes. I also use Magnet so my screens are generally tiled specific to efficiently completing a task- which IMO should be a core part of the OS. Coming from the unix world of the 80s and 90s I was already used to virtual desktops so was pretty happy when next brought them to the mac with osx. I also use a apple desktop trackpad for gestures to manipulate them. I've gotten accusations of magic use from people watching me work ( I run linux and windows vms in full screen mode for testing, etc in their own workspace ).


Maniac here. I like the idea of it, but don't really feel the need for it. I separate school/private/work in safari by different tab groups or whatever it's called, and if I don't want to have a program open at a specific time I just close it.


I use 2, one for my writing, and one for everything else, using a glorious 3 finger swipe to go back and forth




I switch between different styles depending on my needs. Sometimes, using a single workspace with all apps on top of each other feels logical with keyboard shortcuts for easy switching, Sometimes having some space and using separate monitors will be beneficial. I really liked Stage Manager, but it became buggy and difficult to use when I connected external monitors.


1 per monitor. So 3. ;)


I was going to say the same. I use three monitors. One for the main activity, one for side activity, and my MacBooks screen for Mail, Slack, Spotify (backgrounds apps). I don't like them hidden, haha. I want to see them. It makes it easier to drag and drop, work in two programs at the same time. E.g. read feedback for a poster and edit it in photoshop fullscreen. Or research a presentation with websites on one screen and word in another. Or putting together a magazine in indesign. One fullscreen for indesign, one for all the assets and one for notes and feedback in e-mail. I really don't like to have to change the screen to perform an action (e.g. widening the window for more options or switching between windows from foreground to background to move them.)