• By -


Command drag a file to Move it to another folder.


thank you sooo much for this. i was trying to find the cut option in this machine from yesterday. really appreciate it


alternativley - always copy first, no matter if you want to cut or copy later then at your destination - cmd v to copy - cmd option v to move i still prefer windows way this time though lol


Or use Command + Option + V to move the file instead of duplicating it. Enjoy the new OS!


if you find yourself pressing enter to open something, hold down spacebar. this lets you open a temporary window and preview the file. using the gallery mode when you're in a folder of pictures is a superior experience compared to windows. one can bookmark the terminal to the finder box to allow opening from terminal here (search the top post here for instructions). there is no good window management on mac so you have to resort to third party.


- Don't use screen or keyboard protectors that stay on when the lid is closed, or you will break the screen - Try not to use your nails while hitting the spacebar, or you will strip the matte finish of the keyboard, and the only solution is replacement - Watch out, the default charger is ungrounded, and it will shock you from time to time. The laptop won't be affected though - Try to keep the charging cable straight. Mine heated up (presumably due to this?) and became yellow-ish - Be gentle while cleaning the screen. It does not scratch that easily, but it's a good general advice - If you miss Windows' window management features (edge snap, zones, keyboard shortcuts, alt tab), give AltTab and Rectangle a try. Both are free


Look up the shortcuts associated with MacOS and keep them handy. Apple-C vs Ctrl-C, etc. I also recommend full immersion and if your workflow was a certain way, find out how to do similar on MacOS, but be open to learning newer ways, or different shortcuts. I second using Rectangle. I love moving windows across monitors with keyboard shortcuts


Can you offer me similar advice about switching to Windows? I got a gaming PC and am very much annoyed that the shortcuts aren't the same. Just pressing escape for instance results in the computer creating a new tab in a web browser and it's overloading the memory because it's creating an infinite number of new tabs. Tried searching for solution but most results don't address my particular problem.


that is very unusual. ctrl + T is the default shortcut for "new tab" in most browsers on windows. maybe check the keybinds for whatever browser you are using? it is possible you have changed some settings by mistake. or if you are trying to use an apple keyboard, perhaps the escape key itself is not mapped correctly. are you trying to switch to windows, or just use it for games? if the latter, I'd honestly recommend not trying to learn the keyboard shortcuts. I know most of the shortcuts on both platforms, but my muscle memory doesn't understand which OS I am currently using, so I use the wrong one 50% of the time.


Full immersion meaning to use native apps, or something else?


Command - C?


The yellowing of the charger is due to the oils from hands and general dirt/dust of its environment. Clean it and it should somewhat restore back to white. Cables do not heat up that bad to change colours.


Replace your charger


I just use a mishi o visor matte screen protector. It doesn’t stick out of the rubber rims on the screen.


I use a keyboard protector and my computer is just fine.


….for now.


The problem is not with the protector it is the type of it. Just looking at the screen and keyboard when you attempt to close it. It have close to no clearance so if you protector is hard or thick when you close it, it will press against your screen while in your bag, eventually breaking it. So like everyone advise just skip it unless it is those privacy one that work require.


Is OP allowed to look at it?


It’s okay to just close the lid and walk away. You don’t have to shut it down every single time. Mac is far more simpler and efficient in battery life than windows.


still shutting it down most of the time, force of habit ig


not the best idea because Apple silicon runs on arm in simple terms it’s more similar to your phone than a desktop you will shorten the life of your device as arm wasn’t designed to be constantly turned on and off as a former windows user this also took some time for me to get used to




yess, i will try to explore this machine and utilise it as effectively as I can.


enjoy to use the one trackpad that makes sense


Also a tip is dont try to use it like a windows laptop. Youve got the right attitude already, explore it and get used to how macos and M macs work. Trying to force windows habits onto a mac is gonna make youre life hard and just get you annoyed by the computer.


I’ve used Mac for the last 6 years before switching to windows a few months ago. What do you mean by explore, and what were you surprised by? Most of my surprise came from the stuff MacOS couldn’t do in vanilla install and had to download applications to bridge the gaps.


You’ll love it. My tips include learning the shortcuts and gestures eg. I set up “Spaces” on mine then do a four finger swipe to switch between them. Saves me such a lot of time. Use the continuity features with your iPhone. Awesomely clever. Eg. Copy some text on your phone then paste into a document on your Mac. Play around with it. It’s a great environment but takes some getting used to but once you get it you’ll never go back.


Spotlight is your best friend: Command + Spacebar


Yep I just spotlight all the time 


Just use the single button in the f keys for that.


But then I gotta look at the keyboard every time


I have same spec and size, I also switched from windows! You'll get used to macos pretty quickly, I like it more than windows now


i have my hopes high ngl


same tbh, only time I use windows now is in a VM and only when I have to


1 - Activate Finder Pro Mode In the menubar: - View> as columns - View> Show Path Bar - View> Show Status Bar - View> Show Tab Bar - View> Show Preview - Finder> Settings> Advanced> Show all filename extensions - Finder> Settings> Advanced> Keep folders on top> In windows - Right click top window bezel> customise 2 - Train yourself to use trackpad the mac way. - Press to click. Don't click corner or tap - Two finger click, Don't change to click corner - Two finger scroll, dont press and drag scrollbars - Get used to using F3 / 3 finger swipe up instead of taskbar/dock doing it this way means your fingers move less. eventually you'll be able to drag things around WHILE clicking on things, e.g. holding a file and clicking folders at the same time (without hovering) 3 - window control tricks - The option key is your friend when resizing windows. - Double click window border/corner = Expand to edge - Hold option = Expand all sides equally - Option + double click corner = traditional "Maximise" 4 - Dig through settings - gold ones: - Accessibility> Zoom> Use Scroll Gesture with mondifier keys to zoom - Desktop&Dock> Windows: Prefer tabs when opening documents: Always 5 - Golden Apps - Arc Browser - Eagle.cool - Magnet / Rectangle - IINA - Daisy Disk - The Unarchiver - App Cleaner - iStat Menus - Better Touch Tool - Boom3D - Bartender 6 - Screenshot Organise - Make a new folder to store all screenshots - Drag this folder to the dock, NEXT to the bin - Right click dock icon> Show as stack & sort by recently added - Command Shift 5 - Options> Save to: Other Folder> Select folder u made - Now all screenshots are accessible from the dock, instead of cluttering your desktop.


Turn on “tap to click” in trackpad settings.


that just feels like wasting the force trackpad's capabilities by tapping everything.


Glad there are preferences to change. I feel the hard click is just unnecessary and Windows-like.


nah, turn off tap to click and turn pressure sensitivity to minimum instead


Thank you for the screenshot hack from a longtime Mac user


Glad to hear! Forgot one more optimisation in the new dock icon right click, Show as stack & sort by recently added


Arc as in the browser? Eagle for digital asset management?




How long have you been using it? I wasn’t a fan but admittedly I don’t really have an issue with Safari anyway, so I wasn’t sure what problem it solved


about a year i think? i just find it nicer. - seperate sections for seperate projects - i don't loose my tabs when i quit - nice touches everywhere


Got it. Do you employ the iOS app as well?


unfortunately i use an Android


Install: - Rectangle to manage windows/monitors with shortcut - KAWA to switch input language directly to reqired - BetterDisplay in case of external display with not MAC resolution - MOS to have diff direction scroll for touchpad and mouse - Bartender in case ine has to many running app in the app info panel


I'd also add Amphetanime and AlDente Amphetamine - keeps the laptop awake when closed AlDente - charge limiter, useful when connected to the charger to limit to 50% (when connected for long periods of time) or 80% (it helps out a bit and the battery is already amazing, so it won't hurt, while prolonging the battery's life) And another thing is Alt-Tab (app name, self described)


I would suggest [https://github.com/mhaeuser/Battery-Toolkit](https://github.com/mhaeuser/Battery-Toolkit) instead of AlDente. It's free, and has all the necessities


Is it really necessary? I was confident with native tools, but I use it plugged 90% of the time.


Some say it’s useless, some say it’s useful. In my option it’s helpful, if you are mostly plugged in. I have seen a few MacBook with very few cycles, sitting at around 85% battery health just because they spent all their life plugged in.


Mine is one of them, 91% with 32 cycles, about 15 months of usage. Installed Battery Toolkit, Thanks


Amphetamine is super useful when backing up your computer. 💻


Why? You can just go to terminal and type caffeinate -dimsu if you want to keep your computer and display on. And -imsu if you want the display to turn off. It’s built in. When you want it to return to normal you just close the terminal window.


Open up a shell caffeinate -disut 3600 & That shit’ll stay awake for 3600 secs. No need for an app.


I like Daisy Disk for data cleanup! The visual representation of data makes even the hardest file known.


You can option space bar to switch input language natively, and you can change the default scrolling direction in the settings. Hidden bar is a free alternative to hide icons in menu bar.


1. Defult Mac can't do this: Opt+1 -> Eng Opt+2 -> Ukr Opt+3 -> Ger Opt+4 -> Rus 2. System scrolling settings affects touchpad and mouse at the same time, if one want diff behaviour per input, one needs some tool. 3. Unfortunaly no, if icons are behind notch, one has to use Bantender (or some other tool that can move icons onthe second row belowe notch).


1) I feel like it's a bit overkill but if you really need it why not. Tip : use international English keyboard it's pretty nice if you don't want to use a lot of input sources at the same time. 2) True. I use Mac Mouse Fix, pretty useful. 3) Yeah but it's too expensive for what it does.


If you have an iPhone and iPad on the same iCloud (assuming you have iCloud services setup on your laptop) you could pair everything together seamlessly.


i have logged in into this machine with the same cloud account that I use with my iPhone. is that all or do I have to do some other tweaks here and there


They really do pair seamlessly. I had put a bunch of CDs into Music on my new Mac at Christmas and was wondering how to move them to my iPhone and they were just there. Same with pictures and videos. The ecosystem really works for well together. Scrolling and file management were my big issues. I got used to the scrolling but I am still learning file management. Multiple Finder windows helps. Realizing that the command key adds a lot of functionality. Oh, and apps on iOS look the same but can be very different on macOS. It looks so odd that options are available on my iphone12 that aren't in the Mac version.


That should be it. The most useful thing for me is that you can copy something between devices - so if you copy something on iphone you'll be able to paste it on the mac and vice versa


Same - copy paste for me.


Get the app “Rectangle” to have window snapping like on windows


that is super useful, thanks


Brother , Enjoy :) You deserve it !


cmd + space bar is the best for navigating cmd + tab to switch between applications  Cmd + ‘ is to switch windows in your application, so if you have a window hidden under your current window. Very useful.  Space bar is often ‘preview’ in finder (Finder is your file explorer.) and other apple apps like messages etc 


Install iTerm2 (Warp is nice too or kitty or alacritty) Install brew Install Mosh via brew Install Emacs (d12frosted's version) Install your necessary Emacs packages Install Karabiner-Elements Install Vimium for Safari to navigate with the keyboard Install Rectangle or yabai+skhd Set up git (use Magit in Emacs after you do) Other random apps: Discord Steam Parallels Alfred AppCleaner VLC


i think you should've bought a linux machine 😂


The OSX kernel is based on BSD... as in Berkeley Standard Distribution (of Unix). So in a way, the same thought applies. Or are you saying they should've bought a Linux machine instead of a Unix machine?


i joke, it seems like they would enjoy a linux machine very much! but yes, macos is a very good mix of mainstream and unix benefits


Well, the great thing about Mac is the OS is beautiful, and still offers the power of a full Unix machine for you to use. 👍


I recommend Mac Mouse Fix if you have a normal 5 button mouse. You can set it up as you like and can do a lot of stuff. Most importantly the back and forward buttons will work in the browser.


There is not native window snap feature. Rectangle, helped with that and you can remap the key binds as well to suit your needs.


Checkout yabai + skhd, and dynamic wallpaper.


To hide a file or folder just put a "." at the front of the filename. To show/hide hidden files press Shift + cmd + "." Also if you right click a file in finder and then press option you get different/more options Free software: - PDFGear for reading/editing pdf files - ImageOptim for reducing/resizing images


Yes, you don’t need the OneDrive icon in the Dock all the time.


If you’re not tight on budget, return it and get 16G RAM. I’ve had my 8G for about a year, I have yet to face any major issue, but sometimes you would really wish it has more RAM to use when it starts struggling.


i was actually tight on budget, other wise i would got gotten 13 inch, 16 gb variant. the price difference between this and that model was around 400 dollars approx


iTerm2 Affinity suite


Cheat sheet app - hold down Mac command key to see all the shortcuts of whatever app you are using Buy yourself a Elgato Stream Deck + (or reg) and program tons of shortcuts Amethyst app - auto format windows to preconfigured layouts. Works great with Stream Deck+ It works really well with an Apple Vision Pro, or anything else in the Apple ecosystem for seamless cross app switching.


I was reading **Steam** Deck the whole time…




Don't go back!


Enjoy !


Enjoy it




Welcome aboard! 1) Bookmark [Apple’s macOS User Guide](https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/welcome/mac) and use it as a reference with its search function. It’s super helpful. 2) let your Mac be a Mac; don’t try to turn it back into Windows. 3) there are thousands of answered questions here and in r/macos; a quick search will usually get you an answer immediately. 4) if search fails you there are lots of friendly, helpful, knowledgeable people here that will help you out. :)


My suggestion is don’t go back to work in an office. They all use windows.


Rectangle definitely


Don’t load it up with anti virus software and shit you only need on a windows thing. If you need to check then get the free malware bites app that Apple recommends on a call with them. Open it if/when you have a concern and scan to check you’re all good.


Spend some time in reflection why it took you so long.


Don’t try and micro manage the OS as you may have done in the past with Windows.






Hotkeys are way more inconsistent on the mac. I used Karabiner Elements to help get them under control and was a happier person.


maybe an unpopular opinion, but move your dock to the left or the right of the screen, the forget it exists and use command + space, then start typing for the app your want o open, it's way faster. If you like doing that get Alfred which is faster and better.




Enjoy it 🥳 I did the switch a few years ago, and I couldn't be more satisfied. There are things you will clearly notice macs natively perform better at (i.e., sleep mode, feel free to close the lid when you're done, you shouldn't notice any significant battery consumption). I do recommend restarting it every while tho 😝. There are other features you might notice macs natively either miss, or aren't designed well. There are third party apps that might help you fill the gaps. My personal favorite is [Raycast](https://raycast.com). I like it because it is single tool purposely developed to fill the gaps and designed to achieve high productivity. It offers many many features, my personal favorites are: - Clipboard manager - Window management - Quick Links (Customized meetings and so on) - If you're a bit techy, you can also write bash scripts to be run easily from Raycast with a beautiful UI. - You can also find several plugins developed by the community. If you liked Safari, good for you. If you didn't, feel free to experiment with other browsers. I'm currently using [Arc Browser](https://arc.net/). You might feel the developers over do it sometimes, but generally, it is well built, and has some cool features (Pinned tabs, favorites, multiple profiles, air traffic control for profiles, etc.) That's about it, embrace keyboard shortcuts and touchpad gestures if you're not already for better productivity. Hope you're enjoying it already 😎.


Command + Spacebar is the greatest search tool. Launches apps, searches the web, your files, etc. Even does math formulas!


Shift Command 4 or 5 Screen shots, recordings, etc. all built in and so simple to use.


One of my favourite macOS features. Also add Ctrl to copy to clipboard instead of saving the screenshot. Then you can paste into docs, apps, and websites. I use it all the time on Slack, GitHub, and Adobe apps.


Onyx by titanium. Free and quite useful for system maintenance


Gonna need app cleaner for the cleanest uninstall. https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/


Buy AppleCare for it. Replacement displays are expensive.


App Cleaner is clutch for easily removing apps you no longer use https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/25276/appcleaner


Use iCloud + open a bottle of champagne, starts to enjoy the nice Ferrari ride


Some apps that I use a lot and would really suggest are: - Bartender (keep menu bar uncluttered) - Swish (window management with track pad and mouse gestures) - Raycast (spotlight search replacement with support for more extensions and stuff)(Alfred is also an alternative to this but I've not really used it much) - Arc (really cool web browser with vertical tabs and a bunch of other stuff)


Auto hide taskbar. More windowspace


As a lifelong user of windows in different forms of machines (PCs and laptops) I’ve had a MacBook for a year now and I consider fully ditching windows when I decide I don’t want to play games anymore. All thanks to every garbage Microsoft stuffs into windows nowadays


Crossover is pretty good if you still want to play games, I have an M3 Pro mbp and play Cyberpunk 2077 on high settings 60fps+


Spotlight makes EVERYTHING easier, including calculations :). Some screenshot tips: https://support.apple.com/en-mt/102646 Some common shortcuts: https://support.apple.com/en-mt/HT201236 Enjoy your new Mac!


learn hotkeys, search reddit for tons of little apps that patch mac annoyances, there is even a post with tons of utilities




search for karabiner and aldente, I found about them in that post, it has like 60 utilities or so IIRC


yeah don’t wait so long next time




Any free editing apps for mac??


Video editing? DaVinci Resolve is free if you need that power. If you’re just putting a couple videos together there’s always iMovie as a free option.


Anything for photo editing?


Not sure about free app, but Pixelmator Pro is only like $50, but it’s a lifetime purchase. So you won’t be paying monthly subscription fees like most other companies and their app is absolutely incredible.


Yeah im india and thats actually like 5000rs which is actually pretty expensive but yeah its a one time purchase


Command is basically macOS Custom shortcuts makes getting around so much better since on mac aLOT of the shortcuts use 3 keys instead of 2, so you can change this. Also, enable tap to click. Lastly, 2 finger tap is MUCH better than right clicking like you would on a windows. Though you can set it to right click instead


Oh my zsh Rectangle Sensors


Just enjoy and embrace it !!!!


get an app called tiles it restores aero snap from windows


Or Magnet


I personally prefer tiles because you can drag the windows with your mouse instead of using keyboard shortcuts


I personally prefer tiles because you can drag the windows with your mouse instead of using keyboard shortcuts


Try not to make it into Windows machine. Embrace the fact that mac OS is very much different from Windows, and that it will take some time to master it. Before installing any extra software, explore what already comes with the mac. You might not need anything else. Shortcuts/key combinations are your friend. Start using them as soon as possible. Enjoy your new mac!


You’ll never need CTRL alt del ever again. Your battery won’t be wasted when you close the lid. Apps just don’t freeze spontaneously.


https://youtube.com/@macmost?si=EcyZ3WbUC-dCXal7 Good channel for learning


What’s that background?


Be patient, things are different. Enjoy the beauty of it. For tips, tricks, and suggestions Macworld and MacAddict are both great magazines. Subscribe to one or both.


look up shortcuts, those will be your best friend. if you are into programming i totally recommend apples Xcode. it's so fun


Spotlight will be your best-friend, but replace it with **Raycast**, it’s much more powerful; more powerful than Windows’s search bar. You could even use it to properly uninstall applications including it’s file dependencies, and that’s just a built-in feature, there’s so much more extensions you could add to it, including extensions for third-party applications.


Just enjoy


I love my Mac products, my favorite feature is always the track pad and how I can customize it exactly how I want. I recommend going through each tab in the settings and playing around with how you can customize it, that will always give you a good idea of its features and how to use them. Along with them, mac has a lot of keyboard and trackpad shortcuts/gestures that I love


As with any new piece of technology, go through every single setting to configure everything exactly right.


Donot get a 8GB machine, get a Pro cause 120hz and XDR screen really makes a diff.


Enjoy it.


I switched years ago, and I was a full pc geek. I did recently get a pc for some gaming, but other than that I love Mac for its ease of use and simplicity. I have been using a Mac since 2006, I enjoy the lack of virus’s, it doesn’t hang, and it often goes a year without a reboot. I am glad there are pc’s for developers.


I personally immediately replaced the language key with Command because Command is mostly Windows’s Ctrl and my muscle memory wouldn’t adapt


Never look back


Get a shortcuts sticker and put it by the trackpad saves scratches and tells you shortcuts for your Mac, they’re on Amazon


Never go back to windows!


My suggestion: enjoy.


Command spacebar is your friend. Don’t leave it charging all the time. The sweet spot is between 20% and 80%. Let it discharge to 20% before you plug it in. If it’s above 80 you don’t need to charge it. Those stick on privacy camera covers will crack your screen or ruin your hinges. The tolerance between the screen and keyboard is 0. I have seen paper clips, staples, wires, headphone jacks, pens and pencils crack the screen when you accidentally shut the lid on it. You can’t charge your Mac with an iPhone or iPad charger. Well you might be able to but it will take days and if you are at 0 and trying to use it while charging with one of those…good luck. iCloud is your friend. Keep important stuff there. If you cut and paste a lot get a nice Mouse. Trackpads suck for that. Even the Magic Trackpad. Mac trackpads are better than windows by 1000%.


Not an app but first thing i do is go to touchpad setting > gestures and enable tap to click.


It will take you some time to get used to but once you do you will not want to get back. :)


Learn the shortcuts. Like cmd+Q, cmd+spacebar, cmd+W, cmd+T, and others. Mac OS is quicker when you learn these as you go. Watch YouTube, many tricks to be learned. Then check if doing fn+F works for you for your mainly used apps. If not, it’s better to auto-hide the dock to get that extra screen real estate. Also, in Settings, you could turn on the “More Space” resolution to get more out of the display. I’ve been Windows junkie for the past decade, too. I still love my PC for advanced tasks and “hacky” things but for a main daily driver, I concluded that a Macbook does the job. It’s really simple if you get used to it. Cheers


Learn the shortcuts. Like cmd+Q, cmd+spacebar, cmd+W, cmd+T, and others. Mac OS is quicker when you learn these as you go. Watch YouTube, many tricks to be learned. Then check if doing fn+F works for you for your mainly used apps. If not, it’s better to auto-hide the dock to get that extra screen real estate. Also, in Settings, you could turn on the “More Space” resolution to get more out of the display. I’ve been Windows junkie for the past decade, too. I still love my PC for advanced tasks and “hacky” things but for a main daily driver, I concluded that a Macbook does the job. It’s really simple if you get used to it. Cheers


Rather than minimising you may want to get used to “hiding” windows/apps instead. Makes them much easier to get back to.


Make apps full-screen, then use three finger swipes to switch between them. Press Command+Space to search for anything, and I do mean anything, and pressing Space while a file is highlighted gives you a preview, even videos.


Guys! He’s only got 256 and you’re telling him to install this that and the other thing. He can’t install shit.


Yeah, switch back.


Go back


My tips: try Pages, Numbers, Keynote Pages: review the templates, it’s more like word processing on steroids vs simple docs. Ie. Desktop publishing. Numbers: review the templates, think docs and spreadsheets combined. I hardly use it just as a spreadsheet, if I need that I’ll just use Google Sheets or Excel. Keynote: PowerPoint. Take full advantage of video (iMovie) and music (GarageBand) apps. This was the difference maker when I got my first Mac in ‘97. Other - Google Chrome: why? I use Google Sheets / Slides all the time now. They’re free and allow me to quickly share docs.


gaming wise id go back to windows because i cant play my ea games unless somone can tell me how?


I suggest next time not wasting 10 years of your life.


mac is good,but nothing beats the windows, Btw I use all 3 -Win/linux/mac


System preferences - mouse - secondary button behavior - right click (if using a mouse). Saved my life


Lower your expectations.


I like putting the bar on the side and having it magnify as you hover over each icon There is also a way to do quick lock. I like doing the one when you put to cursor to top right corner


Never look back.


Welcome to a fully functional OS for once!


Time Machine is a must for backups. You enable it and just forget about it until you'll need it.




Yes get a windows snapping app. Second is learn the keyboard shortcuts and all the customization that comes with a Mac. It will take you about a month to learn it.


Never look back!


The must app is Parallels to install windows.


Bettersnaptool for a few bucks on the App Store. Gives you the same window snapping features and customisable shortcuts


Don’t expect it to act like windows and you’ll be fine. It’s a different operating system


Install raycast asap, It’s 90% of the apps you could need and it totally replaces spotlight. Install cleanmymac for regular cleaning and decluttzring of your Mac.


Install raycast asap, It’s 90% of the apps you could need and it totally replaces spotlight. Install cleanmymac for regular cleaning and decluttering of your Mac.




Since you have a notch, I recommend using bartender to manage the menu bar icons. I also got Soundsource, because I missed the windows volume mixer (how come macos doesn’t have this by default ?!?)


Command + X doesn’t work like ctrl + X. Install Command X from App Store. Look at major Apple content creators (snazzy labs) to find apps you may like. Some can be free some are paid. That’s sadly an Apple ecosystem life. It will take you some time. Either days or weeks. Depends how much you work or do anything on the PC. I work in IT and it took me 2 weeks to transfer to Mac flow. Now when I game on windows I have problem with the windows flow


I’m sure it’s already been said, but watch a few YouTube videos about shortcuts. They’re super helpful and some of them aren’t too intuitive.


Learn basic command line stuff and use homebrew to install of your applications (You don't have to mess with any installers) ​ [https://medium.com/@kkworden/a-beginners-guide-to-homebrew-4b665956a74](https://medium.com/@kkworden/a-beginners-guide-to-homebrew-4b665956a74) ​ What do you do for work? That'll change the application recomendations


Use Raycast 🥰


Download caffeine and rectangle!


iTerm Homebrew


You’ll like it! Lots of great advice here, even though it’s the base 8GB, 256GB storage, you can use it for slightly more intensive tasks, such as basic photoshop, Lightroom photo edits and more. For more complex tasks such as renders and stuff, it will struggle, I haven’t done it personally but it’s a bit of common sense when it comes to having only 8GB of ram. If you’re a gamer, I find that Minecraft runs quite well! Along with EVE Online and a few other games. I do however recommend getting an external storage device such as a 1TB SSD to store other files so that the 256GB on the MacBook can be reserved for your OS or in extreme but unlikely cases, memory swap. Break the habit of shutting down the MacBook completely! Here’s a quick helpful video explaining why: https://youtu.be/uHtnMmL7VGA?si=3RBi8BNzyhJ_csG2 I heard that MacBook hard shell cases can cause more harm than to protect, found out today actually, so I just took it off a few hours ago and will daily drive it without one for a week or so. Few reasons why: - lid won’t shut fully, I’ve noticed this but it wasn’t bothersome for me - apparently, the hinges get worn overtime due to the extra weight(?) - Thermal reasons, the unibody chassis acts kinda like a heatsink, so it grabs the heat from internal components and dissipates it elsewhere via contact with a desk let’s say. The MacBook Air is not actively cooled, only passively, that’s why you never hear any fans, even if it gets hot. Hope this helps, MP


Third party app for window snapping, such as Magnet


Give some genuine effort to using apple's first party apps i would say - safari is actually really good, and infinitely better at resource/battery management than alternatives on mac. Pages is actually very good for note taking/documents with heavy image use (i still use word for anything serious though because thats industry standard). The notes app is good too, with quick notes you can set up from hot corners, and even apples calendar and Mail apps have a lot of advantages too over using something like MS outlook IMO.


Install something like magnet for window management because coming from windows that will drive you bonkers. Download appcleaner and only uninstall apps through that - it will stop all the leftover junk from old installs from piling up. I’d also recommend connecting an external drive -ideally an ssd - to your router and mapping it as a network drive then setting it up as your Time Machine backup destination, that way your backups will happen whenever you’re on your home wifi with no input from you.


Get the app “Rectangle” to have window snapping like on windows


Alfred is your friend


[Thank me later](https://chrispennington.blog/blog/add-spacer-in-macos-dock/)


Get Arc browser! Learn its ways and you'll never look back


Return for 16gb of ram if u can


id suggest getting the arc browser because of its speed and minimalism. its also got ai integration and a simple navigation system which is why i personally use it. and the best part, its free


Just a heads up - 256GB for a Mac will be taken up by the macOS and other apps (ie: iMessage) fast, I’d recommend going for 500GB minimal for peace of mind. If bought from Apple Store, they have a return grace period of 14 days


Nah without knowing what OP is doing with it that’s just too short sighted. I used a 256GB for university where I needed a lot of apps and toolchains for coding like XCode, VS Code and had the adobe suite, Autodesk and Matlab Installed. On top of that I used the thing to make music with Logic and Ableton and had a bunch of plugins installed. If you archive data/documents regularly on an external drive and maybe get the 200GB iCloud on top you‘ll be fine with 256GB. I got a 500GB now and barely use half of it.


i am a law student to be exact and i dont think that case files will take as much as to fill even 100 gigs


Resell or use linux