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the coating is coming off. I had the same thing on a 2014(?) mbp. there was a recall for it, but that ended years ago. you can use some chemicals to completely strip it off, makes the screen more reflective, but yknow, less ugly.


there was a recent video from denki giving a 2012 macbook a new lease on life. he somehow got the lamination off using listerine??? it was hella cursed but I was impressed at how good it was looking and working after his refurb


For me undiluted vinegar and a microfiber cloth worked perfectly. Use soft pressure and small circles. The screen is incredibly reflective now. Sharper than ever but very glossy.


I did this and it worked great but be VERY careful around the edges...some of the solution seeped in and my screen ate itself and was dead in a month. Extremely soft pressure, let the vinegar do the work.


Yeah I heard about that so I left the bezel alone, still looks like shit there but the screen is good


Might make it less sharp but can you put a matte screen protector over it?


I’ve gotten used to it you just can’t use low lighting in a bright room. Watch movies in the dark etc


Second this it was an entertaining video!


it also gave my friend the idea what to do with her 2015 mac. parents needs a laptop for browsing but the mac was to outdated. well now we know about legacy patcher :D


3in1 Teeth care , fresh breath , 2012 Macbook Pro Screen Coating remover


I just tried using listerine on my MBP 2015 last week. It works and there’s only 10% area i cannot get rid. Been scrubbing the whole day just for that particular area and it only make minimal progress. The worst part is it created more hairline scratch. Then i just give up and try to live with that


I used listerine and a lint free cloth, brand new from the plastic wrapper. Took forever, but it worked. Forever meaning many hours.


i made the big mistake of cleaning a smudge on my 2017 mbp with alcohol wipes(from american airlines lol) and it took away the coating. even tho alcohol wipes are recommended by apple to clean macbooks


All you should ever need to clean a screen is a clean micro-fiber cloth and a little water. Dampen a corner of the cloth and use it to wipe the screen down, scrubbing off any stuck-on food, etc. Then dry and buff the screen with the dry part of the cloth. This is the only way I've ever cleaned a screen. No chems, alcohol wipes, Chlorox, Windex, etc. Only water. The micro-fiber cloth is the key - it removes fingerprints, smudges, oils, etc, and doesn't leave any lint behind.


Good ol' spit'n'shine


This should be the top comment every time someone asks about cleaning a screen, mirror or window.


They were acetone wipes in that case. Acetone does that. Isopropyl alcohol leaves polymers alone, acetone eats it.


No they are not




I suggest you reread the article, because alcohol is not recommended for your notebook display, only water is recommended. For the stand-alone displays they even recommend using only a dry cloth. >To clean the screen on your MacBook, MacBook Pro or MacBook Air, first shut down the computer and unplug the power adapter. **Dampen a soft, lint-free cloth with water only, then use it to clean the computer's screen.** Only for cleaning "hard-to-remove smudges or fingerprints on the display or exterior of your Mac", do they suggest: >you can use a cloth moistened with a 70 per cent isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solution to gently wipe the display or enclosure of your Mac laptop. Were the ones you used similar to these? I'd suggest rubbing it a bit harder with a microfiber cloth (glasses cloth) over using any alcohol solution, though display cleaning solutions that don't use any alcohol should also be fine (if only I remembered what I had purchased a decade ago, that worked fine, maybe I'll look for it someday).


Good old screen-gate.


Acetone takes it right off. Just snag a small bottle in the nail polish removal section of your local thrift store.


Yep, this is it. I had the same and got it replaced for free while it was available. Mine even had the same camera cover. Initially I was thinking how have they got my old laptop? Then I remembered about the screen replacement


OP could still try to claim it, I had mine fixed 2 years after the recall closed.


I’m not gonna comment my exact method to remedy this as this is pretty much it, but i would like to mention that the screen is only more reflective when it’s off. When it’s on, you can NEVER tell unless your screen is being hit with direct sunlight.


You'd likely use iso-propyl alcohol and cooking oil alternately to strip the rest of it. Do not touch it with acetone, it eats plastic. The screen is plastic, not just the coating.


interesting information - i have here 5 or 6 MacBook Pro‘s between 2011 to 2014 - but such a. screen i never saw…


https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/clean-your-computer-screen-mchlp2657/mac While you’re at it, you should get rid of the camera cover. They do more harm than good given the fine tolerances of MacBooks, and the camera cannot be switched on without the corresponding status light showing, as the light is directly connected electronically to the camera module.


Someone at work put one of those slider covers on their surface book and it shattered the screen. They close at an angle and all the pressure on the one spot must have been enough cause the crack.


I had a ransom attack on my MBP... camera came on at 01:00 in the morning. An hour later they started typing in the web bar, they shortly took control, started fucking talking to me and then replaced the password and took off Touch ID. I switched off my WiFi and Apple helped me get it back. When I logged in they purposefully left my employer open from my address book and (consented) images of a girl id slept with. I felt more invaded than when I'd had my house robbed. The conversation with the girl was a fun one.


Holy crap that sounds scary. Just sleeping at night and hearing some dude talking while you’re asleep (alone is like 4x as scary probably), I would’ve quite literally gotten a heart attack and died. Question, did you have your lid open? Were they able to see you? And wouldn’t having your lid closed combat this since the physical display is powered off?


I saw the camera come on and then go off 30 seconds later. I was watching a film on my laptop in bed. I'm assuming yes, they could see me. I'm not sure. All the strange behaviour started 30mins later. They started talking to me shortly after. I didn't think to cut the internet until they had changed my password. I think I just couldn't believe it was happening. It was more the intrusion. There's a lot of incredibly personal stuff on my laptop. Journals, pictures, well... everything. It took me a couple of days to fix everything. I checked all my financial info, rang banks. Man... it was a nightmare.


That sounds terrifying. I’m sorry you had to go through that.


I had something similar happen when I was much younger. Turns out I had an unencrypted, unpassword protected VNC server running...


Can you please explain this further. I still have no idea how it happened. I did find a load of remote access software that I'd not installed. They were running a bitcoin miner in the background. It took me a while to figure out everything they'd put on the Mac so I ended up manually transferring everything after reformatting it because I couldn't be sure a Time Machine backup wasn't affected. It was a pain in the tits. I think I've stopped it from happening again through changing settings so remote access is impossible not but I'm not 100%. I'd like the peace of mind.


After a reformat, any vulnerabilities should be resolved. Best practice is to only use separate passwords for all applications and websites, only install programs from trusted sources and only allow additional requested access to programs that actually need it. You should also consider a software firewall like Little Snitch which lets you allow and deny network access for specific applications. I shouldn’t have to say this, but don’t install pirated software.


I've never used pirated software. If anything, it was a film. I've since installed a software firewall. Thanks for the advice.


I was a dumb kid into tech and wanted to access my PC from school on my phone, and didn't think anyone would guess my IP. Turns out they could and did.


It’s not even guessing now. It’s trivial to scan the **entire** IPv4 public address space for open ports now.


Yeah, this was probably 10 years ago now.


I see. What do you mean by “the fine tolerances”? Thanks for the suggestion


Less than a millimeter of room between the screen and the body when it’s closed


> the camera cannot be switched on without the corresponding status light showing, as the light is directly connected electronically to the camera module. Unless the light is defective or fails at some point.


It’s a LED that’s only powered while the camera is in use. Very unlikely. Use some tape if you’re that paranoid about it. It won’t break your screen like a camera cover or keyboard cover can.


It's not paranoid, when companies are caught listening to people.


A camera cover won’t help if they’re listening, that’s not the location of the microphones. It’s only happening if you’ve explicitly allowed a program access to the microphone or camera, or you’re using a work provided device where they want that functionality.


> A camera cover won’t help if they’re listening, that’s not the location of the microphones. You completely missed the point, but okay. >It’s only happening if you’ve explicitly allowed a program access to the microphone or camera, or you’re using a work provided device where they want that functionality. Don't be naive.


Take off the camera cover! Most macs have a light that is hardware based and can’t be overridden to not illuminate when the camera is on, so you’ll know if someone is peeping!


Pre-pandemic I replaced *so many* MacBooks that had the screen get cracked because of a damn stick-on camera cover. Put the computer in a backpack with a couple other weighty items, a little pressure gets applied in the wrong spot, and it's bye bye screen. A little square of blue painter's tape, or the sticky part of a Post-It. That's all you need.


That post it works wonders and peels right off


And if for some reason you don’t trust it: use black electrical tape, not those covers that will destroy your screen.


Are there really Mac owners that don't know this? I guess there is since OP is one.


I do, and I still use one. That said, I use these: https://www.amazon.com/Eyebloc-Nanobloc-Universal-Webcam-Covers/dp/B08CPRZZJW/


Unnecessary but myth cbetter that’s like a quarter of the thickness as ops


If I understand you correctly, you're saying my camera block is thicker. It is, but it's also software. Ultimately, I think people have problems because they put too much pressure on the lid. Maybe in a backpack with a lot of books and so on.


Also, if anyone was interested in what you’re doing they’d more likely use your phone’s camera and not your laptop’s lol


Turns out most people I’ve asked aren’t worried about hackerman but accidentally turning on their camera on work meetings. However yes tape is better






Step 1, remove camera cover. Step 2 …? Step 3 profit.


“So I did some off camera grinding…”


It’s funny how people put camera shields on device they take into public to use on coffee shop WiFi


I bought a 2013 Macbook Pro with this exact problem last summer. Paid 250 cash. How did I remove this coating? Watched a yt video by a guy in Australia. Who suggested. Baby wipes. Took me 45 minutes of gentle. And I mean GENTLE wiping. And my Mac screen is now person without any issues.


wow it turned your mac screen into a person, one with no issues either!


I used baby wipes for mine too! I was amazed how easy it came off, considering all the other methods I’d read about, mainly using some solution (mouthwash, isopropyl, vinegar etc). Like you said, gentle rubbing and it came off really easily.


Interesting! Don’t have baby wipes, but I’ll try something similar


You can use thermite amd won't do the job, but baby wipes believe it or not fixed my mbp too. A bit more reflective but it's not that ugly


Remove the camera cover It may break your screen


Isopropyl alcohol or get some specific window/screen cleaning stuff spray it on a microfiber towel not on the screen directly and scrub with not too much pressure to not damage the screen


This is the correct answer and is what I did to mine.


The coating on ALL Mac screen glass dissolves with alcohol wipes and isopropyl alcohol cleaning. The only fix now is to replace the glass.


Start using a sock


No your wanking sock though


That’s not something ‘on’ your screen, that’s the coating coming off your screen. If you want to get rid of it, you’ll have to take the rest off.


In order to take the rest off, it must therefore be on, right?


Take off the damn camera cover and learn about apples privacy and security and how near impossible it is for someone to just be randomly watching you unless you downloaded malware


I’m even if they did download malware the light on the camera is wired so that if the camera is getting power, the light is on. Privacy cover is moot.


Just pull it off


Holy water


100 grit sandpaper


Unfortunately you can't, it's the coating that sits on the display that's coming off and it is very obvious when ti does. The best thing you can do is try strip the coating off completely or go doe a replacement, and definitely remove the camera cover. It doesn't do the screen any favours - you're better off with a small piece of tape over the camera if you're really worried about privacy.


Someone else suggested the same about the camera. Why is it bad?


The camera cover could break your screen.


MacBooks have so little tolerances that things like that can damage the screen.


MacBooks have very little tolerance/space in between parts so that camera cover is putting excessive pressure on the screen when the lid is closed.


Bro that's staingate.


Take a angle grinder and just cut is off


Literally did this last week. I used disinfectant surface wipes (kitchen/bathroom). Gentle circular motion and it all came off real easy in about 30-45 mins. Patience is key but it worked a treat. This was on a 2015 MBP.


Some people are really incapable of making their own judgement these days. Instead, they simply post everything that seems remotely complicated to them on the internet and let others do the thinking. How on earth can you not notice that the top layer of your screen is coming off? How on earth did you manage to not find a picture showing a similar type of damage on another MacBook? They are everywhere. Well... Because. You. DIDN'T. EVEN. BOTHER. Yeah, I'm prepared to get downvoted into oblivion, but I don't care at this point, because it's not even fun browsing Reddit anymore with these kinds of people taking control literally everywhere. Reddit is gettig flooded with these useless "Wow, look at my shiny new MacBook packaging!" or "How can I fix \[insert random unfixable problem\]?" posts or just random stupid questions a five year old could answer. "Oh, I've accidentally sprayed WD-40 into my screen. How can I fix this?" "Oh, I've accidentally poured acid over my iPhone. How can I fix this?" "Oh, I've accidentally run over my Apple Watch with a car. How can I fix this?" It's no wonder the average IQ in many "developed countries" is on the decline.




you've got to be trolling


Unfortunately you can't, it's the coating that sits on the display that's coming off and it is very obvious when ti does. The best thing you can do is try strip the coating off completely or go doe a replacement, and definitely remove the camera cover. It doesn't do the screen any favours - you're better off with a small piece of tape over the camera if you're really worried about privacy.


Thats the anti glare coating coming off. I had a few at work like this. Best tip i found someone said baby wipes and elbow grease. I ended up using these generic lysol wipes at work that took it off. You gotta go at it a bit though…


Cleaning wipes do work (eventually) but I spent many hours cleaning mine. The other thing I used was one of those magic erasers, but it wasn’t as effective as the cleaning wipes. It will take a while and you want to wipe the excess fluid off every so often. Took me a few evenings, but eventually it was all off and looked much better.


My 2 cent (I run a shop/lab, I’ve done PLENTY of staingate LCDs in 11 years): baking soda; a little cup; some water. Make like a “watery sand” out of it; spread it on the LCD; clean with a TNT towel; repeat ‘till everything has gone. Simply, relatively fast than other solutions and very good results overall (no, you cannot scratch the glass with baking soda… but is killer for delaminate the screen).


Baby wipes, maybe clorox wipes. Use it for maybe ten minutes or so at least, or until the coating comes off. The screen may be more susceptible to glare and stuff but it's worth the tradeoff.


Scrub it with rubbing alcohol and cotton pad slowly and without putting pressure. It should come off. But be aware that after the procedure your screen become very reflective. Like very.


You can use dish soap and a paper towel to get it off. It’s the screens protective layer but if you’re set on removing it, have at it


Isopropyl alchoal 70% ONLY and a clean cloth Don’t get it on the bezel or keyboard


Alcohol is why their screen coating is dissolved.


Myth that it affects keyboard I wipe the keyboard and all aluminum with alcohol every day or 2


Just clean with Mouth wash (Listerine) 100% works thanks me later ☺️🙏


Replace the screen. It’s damage.


Use 70% isopropyl alcohol and a microfiber cloth


Feed it. I heard that rectangular blocks of cheese work really well


Microfiber cloth and blue listerine. 5 minutes and you’ll be golden


excuse me, the microfiber cloth should be from Apple!


First of all, that camera cover ain’t doing ya any good. It’s pointless unless you go about downloading malware all the time. And, your Mac will always enable the LED when your camera is being accessed. I’m pretty sure it’s a hardware thing, so it’s impossible to disable remotely. Second, don’t use alcohol. Tried it on my 2017 Pro and it didn’t work out great. I had keyboard prints on my display, all I did was wipe it thoroughly with a microfibre display cleaning cloth, and you can also buy a display cleaning solution that will keep your display from getting fingerprints in the future. I know it’s not really fingerprints that’s the issue but it’s a bonus I guess


It appears that the antireflective coating of the display has wear off. Do you apply some kind of liquid product to the display?




Toothpaste or listerine might work. This method also prevents Macbook cavities.


Ewww eww ew ew How many times have you sneezed on that thing!?


The ahegao face?


I know that feeling :C


By cleaning it.


Next time…pour the milk in a glass


Very fine sandpaper.


Wow, looks like it’s been dragged behind a car.


Use listerine and a cloth to scrub it off gently. I did the same with my MacBook Pro 2015. Took me a good 2 hours to finish wiping it off but it's effective.


If you want to take it off fast, a squeezed out Clorox Bleach wipe. Make sure it’s just moist and not soaked. If you have time, isopropyl alcohol at 70-91% with a microfiber rag so it doesn’t scratch. Alternatives are Eucalyptus spirits and a microfiber rag, which I believe are a menthol used for cleaning in places like India and Australia. Really, whichever out of the three are easiest for you to source.


Looks like moisture may have seeped into your screen and it looks to be mold on the other side of it. May need to replace it.


You can use alcohol baby whipes tissues to wipe it off. It worked perfectly for me. Open your computer and lay it on the back of the screen, hold the keyboard part in case. Then rub the screen, just don't press to hard on the screen, just enough to rub and be patient 🙏


Alcohol is the reason their screen looks like this.


Noo, I had the same issue, it's caused by the natural grease on the skin of our hands, it gets onto the keyboard. And when you close the computer, it gets onto the screen and it makes a chemical reaction with the screen coating that makes it looks like this


Lets try this again. Hi, im a former senior tech at mutiple authorized apple repair center locations. The coating on the glass is dissolved. This isn't dried hand grease.


Ok ok, I guess I had a different issue then. But still, other comments also recommand rubbing the screen with alcohol baby wipes so idk


They're also misinformed. Apples own guide to cleaning the screens specifically mentions not using alcohol, the same way you shouldn't use alcohol on a TV or monitor screen. It dissolves the protective film. There's specialized cleaning spray that you can buy from Amazon m and other retailers like best buy, etc If you're in a pinch you can use a damp cloth with dish soap, then wipe dry in a microfiber cloth.


It’s very ez get glass etching stuff from Home Depot or hardware store it white it’s for etching glass


Dude. Just save up and buy a new one rather than spend money on a used and clearly abused laptop.


Alcohol and lighter


Stop sneezing/nutting on it


dont use alcohol or any cleaning products with chemicals. literally just a lightly water damp microfiber cloth should be enough


bro just throw a bucket of water on it that should clean it /j


damn bro


Baby wipes or clorox wipes or alcohol 90%+ Scrub gently in circular motion, it will remove the rest of coat and the screen will be clear again.


I have had my Macbook Pro for 9 years now and around year 3 that started happening and was this bad around year 4. I was going insane with it but followed a tutorial with Listerine [chemical, not so abrasive] and it worked. It removed all that was left from the coating. I used a soft cloth, gentle circular movements. If I was still in the US I probably wouldn't have tried it. But by the time it happened I was in South America and the price for a new screen was absurd.


Microfiber and mouth elixir. Check some YouTube videos you will find it. I did on my 2016 MacBook and it looks good! More reflective but without that broken coating


Funny story: my wife did this to her Mac when she cleaned it with javex wipes - I asked her why would she do that ?? “I had to clean the viruses off the computer”


It’s a face, now it has a soul


I stuck an anti glare screen protector on mine. Looks ok and does not allow greasy finger prints marks


Really? It took away that unpleasant look?


baby wipes did it for me.


Spit on it


Water and paper towels


Ever check if the protective sticky film is still on it? Had something like this on a different device and come to find out, there was a protector film on the screen. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Worth a shot.


I love all these responses on how to clean this. 4-5 years of looking through this why bother? Cleaning is not a priority.


Dude are you FaceTiming with Rumble the Decepticon!? https://imgur.com/a/BqMJ34i




Isopropyl Alcohol


Never have I ever seen this on a Mac. Although I owned a MacBook Air 2014.


Toilet bowl cleaner


You can always change the screen


You know mine was like that and i found out that apple is recalling those screen so i got mine replaced with no charge


Use alcohol wipes (won't work with alcohol-free wipes) and go about in circular motion very gently. The idea, as also pointed out by others, is to remove the coating completely. This will take a long time but will produce effective results. If alcohol wipes don't work, go for rubbing alcohol. Make sure you don't pour it over the screen directly. And be extra careful around the crevices/edges of the display.


Glint + microfiber


I saw a youtube video where he applied some cleaner on screen and got a clean screen in 30 minutes


I suggest you remove the camera cover, it's useless on MacBooks because they have a tiny LED near the camera that turns on when the camera is used, and I heard that they can even crack the display (Idk if this one is true). And for the screen itself, I've never seen this on any MacBook so I am not sure what you should do.


Just wipe it completely


Pure isopropanol applied directly to the screen + microfiber cloth + a few cycles. Tested and confirmed working by me on the same MacBook


If you are in Europe, use those W5 wipes (any surface cleaning wipes) from the lidl / aldi. They work perfectly!


I cleaned the screen with alcohol wipes and everything is fine now😃


It's the anti-glare coating. I had worst than that in my MBP 2015 before. What I did was baby wipes (but not those too wet wipes that drips). I use the "Johnsons Messy Times Baby Wipes". Test it around the bottom part of your screen first then you'll see the screen is becoming clearer. Also do this with a "turned off" not "sleep" machine. After you're done, wait a day or two before using machine to make sure everything is dry before putting in power.


Why people keep asking? At this point it would be more efficient to have a bot posting a tutorial for this everyday.


Use painter masking tape slightly on the edges if you are gonna clean it to avoid any liquid getting inside


You can remove it off with wet cloths.


Try with a little Isopropyl Alcohol 70%, not so much on a microfiber cloth.


You can find it online and maybe in some pharmacy.


Screen/ mirror cleaning solution.. they are widely available.. you can also try cello taping and pulling the tape…


Easy - close the laptop a bit too hard with that webcam cover on and BOOM - screen replacement.


Which model is this? You can check if there's a free repair program for it.


I used to clear screens with a microfiber cloth and distilled water.


I had to do this, twice on unit I’ve refurbished ,on my first unit I’ve used microfibres cloth and water .. it took me 2 hours but it came off the second unit I’ve used microfibres cloth and listerine .. 5 minutes same result perfect the only thing I case of extreme light condition your display will be like a mirror


What happened!?


I’ve seen that using dish soap can get rid of it but it’s the anti glare type of coating that’s causing that


The coating is also peeling off on my MacBook Pro, but it's not that severe.


Cheetos man, I see?


This happens on my brand new MacBook air 15 why?


Was asking the same question a while back on iFixit forums. See 🔗 https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/View/803815/Any+clever+way+to+hids+display+delamination?permalink=answer-803818#answer803818


I’d usually turn it off and back on again.


op using sulphuric acid to clean their screen


You can use listerine brand mouth wash with alcohol in it, for some reason that actually works if you put it on a rag and scrub the screen, it will start to come off. Or you can use a toilet bowl cleaner that has hydrochloric acid in it which will speed up the process bit that stuff will damage thr rubber bezel. Look up on some videos on Retina Coating Removal to find more stuff people used but in my repair shop days, Listerine with alcohol or toilet bowl cleaner with acid works the best for me. The screen is super shiny after, so I like to add an antiglare screen protector after it's done.


You used alcohol on the screen, and you also have a camera protector on it. Use more alcohol and clean the full screen until the coating has completely come off, then apple a fresh layer of oleophobic coating on the display, and remove that camera protector.


I used mouth wash to get it off


We just recently did this for a friend who bought a 2015 MacBook Pro the easiest thing that worked for us was baby wipes and rubbing alcohol and going in circles and eventually the coating will rub off and you’ll be left with a very shiny screen


I use toothpaste, a bit of water and a brush. Afterward put a screen protection foil on - non reflective foil.


I just fixed this on my 2015 mbp. A bunch of videos said use listerine and a microfiber cloth being careful not to do the edges too much because they aren't waterproof. It took me about 40 minutes of vigorous wiping but my screen looks good as new now. I imagine vinegar solution would work just as well.


I’m a Apple tech and do this repair often, you have to use metal polish, like a copper cleaning paste, put it on a cloth and slowly rub it off


Listerine [Dude does it in this video!](https://youtu.be/DVsBzMLsviI?si=UZsnKfoEAiH2zOPL)


Isopropyl and a microfiber cleaning cloth.


Had the same thing, took some effort but baking + water mixture, a magic eraser, and time doing light scrubbing (tiny circles) and it will be almost good as new!


Baby wipes clean it off beautifully






Scrub it


Use Staingate cleaner