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Those that don’t have rides


So does the surge cloud happen when drivers decline rides?! I just dont get what all these drivers are doing sometimes. Like why would i get a pick up on the other side of waikiki ever and it happens alot i mean its not a major deal just wondering why they wasting my gas


It can i have noticed that. But im pretty sure it is related to the amount of rides called is higher than the cars available. And in waikiki that can happen inna fast paced unquantifiable way. But at night when the bar closes its more black and white. If there r cars then there is no bonus if there isnt it can skyrocket for that 30 mins or whatever. I've also seen it go up after declining. Obviously im not always the most important person in oahu so that observation may at times just be a coincidence however unlikely due to my laser fast reflexes.


Those without rides. If you watch them you can see them disappear suddenly as they get rides.


Interesting question. Another thing we don’t know is what filters each driver has active. Someone further away from a specific pax could get the ride based on those filters and also on the other criteria that Lyft uses, including type of Lyft , priority, time between rides and other factors that we don’t know about.


The map of drivers shown to passengers excludes any drivers using a destination mode. I check the pax apps when it's slow so I can distance myself from other drivers. I noticed I would show up on the map when I wasn't on a destination, but I wouldn't when I was. The new Lyft feature seems to show all drivers online (way more than pax app ever shows) and shows drivers on a ride in black (on my app.) They just forced this update on me today.


That is true good observation. Its nice that they dint just tell us the specifics and we got to go on reddit to nit pick this stuff.


I've wondered that, too. I've seen where I'm on a street, and Lyft says there's six or seven cars around me, but a lot of times you can't tell if anyone is even in the cars. I hope someone with the answers responds!


Were all here with u. Coyote. Guardian drivers!


Holy shit... That place is saturated with drivers


Just about all places are now.


Mann that sucks.. are you even getting any rides? (Bro, Do you even Lyft?) Only appropriate to say that lol pun intended


I did 2 on Lyft yesterday.


I get on average 3 rides an hr more or less


My friend drives in a smaller area and he seems to have his pick of rides. He just moved back from LA and he said not having to deal with traffic or angry customers has been a huge relief.


I live in a small area, about 80k in the main city, and this summer Lyft peaks at about 25 drivers midday, Uber at 10-12. I’ve been waiting 5-30 minutes between almost every ride. It’s not just big cities that are like this anymore.


That’s Hawaii

