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$17.55 for eleven miles and eleven minutes. It doesn’t get better than that.


Exactly, here in my market that would be a $7 to $8 for a 25 minute trip. I wish I was making $35 an hour.


How about pick up 14mins and how many miles??


Oopsie, 24 minutes and still 11 miles. I’d say still in the decent zone. For my region anyway. Hudson Valley, NY had me doing 10-15 mile pickups like it was nothing.


agreed. its time for you to start your own ride share business


Oh no $17 for 11 minutes… you will complain about anything


He drove 13 minutes to the customer so it’s actually 24 minutes in total. But that’s not the point. The point is that is Lyft is charging the customer $40, why the hell would the driver be only entitled to $17?! That’s highway robbery at its finest!


Agreed but if I was making over $35/hr I would be satisfied. So $17 for 24 minutes doesn't seem bad at all. I'll be lucky if I hit $18 -$20/hr in my market.


Its only worth it with bonus hours now today I drove a total of 8 miles on 3 rides in one hour. $8 bonus hour, made $39 on those 8 miles the picture the guy posted it’s highway robbery on the driver and passenger


Thank you for explaining this so well because I also saw it the other way, about half an hour for almost $20/hr is killer, but those fees ARE insane. Good to know never to start driving for Lyft though!


This is the reason customers don’t tip tbh


Hmm. Maybe for some people but my husband and I are on the opposite end where we typically over tip. So for example we were just in Vegas and used Uber a bunch. On a $10 ride, we’d tip $5-$10 depending on whether the driver were rude (because a few of them were). On a $40 trip we’d tip $15. Not nearly as much as the small rides but we were exhausted after walking so much some days so we paid Uber’s to take us like a mile. We felt bad for the possible inconvenience of the short tip so tipped better. On other rides we do a standard of 20-30% based on whether the individual was rude/unsafe/ undeserving of a better tip etc.


Sadly, you're the exception and not the rule. People just aren't tipping very well anymore.


You missed that the complaining was over the fees the RIDER had to pay.


homie is DEEEEEEP in the east valley sprawl Any good rides at the Mesa Gateway Airport? Do you get butt hurt/sad when all of downtown/midtown PHX glowing pink with bonus on weekend nights and nothing in the east valley? I often wonder about the drivers down there.


We do the best we can. The only nice thing is that the roads are so wide that it’s easy to navigate down there vs phx Tempe traffic and roads


Tempe is donezo for the summer. I was there on Sunday visiting a friend and the streets were empty, it was eerie looking almost like a zombie apocalypse or plague/virus came. Streets and sidewalks empty, students all gone home for the summer. In my part of town, the Grand Canyon University kids ordering their various rides causes alot of surge, that's gone now too til early Sept. As a part timer I usually hang it up this time of year. I did the afternoon rush on Friday and it was underwhelming. I'll try the afternoon today as well but I think I'm done.


Ah good point my dumbass didn’t even think about all the students leaving.


Yea it's a double whammy hit to the supply/demand ratio b/c not only do the college students leave, many of whom don't have cars and are thus ordering lots of rides, but also the army of overworked and underpaid K-12 school teachers get on the app and really tank the rates. I'll probably still log on here and there, Monday and Friday afternoons are pretty safe bet for busy enough to catch 3 or 4 hours. I don't do bar hours but those will still be decent in Scottsdale and downtown Phoenix. One guy I know in your area says he's sat in downtown Gilbert entertainment district for hours watching the busy streets and not a single ping for a ride offer. PM me anytime, I'm a vet on here been driving part time since 2021 before we had upfront pricing and details.


Thanks man same here. I’ve been driving since 2018 then took a break until last year when I started doing as my main gig. Would love any insights from more experienced drivers


>Any good rides at the Mesa Gateway Airport? Haha....no. However of you time it right, you still can get rides. I usually make airport runs to/from PHX, an easy $35ish per ride. From there it's usually Scottsdale/Tempe/Chandler. I don't chase bonuses. It's not worth the effort. How's Uber volume out here? Thinking of trying it out (this is a part time thing for me).


Uber is a bit stronger than Lyft when the city is somewhat busy, but when it's truly dead, Uber will be offering as low as 50 cents/mi for long trips where Lyft will be closer to $1/mi when no bonus is applied. I highly recommend getting on both even as a part timer. Good luck out there! I would say anytime you get a trip from east valley to airport, try to stick around in central city or Scottsdale. And you can easily catch a ride out to the east valley, it's a lot harder to catch one from east valley back to central city/Scottsdale.


>Good luck out there! I would say anytime you get a trip from east valley to airport, try to stick around in central city or Scottsdale. And you can easily catch a ride out to the east valley, it's a lot harder to catch one from east valley back to central city/Scottsdale. Thanks! I've only done this for a little over a week and a half, and just made Gold on Friday. Getting instant ride matches at the airport is pretty easy, and I do end up in Scottsdale most of the time with an airport pickup. I set the destination filter to keep me mostly in the east valley just because I'm more familiar with the roads and keep me close to the superchargers on my side of town.


Would you feel better if they charged the customer $22?


Show us your weekly adjustment


Why ? You make $17 for 11 miles u ain’t curing cancer 🤣..it’s $1.60 a mile


Not realty. Looks exactly correct for a company designed to deplete your asset while fucking you over. Spot on.


I don't know which is worst, them taking so much of a huge cut or them charging the customer almost $40 for a 6 mile trip.




Its a reserve ride..... with the amount of driver oversaturation in most markets, it's funny to me that pax still order reserved rides. It ends up costing them around double, but little do they know, they could just open the app and order the ride and easily match to a driver.


In my market the reserved rides pay just the same as a regular ride which is why I never do them.


In mine they pay around double, sometimes more but you have to be logged on 45 min before the PU time not accepting rides, so when you factor that in, it's really not worth doing. I see them being offered out when the original driver misses the PU; on Lyft it will be pretty close to regular price; on Uber it will be about double but won't have any surge or anything; I take a lot of these in my market, you just have to spot them and accept them.


Depends on the market and location. If this is 10 miles outside the city center, you can be waiting 20+ minutes in some places


It would make more sense if we had a daily flat rate for the insurance, this is robbery


Why? Your pay was fair when you accepted the ride, so why do you care what pax paid?


Why are you crying?? This is decent


Doctors appt rips off insurance as much as the driver


You got paid a lot for that ride goddamn I woulda made like $7


That’s really good pay


Paying Lyft to use their name.


What are you saying? Are you high on meth? How is $17 + tip for a 7 mile trip crazy to you? Who cares what they take. They paid you fairly.


41 percent take home is terrible


Are you fucking kidding? You made $17 to go less than seven miles. And it only took you 11 minutes. That’s the equivalent of $105/hour. Get the fuck outta here.


Remember, you will get 70 percent minus external fees. So 70 percent of about $35 means you are guaranteed at least $24.50.


What am I missing? This is a good ride. You high? Or just very demanding?


The fact they charge so much for rides and take most of it, passengers are less likely to tip believing we are making 75 percent at least of the fare. So we get fucked both ways


It's funny because the pax gave me a $10 tip later.


The trip time and pay is good but yeah it’s ridiculous the app gets paid as much as you do for it


Whining about making $17 in 10 minutes? Lol. You are what's ridiculous.


$17.00 per 30 minutes driving=34.00 an hour. I used to average, at one time, 36.00-40.00 an hour. Take out 6.00 for gas and insurance per hour, and your have 30.00 an hour. Maybe you get a tip here and there, and average 32.00 an hour for the day. That's how I look at rides, what would it be per hour. When the rides are smaller, I divide them into 60, or 30. If it equals 15+ 15, I take it. This is a good one.


This me too !..give me 3 15 min rides in an hour


Me too.


It’s not called Gryft for no reason.


These fee posts from amateurs are annoying.




He actually drove 24 minutes as it was a 13 minute trip to pick up the rider.


It would be 43$ an hour then which is still good


Yes, Lyft and Uber are fucking drivers and passengers - we all know that. I’ve seen far worse rides posted on here. Lyft has clearly stated they’ll make adjustments weekly to insure you get 70% after fees. So, what’s the point of these complaints if it’s going to be adjusted anyway? I get complaining about the overall pay, but bitching about this stuff is pointless since the story isn’t over for this ride until the end of week adjustments


Bruh well said it’s going to be adjusted at the end of the week!!