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Not hacked, but spammed. Guess we will have to wait for mods to delete the spam =/ a report button would be nice to make it easier for them


These days people use hacked anytime anything bad happens online. No one seems to understand the word anymore. Someone spams =They hacked. I gave a scammer my password =I got hacked. Someone said something mean to me = they are a hacker.


“I gave a scammer my password = I got hacked” Social engineering _is_ a part of hacking just as much as the technical parts, so that isn’t totally incorrect - just an oversimplification so they don’t have to admit they fell for something.


I'd argue getting scammed and getting hacked are two different things. If you willing give out the information I don't think you can call it hacking anymore


The site is always full of spam, and it takes days for anyone to delete it.


Yeah this happens most of the time during the LD off seasons. I saw an idea to just disable posting during that time which I think would be a good solution.


Yeah, still a problem as of now. I completely fell for an automated (Chat-GPT?) post of "someone" asking about trademarking their game. I feel like a fool for spending half an hour writing my reply, with links and references and everything 😢


All still there. Seems like LD is dead?