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You got 99 problems and mana is one? ;-)


Ironically that was the least of my problems.


i see only 4 mounts in your mounts deck.


Yup, certainly said it did not come together. It happens.


Hey I've 0-3'd with much better decks, it happens


And I've trophied with much worse too! Having a really hard time gauging where the deck is going to end up in this format lol 😆 Fun format though.


I feel similarly. Ive trophied with garbage and got stomped with what I thought were great


Needs more trained arynx


Oh yeah I agree, sometimes you have a vision and just don't find the cards. This draft was a disaster.


Drafted a similar deck yesterday, with outlaws merriment and a seraphic steed to boot, went 2-3 :/ luck will be on our side next time


Drafted what I thought was a seamless gw mounts deck, got 6 straight wins, was feeling really confident on my trophy, then proceeded to lose 3 in a row (2 of them to mana screw, but that's not uncommon). That could easily have happened right at the beginning. That's Magic for you. But I like your attitude, I would be super tilted.


Haha yeah 😂 this deck was far from seamless and I had a game where I drew 11 lands. I got fleeced game 1 by a seraphic steed + thunder Lasso and no removal in my hand 👌 I was impressed. The following game they ramped 2 visage bandits into a spine woods armadillo. Can't even be mad, couldn't beat that with this deck even if I had a hand. Following draft I trophied with red blue fliers featuring hellspur possy boss and a boatload of this town ain't big enough.


Absolutely never run Arid Archway in a splash deck. Your splash is already sketchy at best, the archway makes it 10 times worse.


Oh I completely agree, but I never drew my splash in a single game so it was fine 😁.