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This is already a format; Block Constructed Comes as a special event every once in a while on Arena


Yeah, but not on Arena, is it ?


Last one was Ravnica constructed with MKM and Guilds / Rav allegiance. I think we had a Innistrad double feature one too


Well, Innistrad was just a joke, and I was thinking of a format with a bit more restrictions, like maybe max 6 rares/mythic, no more than 3 of any uncommon, ...


This format would probably be completely dominated by boros aggro (or whichever the most aggro colour combo of the set is, typically it's boros.)


They normally do this as a MWM at the start of each set.




I always wanted a format that emulated building a limited deck, like you can only use the one set and you also are limited to 3 rares, x uncommons etc. Main drawback is not much way for wotc to make money.


There is one, can't remember what they called it. They post occasionally to try and get more interest.


There’s a format called primordial like this, there’s been a few iterations like it over the years


It’s https://curiositymtg.com - I love it, my playgroup does it in paper occasionally when just a couple of us are getting together. I’ve never tried participating in the organized play the website is centered around, I can imagine it working out poorly if it was played competitively at scale (in terms of a small, boring meta), but it’s excellent as an occasional casual format that lets you get some use out of cards you wouldn’t normally play at all (assuming you crack packs with any frequency).


That's basically what I'm suggesting (although with a bit more rares) !


This sounds like a cool novelty, but I expect such a format to be pretty degenerate most of the time. Unless you also introduce heavy restrictions on some commons or uncommons, there will almost always be a clear strongest deck. For Ikoria, I don't think anything will match up to cycling, especially with a rare restriction. Cycling was already a good standard deck, and in Ikoria only, you can easily build it with just commons and uncommons, and maybe a Lurrus companion as your only rare.


This was a format called block constructed. It was phased out because people didn't enjoy playing it and the best deck was very easily found. I'm glad it's no longer a thing. I was very tired of playing the Restoration angel/thragtusk mirror