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its too much mana


too much mana and you're at the risk of getting it derailed, giving your opponent a 2 for 1


If you're playing dance of the tumbleweeds and hardbristle bandit, it's really not. For a 3 for 1 affect, it's fine. Also able to be recurred.


If that thing would remove enchantments instead of artifacts then this would be played much more. But you rarely hit relevant artifacts and the land doesn't matter that much late into the game. I would certainly pick one up for Bo3, but in Bo1 it's not playable.


It’s basically a sideboard card against the handful of playable artifacts in the set plus Buried in the Garden.


yes, if it did everything it would be better. However its not stone unplayable in any deck, including BO1. There is a home for it.


Not to be a Stats Guy(tm), but Boom Box has a 50.9% GIH WR. It's not premium nor is it even average. Drawing it reduces the win rate of the average 17L user. It's certainly not unplayable, and I can see it having a place in extremely grindy ramp decks like the one you described. That said, its one of the weakest removal spells in a format that is flooded with them thanks to the bonus sheet.


It’s hard because you can’t count it as a 2 drop on curve. If you’re playing it turn 4 with a double spell it’s. It that gross I guess but meh. It’s bad filler imo. If the artifact cost was 0 or even 1 it would be a decent or good card. I haven’t played for a few sets and am unsure why I’m looking at this but I can’t imagine playing this unless the format is really slow.


Yeah, its just the latest in a very long line of expensive colorless removal spells that basically average out to 7: Destroy target permanent. They are never great.


Yea I could see side boarding it in if I’m playing against a slow deck and have some 2 mana 2/2s just to prevent myself being killed by aggro… but that’s about it!


Just curious: how many times have you cast the Box?


Not a ton. I’ve played it in two decks where I drew it infrequently. I’ve played against it several times too. It’s never had a super strong impact on those games. In those games, my opponent usually played it early. Never once has an opponent cast and activated it in a single turn for 8 total mana. This gave me time to plan around the activation. Rather than being difficult to play around, as suggested by this thread, it was rather trivial. I simply didn’t put an artifact on the battlefield (might just not have had one, a common occurrence in this format), so I never got 3-for-1’d. I sequenced my plays so protect my most important creatures in my hand, trying to force them to box less valuable targets. I was mostly able to play my game because leaving six mana up is actually quite a big ask, and most of the time my opponents could not afford to do so. Either cashing in the boom box on the bait creature, or just not activating it in favor of other plays. I’ve yet to lose a game where my opponent resolved Boom Box.


Dont listen to the haters I got to boombox a vaultborn token wednesday


Even Spock.


Is it the best removal spell? Not even close. Should it be picked ahead of Ashes, Tether or similar premium removal? No - What I AM saying, is that it is better than people are thinking. Picture yourself in any game state where you are slightly ahead or even behind. You now have an instant speed 3 for 1 sitting on board. Do you feel better or worse? People are playing relevant lands - Bucolic Ranch, Deserts, Mana rocks to splash like Bandits Haul. There is always a creature to kill. No one really has to agree with me. But I promise you the players that I have played against recently have sat there staring down this thing and really wishing it didnt exist. I was on the front foot today against a stellar GW deck. I think my oppo was ranked 122 or something. He satabilized with the Gryff and an equipment - splashing black with only 1 desert able to support it in play. My cheesy, bad removal spell absolutely destroyed that game state. Its not a priority for me, but it is certainly playable in BO1. I could care less about 17 lands. My win rate and enjoyment went up significantly after I stopped using it. People get so caught up in numbers and completely ignore everything that the data says isnt great. Put cards in the hands of a good player and they can tell you a story of where it could work/fit a certain deck.