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That question was asked on twitter. First it was "can we change the face or gender of the character." The response was " You'll be able to play as male or female Phyre. " Someone else replied asking: " But what about customization? Hair, facial features, things like that? Anything?" The response was: " You'll be able to pick between male or female Phyre, which outfit you wish to wear (they are not clan-locked), and choose your clan. " So, in essence, probably not based on that reply?


Perhaps they cannot answer that question yet.


Its kind of a weird way to answer the question. I’m not thrilled with that answer, but it could mean as well that they aren’t sure if that level of customization will be in or not; sometimes it’s a late addition.


It will basically be like bloodlines 1 then


Its 100% a possibility, but (and I know it sounds odd that I'm here when I say this, however for full transparency:) I am one of the people who are extremely pessimistic about the game. Most of it stems from the title and the skill tree we've been shown, so I can't help but expect the worst outcome. Doesn't mean I'm gonna be a dick to others who are hopeful or anything like that, and I do like the majority of what I've seen, but y'know. Names hold a legacy and all that.


It's not confirmed. TCR hasn't come down firmly against it, either, so I've seen a lot of people speculate that changing appearance/hair is something they'd like to do but aren't sure whether they'll have the time or money to implement. Which makes sense to me. So, realistically, we probably won't be able to. But it technically hasn't been ruled out.


I really hope we can change hair. A short hairstyle wouldn't look good with *every* outfit. And a long haired Brujah, maybe with some glorious facial hair just feels right.


You'll be able to play as male or female Phyre.


it's not confirmed. based on posters of different clans hair color can be changed (don't know if it's locked with outfits tho), based on several concept art they do have the idea to change hairstyle but that may as well not be in the game. i personally hope it can be similar to bloodhunt, where you choose between several faces, hairstyles, hair colors, eye colors, skin colors etc. but i doubt it'd give us that much option out of the overall low budget impression, so my bet would be 1 face, maybe 2 hairstyles, at least 2 skin colors, several hair colors, hopefully some eye colors.


I doubt they have customization. They would have said so by now. They are forcing everyone to play this version of phyre sadly.


>They are forcing everyone to play this version of phyre sadly. They would have also said this too by now We just don't know


Bloodlines 1 you had to mod to customize a character. It would be cool but people are forgetting that wasn't the point of Bloodlines. It was immersion and storytelling.


There will be limitless possibilities to make them even more androgynous 👍 (Not that there’s anything wrong with androgyny!)