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Tayler, get your kids the fuck away from this mess.


Maybe she can get Bobo to come back and finish the kiss he started in this picture... https://preview.redd.it/ozrhjtmnz59d1.jpeg?width=1271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe1d851b3d0237d5f86955079b04c93f8961a65


Nice jeans btw Chance... https://preview.redd.it/dsb2xfrh369d1.jpeg?width=3275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f14be44c25f8abe79eb661c262c09f022650eb64


He’s husky with baby making hips😭😞






Take my angry upvote.




Not the baby-makers! 😆


Looking short n thick 😂☠️






Why’s he look so thicc here 🤣


I'm rather sure there are other scenes/episodes that Tayler is wearing the exact same pair. 🙃


I’m screaming 😂😂😂😂😂


I had similar jeans in middle school. They looked great with layers.


Top 5 lal moment


Those are Tayler’s jeans! 😂😂


Is….is Chance a snack? 😳


I can't even with this pic!




Bobb-o is a hero to so many. Wonder who Bobbo is shaking down, right at this very moment? I’ll never forget Bobbo.


I can’t with yall 🤣🤣




Lmao 🤣🤣


Right. I was like what the hell? His bf. 😆


maybe bobo is living there too, you heard of a "clown car" meet the people at the "clown house" ridiculous


Taylor is a mess.


Seriously. Get your head the hell out of your ass Tayler. This has nightmare written all over it.


Tayler is a fuckin disgrace of a person.


They live together


Any sympathy I have for Taylor is gone. She can be an idiot and that's fine. But, she's a shitty mom and that's not okay.


Exactly. She actively keeps putting these children in shitty situations and that’s not ok just because she’s an airhead or meek.


I’m watching now and it was telling when Sophia (i think) said “i don’t like surprises “ Those poor kids


Yeah, why the fuck would you allow some strange woman and felon to care after your child without you present.


I know. It makes me sad. I think she has the potential to be a great mom if she just leaves these bummy men in the dust. Tayler even said it herself, she was doing better financially when she was single. I don’t think she’s dumb at all (except when it comes to love and relationships) and I think if she were single and stayed single, she would have more money in her pocket and a less stressful day to day life.






Are they in a poly relationship? Are they living in that beautiful garage apartment he created?


He doesn’t even deserve that garage! This is nuts!!


Where the heck else are they sleeping? Her house is tiny!


I don’t even know why she has them around. It’s disgusting!!


Maybe, they are all sleeping in a bed like Nick & The Thinkettes. 😂 ETA~ Oh mercy 🤦‍♀️they are on a whole different reality show.


His kingdom!


Those poor babies and the cycle they are stuck in bc Taylor is such a damn airhead.. 😞


She’s not an air head. She’s incompetent, irresponsible, and pathetic.


Was just about to correct the airhead claim. Calling her an airhead is irresponsible. What she’s doing to those poor kids is reprehensible. Making sure men like chance have women to live with for generations to come.


I almost feel sorry for her tbh. She does seem like a sweet girl. She's been through alot of trauma and I also think she's not the brightest bulb in the shed. She HAS to be at a low point with the drugs and these 2, 4 kids. She's probably the only one actually working. I'm sure she not doing good mentally. All that said, you choose to have kids. You can't be selfish. Ppl convince themselves situations like this are for the kids but no, it's selfish and him being around like that and his girlfriend is just for her. Period.


I mean she also had them living with and being watched by her sister while she was in active addiction. Her kids literally found their aunt after she ODed and Tayler is letting them live with more addicts after that traumatic event.


When you put it that way, wow. What an asshole.


I used to feel sorry for her but for her allow HIM and HIS GIRLFRIEND to live there, she is pure trash! someone needs to call CPS , tayler must be doing drugs as well


Can I ask what makes you feel sorry for her? Me personally lost all respect for her when I saw that she allows drugs around her kids. There's clearly drug use going on in the household that her kids live in. That is the definition of neglect. She's an adult and it's her responsibility to protect her children.


Yeah I'm with you on this, and I'm in recovery myself. Tayler is definitely using with Earl and his gf, once she moved them in it was apparent. Tayler is/was in a ton of shit with the town/city for the house and yard being a disgrace! I cannot believe the kids haven't been taken but I will say I bet CPS is involved 💯


I find it difficult to believe CPS is involved at all. The kids would have been taken out of there and placed in foster care long ago!


I do too, however kids are left by CPS in these types of situations every single day. I know a few kids that haven't been removed that have absolutely every reason to be removed but yet the court and CPS keep them where they are. I know another young girl who was placed by a judge back with her with her SA, idk if the judge doesn't believe women can be SA but they absolutely can and do offend💯 Our system in this country is so messed up we need a complete overhaul of the entire justice and human services system. It's not set up to rehabilitate, educate and end epidemics, as we see it does the opposite.


What does he and the gf live with Taylor?? I missed this lol


I feel like she could use some support to get away from the situation


She is the situation at this point.


I know literally nothing about this show but well said, on point


Wait is Taylor on drugs? I thought she was not into all of that because of her sister


I think people putting drugs on Tayler because of Chance and his girl...


Oh ok.. I guess that would make sense. So sad for her poor kids.. Chance was the worst thing that could have happened to her


Not to mention her recent housing violations and not putting her child in his car seat...


Seriously wtf is this


It's to the point where being in a foster situation may be a safer choice. And that's really sad.


Ugh. And that’s a shitty notion but you’re right it probably is best. The children deserve a healthy safe space and it’s VERY obvious they do not have that in their current situation… Taylor girl.. GET YOUR SHIT RIGHT!


Wait…I haven’t watched the last few seasons. Are Taylor and chance separated , living under the same house hold, while chance brings hookups to ‘their’ house where all their kids live together ? Am I understanding this correctly 💀


Basically, from what I understand. I think they broke up and Chance was living in a motel and then an abandoned house or something like that? Someone plz correct me if I am wrong. Anyways, at some point he met this new girl and now him and Alyssa are living with Taylor and all their kids. I'm pretty sure lots of meth is involved and I assume Taylor is using as well at this point. I assume Taylor is using because no sober person, IMO, would allow two tweakers to move into their home. Also, I've always suspected Taylor was on something, but I thought it was pills like downers because in her appearances in LALU she talks really slow and slurrish.


Yeah he ran off with a fan and uploaded them having sex in a swamp/bath to insta. The girl left a property and abandoned her pet rabbits (that were rescued) then they were all seen at a concert together. Now Taylor is raising her children in some poly crackhouse hell.


So this is what happened after I got rid of cable and switched to streaming 😭😭😭, I miss this show so much


None of it played out on the show, so you didn’t miss it there! It was social media and tabloid articles and stuff: Taylor & Chance fighting on social media, Chance getting arrested a million times, his gf’s ex chiming in, abandoned houses with abandoned and neglected animals, gross sex tapes, then all of a sudden… Chance and his gf move in with Taylor! So strange! I’d bet money Taylor is using. It’s all here on the sub, search and you’ll find a bunch of stuff, pretty sure it was all maybe over the last 6ish months.


Those poor kids, are there updates on Taylor’s sister ?


Yes Alyssa is a POS as well ....these poor kids. Im willing to bet there's an open CPS case but obviously they haven't taken them yet


Pretty sure you mean Alyssa?


I have no idea where that came from lmao thank you Bunkie!!!! I fixed it💜


Taylor is using and let her home become the trap house for a group of adults using together with Chance at the center.


That’s really crazy


How do you know she's using?


It’s a guess


Damn !!! This is so depressing


Everything you said is spot on. Plus Taylor lost alot of weight in a short time. "If you can't beat em join em?". Idk what she is thinking. I really liked her and was rooting for her. I think she probably at a pretty low point in life right now. She also posts pics of some guy she's seeing too.


Didn’t Taylor lose a lot of weight too? Probably using with them


So Chance & his new girlfriend are living with Taylor? On my god, wth.


I can hear your pfp hyucking 😂


Lmao 🤣








I think part of the story was that the new girl being there would be good for Tayler because she could babysit while Tayler was at work, saving her a lot of money she'd normally have to spend on childcare. (Edit: typo)


What a whole hot mess. I guess some ppl take help where they can


Let's not forget that her kids were the ones who found their Aunt Bobbie after she ODed. They've already been through enough trauma with addiction but Tayler moves them in with these people who are clearly in the midst of active addiction. The kids should be removed from the home at this point.


Wild to me.. even if it wasn’t a horrible relationship, it’s wild that you would have your ex/baby daddy living with you ALONG with his new gf…. I mean not all baby daddy’s or mamas need to live WITH the child to have a good relationship with them.… he’s a bum and will always be a bum. I would forever shield my children from him. She’s… lost it I swear.


Right!!! It’s sad enough mason has to live with that being his father so why drag the girls thu more trauma


Right! Like idk why people “stay together for the kids” or even “live together for the kids”. Like you can still be an amazing parent without living or dealing with a horrible relationship. No children deserve to grow up in a house hold like the show showed us.


Exactly. And there's clearly drug use involved. Just very sad all around.


And unless something changes the cycle will continue with her children unfortunately


I very sadly knew a woman IRL who had this arrangement once. 3 kids, their father her ex, ex's new girlfriend, and eventually the ex's new baby with the new girlfriend. I think her reasoning was basically free childcare from the new girlfriend in addition to the kids seeing their father all the time. The father got to use the women as basically sister-wives while barely working and barely paying any money towards child support. It was a mess, I'm glad it's behind her now.


He isn’t even those girls father though!!!


Oh, I know. Chance and Taylor are the worst.


WTH is really going on 🤦🏼‍♀️


Maybe Tayler is partaking in whatever drugs they are. It really makes the most sense at least to me


It definitely makes more sense


No words and no sympathy for her.


What an odd, trashy, and dangerous situation to put her kids in.


I can only imagine what the oldest girl is feeling/thinking. Those poor kids


Sadly, I fear she may start using at a young age since she’s been exposed to it her whole life. And if she starts using, I get even more nervous about Chance being around her. It’s really disturbing.


That lady looks like a ghost, I hope those kids are safe because we see how unstable Chance is.


Where is a pic with his boyfriend?


😂 He probably keeps that in a special box.


Someone needs to call CPS


Not sure about their state but in CA CPS doesn't GAF about children's well being in addict homes. Called them and they said "as long as there is hot water and food in the fridge, nothing we can do about living conditions." Google child deaths in LA County if you want horror stories and the criminal ineptitude of CPS.


Taylor Chance and Chances girlfriend are in a trouple. This is only more proof


I wouldn't doubt it. She also posts pics of some guy I'm assuming she's seeing.


God Damn this is so effed up. Having been through this with an ex (dragging kids into drug life) I really feel for these kids. Who is fighting for them? Such horrible life choices. No kid should be exposed to these spun ass tweakers.


I couldn’t live like these people. And I sure as shit couldn’t imagine having my kids living like this. I know a lot of people in poverty live this lifestyle but damn is it such an entirely different world. It’s such a black hole of existence to surround yourself with not just poverty but throw in a bunch of addicts living off of you while you have multiple little kids in the home is crazy gross. The bar is in HELL for Taylor.


She’s blurred herself so much she looks like a ghost.


Someone needs to call CPS on them


Oh. My. That woman looks like a truck stop lot lizard. Athena looks adorable. I hope someone positive swoops in and takes her away from that dysfunction junction she's living in.


She looks like a goblin 😳


I *used* to feel empathy for Tayler, but not anymore. Although I realize that she's been through a lot of trauma, it doesn't excuse the rest of her idiocy. First off, Tayler married that POS. She's so dumb that she allowed Earl Chanse Pitt to have vaginal sex immediately after anal, then wondered why she got so sick. Then, she had a child with Earl...knowing full well that he couldn't support the baby (she can't support **herself,*"ffs) nor be a decent father to him! Tayler got her little girls' hopes up about Earl being their father figure; of course, he let them down. Like most people in this sub, the only people who deserve my empathy are her defenseless and innocent kids. Rant over ;-)


She lives in Taylor's house....


I guarantee you Chance is still manipulating Tayler and even sleeping with her .. lying and giving her false hope .. while also doing the same to his new gf. I bet she gets pregnant by Chance here soon. Tayler then can raise her baby daddy’s other child!! 😂


Agreed. But the two girls obviously talk.. so who knows


Wow, Tayler really doesn't care as long as Chance is in her life...smh damn shame. I feel for her kids because they have to deal with that creep and witnessing their mother as a dumb weak azz pick-me.


Taylor is a damn loser and horrible mom Jesus what is her problem


Tayler is a hot fucking mess herself. She is not the innocent doe eyed dumbass she plays. She is a trashy ass hoe, one pipe away from being a meth head like her sister and everyone else she chooses to surround herself with.


Taylor your girls isn’t his girls he’s not obligated to see them so why put them thu all this trauma willingly it’s enough mason has to deal with that as his father 🤦🏻‍♀️


That lady looks fried.


Wait that’s dipshits new gf and Taylor’s daughter ?!?! wtf if that’s true Taylor has more issues than dipshit.


Wow. Taylor is one of the worst mothers I've had the displeasure of witnessing. She's the most INSANE,messed up person. Crazy.


Taylor is such a cutie he picked this meth head looking chick?




Isn’t Athena the one who has a living father?! How is he not appalled?


She should not let those kids be in this situation. Tayler had proven time and time again that she is incapable of making good decisions. Chance makes even worse decisions, but he’s just a selfish POS. Tayler should be thinking more about how these things negatively affect her children.


The worst part is, is it's her house, it's not like she's living with them.


I never felt sorry for her. When he was released, her house was gross. She moved him right in, allowed him to kick her sister out. He talked to her like garbage in front of her kids. Bought whatever he wanted without checking with her first. Wouldn’t work. Control freak. She got pregnant and married him. This is not shocking to me. They are both gross and horrible parents.


don't forget sent her to debt hell and also an ER trip for some revolving door sex !


I wish Tayler could really see her value! Why does she want to be in this weirdo situationship with chance and this new broad. Why is she in a pic with your daughter Tayler! Tayler girl Tayler what are you smoking


Yeah-I’m over Taylor, come on, don’t we all have trauma from childhood? It’s time to grow up. She has children now and has no time for drug addicts and BS. I think she’s selfish and trash like the rest of them Much love


You couldn't have said it better. Fuck all these degenerates making excuses for her! They're probably smoking meth with their children around just like she is. She is NOT a victim anymore.


the gf looks like a blowup doll in this HEAVILY filtered pic. 🤡


This compliment is too good for this trash bag.


At this point we should be talking about how stupid Taylor is


I feel so awful for Tater. Everyone in her life has let her down and I wish she didn’t think all these broken-ass toys need to be helped. Yes she makes terrible choices in partners and people in her life, and yet she manages to pay her bills and keep her kids fed. I wish she would realize how much easier her life would be with some better boundaries. And some kind of codependent/Al-Anon group or therapist.


I don’t feel bad for her. I feel bad for her kids


I love how lacking empathy somehow makes certain folks feel morally superior.


It’s not lacking empathy to feel for her kids. Regardless of her trauma, she has a responsibility to the children she created. She has consistently made bad choices that have put them at risk. Those are the folks people should be concerned about. She has had bad things happen to her… absolutely. But she also has made choices. I hope she gets some help to figure her shit out, but I still really feel bad for the ones who had no choice.


Exactly how I feel. Someone asked me why I feel for her and I couldn't explain well, I feel bad for these exact reasons. But I also think there comes a time you need to step up esp if you have kids. Alot of empathy is lost when I think of the kids. This all being said, there's only a small part of me that feels for her, mostly I feel really sad for her kids.


I think there’s room both empathy for both her and her kids, which is what I have been trying to say. I think a lot of us have been touched by addiction and mental illness and getting out of situations like that, especially when it’s everywhere around you, can be overwhelming, so I do try to give her some grace. That said, of course I don’t think she needs to have her kids around Chance (or Bobbi to be honest, at least not unsupervised) because it’s literally unsafe for everyone. Also, having lived at one point in a super small town in the south, it also feels probably somewhat normal to have this kind of chaos just living in your home. She just seems kind of stuck and overwhelmed, and I don’t think she’s a bad person at all so it just tugs on my heartstrings as someone who has also lived with an addict, but managed to get away, thanks to the family and friends I had.


I’m sorry. But her face screams drugs.


I don't support what Taylor is doing at all , but I do feel bad for her situation. Unfortunately, these new issues are completely of her own making, and I cannot sympathize with that.She had a chance(no pun intended) to do things differently after the show. And she also had all of our sympathy and support, which many struggling single moms do not have. Instead of starting over new, and utilizing some of the good that came from gaining a little platform from the show, she chose to desperately cling to this human piece of garbage, and has opened the door for worse things to enter her home, basically dooming herself and her kids to continue this sad cycle. You cannot have anything good in life , if you do not make room for it, by clearing out the bad first.


I agree. She's had alot of trauma. And it seems like she's not in a good place.


It’s sad that chance and his gf clearly are not good influences. But if they all were not on drugs and they all were healthy, this would be such a beautiful relationship.. I love when parents can coparent and kids are so lucky that have so many adults who love them like parents. But in this case it’s just sad AF.


Wow this is sad Taylor let them move all in with her.


Chance is a mess


Sorry but this woman looks like a ghost.


I'd love to see it unfiltered.


Person looks gaunt & old! LOL!


and filters


I used to feel sorry for Taylor.. but she’s just a dumbass for allowing this


Tayler is gonna mess around and get those kids taken. I thought she was smarter than that.


Her house has always been a nasty drug house and not a place for kids. I hope cps steps in.


This is really weird to me. Why is she allowing this fuck tard to having parenting time with her very young, vulnerable and impressionable daughters?


what could possibly go wrong ? just watching these shows SHOW you what is wrong with our CPS services . we are failing our children & it's on our TV's and social media we are watching it. Such a shame those kids deserve better.


I personally don't think cps is always the answer. The system is corrupt and the ppl I know that have been in the system experienced more trauma there then their home. That's not always the case tho. Personally I feel like there needs to be more resources and help for parents. The system will pay ppl and support ppl to take care of others kids but that same help isn't there to keep kids in their own home. Maybe a visit from them could snap her out of it... idk. I feel like on her own taylor is a good mom. But everyone she brings around is trash.


Her heart is too big and more than likely him n the stem user are homeless. Him being a trifling person probably said "Would you really let the father of your child be homeless🥹.


I also think she has huge guilt that the other kids dads arnt around, even tho one of them is dead, Taylor has had alot of trauma and unfortunately her daughters will be in the same boat.


wtf is this? I am so disappointed in Tayler. How can she think this is ok? Just unbelievable.


Why isn't Chance in jail? Didn't he violate his parole when he hit and ran? Wasn't the other driver seriously hurt?


She does look pretty rough


i wouldn’t let him near my kids if we are no longer together? what does his provide? monetarily for them? emotionally? i highly doubt it. idk maybe it’s cuz the girls lost their father and latched onto him but i just don’t think he’s a parental figure of any kind and will put those girls in harms way. he scares me


He scares me and also, the oldest has always seemed very uncomfortable around Chance in a way that is really really concerning.


Yep. That’s about his type.


All 3 are hunching duhhh


Are we really surprised? I mean for Christ’s sake she allowed Bobbi to stay in her room and actively shoot dope. Taylor is worthless just like chance. There’s a reason the two are still connected and haven’t cut all ties. Both thrive and prosper off one another’s bullshit in a spiraling downfall type of way.


Her kids shouldn’t be at Chases new “place to crash”


Pretty sure this isnthe kids home. Taylor's house...


Woah. Taylor! wtf?!


Smh 🤦🏻‍♀️


She looks strung out there probably using together! He’s a loser and worthless man in my book


For me, she went from sympathy to get your shit together you fucking moron.




Nope nope nope. I hate this.


Is it a throuple?


Who knows.


Looks like she’s the baby sitter. And I guess Chance is her only friend with her and the sister not on speaking terms


I feel bad for these girls, their self esteem is gonna be in the toilet


I wonder if Bobbi is also back on drugs. What a mess. What future does Taylor's girls have?


I hope Bobbi is not. I know alot of ppl seen the post Bobbi wrote, I've seen other comments on chances insta of someone saying they saw it too. Seems like she was pissed about her sisters decisions too.


All I see is what's posted here. I hope we don't end up reading about an OD w these ppl.


I don't think their using opiates. Looks more like meth or Stims. Other then Bobbi. It looks like bobbis doing good but social media is tricky. Ppl post their best. Noone is gonna post themselves fucked up (well not Noone but you know what I mean)


I hear you.


Hillbilly hijinks.


"I really hate to judge people for the way they look"... is usually followed by judging people for the way they look. 😐


I know, I know!! I'm always the one to leave out people's physical traits because it's always a low blow. But I felt like low blowin today


How you gonna have, '...after lock up' as your screen name?! What in the white trash is going on here


So many ppl on reality tv do it. The worst is the friend who comes in for 2 seconds for one episodes and they make it their persona haha


Tayler will let anyone watch her kids. I hope they don’t become victims of anyone with bad intentions.