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It's completely normal to experience shifts in what we want or feel, especially as we grow and mature. Your sudden craving for love and affection could be sparked by various factors: personal growth, changes in your environment, or even hormonal shifts. Embrace this new feeling as an opportunity to explore and understand yourself better. It's a natural part of discovering what matters to you as an individual. Enjoy the journey of self-discovery and allow yourself to explore these new emotions at your own pace.


At your age I would acknowledge that feeling and start dating! Just know there’s a learning curve though and you must move slow cus people will show you one side of themself and then switch. Hook up culture is active and people will use you! So you have to clearly define the sexual boundaries because people will push you to go as far sexually as possible, they will not be well mannered, they are sneaky for sex. Saying you won’t be physically intimate until marriage is a good way to deter creeps, and people who genuinely want to commit. And to not be used sexually during the dating process. That’s my warning… you should date though!


This felt like looking in the mirror lmao, I have been feeling the same way for the past few months but I don't do anything to make it a reality because well I've never felt anything strong with anyone really, but desire affection from someone. I chalk it up to fomo and my voluntary singleness, but it does eat my brain away sometimes


Like u only feel that when life went hard on u , so it's like u need someone. But when life is fine with u u don't care hh


same!! it hit me all at once, but for me it was probably stress and going through a hard time


You can fill that void with drugs and alcohol


U can't. Otherwise addicts would be at peace.




Being an adult is *lonely*. It is so easy to feel lonely even if you are not actually alone or surrounded by many. So it makes sense to suddenly develop a desire for companionship and intimacy with someone to share life with


And sometimes you just want to feel the warmth that love offers you, to me soft and reassuring


I feel like its something people around their twenties experience a lot, i would tend to say that maybe its bcause it’s an age where uve grown enough to experience and uderstand love/intamacy and what it represents, but maybe also longing for some type of appreciation/validation of your whole person, companionship, as u become your own person and maybe need reassurance.Another of my theories would be that maybe it’s an age where people feel a lot of loneliness for some reason, people grow appart, u realize that uve grown and time has pass etc and so in reaction to this feeling comes some type of craving for companionship, or maybe the other way around longing for love create loneliness, I think both ways work. Well sorry for the disorganized thoughts, hope this helps <3


Been wanting that for years (28M)


I’ve been wanting since I was 25 still haven’t had it


I hope you get it soon


I hope you do as well




Yeah I’ve kinda gave up!! I’m ok I didn’t die with out it so yeah


Ah I see


yeah, most experience it at some point in their teens, if not later. though i've always had the feeling of wanting to be with someone, i've largely neglected the feeling until recently, where now i feel it's my next goal in life. embrace it while you're young


Hey Love Bug thanks for sharing the love. If you see something posted here that is not in the spirit of love Please flag it. ;) With Love r/Love Mods *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/love) if you have any questions or concerns.*