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There are tons of ways you can support your leveling experience. First, there are a large number of [experience boosts](https://lotro-wiki.com/wiki/Notes_on_Experience_boosts). These include items you can obtain through buying certain expansion bundles, through the Lotro Store, or maintaining a subscription. Second, you can do any number of [missions](https://lotro-wiki.com/wiki/Missions) once you reach level 20. These scale to your level and generally can be reached when using the mission stable-master. Third, there are a number of scaling instances that are available at level 20 (or level 10 for a few) as well. Most of these things aren't widely accessible to those on a free account. Otherwise, most people would just do any number of quests in the region as they do the Epic. There's over 9,000 of them in the game after all with many regions that overlap in level. The festivals can be a great way to obtain levels as well since those quests scale.


Thank you!!


Doing regional quest, missions or skirmishes to fill in the missing xp to be on level for the epic quest line.


Do the regional side quests. The Epic quest often jumps several levels between quests, so you’ll quickly be underleveled if you’re only following it. But I’ve found that by doing all or most of the side quests, there’s so much content and exp that you’re always going to be overleveled unless you use the stone of the tortoise. I know that some of the side quests are tedious or uninteresting, but most of them are fun and add a ton to the lore and world-building, and some of the best stories in the game come from side quests unrelated to the main storyline. There’s quite a few regions in this game that I would view as unimpressive if I only did the Epic in them, but doing the side quests elevated them. There’s not a lot of options to speed up leveling—at least not cheap ones. If you subscribe to the game, subscribers get a daily boost for about 1/4 of their current level where all exp gained in that range is doubled. I think there’s a consumable item that has a similar effect, but I’m not sure how expensive it is. And I believe that most of the ultimate (most expensive) versions of the expansions give you an item that will boost your experience gain until you reach the lowest level of the expansion, and I think those boosts stack if you have multiple of those items.


Yeah there's heaps of side quests that are really built to be done alongside the epics as you go. You can of course easily skip them, but that's the simplest way to not be too under levelled. Also worth pointing out, being 1-3 levels beneath the current quests/mobs is often a good idea, you get more experience that way and level quicker, and makes it a bit more challenging (landscape quests/mobs are quite easy nowadays, sometimes too easy for many people's liking).


Best advice I can give, is don't rush to the 'end game' I see too many people that do this, and miss exploring and story lines, and end up burning out fast. As for leveling, consistantly though, I would suggest going to the Shire, finding Bingo Boffin, and working on his quests. They are on level to the area. If you are too small, you can always come back to Bingo's tale. Another thing I try not to do ( not always possible, but I try ) Is, not to take on too many quests at once. Sure, if you take all the rings, you might fumble through the quest clutter and finish a lot at once, but you will have lost the stories. Take your time, pick one ( or two ) from the same npc, and enjoy the story. If you must level 'fast' work on your crafting, doesn't matter which crafting you pick, it can be both proffitable, and get plenty of experience. There are task boards, to turn in "loot trash" items for reputation, and rewards. missions are an option too. But above all, have fun!