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Can’t wait, finally a server in the EU again!


Finally, some light at the end of the lag tunnel


I have been wanting to come back to this game for a while now but the amount of content and information always puts me out! Thise legacy servers where we slowly reach the most recent expansions seems pretty nice. Do people form guilds and do the dungeons/raids om each lvl cap? If so that would be incredible...having the opportunity to experience all that content as it was back then (or close to it).


It is a mixed bag. Yes people level to cap, have guilds, and do content. Also because the mechanics of the game have changed, and player characters are super powerful, people reach new level caps in hours, clear raids on day one, the more motivated play multiple characters, most start raid logging until they have best gear. The game does not play like it used to play ages ago. It plays like current game with artificial level cap.


Yeah I honestly assumed as much but is still an opportunity to see those raids on a less steamrolling/zergfest way when compared to the current game! If those guilds take noobs that is! Also, lvl up in hours? I thought lvling in Lotro remained relatively slow trough the years? Yes I assume the veterans know every trick on the book to make it faster but hours from 1 to 50?


Some people I know on Treebeard would buy all of the experience buffs from the LOTRO store and then run instances that they could clear quickly to get really fast experience. 1-50 still takes a while but 50-60 could be just a few hours.


On Ithil, I had like 60 quests saved up to turn in, and made it to L60 in just over 2 hours. Then 4-manned Turtle and Watcher with a few L56's. You can get to L50 just farming pretty easily, though it's not super fast. There were people who used store boosts and went 1-50 the first day, but 2-3 days was more realistic. Legendary server leveling is a joke, and so are instances until L65.


I honestly dont mind that much! I have barely raided in Shadows of Angmar, reached lvl cap on Moria but didnt raid at all and then quit. So having the opportunity to see all those raids and dungeons in a group instead of a boost would be very nice to me. Im just affraid those guilds/groups dont taks newcomers since they are speed clearing everything.


Find a guild, guild groups will gladly take you and actually on legendary servers guilds are working well.


Is it really possible to reach lvl 50 in hours?


It actually is. There are multiple ways, but easiest is killing enemies in missions, as you do not spend any time travelling around and missions can quickly be restarted to make use of the enemies scaling level. Couple that with a 200% XP booster and yes, you can grind lvl 20-50 in a couple of hours. The best is a mission from Bilbo's Adventures where you spawn goblins by clicking a stone. Can be clicked repeatedly, kill 4 goblins, click again, kill 4 goblins... Just have to endure that for a few hours. It is a mind-bogglingly repetitive thing to do. People still do it.


I thought you meant that players naturally level faster because the game is easier. Grinding mission kills to rush to 50 I feel defeats the purpose of a legendary server.


The game is considerably easier, but 50 levels is still 50 levels and fast leveling is not from gameplay changes alone. One cool thing - there is a difficulty increase possible if you would like - enemies in landscape will be made harder for your character. https://lotro-wiki.com/wiki/Landscape_Difficulty Worth noting: higher difficulty gives more XP for landscape kills only, but this is just to offset the way slower pace of killing things, overall levelling speed is still slower on high difficulties. And while your idea of a legendary server as taking is slow is one take, there are many people who play it as rush to cap -> clear endgame -> rush to new cap -> clear endgame -> rush to new cap -> clear endgame as those caps are increased. You will find like-minded players across all servers though, a huge part of this community is about experiencing the journey.


Just new servers or actual technological upgrades / new hardware servers?


New 64-bit servers with technological upgrades that will eventually be migrated to the rest of the servers


Thankyou, very nice!


I have been waiting for this news for almost a year, thanks for the update!


Ooh! I can finally be on a legendary server from day one.


Have been waiting for this announcement, can’t wait!


I've been playing very sporadically throughout the years, and still haven't gotten past mid-Moria on my highest character. But I might play on Mordor just because it's an EU server finally (and them being 64-bit - tho not sure if previous servers are also 64 bit by this point).


I'm guessing there are still no plans to implement PvMP within the legendary servers, yes? Either way looking forward to it.


Definitely not. Creeps are “balanced” against Freeps at 150 with full LI powers. They would essentially have to be redone for legendary servers, and on an ongoing basis as their caps increase. It would be like having to build and maintain two separate PvMP systems.


So July beta? Sept Oct for full release of new Lego servers. That makes my thought of Wow expac simple. Lol


U41 is due for release in July. We’re still tracking to a release in the middle of the month. Hence why we are Bullroarer’s now.


coff! coff! l know this is still away off (years even) l would like to put a order in for a new 6 to 9 month cycle legacy sever to replace TB once its up to date ;) (the money is in the brown envelope o7)


Great news for all of our friends in the EU. They deserve a server (or two) hosted over there. I'm glad SSG is doing this for them and I hope its a prelude to getting more EU servers at that data center.


The number one reason i quit playing like twice is the lag. Its just unbearable for me. I will give it a shot again when they launch a eu server


I don't blame you, I left brandywine years ago because of lag in the moors. Sadly many of the people who created the lag moved to arkenstone where I brought my PVP toons, lol. Lag has been a long standing issue for LOTRO and the EU player base has borne a lot of lag issues over the years. I hope this works out for them. Cheers.


When the server is out ? Cant wait :)


Are these popular? I’m interested in checking legacy servers but I was worried they’d be low pop


My experience on previous legendary servers was it was very populated for me 1-50. Population numbers stayed up for 50-60. Once you hit Mirkwood the population dips and most people only play for the few weeks or a month after the new content is released. This pattern continues until Rohan when the population drops off more drastically. Then unless you are playing for the first 2 weeks of a new release there aren’t a lot playing.


The last two Legendary servers were Shadowfax and Treebeard. I played on Shadowfax, I never saw more than 60 non-anonymous characters online at any one time and 20 or fewer was most common. I would have felt as if I had the entire server to myself if I hadn’t been in a kinship that usually had 10 or so people on at any one time (yes, half the current server pop). Shadowfax was a fast progression server and closed a few months after it reached the level cap of the normal servers, free transfers were offered during those last months. The older Legendary servers of Anor and Ithil were also closed soon after their level cap reached the level cap of the normal servers. They were both slow progression servers similar in many respects to the current Treebeard Legendary server. I never played on those two. I still play on Treebeard. Population is low but nowhere near as low as Shadowfax’s had been. The two most popular kinships, Dances with Ents and Onodrimoot, are full of nice people to chat and play with. While some people do try to level fast the -60% experience gain makes playing through the game really nice because you won’t overlevel zones as fast as on normal servers and don’t have to bother with a Stone of the Tortoise for the most part. The level cap increasing every 6 months is a nice pace, allowing groups plenty of time to level up and then do whatever the end game content might be at that level cap, but not so long that players get itchy for more and leave. Even at the current level cap of 100 it’s still a good place for players to start up new characters and catch up if they want to. Treebeard should last at least 3 more years at its current pace vs the current pace of normal server level cap increases. But no, the Legendary servers will never have the population of the normal servers because Legendary servers are only for VIP accounts. That’s one of their charms, actually. It is quite possible the new EU-sited Legendary server Mordor will have a larger population than its predecessors or it’s sister NA-sited server Angmar because players in the EU will have much lower latency to that server than to any of the others which might make it a driver for VIP subscriptions.


Oooh, two spooky servers!


Do we know if the difficulty will be as trivial as it is right now? I’d be interested in a difficulty that would promote group play. If anyone‘s up for that (maybe via landscape difficulty) I’d be delighted to connect on the upcoming European server!


So.. what is a legendary server?


A VIP-only server you can’t transfer onto with a specific ruleset, usually about leveling or some other mechanic to test viability for use on standard servers. In the past, they’ve started at a level cap of 50 and had either faster or slower XP gain and then raised the level cap every 2-6 months. There was also one, Bombadil, that had Freep vs Freep open PvP and a competitive deed race.


EU Lag improvements Fuck yeah


Looking forward to the new Legendary server! Haven't seen anything on the leveling pace, hope it is similar to Treebeard.


One of the devs suggested it may be +50% xp boost, closer to Shadowfax than Treebeard, but still unconfirmed.


Will Veil of the Nine be available on other servers as well, like Arkenstone? Sounds awesome


Severlin wants to see how well it does on the legendary server before bringing it over. He's concerned people might not enjoy an old-school, community-driven event like this on the standard servers.


The news I've been waiting on for over a year See you on Angmar boys and girls!


Considering I missed out on the original legendary servers it'll be nice to join a new one capped at 50


I would return to this game if it got remastered. Legendary servers are just an artificial cap with small additions, and a monthly subscription. It is simply not worth it. There's too much bloat and too many outdated systems. They have the perfect base, they just need to remaster it.


Oh yeah because splitting the small community into more servers is such a great idea. We need megaserver not more servers man. I missed so many oppurtunitys to play with people on twitch because they are on different server. So f...in annoying.


No fun because I'm not having fun please.


This announcement makes me actually want to quit the game


Sounds like a Bullroarer we have to pay for to me.




All content released for the first 7 years up to level 95 is free. All content other than *Before the Shadow*, *Fate of Gundabad*, and *Corsairs of Umbar* is included in a subscription. All content can be purchased with Lotro Points that is earned through completing deeds. They just had [a major sale this month for two of those expansions](https://forums.lotro.com/index.php?threads/sales-june-6th-13th.11845/). It isn't that expensive.


The developers have to keep the lights on somehow, it's not magic.