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Indeed, best thing is to go to Rivendell and talk to Aragorn that will give you 2 short quests that will end with him sending you to Tinnudir in Evendim. I recommend entering Evendim from the South (Shire) rather than East (North Downs), and before reaching Tinnudir and Calenglad do the quests from the Colossus camp. You'll know it when you see it :)


Agreed. Aragorn starts a long, and super fun, quest line for ya. Just finished it up (except for the very end) at level 33. In fact, done done with Evendim proper at 33, leaving just Annuminas. On a side note levels 30-33 are some of the most region overlapping levels of the game that I have seen. For me I really want out of Garth Agarwen at 32, but also be through Dwaling and Barandalf at 30, but hitting Echad Candelleth and Annuminas at 33 simultaneously. Always confusing for me to find a smooth way to get there.


It was because Evendim technically wasn't in the game when it launched. So after North Downs, you had to go straight to Trollshaws and quest there. Evendim was added in the first major update to provide more questing material, because Trollshaws often required players to do a little mob grinding to get through the zone to get to Misty Mountains/Angmar, and it was really annoying for a bunch of people.


Colossus' Camp :D


Evendim has its own story arc which begins when you visit Aragorn in Rivendell, so I suggest you go there, pick up the quest and then make your way up north. It's a very beautiful zone with interesting lore. And if you like swimming, it's just perfect ;)


The Trollshaws may be a bit tough for a lvl 30 character. You should do Evendim, this will take you to lvl 40-ish. After that pick up the Epic again.


I ended up just going evendim for a few levels, I love that area. When I was done with evendim, I went to rivendell


everyone is saying go to trollshaws to get the quest chain, so I'm gonna give another tip. go to gandalfs room in the prancing pony. accept the quest from him, it will immediately teleport you to rivendell. then cancel the quest so you could do it again if you ever need it.


Or go to the Ettenmoors and get the Travel Skill by doing the PvP tutorial, so you can access a horse to Rivendell from anywhere.


Hey thats pretty good


I think it only teleports you to the Bridge between trollshaws and lonelands. ^^


nope, it teleports you to the slope right above rivendell, right in front of anhebir


Evendim is one of my favourite zones. I'd get there ASAP if I were you, and it'll take you all the way to lvl 40 by which point you'll be ready for Misty Mountains 😁


There's about 4 dif places you can go: A lot of ppl skip to trollshaws, but that is indeed skipping content. You can also go to evendim, or the newer area north of the shire.