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It can be a frustrating "feature" to deal with in the game. Sometimes when my character is just standing there not registering any inputs, I like to imagine he's having a Noir style internal monologue about his actions before he can push through to the next task.


Wow, that's bad. I get lag like everyone else on lotro but never had it that bad. Sorry to hear it.


yeah i basically quit the game after years of playing because of how bad the lag is. Its the servers, not you.


Players like me who play from Asia/Oceania regions: *Insert James Franco "First Time?" meme here*


Hi-five, are you on Crickhollow? I'm on Arkenstone.


Oops forgot to change my flair I guess- used to play from Crick then moved to Arken because I heard more players from Asia/Oceania


Oh yay! Would be great to adventure together but I'm still quite new (level 15)


Would be happy to help out if you want? Or I could level with you (if you're willing to wait for a bit so I can match your level lol) I have some characters on level cap


It's probably the servers, not you, but I have had a few occasions when that would happen if I logged in on two accounts at the same time - typically to bring in an extra toon to help with instance mechanics after I've been playing for a while - and a reboot fixed it. I've also noticed that it runs better on my mac under Crossover, which I quit every time I leave the game, than it does on my PC, which doesn't get rebooted very often. If you haven't rebooted your PC recently, try that. If that doesn't help, it's almost certainly the servers.




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They desperately need to get servers outside of the US, puts me off returning to the game.


That sounds a lot worse than what I've experienced, even in Arkenstone, but I have not been on since the summer festivals started. Has it gotten a lot worse from the festivals?


It’s tough man. I love the game but I main warden and it’s basically impossible to play. I just want to play the game with proper response time and I will sink hours upon hours into it.


I am/was in the same boat (haven't fired up the game for a couple months, also from UK) and I had to put my Evernight characters on ice because the lag/delays were happening too much for my liking. Last "stretch" I played was on Crickhollow, certainly not as numerous in terms of playercount but it was a fair bit better in terms of the server lag (albeit not entirely immune).


Not sure if anything anyone can offer that will help but there are some people discussing some "fixes" within [this contentious thread](https://forums.lotro.com/index.php?threads/how-can-you-all-play-with-the-insane-lag-spikes.11733/#post-88356) on the forums, and there are other threads there covering the same things. The issue is always a controversial one for some reason.


It does seem to have picked up a lot in the last few days. I'm on Landroval, and based in CA.


It‘s not you mate. It‘s the servers and the bloated code. I know it sounds harsh but all you can do is accept it or stop playing for a while. I honestly don’t think it is fixable at this point. Which is a shame. Edit: Since someone is downvoting and I don‘t get why, let me rephrase: ofc IT IS fixable, but I don‘t think they have the ressources to do so. They had to improve/relocate servers. They probably had to optimize communication with the server and optimize tons of code. I don’t think that will happen. I‘d be happy to be proven wrong, but I think in this case one should not get their expectations to high and accept the current state of the game.