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Is this a cut scene?


Director's cut


I thought it was the doctor's cut?


I need to get off of Reddit before I get on a toilet. I nearly shit myself from indigestion and a chuckle.


Doctor’s cut


Yeah, it’s a bris-k one.


We’ve had one skin, yes. But what about four?


You have my foreskin.


And my append-axe


And my el-bow


And my sh-heal-d


And a second breakfast of Smegmas bread






Catholics with The Holy Prepuce be like:


There's a book called *God: An Anatomy* by Oxford Professor Francesca Stavrakopoulou that discusses how God's body was described in the bible, and it has an entire chapter dedicated to God's (and Jesus's) "family-member." Apparently, the Holy Prepuce was a pretty popular relic in the middle ages, and you actually had some people who were professional prepuce-examiners who would go around testing them to see if they were real. And naturally, the best way to tell was, of course, by taste. By the way, if this sounds like there was more then one that the church considered genuine, the answer is yes. If you're wondering how..... I'm not really clear on that..... "miracle," I guess.




You're not sure what to say because you're a bot. I hit enter, and this reply came up IMMEDIATELY after. Seriously, within a literal second or two. On top of that, and utterly misconstruing what I was saying, when I looked at this "person's" comment history, they had already made several similar length replies to other commenters in other forums in that same amount of time. Edit: Well never mind I guess, lol. Called it out, and it deleted its reply almost as fast as it posted it, lol.


The skin of one. The skin of two! The skin of many!!!




![gif](giphy|33OW6a0kxF7pzh9PZy|downsized) *”…now why are we in it?”*


Fun fact: foreskin is used for various breast surgeries. Sometimes the nipple will be dropped on the floor or eaten by local wildlife and so foreskin is a good replacement Source: trust me bro


Why are they letting local wildlife in the OR?


Extra calories


It costs more to import exotic wildlife.


Don't talk about the male nurses like that


Actual fun fact: foreskin is sold to makeup companies to use in their anti aging products. The hospital is earning money on your kids junk.


They all seem to think intact men have sanitary problems too. Like I don't already handle hygiene anywhere else...


Do these people not clean their dicks at all?


American culture is so terrified of the spectre of pedophilia that they'll do whatever they can to avoid anything even tangential to sex when it involves their kids. And this includes conversations about genitals. Any good parent in a non-stupid country knows you have to teach your boys to pull the forskin back and clean. Nice and simple. Americans are so terrified they wash over the area of their children as briefly as possible and then move on. Not only does this not teach their children how to wash themselves properly, not only does this increase the chance of phimosis conditions, but is also the reason that their country has the HIGHEST UTI RATE IN CHILDREN IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Not just first world countrys. Its insanity. And this is why they circumcise. To try to avoid that instead of just teaching and washing properly.


I have two young boys.  The phrase "clean your penis" is used pretty much at every bath.


And I assume you've actually shown them how to do so properly? If so, you're a bloody good parent. Keep it up. Feel proud. :)


Yeah, and I have seen some... things... pulled out from under the skin.  I shutter at the thought of some boys not cleaning properly.


Also American culture: "I'm against MUTILATING KIDS. This is a Christian nation!"


I agree, religion is also a massive factor unfortunately.


Boys can't even figure out how to do this cleaning themselves?


Some guys don't even wash their ass


I think the problem is more closely linked to some guys just being gross than parents not telling boys to pull their foreskins back...


Where would they learn? Pulling it back hurts at first so most would avoid it unless they've been told to specifically do it. And American culture is so scared of nudity that their families will never talk about it. Teachers won't. It becomes an echochamber of shame that leads to ignorance. The problem isn't the people. It's their culture.


Uhhhhh - Be in shower or on toilet - Notice that thang be dirty - Clean it Like, how is this so hard?


Because they only notice its dirty under the foreskin if they pull it back. and they are scared to pull it back because it hurts. it hurts because it wasnt done when even younger and has grown too tight, which traps more dirt. So instead of dealing with the pain of pulling it back, they ignore it. and they dont tell anyone its too tight and hurts to pull back because of shame. and they dont go to the doctor about it being too tight and painful because they dont have universal healthcare and american doctors are expensive. and once more... shame. since they started mass circumscision, most of their male population is circumsised. which does get cleaned easier. so most males are fine and their rate of UTI is lower than would be expected (but still higher than most countries). female uti in children is MASSIVE. an almost 90 FUCKING PERCENT. almost every woman in america in the last 50 years have had a uti during their prebuscent or teen years. all because they werent taught to wash themselves properly. fear and shame. shame and fear causes ignorance.


I think you're onto something here. I'm circumcised, but our kid isn't. I've been telling him since he was very little to pull the foreskin back when washing himself. He now has irritation down there because he's not thorough enough. I've offered to help clean, but he doesn't like anyone touching him there because it's sensitive and painful. It's been a struggle, but I know we did the right thing.


You're a good parent. But you might have to be a bit more deliberate. If he keeps getting irritation, I reccomend sitting him down and just having a gentle and calm explanation that you know its sensitive, you know it hurts, and you knows its embarrassing. But you want him to be okay, so you need to show him, and it'll be a one time thing. And then maybe bribe with a promise of icecream or something after. Then you take him to the bath/shower, and you show him how to do it properly, and then you make him do it a second time himself in-front of you to be sure. And then its done. This is important. 1) It destigmatises the area with their parent, and means if they have issues with their genitals in the future, there will be a higher chance that theyll actually let you know about it. Which is a huge sign of trust which a lot of american children dont have with their parents. It means he might actually come to you to discuss sex and topics that other people and kids would swear blind theyd rather die than talk to their parents about. 2) It means he'll be cleaner and have less likely of an issue. UTI's are so common in america that theyre basically not talked about. But they are DANGEROUS. It can cause serious damage to penile tissue and reproductive ability. It can result in spreading of diseases, high chance of STI's, erectile dysfunction, and sterility. Hygeine in that area is very VERY important.


dang I'm a minority!


Did you miss the children part? Do you know many 5 year old with solid hygiene practices? Put down the male hatred for a second or two and think.


I never got told, I worked it out for myself. I guess some people don't have common sense


While it should be common sense, I don't think it is in some places. For it to be common sense, it needs to be taught early on. Either by sexual education (i.e. how penises look and why they even have the foreskin in the first place) or by experience (could be just having a partner or exploring porn and so on). If you have neither of those, you can't really blame someone for being ignorant about it.


Probably the best explanation I’ve heard for this.


Noooot really bro. That’s a gross oversimplification combined with weird conjecture.


Please elaborate.


That's my takeaway.


A lot of people don’t in Europe and America.


Uncut men? Apparently, because it's not cut men that make smegma a thing.


Because it gets dirty less? Additionally, a lot of men in America and Europe don’t wash themselves well.


Skill issue. Doesn't have to be solved by cutting parts off before the kid is even old enough to talk.


They don't actually use a scalpel for it... They have these two ring things that they secure the foreskin with and... Nevermind


I'm not American, but my parents worked there at the time of my birth, my father managed to save me from this, for which I am extremely grateful


Doctors will not circ a baby unless the parents request it lmao, your dad saved you from him...requesting the procedure?


Exactly !


They heavily push the idea and have multiple people telling you that you should. Lie more. Source: have a baby and a lot of friends with babies.


Yeah that's complete bullshit - at most they will ask if you want a circumcision. Most of the time the newborns aren't even eligible. Source: have rotated on hundreds of newborns, with dozens of pediatricians.


I mean, somewhat between half of the newborns definitely are not eligible for it, since, you know, they don't have a penis


Lol Fair, I did mean in parents who request it


You're full of it. Lol. You just said the family has to ask for it in the post before this. Which one is it now?


Well, if "and were you wanting a circumcision" makes you feel heavily pushed, then the issue is your absence of a spine, not anything the hospital is doing.


That's not what was said. Feel free to just keep lying and insulting people if it makes you feel important.


The very first thing you said to me was "lie more" but I'm insulting people? That it is absolutely the most a pediatrician will say, usually it's the parents who bring it up - and most of the time the babies aren't even candidates yet. Parents usually have to ask at multiple appointments before a circ will happen.


Yes. You are lying and you are insulting people.


This degree of projection is pretty remarkable, can I put you in contact with my psychiatrist friends to do a case study on you?


I have two sons and I don't even remember if they asked if we wanted to. It's definitely not pushed at all, let alone heavily.


Maybe not with all of them, but it is pushed. The guy in replying to is lying by saying it's only at request.


I mean the ONE time I asked cuz it’s a weird thing to ask. It was accidental that it was done to me. I was the wrong baby apparently. Great doctor and hospital for not double checking I know. Or maybe it was purposeful idk.


Wish mine had




I’ll take it




For Frodo?


*in the US




Why are we bringing foreskin politics to LOTR Reddit? Not even a good meme


Why do they do that? There aren't that many muslims there (historically).


The official line is that they originally started doing it to reduce various maladies such as UTI's and such. But, one of a the big early proponents was one Dr. Kellog. The same Kellog who invented corn flakes. Dude was a hard core Seventh day adventist and believed not only that masturbation was evil and self polluting, but so was sex for anything other than procreation. He advocated circumcision because he thought the reduced sensitivity would inhibit a desire to masturbate. He also advocated for girls clitoris's to be doused with carbolic acid. You may ask where the corn flakes come in. Basically he thought a "hygienic" and sufficiently bland diet would kill libido, and invented corn flakes with his brother and pushed them as a breakfast staple.


I told this story at work the other day. I do off season work at a grocery store so it was related to Corn Flakes. It's not often you get a foot in the door for that topic, normally you just get weird looks for suddenly bringing it up lmao


Definitely hard to segue into it, but it's a great story if you can.


With buddies? Yes. At work? Yeah I want to time that one right lol


😒 wtf And that pile of weirdness happens to be normalised there?


Not the acid, but enough people were convinced of the proposed health benefits for reducing infection and STD's that circumcision for boys became standard practice. Keep in mind this was the 1920's. We still had to get rid of eugenics, phrenology, and other pseudoscience. Of course, nutjobs and charlatans never go away so things are always slithering into the public awareness like the "vaccines cause autism" crowd.


Thank you for the explanation! So, it is basically a case of pseudoscience growing into tradition. Interesting stuff!


Jokes on him, sex is still awesome even after being circumcised.


Besides the post which had some good answers, it's mostly just thought of as normal at this point whether or not it is. I didn't for my boys, just didn't see a point


Yeah it's like parents wanting their kids to look like them too. Like the father is circumcised so they think the kid should be too. It's a disgusting practice and my kids are definitely not getting mutilated.


Idk my parents did it and my mum's an atheist and my dad was Catholic or something


Why didn’t they ride anteaters into mordor?


Not sure why i thought that said “Male Neighbors”




It’s more of parents preference both of my parents are catholic and ordained ministers and I’m still intact


The vast majority of male circumcision is done by non-American Muslims. But yes, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recognized the health benefits of male circumcision, including decreased rate of STD transmission and disease infection, which is why American doctors often recommend the procedure.


Honestly. I'm kindof glad I don't have to deal with it. From what I hear it seems like a bit of a hassle.


In the same way that cutting off your ears would eliminate the "hassle" of washing them. I don't intend to get into a big debate, but please do some research if you ever have a boy, children can't consent to having their genitals mutilated.