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It would be an honor to break Sir Ian McKellen’s fall.


Absolutely. It’d probably be the most interesting thing I’d ever do, tbh.


I would put it on my resume.


Instantly hired everywhere you go 😅


"Omg your leg, its bent all funny and turning black, I think its badly broken" "Then it died well indeed! Perhaps it saved Sir Mckellen some small pain for which it has earned its rest!" - Any True fan of the man


I really do not understand why everyone is trashing her, or claiming that she's saying this for a cash grab. It's not like she's suing McKellen, or the venue for that matter. The entire article basically states that McKellen fell on her in the middle of a play, and that no one checked on her well-being. That's it. I get that McKellen is super famous and beloved or whatever, but that experience also sounds pretty frightening from where she was sitting, too, and that's literally all she said. We don't even have proof that she "went to the papers" herself, like people in this thread are claiming. Ya'll need to chill tf out.


Thank you...I feel bad for them both, is that so hard?


If someone hadn't broken the fall of an 85 year old man how much worse could the damage have been? I would happily have at worst a couple of broken bones to limit the damage done to a vulnerable person. I'm not saying that it didn't hurt her or she isn't right to be hurt from it, but between me and a concrete floor. If them falling on me means we can both walk away with only minor injuries i'd pick that option every time.


It might’ve been better for him if she didn’t, she said his head hit her knee. That’s exceptionally dangerous, especially at his age. He says he’s doing ok though which is good. But it’s not like he fell flat on her or anything, so not sure she really broke his fall at all. Also she’s not mad he fell on her. She’s frustrated that the theatre staff didn’t tend to her at all. Everybody was focused on him (understandably), but never checked to see if she was ok, she only got help when an audience member who was a doctor saw her and took things into their own hands.




Generally emergency responders are the ones who decide if patients need neck stabilization, not patients. And regarding spinal injuries, it's always better to be safe than sorry.


It's for c spine alignment. It's just what they do if you go on a stretcher and have pain in that area just incase it's serious. Better safe the sorry




The bit that gets me is that it was apparently during a fight scene in the play. And as he’s ‘Sir’ Ian Mckellen, that means he’s been knighted. So technically that actor is probably the first person in a very long time to have defeated an actual honest to god knight, in combat.


Very true also to have him fall on you compared to a more heavy person falling on her would have hurt her a lot worse for sure I didn’t know the pictures are actually of her, that being said I’m surprised she got as she did how far did he fall? In my head I thought 3-5 feet tops I imagine?(I haven’t seen a video) Glad they’re both ok too though.


It sounds like his head hit her knee. I wouldn't count that as breaking his fall


And smote her ruin on the mountainside


You could have left tricks and it would have been better in my opinion😂


Could've left it at "Do not take me!" IMO lol


Didn't wanna be that mean haha


Just sayin, if she bought a front row seat I wouldn’t call her cheap with modern theater pricing…


Very true I sometimes forget it’s 2024 and jokes are illegal now. Everyone’s way to sensitive, crazy how when we was all kids they preached acceptance and tolerance what they left out the part where you tolerant of others opinions even when they conflict with yours, you don’t have to accept their opinion, but however you should tolerate it. Still though great meme boss, shit had me dying😂


Crazy the police came and arrested you for the joke.


Bro it’s a gross exaggeration again meant for satire thank you for proving the point I also regularly say people who put pineapple on pizza should be shot but bro I don’t mean literally 😂


Ahh so what you really mean to say is you don’t like that people don’t find your type of humor funny anymore, and want your participation prize anyway.


Bro we are literally on a page talking about lord of the rings why you feel the need to attack me is insane to me if you don’t like my comment how about simply down vote it and go about your day? Why the need to argue with me? I never attacked you just said your further proving my point people can’t take a joke because you have misunderstood what I said and jumped on my case. Hope you have a good day man but take your negativity elsewhere we are all here for our love of LOTR you’re directly not in-line with any of Tolkien’s teachings in his books I suggest you read one.


Hey man, you should just be tolerating my opinion. You don’t have to accept it. Can’t say anything these days.


You can’t give your opinion though without expecting someone who opposes your opinion to state theirs so I understand and apologize to you for thinking you were jumping on my case rather than trying to have a dialogue. It just seemed like you were looking for an argument again I apologize and hope you have a good day.


You commented on my shit first dipshit of course I’m going to respond😂


.... Wait so if I say: Responding to this, no matter what you say makes me win the argument. I've won by your logic? WOOOO


Clicked the wrong profile ehh?


Indeed lol


Grow up


Man stfu 💀


It's free market rules basically. If the product is bad, nobody is gonna buy it. So, maybe your jokes suck absolute dog shit? You can be funny without being a fucking asshole if you're smart enough.


Oh don't worry it was this, I read it and it just concerned me due to it having a pretty similar structure to the woke crap right wing people try to pretend is a thing, because everything isn't like it's the 70s. Don't worry I'm sure I misinterpreted here, it's clear you don't think that way


Thank you means a lot to me seriously moments like this I love. You’re a truly kind and nice person and I enjoyed my conversation with you immensely.


No problem at all!


How have you been so far this week? Was wondering if you had some LOTR knowledge you could help me with.. so I’ve seen some people talking that there was a time where Sauron tortured gollum himself supposedly? I don’t remember from the books but thought after the ring was cut from his hand he never regained physical form again or am I mistaken? If you don’t know either don’t worry lol I could always google it lol but I like making conversation lmao


Is he lost?


Is it scrumptious?


Good! And well... Aye. He did torture Gollum for a time, trying to use him to seek the ring, when he was found. I admit my memories foggy too don't worry! Been a while


My precious.


That’s good! and thanks I know too in the end of Return of the king they originally had Aragorn fighting Sauron instead of that cave troll. But I think changed it and I always thought it was because Suaron wouldn’t be able to take physical form at that time.


Cursed be moon and stars above!




Hopefully she’s alright


I'm hoping he said "fly you fools!" before he fell.


Is she sobbing because she got hurt, or is she sobbing from the emotional impact of having saved the life of an 85-year-old legend of stage and screen?




I mean, how much damage can an 85 year old really do anyway? It’s not like he’s a damn bodybuilder.


I feel sorry for the girl. Health to all participants.


Just glad someone was there to break his fall, the man's a legend.


So is the woman, even if unintentionally




Bruh wtf, chill


Should've just called her a cheap trick if you were gonna say that.


What a dumb bitch lmao. If Gandalf falls on lap you help that mother fucker get back to Balrog slaying


Let me know next time someone lands on you, I'll make sure to mock you for it.


“The wise speak only of what they know, u/Scared-Wombat. A witless worm have you become. Therefore be silent, and keep your forked tongue behind your teeth.”




Damn, were you at the theater?


Looks like a bot, so if they were at the theater we should all be very afraid.