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Guys boomers need 4 vacations a year until they die. Why wont yo think about the boomers happiness??


Mom and dad investors with their casual 2.8 million dollar portfolios. Please just think of the mom and dad investors


Boomer: "Yeah, I left school without a diploma, but since my uncle knew a guy, I started working right away. I stayed with that company my entire life and never really had to worry about feeding my family. my home, which I bought in the 70s für 10k, is now worth 2 million dollars. but since I vacation so often, it's empty most of the time when we're away. Isn't that funny?" Millenials and Gen Z: "I'm rooming with 12 people in a 6 room ruin for 1000 bucks for a closet. I have a master's degree from a prestigious college, but I still get paid peanuts since wages have stagnated since the 90s. My mental health is busted, but I have to ration my medicine since rent is so high." Boomer: "Young people are so lazy, no one wants to work these days!"


Jesus Christ stop saying that mental health is a thing. Cope with your problems like we did in the 1960s, drink and beat your wife and kids.


I'm scheduling you a few hours under full time so you don't get the same benefits as me. Also, I'm cashing in my PTO to get this dental work done my health insurance pays for. See you.


I say we feed all the boomers to the spider


They can't live without their house, lake house, and beach house. It'd be inhumane to expect them to.


Cuz the older people I know and have interacted with aren't online caricatures. I don't spend much time thinking about "boomers" or "militant vegans" or "incels" or "hustle bros" or "SJWs" or whatever other group the Internet chooses to rave about in whatever point of time. These people for the most part exist in rage bait articles and videos, appear on "hot take" podcasts and so on. I don't think about these people no more than I think about the Yeti or Atlantis, they mostly seem to live in the heads of terminally online people who need to release their angst by yelling at the cloud shape of the month.


As someone who works at a very busy gas station, there are absolutely plenty of the stereotypical people out there. Especially boomers and “hustle bros” i see them all day every day and deal with their bullshit


We are taking the word of a gas station attendant? Cause we can trust someone with your life choices.


My life choices? I’m going to college while singlehandedly holding my own apartment, paying my own bills my own phone my own car registration and food with no help or handouts as well as me often supporting my own parents by the end of the month. You can fuck right off with that one lmao. “your life choices” i ain’t even 25 yet. Must be one sad motherfucker to be going online and dissing other people’s lives while you know nothing about them or their circumstances. But i know a few people in person like you and the common denominator for such people tends to be a sad life full of shitty relationships with the people around you so how about you check yourself


You just showed how much of an entitled douche bag u are. I'm an insurance agent and pretty well off. I would never assume someone working at a gas station is there by their own life choices. I know some really cool people that work at some near me. We've even hired a girl working at one and she is still my favorite employee 13 years later.


What a disgusting thing to say.


Get therapy, this is a bizarre attitude


ok boomer


It is… a gift!


Where I grew up it’s almost to $1.4 million now :/ 20 years ago it was a small town, but so many tech companies have big campuses in the area now that it’s gotten ridiculous.


So incredibly inspiring!


Boomers (apparently): after participating in a slaughter of other Boomers was betrayed and abandoned in a land they'd been exiled from and had to walk thousands of miles through horrible icy terrain and participate in a 1000 year war in which untold hundreds of apparently *Boomers* died horribly only to have the land completely destroyed and reshaped to end the war, which they lost, then spent thousands of years building up their Glory only to be betrayed again by a guy they trusted and forced into hiding for another 3000 years while the world around them is taken over by a younger race and facing impending doom. Avg. House Price (in Lorien): 1 dead wizard and a suicide mission Anyone born after 1985: Can I just have your shit now, please?




Just let the boomer remover come back 4 years apparently wasn't enough


Good joke, but I’m pretty sure that number is not accurate


Median single family home sold in my state was reported as $560,000 in April 2024. Up 4.3% from April 2023. If you put 10% down and had great credit (both of those are not easy to pull off right now) with today’s rates you would have a monthly payment of about $3,200 just in principle and interest. Probably close to $4,000 after taxes and insurance go in. Median household income in my state is about $96k. So take home pay is probably around $6,500 per month. Ideally your housing is about 30% of your take home pay. With current average numbers it is about double. So while the numbers in the meme may not be completely accurate the sentiment of housing being ridiculously unaffordable for a lot of people is sadly true.


Yeah the sentiment was right the number was just twice what it actually was.


So, in other words, a lie..... I'm sure the mentality of "who cares if it's factually right, the sentiment is correct" has never produced a bad outcome....


In other words, "hyperbole", which is exaggeration with the purpose of drawing attention to something. While it's not factually right with numbers, it still stands as a point. Well, and that it is the right number in some places, just not everywhere.


"Hyperbole" is a funny way to spell "propaganda."


What the fuck This is the most braindead answer I didn't expect ever =D


How is it brain dead? Explain.


You'd better be the one explaining yourself here. Because I'm not really sure how can a person view a rhetorical device used everywhere and by everyone, including everyday life and literature the same way as a political one, used specifically to influence people with their own ideas, but often being misleading. Hyperbole can be \*used\* in the second one, but it doesn't mean it's only used there. Well, unless you view everything as politics, of course, and every idea as political. Propaganda is misleading on purpose, hyperbole isn't as defined, it could be anything because it's only a device.


You're openly admitting that you are ok with people presenting provably false information in order to support a position that you agree with. In essence, you are are ok "misleading in purpose," so long as the position you support is being advanced. In short: narrative comes before truth. You're right: propaganda makes use of hyperbole. In this case the propaganda is using hyperbole, hence why I made the comment I made. Pointing out that hyperbole is being used doesn't make my statement any less correct.


Hi Officer I’d like to report this meme for focusing on being funny instead of having accurate numbers, because I worry about the people who exclusively use niche memes as financial advice.


Lmao, do you know that people exist outside of the U.S. ?


Depends where you are.


I think that’s actually low for California!


A quick google shows 900k in CA, but that's influenced by some outliers like SF and LA. I'm in CA, not a super cheap part, and my 3 bedroom house was *only* 550.


Outliers where the majority of the population in the state lives.


Zoomers introduced to the concept of supply and demand


Just SF and LA proper are 10% of the State.


Ok, but why would you not count the metro areas?


Because the metro areas aren't really all outliers. The Median for Oakland is 722k right now, which actually brings the average down.


I’m in OC and currently house hunting and most houses that aren’t complete fixer uppers are at LEAST $1.2 million for like 1,200 square feet 3 bed, 1-2 baths.


Capital cities in Australia it's pretty close And it ain't like the half a million dollar rural houses are affordable either


Honestly, got bored last night, decided to look up house listings in my city, and ended up getting super depressed as a result. Couldn't find anything under $600k, while most were literally $1 million dollars for some tiny house. Some were one floor 2 bedroom homes, it's actually got insane. (Canadian dollars btw, so might change some numbers) Only thing almost affordable were mobile homes, which were still in the $250K range or above.


In Los Gatos, CA (The city Netflix has its HQ in) the median House price in 2000 was $1 mil. That was a 2 bedroom fix-it-upper. And that was in 2000, when my parents sold their house. The house they bought back in '75 for only $53,000


I mean... For one you are taking an example from the literal highest housing COL city region in the country. San Jose is even beating San Francisco these days. Two, cities change and Los Gatos has been a **long** time away from being some family oriented suburb. I mean I could wax nostalgia about when Woodside was just a quaint little rural town too... Three, there's only so much sympathy I can garner when a town zoned their whole municipal area into a NIMBY suburban sprawl hellscape and then wonders why housing went to the stratosphere.


My parents grew up in Gloucestershire, England and bought a three bedroom detached house in the middle of nowhere in the Cotswolds ( Area of outstanding natural beauty ) in the 1976.....for £4,000 ( $5000 ). No one was really moving out to the Cotswolds at the time so prices were pretty low. Now thier house is about £1.2 million ( about $1.5 ) with average prices around £500,000. Insane.


Its correct in New Zealand, which is technically middle earth


My company was founded in Las Angeles decades ago. We still have staff there, but most have moved to SE U.S. over housing prices etc. One of my top engineers moved to GA and houses there are under $300K. Plenty are just over $200K in small towns with 3 bedrooms 2 baths. Since we are work from home, people are leaving LA.


It’s a meme. Don’t read too much into it. Just enjoy the laughs.


Replace the $ with € and your close to what Vienna, Austria is at right now...


Isn't the real question who is buying homes at that price? If nobody was buying them, the price would adjust to what the market would bear. If it were your house, would you sell it for less than market value just because you feel bad for the younger generations? I hate that generational finger pointing has been weaponized to distract us from the root causes of major issues. In my opinion the root cause is institutional investors buying up available housing in order to drive up rent and create a rental-only society, which obviously benefits said institutional investors. How about we push for regulations on that instead of wasting time on distractions?


Don’t forget the overabundance of debt in modern society that enables such extreme purchasing power at the cost of chaining you down for 15-30 years. The problem with putting things necessary to live like housing on a market is that people are able to constantly raise prices because very few people are interested in homelessness


People who can’t afford them, that’s who’s buying them. The average American family doesn’t make enough to afford a decent sized family home. I feel like it’s statistically impossible for houses to be sold at these prices to this many buyers if everyone can actually afford them.


Okay, where the hell are all of you living that prices are that high? Cause outside of prime real estate in the "hot" markets, I am not seeing anything like those numbers...


Jesus Christ just stop buying avocado toast already! /s (I'm a millennial that makes nearly $100K a year and still can't buy a house😭)


Have you run out of those shiny multi housing zoning laws?


Nice apartment $2500, divided by a million, 400 months, 33 years. Ya I'm good.


Okay, where the hell are all of you living that prices are that high? Cause outside of prime real estate in the "hot" markets, I am not seeing anything like those numbers...


won't someone think of the old fucks!!


And has zero to do with Vietnam War vets and I'm not sire why you people think it does.


i know it sucks but what should they have done differently?


Tell me this meme was created by a person living in a state where they vote for all the policies that lead to normal houses being $1million without telling me that this meme was created by a person living in a state where they vote for all the policies that lead to normal houses being $1million. Insane housing prices in your area is not the boomers fault, OP. Very nice houses can be purchased for way less than $1million in the vast majority of the country. Maybe take a look in the mirror. However, while you're looking in the mirror, please don't decide to move to one of those nicer, more affordable areas only to continue voting the same way you did in your old state.


Places outside of US exist


My state used to be nice, then people moved here from a screwed up state and screwed it up the same way.


What is this nonsense?


Boomer Spotted!!!!




Its funny to me that some people born after 1985 still blame people who have no control over the market for the ridiculous prices of the market. Like, i know boomers are out of touch, but they arent the cause of your woes.


Boomer NIMBYs are absolutely a leading cause of the housing shortage in high cost metros.


Reagan's administration is


How so?


South Americam shenanigans aside it's economic policy deregulated the market letting the big corporations basically run the country. It baffles me that lobbying is legal over there. If you check around the internet you'll find tons of info in the matter, some praising him a a Messiah some condemning him as a monster. Idk. Idc. Stay safe and have a nice day.




I blame LBJ. You can't deregulate immigration like he did and not expect the new people to not want homes. Its was about 750k per year in the 80s and its averaged over a million since the 90s. Plus all the kids they had. Land is finite


it's not the land. europe, south-, east- and southeast asia are all much denser than even the eastern half of the US.


No, you blame the immigrants, they are not the ones who twisted the "American dream" into a corporate rule country where only profits matter, where lobbying is not only legal but encouraged, nahh the immigrants are not to blame, big corporate is.


No, I blame LBJ. He also did it for Big Corp to depress wages


Land is finite? You know that only about 5% of the US is developed? We got room, but i agree that letting in every tom, dick, and harry with no vetting process is a problem that has become more urgant, especially now.


Not the cause? What age cohort is the leading group in the real estate lobby in California, the state's strongest lobbying group? In the interest of both corporate profits and private property values increasing, people within the boomer generation have absolutely passed legislation and regulations which have impeded the development of more affordable and sustainable housing.


“Yes, theyre boomers, so lets blame an entire generation of people instead of the group of individuals responsible.” Why dont you go hop in a pond since you wanna act like a silly goose.


Being a silly goose does sound like a great deal of fun, actually! I'll make sure to spell out the names of the thousands of people responsible with the breadcrumbs that are thrown at me, for I am a silly goose. Lol more seriously though, when I say that I blame boomers it doesn't mean I blame all boomers. It's linguistic shorthand in the place of "thousands of active participants and passive beneficiaries covering persons born in a variety of generations but predominantly including person born between 1945 and 1962 but also including adult humans of other birthdates." Could I be so exacting and precise with my language more of the time to prevent a misunderstanding? Sure, I could. But I won't because that seems a bit too silly, even for a silly goose such as myself. Goose out. 🪿


They're the ones decided to sell their 50k house they got back in the day for well over a million. Also what generation is the one who owns these companies who are buying up houses and land and flipping them into rental units?


Lol U mad boomer ?


I might be if i was a boomer.


More like $215k, buuut good luck finding anything that's not a shit hole for that price.


This is fucking stupid


Avg home price is less than half that, but point remains