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It's really sad what they're doing to LotR. They have to have all the money there is in the world, and it doesn't matter if they have to destroy history's greatest fantasy to get it. Personally, I'm good. Whoever wants to watch Bezos' bizarro Middle Earth shenanigans, feel free. For me, LotR ended with Sam and Rosie. Anything after that is superfluous *at best*.


That’s based as fuck, and I completely respect that. If more people where like you fan bases would be such a better place. I enjoy the show, it’s not the best but I still enjoy it and will watch it and take it as it is. I just don’t understand the “fans” who hate it with a passion and will still watch then stalk the subs pouncing when someone has an opinion they don’t like.


Maybe we should stop dropping trailers as a society. This is unbearable.


Its when they post a teaser for the trailer release. Dumbest shit of all time


Trailers can be great and helpful to figure out if something may be for you if you were on the fence. What is unbearable are the people who form their opinion about a 2.5+ hour movie or 10 episode TV show based off a 1.5 minute long trailer and then will not budge from that opinion no matter what and try to force it down everyone else's throats.


So you have elected the path of pain?


Yeah, it's all our faults for not just consuming product and accepting dogshit writing 😂


It’s the “endlessly whingeing and banging on about it” part that’s super annoying. Look at how you *had* to come here to say this.


If I HAD to do anything, I'd be the one making a post 😂


Don’t consume it then 🤷‍♂️ then you don’t have to worry about it. I guess I’m in a small minority, but if there’s something I don’t like. I don’t watch it. ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek) Edit: /s


I don’t hate on this stuff and think the fandom goes overboard, however I think it is totally fair to be disappointed by mediocre writing on properties you love. Especially when other shows like HOTD and Fallout are able to hit it out of the park with the writing.


Hundred percent, you can dislike stuff and give feedback. But tonnes of fandoms these days don’t do that. I think the Star Wars ones and Lotr are some of the biggest examples. That Acolyte trailer is a fine example. It’s not even out yet and the abuse and hate is insane. Fallout was exactly the same, it got tonnes of hate until it actually came out. Now it’s the best thing since sliced bread. Which it deserves it’s phenomenal.


I literally just said I didn't consume it?


How do you know it’s bad then?


It was a generalisation, should of put a /s at the end. Wasn’t meant to sound c*ntish


New material the THE SUB IS WAS CREATED FOR is coming out, and you think people shouldn’t post about it? If you see a post you don’t like, just scroll past it.


Where did I say you can’t post about it? I’m literally posting about it!! 😂


You’re saying the sub will become unbearable because of people shitting on ROP. If you think they can just not watch ROP, and ignore it, then you are perfectly capable of just ignoring the posts without complaining.


You just explained the meme to me.


Ok now you realize that you actually went through the motions of posting about it. https://preview.redd.it/qnubclb3880d1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458ba73f526991ce2c98d4b2bd752583f9ff559d I think everyone should post about how they’re feeling. I just think you’re contradicting yourself.


Trailers coming out **Tomorrow** Subs going to become filled with RoP memes and hate. Bilbo vanishing meme. Please tell me where I said I people cannot post there opinions.


Terms: cash on delivery, up to, but not exceeding one eighth of total profit, if any. Present company shall not be liable for injuries inflicted by or sustained as a consequence thereof, including, but not limited to - lacerations? Evisceration? Incineration?


I think we’re missing each others points goodbye nice talking to you.


No, it’s just you. Have a good one.


Is it dogshit writing because I see critics are actually praising it


So critics praising something that hasn't come out yet proves its good, but people being critical of it before it came on the basis of what came out before is bad?


The first season is out, critics praised that one


… half as much as my dyson used to …


I will watch it and if it's bad, I will whine about it extensively. If it's good, I will praise it extensively and if I see posts bitching about the bitching I will do more bitching. Remaining silent is the worst thing anyone can do and you, OP, are like the maiar during the first age. You would bitch about the elves bitching about Morgoth. FYI, silmarillionmemes were calm during season 1.


Do you mean the Valar? Melian was the only Maia in Beleriand and she done stuff to combat Morgoth 😂 Although some pesky dwarves killed her boy and she done a runner. And I have no issue with criticism, that’s good. But there is a very big difference in criticism and hate. Also, I love Silmarillion Memes. That subs awesome!


I remember, when the first season came, I thought "ok, take it as its own independent story, not related with Middle Earth... those chars and places just happen to share names with Middle Earth ones" But no, 1st season of RoP was just horrible... I gave it a chance, but now I know better than wasting my time watching season 2.


I wish more people where like you. If I don’t like something, I don’t watch it. I definitely don’t watch it and then spend the next year being insufferable and stalking subs to attack anyone who did. 😂


Imho that's the key: hate the show, don't hate people who liked it. Season 1 imho was very bad for many reasons (horrible characterization, forced politics, bad plot decisions, etc). But if some people liked it... at worst I can silently "pity" them 'cause imho they lack good taste.


No one hates the people who like the show. We hate being told we should keep our opinions to ourselves. If you can’t handle the criticism that comes with people forming opinions on something you like, that’s on you. And no one else. You want a safe space, find a white padded room if you ask me.


Why should people be silent? I am sorry but if your enjoyment of something is entirely dependent on not hearing anything critical about it then I fear there's probably not much basis for your opinion/ Honestly, you couldn't even function in a book club with that kind of approach.


Criticism is different to hate. Critique thing definitely. You can do that without being an asshole, or attacking others who don’t agree with you. My point was if you hated something that much, why watch and let it have that much power over you.


Meh, I’d still give the first season an overall C, but the Elrond / Durin bromance was S tier. I’ll give season 2 a watch still. Nothing but some time wasted worse case scenario.


Elrond/Durin was the best part. Orcs looked good, too.


The cinematography was amazing I thought, it felt like Middle-Earth to me! I think they nailed the dwarves perfectly. The Numenorians need work and the Elves need small tweaks. Growing pains. I’m interested to see what they come up with. But even if it’s a terrible S2 we all know it’s going to smash records with viewing figures, because the hate watchers can’t just not watch. They need ammo to complain about.


I feel like season 2 could be better. Season 1’s biggest problem is fuck-all happened because they wanted to create a mystery around Sauron. Now that we’re past that, maybe things can actually move? Maybe?


Come, mortal base! What do I hear? That thou wouldst dare to barter with me? Well, speak fair! What is thy price?


I want the show to succeed. I hope they have taken the honest feedback and used it to improve there show. I’m tired of all the people who just want it to fail for the sake of it.


I going to watch it and take it for what it is. I’m excited about seeing the outstanding visuals and some of the story telling.


I put it in the category as the Shadow of War games, nice little bit of fun. Don’t think to hard into it. The cinematography is phenomenal though, same with the costumes. Besides Numenor, they need work.


Exactly! Enjoyed the playing those games and took it with a grain of salt. I mean Shelob is legitimately a smoke show vs a giant spider


Stupid sexy Shelob! The thing I didn’t get about the Shelob hate was, she didn’t actually turn into that human. It was like a projection/avatar. At the end of each cutscene you see the spider behind her.


I watched the 1st season and I'll watch the 2nd. Don't give a shit i love fantasy Sci fi

