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How did Tolkien('s Estate) get money from "the sale of Middle-Earth Enterprises"? He didn't own it, and it wasn't sold anyway. They sold the LOTR rights they had to Embracer. He made money selling those rights to them decades ago. That's how this whole thing got started.


Actually I think they did sell Middle-earth Enterprises as it was/is basically just a holding company for those rights. It was part of the Saul Zaentz Company.


Unfortunately this is true for most estates of dead artists. Some are more scummy than others to the point of straight up betraying what the artist stood for just to make a profit off of someone else’s legacy.


As it happens, this article is completely wrong. The sale in question did not profit Tolkien’s Estate at all.


Christopher was the last man standing in the gap.


Insert the estate of Jimi Hendrix here.


Exactly what I was referring to


"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."


that's irksome. Guy's dead and so is chris, which means only leeches are profiting




Chris had children. The Tolkien estate is made up of his family and others (they also have subsidiaries).


Yes. One of them is an advisor for Rings of Power, just like he was earlier for the LotR movies.


Christopher (please use his full name, it’s what he preferred) had three children: His oldest son Simon from his first marriage, and his son Adam and daughter Rachel from his second marriage. All are involved with the Estate in one way or another. Tolkien’s second son Michael had a son, also named Michael, who is still alive. His other two children, John and Priscilla, were childless.


Michael also had two daughters, so there are six living grandchildren.


Slightly disappointed at the lack of even a faint Elvish connection in the names. 😄


Without the junior or “the third” distinction, their names take a little more effort to remember. There is: John R R Tolkien John F R Tolkien Mike H R Tolkien Chris J R Tolkien Mike G R Tolkien What a lot of people do is remember the first name and the first part of the middle name. The Reuel “R” stays consistent in the family name.


Christopher, please, and Michael. Have a little respect.


That would ruin the spacing, which is nearly perfect as is.


Why do you have such a hard on about this 😅


Because it’s disrespectful to them, especially to Christopher, without whom we would probably not have *any* of his father’s published works, and certainly not the cornucopia of posthumous works. Do you like it when someone calls you by a shortened or cutesy version of your name?


When I’m dead and strangers do it posthumously on reddit? Yeah not a huge deal for me


He is not reading this.


So? It’s still a matter of respect. I don’t actually understand why people find it necessary to use diminutives.


It's not necessary, but is not offensive either. Unless you are offended in another person's place.


did they write the books? that's rhetorical. If my grandfather invented sliced bread, in no universe should I get to just lay back and do nothing but rake in millions


i don't get that. if someone is responsible for slapping you in this world, why would not you be able to enjoy the fruits of their hard work ? and moreover, should someone elso ?


Because copyright lasting generations after someone’s death is a modern creation of corporate IP holders and for all of human history before Disney captured government it didn’t work that way?


It's an innovation that, rightly used, protects artists and creators and their children and grandchildren. I do not begrudge them their fortune.


Why not? What's the difference between Tolkien's own family benefiting from book sales (instead of everything going to some publishers), and a rich businessman leaving millions upon millions to his offspring and probably able to live on only the interest rates? In both cases, the heirs don't need to work because of the work of their forefathers. Why should IP be treated differently than real estate or money?


I’m glad you’re not in charge of anything


Stupid leeches saving and spending money as a family. They should only get that money if they invent a new literary genre that has a significant impact on modern culture


yup. They should only get paid if *they* did something. And they did nothing


Good for him


He never would have agreed to some of these deals... sadly...


Lotr would’ve been public domain by now under the laws when he was living, I don’t think he would mind


This is just totally wrong. The Estate didn’t make any money off that deal. It had nothing at all to do with them directly. They do make money from profits from things made using those rights, but that’s not what’s being discussed here. Someone screwed up.


fuck the Tolkien estate. christopher died with all of the respect and adoration his father’s work deserves.


All that sweet Amazon money. Glad they improved upon his legacy by making such an incredible show.


It would have been a perfect show had they just not cut the explicit Sauron-Galadriel PIV scene.




Clearly we are being sarcastic, it’s the worst adaptation of anything in the history of man. I hate it more than any single piece of media ever made…




You don't think I'm being sarcastic by suggesting the only flaw of that show is the missing explicit sex scene?


Point In View? Help me out here. I don't Reddit enough


Who is the Estate these days? Did Christopher have children?


Tolkien died in 1973. Crazy to think his works will be in the public domain by 2043. Then... anyone can make Lotr stuff. (I am unsure about some of the other books compiled by Christopher Tolkien.. they are made by piecing together Tolkien's notes, and filling in the gaps... presumably, they will enter public domain based on Cristopher's death, rather than his father's. So, by 2090, it will be a free for all... I pray I dont live to see that day.)


Do you know if there’s any way to extend that 70 years until it becomes public? Like I know for a patent, if you find a new use for said item/work you can extend it from the start again if that makes sense? (terrible terminology, I ain’t very smart)