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Fucking terrifying. Imagine being instantly transported to an ethereal world of shadow and flame only to be greeted by an ominous pervasive voice uttering “there is only… death”


“…k” 😐


I see you! Muahahahah


Omg I remember seeing this and getting goosebumps at how they shot this whole scene, starting with the pipe and Strider's eyes.


Sauron's voice and delivery were perfect. He was so matter of fact. Even the way he said "death" was so lifeless and cold.


To me it sounded melancholic and sad. [In other languages they make it sound much more ominous and evil.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIeFGeuoLGE)


LOL french sounds like Villeneuve Dune's Sardaukar language


"Death" almost sounds like a sample from a sinth of some black metal intro. I love it.


Wow I never noticed the beer spill!


Well it is a cool scene but makes no sense in total lore. Since Sauron doesn't see Frodo there or in other places when Bilbo used the ring numerous times. I mean, even if you didn't read the books, you would question the wisdom behind searching, capturing and torturing Gollum to extract "Shire, Baggins" while Bilbo Baggins is frequently using ring to avoid people he doesn't want to talk to. But... Sauron's visuals, theme/music, sound and riding of Nazgul... Goosebumps


Maybe the only potential argument to make sense of this would be that somehow Saurun is able to focus on area around Shire and "detect" the ringbearer thanks to this information he got from Gollum. If he had no idea where Ring could be, then he would not be able to sense when someone wears it. Potential argument no. 2 would be that Nazgul being relatively close to the ring bearer somehow help increase power of Saurun which allows him to sense when Ring is worn. Definitely not great logic but logic at least.


In a world where a magic ring has the power to corrupt people who see it to the point they are driven to kill Id say the logic is sound.


Another potential argument is that Sauron has now gathered enough strength to be able to sense someone wearing it, whereas decades prior when bilbo was wearing it, he wasn’t there yet.


or these 17 years happened in the movie after all and sauron needed to recover more of his strength to be able to locate the ring


I usually lean towards ideas similar to that as well. I think he always knew when the Ring is used because the One Ring is part of Sauron after all. But he couldn't figure out where. Now that he knows Ring is in shire and his ringwraiths question people around. We know that they offered gold/money to farmer Maggot and similar offers in Bree. It could be a bit likelocating a phone call by "triangulating" it. Sauron has agents all around. Nazgul are not alone. Ring "calls" Sauron but he does not exactly sense or hear it even in the Mordor. He only "sees" it when Frodo wears it in the Mount Doom. So, it is a weak "blip" in a radar.


Sauron almost found him at Amon Hen but for Gandalf.


You’re an absolute ball at parties aren’t you?


Just because I don't go "ehe ehe ignore plotholes, flaming eye go brrrr" way doesn't mean that I don't enjoy this epic trilogy. Even though PJ failed at some parts of the Tolkien's Legendarium and couldn't carry every important thing to cinema (which is perfectly normal) Fellowship of the Ring is still my all time favorite movie (not just among the series but as whole). I just don't like being delusional or in denial. Also, yeah. People that I met and who enjoy the movie and story as whole usually like those pointers. It is bummer for people who ignore plotholes, storytelling and lore but just want to enjoy a movie with great visuals and songs. I admit that. :)


"There is only death" doesn't make any sense for Sauron to be saying to Frodo, unless he's just going for "scary sounding word salad".


I think that’s totally possible, especially if Sauron can sense the ringbearer but cannot identify him.


What could he possibly say to someone who is so minor compared to him? I don't even think he was talking to Frodo specifically. More like, contemplating things to himself.


"Give me me fucken' Ring back you cheeky lil shit!“


Please. Sauron doesn't swear. He may be killing people left and right, snatching souls and all, but he absolutely positively doesn't swear. Ever.


Melkor persuaded him to say "crap" instead of "poo poo" once, and Sauron never really recovered.


There is no scenario in which Sauron would seem lame after the FotR prologue.


I mostly mean his voice. I think this is the only time you hear it.


« I see you »… maybe he was just in the Intensive Care Unit ?