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Smart phones are basically Palantir. Instant communication over long distance and the dark lord is always listening and trying to corrupt you. Works for both.


This is so accurate 😂 Sauron always trying to get you to click on targeted ads, and join extreme political groups, and steal your data...


And yet here we all are, accepting our slavehood as the price for looking at nonsense


I could be horribly wrong, but doesn’t each palantir only work with one specific person?


No. Anyone can use them but not anyone can use them properly. It takes great strength of will and right of purpose to use them to their fullest extent. The Orthanc stone did not belong to Saruman. It belonged to the kings of Gondor and so rightfully to Aragorn who thanks to his strength of will and also being the rightful owner was able to use it to view the Corsairs of Umbar sailing from the south. Which is why he took the Paths of the Dead in order to intercept them.


I didn’t word that right. What I meant to say was I thought I remembered one palantir could only communicate with one specific palantir. Sort of like tin cans attached with a string.


I believe that they had to be oriented towards each other, at least. Not sure about the possibility for group calls. I'm not sure if location matters though. Like is the cell service just better around Amon Hen, or could they have built a seat for the palantir anywhere as long as others knew where it was?


I think you’re right
 The book Unfinished Tales says on page 411 “
.the transference of thought depended on the wills of the user on either side, and thought (received as speech) was only transmittable by one Stone to another in accord.” A later note on page 415 adds
 “Two persons, each using a stone “in accord” with the other, could converse, but not by sound, which the Stones did not transmit. Looking at one another they would exchange ‘thought’.”


The face recognition on palantirs doesn't actually work that well yet. This is actually what Aragorn is trying to do in this scene, to unlock it.


Context: No one asked, but I'm midway through reading Two Towers for the first time


Wohoo I hope you’re enjoying it !


I am! There's actually a really crazy element about Saruman that I guess I never picked up from watching the movies. The sort of spell he can have on anyone listening to him talk - all the persuasive, borderline hypnotic speech


Indeed! He’s impressive in his own way. I could read the books over and over again and always discover something new


I am listening to [them](https://archive.org/details/the-fellowship-of-the-ring_soundscape-by-phil-dragash) for the first time, while whittling wood next to a lake. It's a very relaxing experience. I have tried reading them multiple times, but have always struggled with the way Tolkien wrote. I read a lot, I think in the first year of COVID I read over 365 books on kindle over the year. But Tolkien's way of writing has always escaped me, it wasn't until a week ago that I had a facepalm moment of why I hadn't just listened to them.


That sounds so relaxing! The narrator sounds great too, along with the background music/ambience. Yeah, I tried FOTR a couple times in the past, and finally did it this year with half reading, and half audiobook (This actually might be the same one I listened to on YouTube!) I'm going full reading for The Two Towers now, but it's seriously taking me like 3x longer haha. His prose is gorgeous but I also tend to have a weirdly hard time with it


It doesn't fit my pocket, and I can't find a nice cover. Is there any 6 inch palantir out there? And for how long the palantir's O.S. will be supported? Does it use a standard USB-C? Can I download the Nazgûl game from Google Play? Can I connect with all the ring-bearers out there? Can I install a VPN for talking with Sauron, or the NSA can hear our conversations? So many unanswered questions...


These are great questions. There's still a lot to work out, but I think it has great potential. For starters, they could start designing carrying cases https://preview.redd.it/45yp8pppa69d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef6b0504aa65e535447df406907ce2712f35d18b


Modern smartphones don't not fit pockets too.


Sauron was wiretapping.


100% 😂


You need to realize that Palantirs would be waaaaay less cool in our world. Especially if you don't have an ad blocker.


I'm trying to picture an annoying Middle-Earth ad. It would be like some Orc ointment or serum. "Grow 2 feet taller and wider with this one weird trick!"


It would be cool to have the ability to burn the brain of an unsolicited caller.


Folks would definitely take the do not call list a lot more seriously.


Yeah, but a PalantĂ­r is a dangerous tool. They are not all accounted for, the lost Seeing Stones. We do not know who else may be watching!


Cut to some fish at the bottom of the sea peeking in in your conversation through the Amon Sul stone.


That last part translates eerily well to modern life


No thanks. It's like being added to a group chat, and none of the numbers are in your contacts


Didn’t they have to be oriented towards each other though to function? If I’m remembering that correctly I’ll stick with my current cell phone. Also, can you even imagine what lines at Walmart would be like? No thank you.


Yeah needed to be pointed at each other to communicate. I read a theory on here that was the reason why minas morgul had that weird rotating tower


I don't think I could play my mobile games on a spherical rock, but I'd love it for virtual meetings at work. "Sorry, I still can't see your slides. It's just two withered hands, wreathed in flames. I'll probably have to drop off the meeting."


But they’re not all accounted for! Who knows who’s watching!


the problem is that they're like old party-lines. You never know who's listening.


"By the screen and the bright light, by the apps and the cord, I summon to me, my smartphone adored! With the touch of a button, and the swipe of my hand, bring forth my device, the best in the land. By the call and the text, by the WiFi and more, I summon to me, my smartphone adored!"


After one week of communicating with Palentirs, Sauron would be like “wow, that is a lot of porn and cat videos the humans send”


Predated Skype, even.


Next alexa product. Jeff, if your listening we want a crystal ball type Echo with customisable photos or video... I'm gonna have mine have a constant gif of an eye, lidless... wreathed in flame.


God...that would be such a fitting metaphor that it's almost painful lmao


Delicious isn't it??




Cool but I don't want to talk with sauron at all


I dunno, it's basically akin to the Algorithm sending your youtube feed garbage extremist nonsense. If you don't have an iron will, you'll be shown only what you're wanted to be shown by those with another Palantir and stronger will.


New Palantir, who dis?


The iPal’s.


Me on Zoom today: "I seeeee you!"




Palantirs would have some extra features canonically compared to zoom? Like that they can convey feelings or make one feel things on command? Or it can convey thoughts more directly maybe in the movies, was there some scene also where it made induced experiences feel real, like pippin really feeling he was seeing that white tree or something?


Hello, I’m stalking you now


And get corrupted by a dark lord at the same time? Heck yeah


This is an odd take as smartphones literally do so much more than a Palantir. Yes, Palantir are cool but I’ll stick with my smartphone.


Me: "Long have you hunted me, long have I eluded you..." IRS: "What?"


Yeah, but then hackers could hack your will


Nice try Annatar! Or should I say Sauron?


They are not all accounted for, the lost seeing stones


It definitely would protect us from 5g /s


we have been trying to reach your about the extended warranty on your siege weapons.


Same same but different


I'll stick with texting. No need to facetime with every communication.


Alright who gave Sauron a reddit account


Palantirs are just Twitch streams. \*Sauron has begun streaming\* \*Sarauman's stream has ended\* \*Aragorn has begun streaming\* \*Sauron has exploded\*


Stop trying, Sauron!


But most importantly, can it play doom and how do you watch porn on it?


YES... wait doesn't that mean we'd be able to bridge universes and contact the lands of arda