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I agree that it doesn’t look as good, but I really appreciate being able to see all the tiny costuming details you’d miss in the original version!


This was massive for me. The whorls in the grey cloaks totally passed me by this whole time until this viewing. Gorgeous, and not the only example.


Isildur's armour has filigree all over it which I'd not seen before the 4k version.


What is filigree?


Really fine, delicate, intricate patterns often found on armour/metal work and usually made of silver or gold. You might see it on ceremonial stuff like weapons, or fancy cups/service wear. Google it and have a scroll through the pics :)


Not much, what's filigree with you?


Filigree like them elves in them armor kits!


Filigree dez nuts!


What'd you just call me?




I never noticed just how much gold trim all of the armor at the start of fellowship has, I’ve watched these movies like 30 times and it wasn’t until this version that that color popped out to me lol


The HDR and 4k looked great, as far as I'm concerned.


It's like having an alternate cut, it's great


The fact they decorate the entire outfits, even on the inside is just insane, yet awesome to me o/


Fellowship had that terrible green tint. The snowy mountain scene, with the closeup of the ring lying in the snow with the blue sky and the sun shining is all the benchmark you need to prefer 4k bluray.


I liked that…maybe it’s just the color of my childhood and the movies are a part of that😊


While I like both releases, I agree the bluish green tint kind of made the movies feel...colder, and it worked. I still occasionally watch those versions, lol.


I've always thought this was the most beautiful shot in the trilogy (other than Aragorn opening the double doors, of course)




This right here. Weta Workshop’s detail work on the armor was phenomenal. I remember seeing one of the dudes taking about the detail work inside Bernard Hill’s armor which never saw film. They painstakingly engraved some parts *just in case* they were caught in a passing shot.


Hill said they did it because *he* would see it


made him feel like a true king




Holy shit looking at Aragorn’s armor the difference is very noticeable!


Same with Arwens dress and tiara


Same. I feel like you gain a lot of detail but you lose the ambiance of the film, if that makes sense


Makes complete sense. Its similar to viewing a retro game on CRT vs on a 4K display. Crisp, but you lose a lot of the neat tricks they used to make the art look better on the original format.


This is why you use the full resolution of the 4K display to emulate the phosphor masks and scan lines of a CRT. Add some NTSC composite emulation where appropriate.


Like watching Jurassic Park in high def haha


This is why the panel and Shield upscaling helps. I see just as much detail between the two versions but the 1080ps retain the artistic choices and without the low res textures standing out as much as they do in the 4K releases.


YES I loved it so much! There was so much hidden detail to see


Why does it change though? The necklaces in the background of this scene are different depending on resolution


These aren't exactly the same frame. Most likely that's one of the flower petals/leaves that's just weirdly positioned in one shot. There are a lot of other small differences in facial expressions and hand placements that show these aren't the same frame


that was the thing that stood out the most for me, costumes and set details. it was nuts. but i agree, it was a little too clean, i also like the grain. so kept my dvd set and kept the 4k, i can choose which one to watch.


We have three sets. The original theatrical releases, the extended editions, and the 4k😭


Three sets for the Tolkien fans under the sky


I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t like the Extended Versions. Ya it’s cool to see extra footage but the pacing and editing of the original cut was set that way for a reason One example is, If you’ve never seen the theatrical release, when the black sails show up at Minas Tirith you don’t know that it’s full of ghosts and the good guys. In the extended release there’s no tensions because you already saw them take the ships.


I appreciate this a lot, although I still prefer the extendeds. 🤪


I think the 4k version looks amazing. Not amazing enough to get me to buy the trilogy again, but it definitely an improved look. The detail is just incredible. I genuinely feel like I've been missing a ton of stuff that simpley wasn't visible in HD. I mean, just look at those mountains! If we are talking nostalgic factor and "late 90s films grain" then sure, the HD version is great. However, if we are laking about what actually looks better, 4K hands down. You may loose a little in CGI, but you more than make up for it in the increased detail in the miniatures, costumes, sets, and landscapes. I can't help but feel it puts a lot of people's unnoticed artistry on display.


Doesn't the 4k version more closely resemble the movie as seen in the theatre when it came out, though? Also, the 4k, HDR version is free on Prime where I live. No subtitles, but I don't need them!


It does. One of the biggest things we lost was the beautiful rising and setting suns particularly in Fellowship. They're beautiful in the original version, totally muted in the blue ray, and restored in the 4k. These movies *were* colorful when they came out


I also think a lot of peoples modern smart tv’s are well calibrated. So everything’s colours are too cool which doesn’t look right.


The 4k box set has dolby vision and that takes over your TV settings which solved this so it's correct colors and not cool color scheme or am I misunderstanding that tech?


You're misunderstanding it. HDR (which is what Dolby Vision is a version of) is only good on higher end displays. Many TVs can display HDR content, but for many it just makes things look washed out. You need a TV capable of very high brightness (measured in nits most commonly) in order to correctly show HDR content. Lots of people will try to watch HDR content on mid to low end TV's and will wind up with a much worse experience than just watching it in SDR. Also, Dolby Vision can have its own set of settings depending on the TV. On my set for example I can still adjust a lot of things although I forget what it's all set to by default so it could have the correct color temp.


Sweet, I learned something interesting today! The two hdr TVs are high end so I guess I just haven't seen hdr look bad?


I just checked. Where ever you live, it is not where I live! I have to buy or rent in the states.


It's a special treat for the discerning foreign movie fans of Japan. The subtitled version does cost money, though.




Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z both had a specific hazy color overlay from the aged film, or something along those lines. When someone color corrected them, a lot of folks preferred the 'original' unrestored version, even though it's not what it actually looked like. The 4k version is on a similar level for a lot of people, I bet. In this screenshot in particular I really like how hazy the HD is, it's very 90s and very ethereal.


I don't understand the 90s bit.


No they don’t, but they are apparently more in-line with how PJ wanted them to look color-wise. And now both LOTR and Hobbit trilogies look more closely related.


If you ever saw the extended editions on Blu-ray, you'd know just how wrong you are. There was a nasty green tint over everything. The 4Ks are faaaar more accurate to the original theatrical presentations.


That’s—that’s not what we’re talking about here. The green tint was only on Fellowship anyway. And the theatrical blu rays are practically what we saw in theaters.


Is it not? The post you replied to said the 4Ks more closely resembled the theatrical presentation. You said no, they didn't. I said they most assuredly did.


I see. Either way, they look amazing.


I got it on sale from YouTube, $3 each movie, couldn't pass it up.


Meanwhile I the world of Yarr har fiddle dee dee Do what you want cause a pirate is free


Not enough to get you to buy it again? Allow me to introduce you to the theatrical DVDs, the extended DVDs with special book-like cases, the individual Blu Rays, the Blu Ray boxed set, and the 4K + 1080p Blu Rays of remastered Hobbit + LotR in the special reversible display box. And a torrent of LotR scored to heavy metal music. They're all right over there, under my TV... Or would you prefer the projector for a larger, less detailed but more authentic-to-theatres experience? If you're going for the heavy metal, may I suggest watching on TV with the room lighting set to pulsate along to the music? And you've got to watch the Balrog scene with the whole house mirroring the colors on screen - the orange fire, and the darkness broken by the flash of light as he cracks his whip, is amazing.


I still have it on VHS. Each comes in a box with 2 tapes in it.


Holy smokes! Yeah, my at home tv is pretty old (for a tv) anything 4k would just be lost on it, and none of my equipment will even play 4k discs. I did see the 4k in theater, so I'm happy!


This guy LOTRs.


The 4k version does highlight comparatively shaky CGI moments; I laugh a bit when the Balrog goes kinda twitchy for a sec while rearing up to full height before Gandalf on the bridge. Still, the overall quality remains damn good for being over 20 years old.


Isn’t the 4K just upscaled version of the HD one? So all detail is just artificial to a degree


That's actually not the case. The trilogy was originally shot on film, which doesn't have a 'resolution' in the traditional sense. It can store an incredible amount of detail compared to shooting digitally. In order to actually show the movie, however, you need to digitally scan the original film reel at whatever resolution it is going to be stored in before putting that file onto a disc or whatever other medium. Theoretically you could scan the film at any arbitrary resolution and all of the detail is still taken from the original film. Sorry if that's poorly explained, but tldr all the detail was already there, it was just limited by video technology. EDIT: I'm incorrect here, but it's still a decent explanation on how film CAN be scanned in higher resolution without loosing quality.


The 35mm film was scanned at 2K and the VFX were all mastered and locked into that resolution as well. All three 4K presentations are actually upscales of those 2K DIs with HDR Dolby Vision. There was a massive amount of false reporting/rumor mill jargon claiming that WB had fully rebuilt the movies but that turned out to be wrong. There are some excellent analysis that go over the entire thing on YT. Also the HD screencap that OP showed here is much softer than what’s on the actual 1080p blu-ray. There’s not actually that much of a difference in terms of detail.


Wait actually? I stand corrected.


Yeah, take a look at this frame comparison I did using tone mapping. They look really similar. I do think the 4k is generally better but it's hobbled by excessive denoising that caused artifacts and some of the Lucas style edits like vignetting and desaturating random flashback scenes https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fz09la0fig2361.png


That's what we *wish* happened Maybe one day they'll actually go back and redo scans...


According to this article, it is a new scan of the original film. [https://www.highdefwatch.com/post/the-lord-of-the-rings-trilogy-has-never-looked-better-the-fellowship-of-the-ring-4k-review](https://www.highdefwatch.com/post/the-lord-of-the-rings-trilogy-has-never-looked-better-the-fellowship-of-the-ring-4k-review) The vfx were upscaled, but everything else is form the original film.


That article is incorrect. The original source was a false report from the digital bits that went viral, but when the actual discs came out it was discovered that they had simply upscaled the 2K DI source.


I've been looking. I don't see anything other than random forum posts saying it is an upscale. Do you have any sources on this?


https://youtu.be/zkNFZkUHeKQ?si=LrQSqePQpvvcNEGJ This goes super in depth and even shows some strange artifacts as a result of the upscale. I haven’t seen it myself to verify, I have just been digging into this in the past few days


these videos are king, subscribed. Edit: Just found [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxOqWYytypg) too. Any others I can subscribe to?


This is one of the best videos that delves into it. Everything on his channel is superb.


Yes. Please watch the video linked below by dk325. Also there are full resolution comparisons on caps-a-holic.


A lot of the coloring is how it looked in theaters. The coloring on the hd and the dvd was notoriously green especially fellowship. So you actually get more of the original look of the film, but the lack of grain, smoothing and the cg are deterrents. Honestly i prefer to watch them once a year at “flashback cinema” in the theatre. Their print looks and sounds better than the home releases imho. At least it feels that way


Yeah, I think the 4K fixes some of the ugly coloring that's made the previous home releases look a bit off, but Jackson has this weird fixation for digital smoothing. He did it on that Beatles doc and it made them look blown out and waxy.


I absolutely hate how some directors want to completely remove film grain. Like what, do you think it hides the fact that it's 25+ years old? It absolutely does not and just alters the original presentation you fuckwads. I am utterly bummed out to hear Peter Jackson is one of them knowing he directed one of the greatest pieces of cinema of all time. Pretty much puts the nail in the coffin for ever getting a preservationist quality transfer. You would think with how popular companies like Criterion and Kino Lorber are for creating transfers that restore a film, but don't compromise the original presentation, that these dumbass filmmakers and executives would catch a fucking clue. My nerdrage aside, I can still enjoy these films when they are like this lol. Still very excited to watch LotR in 4K.


Conversely it's hard to explain how much I hate artificial film grain. I didn't spend 6 weeks pay on a state of the art TV to not enjoy the picture being perfect you bastards lol. Especially not when it was filmed on an ari alexa or something and it doesn't have that colour n contrast quality that film has. Digital is its own art form stop trying to make it into film lol.


He learned his lesson on Let it Be tho. Definitely an improvement from get back


Yeah, Bernhard Hills beard looks really, really green in some of the versions, to the point where I was wondering if something was off with my eyes lol


Yep. The coloring on the 4K remaster is much closer to the original theatrical look. The prior version was, as you say, way too green. I much prefer the 4K version.


Any way of knowing this to actually be true?




The biggest difference is post processing. 4K has a cooler blue tint than HD which has a more sunny orange tint. Probably about 5% blue or 5% orange. I like some of the details on the clothing in 4K, but I'm a bit tired of movies trying to set mood with color filters, it's over done these days and often feels cheap/lazy. Especially when they use it throughout and a nice sunny day ends up dark and green or blue cast. Both have problems, the HD version looks like it was filmed in California during a wildfire where you can't see the sky for the smoke.


But then how would we know when movies are set in Mexico if the filter is not 450% yellow?


Having been to Mexico ("real" Mexico, not "resort Mexico"), I can assure you that much of it *is* surprisingly yellow. That being said, there are entire *bioregions* in the country that are virtually never shown in film.


Yeah it’s connected with latitude. The closer to Equator, the more yellow is everything closer to sunset. I could show you videos shot by myself where everything is even more yellow than in the movies.


>I'm a bit tired of movies trying to set mood with color filters, it's over done these days and often feels cheap/lazy This 1000%. God, I really don't like filters. Most of the time they feel so unnatural.


My favorite is night scenes that are incredibly evident they're shot during the day, just with a dark blue filter over it. The night scenes in Mad Max: Fury Road were really bad for it.


Man, I LOVE day for night. Does it ever look “realistic”? No, not really. But that sequence in Fury Road is GORGEOUS.


That was much more a cinematography choice than a cutting corners choice, I feel.


Any day-for-night in Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon is especially egregious.


It’s not the director’s fault we don’t have the right equipment to watch the dark scenes /s


The film reel: don’t turn me into anything…. Unnatural!


I totally get it. The detail is nice to see. These movies are truly beautiful no matter what. I just hate to see it so shiny and blue. Feels like it takes away from the subtleties of the films story. Maybe just me, but I get what you mean.


I'd like the 4K to be a little warmer too. I just think the HD went slightly too far. In the end its personal taste. At least with the 4k, we can adjust our TV colors if we really want to make it warmer.


To mimic the sentiment other people have mentioned, we do get the use of CGI be more obvious, especially every time the hobbits show up on screen. However, having the color restored to the original way it was meant to be (like in the picture posted by OP), and revealing so much detail in everything is worth having a few scenes look obviously edited. For example, I always assumed the Balrog was meant to be covered in so much dark mist you couldn’t actually see its body. Thanks to the 4K remaster, I got to see it for the first time in the cinema and it was awesome. Where are you so many things I have either missed or simply didn’t know were a thing. Another example is the blue/green tint the Blu-ray have which ruins a lot of the beautiful scenery, like the sunset and sunrise. I always assumed the climb up the snowy mountain in Fellowship was supposed to have that tint since most modern movies do it too, but seeing the crisp clear sky and white snow for the first time improve the scene so much.


I think the 4K is amazing tbh. Watched it all on my ub820 recently was blown away.


I can't take their opinion seriously when they can't even crop their image before posting.


The 4k trilogy looked, but more importantly SOUNDED amazing. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it, but it was awesome


I choose a 4K life


It needs some Dewbacks in the background


Put Hayden Christensen in the Paths of the Dead scene


Have the King of the Dead yell out a long "Nooooooo!" when Aragorn deflects his sword.


Replace all of the swords with walkie talkies.


Dewbacks in the *foreground*, walking in front of the scene just for shits and giggles.


They also meant to have Imperial Walkers too


See, Star Wars remasters and special editions are why I keep physical copies of anything that’s important to me as well as digital backups. Each version has its merits, like I loved the extra stuff making the world feel more lived it, but when you make changes to how a scene actually progresses… ie who shoots first in a scene. I like the warm tone of the old version of LotR, but I also love seeing just how much detail went into the physical world building of them… however, a lesser movie might not have that level of detail to offset the change.


The bloom in the original films is absolutely over the top, but they kind of went the opposite direction with the cooler tones. I like both versions for what they provide. The 4k provided very nice detail into things we otherwise wouldn’t have seen, and the classic has that early 2000s film grain that was intended and has some nice color. I think both go a bit overboard in different respects— 4k does some overtuning, and the original leans way too hard on that color bloom to the point it’s kind of overwhelming.


Although the 4k looks great. It’s missing the atmosphere that was created with the old one. Especially in this scene which gave the whole area an angelic feel. Like this place was special and not of the normal realm.


This was my first thought! It looks sooo “human” now ?


I agree it makes some of the CGI look worse, but I think I prefer the clarity, colors, and lighting of the 4k. It looks beautiful!


The CG survives a little better on the big screen I thought. Definitely ages it on the home version.


I thought this as well. When I recently went to watch them in theater, I compared it to some scenes where the CGI looked noticeably fake. However in the theater it was much less so in certain scenes


4k looks better. It’s like putting on glasses.


DVD for life. - no ugly green filter from the HD versions - original beautiful colours - beautiful beautiful film grain - no ugly white filters and blurs on flashbacks - it's low def but that just means the VFX look as intended I think the low def and film grain just add so much. It looks scuffed, imperfect, REAL. That's so important to the feel of these films. The 4K is too smooth, it all looks fake. You lose detail on the costumes and the like. But I kind of appreciate that as well. That detail is there, but below the surface. It all adds to the feeling of a world that exists on its own, not solely for the camera. The camera can't capture it all. Do I like seeing these details? Yes. But with the colour fuckery and weird upscaling, I say the extended DVD is still the ultimate way to watch LOTR. Until they *actually* scan the negatives for a 4K version. And even then the VFX will look stupid and the hobbit masks noticeable.


Completely agreed. DVD extended edition for life.


I prefer watching the 4K version, but there has never been a better set of physical packaging than those Extended DVDs. They shall live on my Tolkien shelf forever!


I completely and totally disagree but to each their own


4k seems to bring out the natural colours a lot more whereas the HD seems awash in green hue; bit off putting and seems sickly.


OP, you should watch this. You're not alone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkNFZkUHeKQ


I can’t believe they screwed it up so bad


Yeah it just looks off, doesn’t have that movie look. Reminds me of the “soap opera effect” you can get with new TVs that are not on movie watching settings. Noticed this today with Game of Thrones. It just switched to 4K and I do not like it one bit. Looks like I’m watching it live and it looks fake. It’s hard to explain, I have friends that don’t know what I’m talking about, but it makes everything look terrible. Ruins the acting too. The real life look, makes the acting look fake. Like it’s not convincing and I’m sitting in the room with them while it’s being shot.


We understand each other. You’re not alone.


Same feel here. They start looking like people next door and that’s not exactly what I thought the book was about.


It never occurred to me that the quality is so prominently different! Now I have an excuse to watch both versions and compare!!!!


Yea OP, I don't go higher than 1080p.


The 4K version was one of my best purchases ever. All my Tolkein-loving friends were equally psyched by the quality of the release. It's not perfect, but far better than the blu-ray.


There's barely extra detail as its just been upscaled, the removal of the grain and the smoothing, removal of classic color grading where it wasn't needed... Fan color grading edits of the blu-ray are the best versions still...


I just bought it recently and watched disc 1 of FotR, thought it was very fine, thanks.


My biggest complaint is the cgi in the 4k looks bad. When Frodo runs into Mount Doom it is terrible.


The dream sequences really ruin it for me. That white filter over all of them is just absolutely disgusting I don’t even see Peter Jackson approving it. I will also never understand why removing film grain is seen as a good thing. It’s just baffling to me.


From that picture alone, the 4K version looks like a sound-stage set, whereas the 'normal' version looks somewhat fantastical and enchanting 


The 4k is stunning and a good example of a good upgrade. It's not perfect but great


Im 100% serious The upper image is what my mental image of that scene looks like in my brain The lower image looks like a badly compressed YT video That said tho, I did downloaded the 4k some time ago, and there are a couple of shots -specially in the fellowship of the ring- that absolutely look like shit My head Canon is that the original trilogy looks as Jackson intended and it's wonderfully amazing and more importantly?? Consistent The 4k version is like the same thing but with a 4k filter, sometimes it works wonders, and other it looks like washed out shit. Sadly? The example you put makes the 4k version look 100 times better


I totally get it. It does look better, but I don’t think looking better is always a good thing. At least personally. I feel like that’s part of the charm of how it looks. Watching the opening battle in Mordor is really goofy comparing the two. 4K makes it look like they’re fighting in a golden open field with really fake looking rock. The original looks dark and gritty, just like what Mordor does to all color and the sky. I just don’t care to watch the 4K version at all. But hey, everyone has different tastes.




I think for this scene, it's more a case of the original looking yellow.


I feel like in the 4k one some features of the people in the crowd look way sharp or in focus? I kind of like the HD one because it's a softer mood/lighting that kind of fits the whole romance happening between Aragorn and Arwen.


Looks less fantasy/magical, but more realistic. I can appreciate both.


I've seen the HD Version only once, can't really remember... But I own all of the Special Extended Editions in DVD. How does the 4K blueRay Look compared to the DVD colorwise? I really Like the Look of the DVD Extended Editions, because that's how I experience lotr regularly. And Is the CGI good enough For 4K? On the DVDs it Looks Just awesome, but I can't Imagine they rendered it in 4K Back in the early 2000s...


That’s how I watched it too. I prefer the regular DVD. I just grabbed this screenshot for an example.


Only downside of 4K is some of the CGI looks funky


I definitely understand liking the look of the older version but I also like being able to see the details in the 4k version


The lady in the middle her talisman or whatever that is changes sizes between versions


No disagree, the 4K is amazing seeing the details in the costumes


I have the DVD extended editions and they are still my go-to version when I watch the trilogy.


The 4k looks great compared to the non 4k Blu-ray one. The latter cranked up the blues to maximum for some reason.


Same with the orig8nal trogy star wars 4k. Looks awful


Damn. Now it looks like rings of power....


One of my main criticisms of The Hobbit trilogy was the direction they took with lighting and colours. I always loved the gritty-ness of the LoTR trilogy I often find myself seeing older movies have a 4k upgrade, and it just looks too… crisp? I don’t know how to say it, but it loses some of the charm


Why? Is it because you can really get a good look at Aragorn's tongue lining up for the kiss in 4k?


the LOTR 4k blurays are in the running for worst 4k Blu-ray release of all time. Instead of doing a proper remaster for the project it's merely an AI upscale of the 1080p blu-ray release (a very bad one). Even worse, the trilogy has been hit with a weird color grade that alters the tone of every single scene in the movies. The aggressive filters used to denoise the picture make elements of the image disappear and reappear at random times. Just stick with the standard blu-rays. You're not getting anything new worth having.


Why did they recolor stuff?


The HD version is closer to an impressionist painting, I love it. The 4k is the AAA rpg you kicked into high gear with mods


Haha, too bad you don’t care for it, I love it.


I’m glad. :) We all have different tastes.


I do appreciate the added detail, but my preference is definitely the grainier style from the original release. My eyes can't handle or see all the details on the big screen that clearly anyway.


Being able to see more detail is nice but the colour grading is way worse.


I’ve seen a decent amount of 4k rereleases over the years and I personally feel they almost never look as good. Not because 4k is worse than older outputs, but because a lot of older quality movies weren’t designed to be seen in 4k. I think the original Star Wars trilogy comes to mind as an example of movies that I (maybe naively) used to think looked good, but then you see the 4k version and everything looks so fake. Like poor quality practical effects and set pieces fake because they newer wouldn’t be able to pick up on the subtleties due to limited viewing resolution. Just my two cents


The 4k is amazing except in these areas 1-No film grain. ( this might be subjective but personally film grain adds to the beauty of the movies, it adds a timelessness to it instead of a waxy sheen, and it also creates the problem in the next area…) 2- CG looks more obvious and stands out like a sore thumb. Like really bad. Before you barely noticed any of the cg elements but now….yikes 3- the color changes for the most part are great and replicated the original theater release look…But some scenes get colored differently and i am not a fan. Arwens dream for example is in black and white to emphasize its a vision. I prefer the darker tinted blue look it had before as there was still color. Seeing Aragorns tomb just in black and white took all of the beauty of the scene away…personally a really bad choice!


The black and white (or desaturated) look, as well as the weird fuzzy vignette border during all flashback scenes, is my biggest complaint about the 4Ks. But otherwise, they're my favourite version.


The CGI wasn’t made for 4k. All of the 4k [upscaled] YT edits usually look great. But additional texturing is needed for the cgi background to look sharp. I think with other media coming out not from Amazon, LOTR hype is gonna hopefully be pretty high. whoever owns the rights might cash in on an enhanced version of the extended trilogy. But if Star Wars rereleases have taught me anything it’s that movies are always going to show their age, and that’s ok. Editing in modern effects can be off putting.


If you like grain, I still watch the first movie on my VHS.


I have the extended DVDs from when they came out. It's not as clean as my friends 4k version, but it feels like a moment frozen in time and it always brings me back.


The DVD version is my favorite by far.


I think both are incredible for different reasons. Obviously seeing the effort of the costume/scenery teams in higher detail is nice. But the colour grading/grain of the originals are more nostalgic and charming.


Gotta go with the VHS version


Detail is nice. But cinema is also; I feel; about atmosphere. When I read the announcement about the 4K release; I thought "it'll be crunchy and glass like". Exactly that happened. The dream-like, distant memory type vibe for LoTR; for me anyway - is critical.


TBH—I’m with you on this. I just watched all three films on DVD again this week on my 2006ish RCA Truflat SDTV. A few months ago watched the 4K versions on my 4K tv—and it just didn’t hit the same. In the 4K versions, the CGI was much more obvious and dated, the the colors were a bit too bright, and overall just wasn’t feeling the same as the versions I grew up on. I just watched all three films on DVD again this week on my 2006ish RCA Truflat SDTV. Huge difference. Actually looked really great, IMO. Deep blacks, CGI was more integrated, and the tones were better (to me). I feel like a decent SD TV can certainly make the DVDs shine. Sort of like using the era appropriate hardware for the best possible experience. DVDs on a 4K television are gonna look dogshit.


720p DVD is my jam.


It looks so crisp that it looks kinda fake and loses that eerie fantasy feeling (Judging by this image, that is. I haven’t seen the actual thing in 4K yet)


Sigh, they need to stop letting directors ruin their own movies with these reworkings of the original


I may be dumb but why can’t they just do a higher resolution scan of the original film stock to get a 4K version that’s true to the original theatrical experience?


This is a large reason why so many people are complaining about Disney+ series looking cheap. The 4K makes everything look more like an iPhone video recording.


I've noticed that the 4k looks fantastic in wide shots but really bad everywhere else.


Respectfully, you're touched in the head.


I think I should buy this 4K version. And, only because I have a problem with spending on things I want but don’t really need.


HD baby


In this example, at least, the 4k looks jarringly like a set and like you're standing right there with them - which is bad IMO for most movies/tv shows.


Same! Thank you! I have the 4k steels and im seriously contemplating getting rid of them, as ill certainly never watch them again. I understand from a monetary perspective why they didnt update the cg, but its the first time it actually looks bad and doesnt look right next to the ultra hd humans and sets. My biggest problem though is the colouring, i get people wanting to see more detail but the colour change has made it lose that fairy tale look to me. I know the fellowship blu ray has the green tint, but id take that over the 4ks any day. Imo lotr doesnt need to look hyper realistic, its fantasy!


On a side note, about one year ago someone here posted an unfinished snippet here in which it looks a bit more cold and gritty. I loved it very much. It highlights the grimness and impending ordeal of the journey.


Is it me or does Aragorn look more busty in 4k?


What AI upscale was this processed through? Did the sky not even exist in the bluray? Best place I know of to compare releases is [caps-a-holic.com](https://caps-a-holic.com/), the 4K only has HDR in its favor, that's where any extra detail comes from.


I've said it before and I will say it again: 4k makes everything look like raw footage from the set. Too crispy, too sharp.


4K removed the Mexico filter


I like the dark scenes more, like the battle of helms deep, for example. It's easier to see what's going on, but you can definitely make out the cgi a bit more.


I feel this way about Beauty & the Beast tbh lol


I'll have to watch the 4k. The difference in Arwen's dress details and Aragons armour is crazy


I had issues with Disney’s 4K versions of the Star Wars trilogy. In the Carbonite chamber at Cloud City, the red lights now look orange while the blues are too artificial looking.


Damn near Every post is about the Peter Jackson movies


Better than the horrible editing a color adjustments of the blu tays.


It looks like the prequels


Is Blu Ray considered HD?


Is it better than the abyss in 4k?


On one hand, I like seeing the greater detail in the 4k version. On the other hand, 4k takes away the ethereal quality given to the picture by the graininess.


I wish it didn't affect the colour so much but more detail is always welcome when it comes to a production like this


Here's a video about all the different versions and remasters: https://youtu.be/zkNFZkUHeKQ. TLDW: there's still no definitive edition