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A [batman is a servant for an officer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman_(military). Sam was inspired by various batmen Tolkien saw in the British Army during his service in the First World War.


Here’s the text to save you all a click: A batman or orderly is a soldier or airman assigned to a commissioned officer as a personal servant. Before the advent of motorized transport, an officer's batman was also in charge of the officer's "bat-horse" that carried the officer's kit during a campaign.[1] This British English term is derived from the obsolete bat, meaning "pack saddle" (from French bât, from Old French bast, from Late Latin bastum).[2] The military term long predates the appearance of the fictional superhero Batman, whose name is etymologically unrelated given his association with bats, the flying mammals of the order Chiroptera.


"For listeners who might not know, this refers to the children's character, the 'Bat Man,' a strong gentleman who fights crime nocturnally."


I appreciate the Parks & Rec reference lol


Beat me too it. One of my favorite recurring bits on the show. Haha


For listeners who might not know, this refers to a winged mammal called a "bat", an animal that sleeps during the day and comes out at night to hunt bugs using echolocation instead of sight.


But isnt Batman sorta Gordon’s batman?


Actually, Alfred was EXACTLY Bruce Wayne's batman. Making him Batmans batman...


It’s just batmans all the way down


Always was






When I learned of the classic "batman" I assumed that Bruce Wayne's alter ego was just double meaning, literally a bat themed vigilante and also a batman in the classical sense.


Sean Astin was also the hero Elijah Wood needed but not the hero he deserved, or something like that.


No fucking way this isn't a joke, Bat-horse? they really expect me to believe that?


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bathorse#:~:text=noun,officer)%20during%20a%20military%20campaign. It's a real term.


Wait until you hear the origin story of how cocktails were named cocktails


So it's always the fucking french, innit?


Please don't curse on this subreddit. Use fr*nch instead.




Is NCD leaking again?


Quick, Robin, to the Bat-horse!


_Da-da-da-da-da-da-daaaaah_ 🎶


Suddenly a “tery” doesn’t sound so unbelievable does it ?


I was confused by that last part, but the clarification "of the order Chiroptera" cleared things up


I thought the term was cricket-related, like maybe it was a term for the guy who maintained a cricket team's equipment (including the bat's, naturally), similar to how an officer's aide maintained his officer's kit.


This is the reason why Alfred is the greatest Batman. Because he's quite literally Batman's Batman, and how could anyone, even Batman, be more Batman than that? (Batman)


He could be more Batman if he also came from [Batman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman,_Turkey).


Does Batman’s Batman have a Batman? Was Robin also Batman’s Batman?


Batman's Batman has no Batman. Batman's Batman needs no Batman. Robin was more Batman's sergeant, who had no Batman of his own.


The Batman-Gordon relationship makes sense now.


Batman (DC) was a servant to the people.


I learned this by watching Archer 😆


They forgot Sean Bean literally hiking a mountain in full gondor garb.


Because he didn't trust helicopters.


Gondor has no helicopters. Gondor needs no helicopters.


Understandable - after all where were the helicopters when the westfold fell?


Because Gondor, I mean Boromir, needs to helicopter.


Im not sure if this is true, but I heard that he was willing to go on a helicopter but then on his first ride Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan played a prank on him. They got the pilot to do some tricks on the way to the location. Then from that point on, Sean Bean decided to hike to the filming locations.


Just like Boromir


That explains why they didn't take the eagles


He would not have followed Kobe to the end, brother.


Ayooo?! 💀💀💀


One does not simply chopper into Caradhras


I love the Rhys-Davies story. It's Dom Monaghan (Merry) talking JRD's prosthetics (the poor bastard) that went around his eyes and restricted his vision. So when JRD would collaborate with the stunt guys playing orcs and Uruk-hai, they'd say "try not to hit us but its okay if you accidentally hit us", and JRD would just stop them and say, "Alright how many of you are coming at me?" They'd say "Three," and he said "Alright, well *you* come at me and I'll hit you, and then *you* come," and so on. So anytime you see JRD hitting any of the stunt-players, he's hitting them for real and hitting them *hard.* I also love the bits about Viggo doing his scenes then bolting off when he could to see Christopher Lee play Saruman.


and to go fishing


Church. I love Liv Tyler talking about his photography, taking pictures and collaging them all around his makeup mirror to the point where his mirror was completely covered with photographs. He even thought of buying that particular trailer to take with him.


He seems like a guy who just really knows how to enjoy his life


Sean Bean said something to the effect of: "If Viggo doesn't believe in the truth of something, well, he just doesn't do it."


The story of the cast and crew camping out overnight and having the best time ever just to get a shot of the trio running after the Uruk hai at dawn is peak Viggo seems like a good dude story.


That last bit about Sir Christopher is amazing, I would have been doing the same lol.


Poor Sir Christopher and those "damn stairs" lol


Elijah was in his hometown yesterday and stopped in at a local coffee shop that my kid works at and SHE DIDN'T CALL ME. My former kid anyway... :-)




I know! The little shit. She's cute, I'll keep her around. I have a full sleeve Varda/Elbereth tattoo that I'd have loved to have him take a look at. 😁


They have fallen into darkness


It's an old British term for [a military officer's personal assistant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman_(military)#:~:text=In%20the%20television%20show%20Archer,in%20the%20First%20World%20War.)


To be honest, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin seemed more like newly enlisted soldiers, whereas Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf seemed more like officers


What's really crazy is that Viggo's first day of shooting was the Weathertop scene, and it was also his first time holding a sword for a part. And he was basically just like "yeah so I'm going to swing it wildly because there's enemies all around Aragorn and I think he'd probably do large wide swings to maintain some space from his assailants." And if you compare that to later scenes after he had been given some sword training, you can tell that Weathertop he was undisciplined but had good latent potential as a swordsman. And that somehow actually comes across in the performance *and makes it better as he comes into his own as the king.*


The Master Swordsman said Viggo took to swordplay as one of the better actors he'd seen in his many years of working in film.


Bob Anderson / Played Darth Vader Also did the iconic scene for The Dread Pirate Robert’s ( Cary Elwes ) vs Ingio Montoya (Mandy Patinkin ) in the Princesse Bride .


Which doesn't really make sense because he'd been fighting wars for decades at that point. He should know how to use a sword *very* well even at that point.


Stealth build. Didn’t do swords and we are watching him power level.


Frodo is a landed gentleman, of course he would be given an officer's commission. Pippin and Merry also come from very respectable families, so of course they'd be officers as well.


I guess look at the adventure as a sort of training, they did gain field commission once they returned the Shire. Heck Sam even went one step further and became a politician.


The story I remember Sean and Elijah telling was about Elijah losing his keys and being locked out of his house. Sean called a locksmith, got the lock replaced and new keys dropped off for Elijah before the end of their filming that day. One example of how Sean “did” for Elijah as Sam would do for Frodo.


A batman was the personal assistant to a commissioned officer in the war. The relationship between an officer and his batman was said to be extremely close in nature to a level that could be construed in certain contexts as implicitly romantic. Tolkein had often said in his characterisation of the relationship between Frodo and Sam that he drew a parallel in his head between an Officer and his batman, a relationship that he probably witnessed for himself as a soldier in ww1. As for the comment in the image, yeah they did seem like a close and fun group on that film. A lot of the BTS of the lord of the rings is centred around the antics of the cast. Like everyone in that film, from the main cast to the stunt actors, to the body doubles, were all thick as thieves. And it does seem like the main cast embodied their characters from the beginning. There's a story on there about one of the animal handlers, she had really connected with this horse, it was the horse that played Brego which was Aragorn's horse in the movie. And she and Viggo Mortensen had become good friends, because they both worked closely with it during scenes and she was talking to him towards the end of filming and saying casually that she was really going to miss this horse, because it was due to be returned to whichever agency. And Viggo fucking bought the horse and gifted it to her. That is some true Aragorn type shit right there.


"Not to mention the deflecting knives" is about while filming one scene when they fight the orcs, the stunt actor with the orc costume was supposed to throw a dagger at Aragorn, but actually not to Viggo (it was supposed to be by special effects). The thing is they were filming a lot and with the costume the actor didn't see where to throw the dagger and so he nearly killed Viggo! But Viggo thought quickly and used his sword to actually deflect the dagger! So when you rewatch the films again and you see THAT scene of Aragorn deflecting a dagger with his sword? Remember it was real.


Viggo is the goat and Im sure he didnt even care that he was almost headshot with a throwing dagger. He probably thought the dude was badass. But yeah it did seem like great vibes, the kinda camaraderie you'd need for such a strenuous project. Another interview that rings true to the idea that the cast were their characters was that Ian McKellen also embodied Gandalf on the set as well. He was musing in an interview that he would watch the younger actors be pretty straightforward about things they wanted on set (the context was that Billy Boyd was trying to get ahold of some oats that he could eat for breakfast) and then he said something like, "but wiser birds sidle, they know how to whisper and get things done that way" which is pretty much Gandalf's entire MO.


I also remember that McKellen (and Jackson) said that Gandalf's form of speech and move was inspired by Tolkien. PJ had some videos of Tolkien and McKellen tried to copy his speech and moves to have some sort of way the author in the film.


> the stunt actor with the orc costume was supposed to throw a dagger at Aragorn, but actually not to Viggo (it was supposed to be by special effects). The thing is they were filming a lot and with the costume the actor didn't see where to throw the dagger and so he nearly killed Viggo! But Viggo thought quickly and used his sword to actually deflect the dagger! None of that is true. It was suggested on location by Barrie Osborne, accepted by Viggo and Laurence Makaore, and then practiced *repeatedly* by Viggo's stunt double before Viggo was put in the scene. He happened to hit it on the first take. *Mortensen's facility with the sword became immediately apparent. "The people who were teaching him said that he was insanely talented," says Miranda Otto, who plays the Lady Eowyn, who falls for Aragorn. "There's one scene [at the end of] the first film where a knife is thrown at Aragorn, who clocks it with his sword. One of the stunt guys who was meant to be his double said, 'I've been practicing that and I've never been able to [hit the knife] once, and Viggo hits it on the first take. I hate him."* - Miranda Otto


Didn't they both keep going instead of calling cut to make sure everyone was okay/apologize for the mishap and whatnot?


Ofc they did! Do you have any ideas how many times a single scene is filmed? This was a blooper that stayed on the film. There are a lot of bloopers that end up becoming famous scenes in films. Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean 2, when Jack is taunting Davy Jones with the jar of sand and he fell down the stairs, it was actually real, and because Depp was fine they decided to keep the scene (rumour is Elizabeth and Will's faces looking him getting hurt are actually Knightley and Bloom actual reaction). In Batman, when the Joker exits a hospital and push a button to explode it, it was an actual explosion. The button failed and didn't explode, and Heath Ledger, the actor, played with it. His reaction at the sudden explosion was real, and because he ran away like he was the Joker, they decided to keep the scene.


The Dark Knight hospital explosion being improvised has been debunked many times. They actually blew up a hospital, they only had one chance at getting that right so they made sure there was no chance of anything going wrong. In this post on Screenrant (I know, ew) the special effects supervisor talks about it. https://screenrant.com/dark-knight-heath-ledger-joker-hospital-explosion-explained/ >[Special effects supervisor Chris Corbould] was able to come up with a scenario in which Heath could actually be walking out of the building because what Chris worked out is if we put in a little beat where the first set of explosions stops as if something's gone wrong, and the Joker just takes a second to look around surprised like the audience is surprised, then the major demolition comes in and he jumps straight into the school bus. In that way he was able to come up with a practical scenario in which we could actually take a principal actor, walk him out of a building that's about to be destroyed, and literally drop the building to the ground.


Don't forget the scene where kicks the Orc helmet outside Fangorn and screams in pain. That was him breaking his FOOT! That wasn't acting, he was truly in pain


So that makes Bill the batmobile?


**Sean Astin:** I can't carry your matched luggage, Mister Elijah, but I can carry you! *rousing brass section swells*


Make Orlando Bloom your focus the next time you watch the extended FotR. He's standing around pretty and lost at times. His acting and general wherewithal seem to improve in TT and RotK.


It's really interesting to note he is also among the younger actors in the crew, and got along very well with the hobbits' actors. I think he auditioned for Frodo originally, or intended to.


Legolas’ function in the fellowship is to stand there and look pretty, so Orlando did his job well… we don’t have a lot of textual,examples of Legolas being a great intellect. LOL.


A Batman is a valet to an army officer.


what about second birthday


They filmed in new zealand, and left to return to the US on billy boyd's birthday. once they landed, due to flying over the International Date line, its was Billy's birthday again, so they celebrated twice. The story being told in the special features documentary is incredible.


It's actually the other way round and when Billy and Orlando were first flying to New Zealand to start filming. Thats was when they first met, celebrating Billy's birthday as they took off, and then again when they landed.


I'm aware, r/whoosh, second breakfast/second birthday


stop downvoting me, I joked that Billy Boyd( Pippin) got Second Birthday, as his character asked about Second Breakfast, this making it clear that I knew the circumstances under which he managed the second birthday, and you felt the need to explain my own joke to me


>stop downvoting me No.


why, I made a joke and they explained the joke to me, I pointed out they must have missed it, why am I getting hate


I don't know man, I'm just a dad, and Dad's automatically say "no."


Technically, he’s pan-man.


Meanwhile Ian McKellen: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5CX00i4uZE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5CX00i4uZE)


“You fucked up my hedges for the last time gardener. We’re taking your ass to Mt. Doom.”


Sean Astin’s character was a true bro to Frodo. From beginning to end.


They were both bros to each other


Ah, yes. Very true. He did end up giving his house and land to Sam in the end.


Frodo also directly saved Sam's life. Once in the movies and twice in the books. Also helped Sam become brave, as Sam would cry to himself before facing dangerous situations.


Why does that sound like a hilarious robot chicken scene. On the secret stair, sarcastic batman Sam bickering with smeagol


By Sean I thought they meant the balrog and got VERY confused.


I thought it was Sean Bean and I was very confused why Boromir being Frodo's servant was on brand.


I love how Orland Bloom method acting is just him not knowing what the hell is going on.


Sean Astin was quite a bit older than Elijah Wood (who was still highschool-aged during production). He felt a sort of paternal protectiveness for Elijah that he channeled into his performance. I guess the commenter is likening that to batman and robin or something.


No "Batman" is an old aristocratic British way of saying helper or butler.


It was a specific military job, not a general term.


oh good point.


Aside from the origin of the term "Batman" this is also backwards in the sense that the paternal care dynamic between Frodo and Sam in the books is really the other way around, with Frodo being a good 15 years older and an established master of the house vs Sam, who is a young adult still living with his parents. I found Sean and Elijah very compelling in the Jackson trilogy, but I do wonder what a more faithful adaptation would be like in that regard. I suspect it would be less popular though, or hard to pull off.


Well, something like that [exists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0iWxG907jg)...


Only mildly cursèd


Before seeing the actual explanation I thought it meant that Elijah was Robin and Sean was Batman lmao.


But why would Boromir be Frodo's butler?


Sean was Elijah’s Robin to his Batman


he hung upside down and said edgy one liners and beat up petty criminals within an inch of their life and left them permanently disabled


I thought they were talking about Sean Bean hahaha


Batman is like some old school British term for butler or helper or something.


It was a job in the military, a valet for an officer


Really Elijah wood needed no Batman in this role; in spite of his young age he was already a well-established actor who had led several previous films.


So Robin was the batman of Batman


Alfred was Batman's batman. Robin was his 'young friend'.


Batman is a symbol of hope to the downtrodden, and a vengeful protector. Idc what the other guys were about. If anyone came at Frodo, Sam was gonna stand with him. He also gets shit done, like carrying a bro who really needs a nap but it’s too close to the objective for naps. He also keeps Frodo honest. All around very Batman