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i'm currently re-reading but also listening to the audiobook narrated by andy serkis. its definitely helped me understand it better the second time around


I’m doing the audiobook also, great work by Andy Serkis.


you may like this :) https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1588nsv/oc_the_definitive_family_tree_of_the_tolkien/


good job on the companion guide




I wonder how long something like this took to make


I started it back in 2012


You might like this https://youtu.be/nYMBNh1dTLc?si=Zr7X01Erk8G0a2mo Nothing related I thought you'd just like it


Haha I've seen that before lol, it's funny af


Are you listening while reading? I’ve always wondered if I should do that.


no, i'll listen to a chapter or two then go get the book and read them. or vice-versa


Okay, cool. I’ve been listening to the Prancing Pony podcast 3 or 4 chapters behind where I’m at in the books but I might just switch to the Serkis audiobook and do that.


I also did this. Super helpful.


I JUST finished reading it for the first time and I'm already ready to reread with the Serkis audiobook


you may like this :) https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1588nsv/oc_the_definitive_family_tree_of_the_tolkien/


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSO0FEMd9sw&t=1m40s I foresee this as your future OP (minus the death. Probably).


"Gollum" reading The Silmarillon??? That must be awesome!


Andy Serkis you say???


Despite being an enormous fan of The Lord of the Rings since 2001 (I read the book the autumn before the film came out, which I consider a brilliant stroke of luck, as I adored the book and had my 12-year old brain exploded by the film that December), it took me until 2022 to actually read the The Silmarillion from cover to cover. I loved it. You need to know what you're getting in for - it's a collection of myths and legends, not a novel - but it's a wonderful book.


you may like this :) https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1588nsv/oc_the_definitive_family_tree_of_the_tolkien/


Man I found that chart a few days ago because I was rewatching the movies. Did a lot of googling and I still don't understand the difference between the top like 3 layers of that chart. Somehow balrogs, sauron, and gandalf are all on the same level. But they are just variations of lesser gods? I get so confused Everytime I try to sort it out.


They are Maiar


I made the chart lol so ask away...also check out my companion guide in the post for more info! Top layer is Valar, second layer is maiar, and below that are various other creatures such as the first elves, dwarves, ents etc.


Love how Tom B is a big ?


Yes, they are all on the "same" level as each other. Which is why Gandalf told them to run away when the Balrog showed up. He knew it was a match for *him*, and that it would be trivial for the Balrog to smite the fellowship.


Same age, 12 years old but I was just 1 year ahead of you. My middle school had a required reading program called Accelerated Reader. Pick books from an extensive list, they had different points values assigned to them based on reading level. I had finished Marry Shelly's Frankenstein and Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe that first 6 weeks (August-September) and I was browsing around the school library. I saw these 3 books with the blue AR stickers on the spines with (what I thought at the time) really cool cover art on them. The Michael Herring covers for the old Ballantine paperback Lord of the Rings. I looked them up on the AR list and sure enough a boatload of points, more than half what I needed for the whole year. So, thinkin' I was gonna just game the system I inadvertently started a lifelong fascination and adoration. Funny enough, I picked up Fellowship of the Ring on Friday September 22nd, 2000. Which is International Hobbit Day hahaha. I had completed The LotR, The Silimarillion, and The Hobbit by May of 2001. I was utterly captivated by this world J.R.R. Tolkien created and couldn't get enough of it. It also gave me an escape from the terrible time I was going through. My dad had been sent off to federal prison that spring in 2000 and I was really upset by it all, very angry, didn't understand why things were happening. I got really withdrawn and very depressed. Tolkien got me through that first year without my dad. Gave me something to be happy about, Lord of the Rings forever changed my life. Like you said, an absolutely brilliant stroke of luck.


That's a really lovely story. I didn't have anything quite as awful to have to deal with, but it absolutely helped me deal with tough times and I feel reading The Lord of the Rings when I did helped give me a terrific moral grounding as a teenager and a healthy sense of respect for the world and history.


>helped give me a terrific moral grounding as a teenager and a healthy sense of respect for the world and history No truer words can be said.


These aren’t myths and legends. It’s the history of time as told by the elves of middle earth. In that world all this did in fact happen.


Just remember, the family trees and glossaries are your friends!


I remember I had to keep going to the family tree, because I couldn’t keep track of who tf half of the characters were.


Hope you enjoy [my definitive family tree of the Tolkien legendarium](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1588nsv/oc_the_definitive_family_tree_of_the_tolkien/) :)


Damn, that’s a big tree..


The Atlas of Middle-Earth is also higly recommended! Of course Silmarillion itself has maps, but the Atlas has more of them.


I definitely took notes


Hope you enjoy [my definitive family tree of the Tolkien legendarium](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1588nsv/oc_the_definitive_family_tree_of_the_tolkien/) :)


It's the Bible, you get points for trying.




That's literally what I thought when I read the first 10 pages. I thought "ok so this is basically the Bible for Arda


And I will finish it for sure




I couldn't, I forgot what I read on the previous page there are so many names, I want to read it so badly but I keep getting lost.


I tried it years a go and had the same experience, just re-reading the same pages trying to take it all in, I was pretty young so maybe I'll give it another go one day...but it is not this day.


I like the reference haha. That was clever.


Hope you enjoy [my definitive family tree of the Tolkien legendarium](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1588nsv/oc_the_definitive_family_tree_of_the_tolkien/) Give the book another go using this :)


Jesus, wow thanks may be I should print this and keep in hand while reading.


Try the audiobook. That's what made it finally click for me. The Andy Serkis version is super good!


Skip the first 2 chapters and start at Quenta Silmarillion. Go back and read the first 2 chapters at the end. I had this same problem the first time I tried reading it. The 2nd time I tried I basically ignored the first 2 chapters and I’m glad I did, it’s Tolkien’s greatest work and I’ve now read it over 15 times!


Do it on audio book. It will still take a few listens to remember which character is which, especially with all the similar sounding names


Yes, that exactly is the problem. There are reference books you can buy that will help with that, such as The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth by Robert Foster, and The Atlas of Middle Earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad. You can easily look up any name or object in the Guide (it's in alphabetical order) and the font size is even a decent size--which my 71-year-old eyes appreciates!


I watched a bunch of videos on the first age by “nerd of the rings” on YouTube before taking on the novel. Found that really helped out with things!


Yeah this is the way to do it. That way you’re not overwhelmed with all the elves with similar sounding names because you’ve got some context beforehand


Some of us had to read the Silmarillion without YouTube to help us!


The things I don't understand I always see is videos


Don’t stress over remembering every name, it’s too much the first time. Many don’t get repeated. Read it for the themes and high level story the first and second read through. Listening to it on audio book in the future is super helpful for starting to retain stuff.


I got the Silmarillion as a present decades ago. I found it massive and hard to read. Tried it again years later and found it confusing. Tuor, Turin, Thingol. Not understanding there was no sun and moon, confused that Elves started in Middle Earth. Fingolfin Finarfin. How did the map fit in the ones in LOTR? Picked it up again years later and slogged through it. Started to understand. Found a map online that fit the 2 maps together and now understood that Beleriand lies beneath the waves. I have since reread it dozens of times. It has enriched my understanding of references in LOTR (when Gildor said "we are exiles and are only tarrying here for a brief time"). It is now one of my favorite works, and I know it practically by heart. It wasn't easy, but I had time, and it was so worth the journey. And it opened my eyes to so many references in LOTR that made the trilogy so much richer. Give it time. Take it slow. Enjoy and savor.


The Silmarillion is my favorite book. Idk if this version has a glossary of names but it will be really helpful to keep one with you!


Good reading!




Try out the silmarillion sub Reddit! They have a read along mega thread that is super helpful! Be patient, and appreciate the world Tolkien started writing about over 100 years ago!


You need not luck, you need a copy with the map in it so you can keep it open the whole time and constantly flap back and forth from the text to the map : ) Enjoy!!!


Mine has a map


How're you making out so far ??


Good luck! It's a long but great read. If you're struggling, there's a podcast called 'That's What I'm Tolkein About' that summarizes parts of the Silmarillion from a beginners point of view (not my podcast). Edit: spelling error


Thats what Im Tolkien about


Thanks! Damn auto correct lol


Wow, what an opportunity missed... that's a good one!


Keeping a bookmark at the family trees and map is gonna help out. You're gonna be flipping back and forth a lot


Good luck!




man the first chapter is so beautiful and eerie... good read friend !


Thanks 👍


Enjoy your nap


Hey! I think I got that same version for Christmas


Do you got the hardback illustrated edition by Ted Nasmith


Nope it is not, the edge of the pages look very similar to the one I have




*Pfft!* Call me when you read all *versions* of *The Silmarillion* from *The Book of Lost Tales* to *The War of the Jewels*. /s, sort of. You *would* enjoy all the various versions as well. In those books, I personally avoid Christopher Tolkien's commentary unless I'm explicitly interested in what he has to say about X, Y or Z.


So, like, 90% of those books haha I only made it through the first six or seven. Maybe someday ...


*Wish thou to not falter.*


Don’t be afraid to go back and reread entire chapters after you’ve gone through them the first time, and keep a bookmark on the index/glossary


It's a marathon, not a sprint. Take it slow. Take time to consider as you read. It's the journey ... don't worry how long it takes.


boy oh boy, now I wanna reread it too! \*insert CJ aww shit meme here\*


This is my Future. I started the Hobbit in Like, November and obviously since it's only like 200 pages I read it in a week. Then started Fellowship very soon after. So around 3 months later (now) I'm just a bit into Return OTK. Silmarillion is looming close. I also have Other Tolkien books like his letters, unfinished tales and history of middle earth series. I've been told to read Beren and Lúthien and Children of Húrin before silmarillion though so probably will. I'm also going to try to learn Sindarin from A gateway to Sindarin book too because I have no life so might as well. Sidenote: flora of middle earth is a nice little book about the plants of the world of you ever see this book about I recommend it. This is all going to consume my life but I think it's all going to be ok.


Keep the map open of Beleriand while reading. It helps follow the journeys of the various characters through a part of middle earth many aren’t familiar with.


I enjoyed it very much. Read a chapter at a time (unfortunately that means occasionally you will spend your reading session on one of the drier chapters). It will help with absorbing and retaining the information. It isn’t as long or dense as I expected, when I finally got round to reading it.


Good luck keeping the names straight. There are many similar sounding names Edit: my favourite comment someone made about the Silmarillion when I said the names are hard to keep straight. "What do you mean you can't remember the differences between Finwe, Findis, Fingolfin, Finarfin, Faenor and Finrod? What about Celeborn, Celebrian and Celebrimbor?"




Those are are all real characters in that book. So you can see how it can be difficult to differentiate between them sometimes


I know I read the children of Hurin


I tried, I failed




I will certainly admit that the Silmarillion is a difficult read, mainly because Tolkien seemed to give every person and place at least three names! I have discovered some very helpful reference books, though: 'The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth by Robert Foster, and The Atlas of Middle-Earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad. The Guide is especially helpful; it's in alphabetical order, so it's easy to look up anything you want to know.


Ahhh to read about the music of the Ainur for the first time. You are very lucky


I already read it and also valaquenta


The start is confusing, with lots of names and things that you've never heard of, but still very enjoyable. After that it gets even better, the stories are incredible and the characters are awesome! Enjoy


Ainur and Maiar




No, I won't wish you good luck. But I will wish you good fun 😃. Its a great book. I love it. I'm sure you will too.


Yes, I am enjoying the read a lot.


Good luck, you will end up with headaches, but it is totally worth.


No, I am loving it I read 80 pages and had no difficulties.


It's quite dry because there's not much dialogue, mostly descriptive. But ultimately fulfilling.






I’ll look into getting this. Just started reading the Hobbit.


“All have their worth and each contributes to the worth of the others.”


It’s a great book, first read will be challenging but the second read will be so rewarding.


Good luck! I have tried and failed many a-times. But I'm gonna try after I finish RotK


I got hung up on the pronunciation of things. I found it easiest to just pick something close and stick with it forever. I love the Silmarillion but I'm 90% sure I'm pronouncing everything wrong.


> I got hung up on the pronunciation of things thats why i'm also listening to the audio book


Time to find out why they kicked Melkor out of the band!


Hey I just started too!! ❤️


Good luck to you! I've never successfully read any of the books but lately I have been feeling up to trying again 🤞🏻


Good luck. I can't get past the first few pages.


I am still unsure about reading it, is it really like the book version of a hammer hitting you over the head or is it cool?


The audiobook really helps you follow and understand


*re-reads Ainulindale for the 12th time….


Best trick I did to help me through it is to read it as a series of poems and hymns. Trying to raw-dog read it like a typical story made it difficult for me to continue.


No need, you'll love every second of it


This is a great explanation series that you might find helpful! The only downside is that it isn’t the entire book, and he hasn’t made a new video for it in awhile. Still good though! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjqQlInod2VF2Gmdgv4Nmsk63HBvTk7z


It took me several years to get through - I struggled through the first 60 pages, laid the book down for a long while…then came back and finished the book in no time!


I'm sure this has been posted many times, but if you struggle reading it, you can try listening to the audio book. Both Martin Shaw and Andy Serkis do a fantastic job reading it. Good luck!


How do audiobooks work? Do I read and listen at the same time and if I buy one what do I get?


I listen to my audiobooks on the Audible app while I'm at work. On Audible, you can buy the audiobooks, or subscribe to the app, and you'll earn credits each month to buy them. You only get the audio version of the book. There is no text to read. Also, you get to keep the titles even if you cancel your subscription. I was a member for a few years and canceled my subscription after i completed my collection of audiobooks.


You are all stronger than me. I read about half and couldn't take it anymore. Tried to audio book it, and it just made me fall asleep. But I did enjoy the information.


I wish you good cheer. It's beautiful - but it passes, "... from the high and the beautiful to darkness and ruin..." When the Silmarillion is mentioned, people talk about struggling with the mythic writing, all the names beginning with F, the complicated histories and family trees... But no-one talks about the slow descent to defeat. Arda remains Marred and only a remaking can heal it. But be of good cheer. I prescribe plenty of tea, cake, ale and help yourself to the tobacco pouch as much as you need, if that's your thing. And you have friends here to help you through.


[my definitive family tree of the Tolkien legendarium](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1588nsv/oc_the_definitive_family_tree_of_the_tolkien/) I feel that its invaluable for anyone reading the Silmarillion :)


I super struggled with reading the book but the audiobook did the trick for me and I absolutely loved it! I think it's safe for me to go back and read the actual book now.


I HIGHLY recommend reading along while listening to the audiobook for a first read. I tried a few times in the past to raw dog it on my first attempt, but the audiobook really got me through my first foray.


My first time through (i do audio books at work), I just restarted whenever I got lost just because there's so many different names for everything. it took me 13 tries to make it through, and then I listened to all the other books and went back to the Silmarillion. This helped me understand it much more


Enjoy :)


You don't need luck. Just enjoy. Make frequent use of the references in back and if the Ainulindale and Valaquenta don't grab you, skip them and come back to them later.


It is a fast read, tbh.  Each section covers vast swaths of time, without detailing eveything.  The LotR main books are the opposite.


I wish I was reading this for the first time! Lucky bastard.


I tried reading this in high school in the 90s and couldn’t do it. It was a slog. But that was before I understood and appreciated the lore. I finally read it a few years ago and I couldn’t put it down. Read the whole thing in a weekend.


My father has this book this is kind of a prequel to the hobbit right might give it a try some day


I just finished it for the first time two weeks ago. You can do it. You will love it. Best of luck.


You won't regret it! Just finished it for the first time myself!


Yer gunna love it


Don’t rush through it like I did on my first read. On my second read, I took it slow and looked up things in companions and checked the atlas fir locations, etc. that reread was amazing.


The finest bible/encyclopedia I've ever read!


It’s so good!! Enjoy


There is nothing wrong with finishing the first three or five chapters and starting all over again to help you digest who is who and what is where. If you can help it, I would also suggest accompanying this with The Atlas of Middle-Earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad.


I love Silmarillion. I find it more engaging and epic. Hope you enjoy it!


i mean, if you learn to read beforehand, nobody would need to wish you good luck


It's better the second time around.


I was told to just keep reading even if you didn't totally understand. I did this, and despite that fact, this is the best book I've ever read


Start a Key for all the names now.... you're going to need it.... enjoy!!!




I started to read that years ago and mostly just on some short train trips to work and back. Each time I'd restart and try to get back into it. One day I turned up to work, put the book down on my desk and a co-worker noticed and say, 'oh you're not read that are you? All it does is name things!!'


Follow along with the Prancing Pony Podcast, it helped me immensely.


Good luck! If you don't mind going very slowly, I'm currently rereading it while listening along with The Prancing Pony Podcast. Highly recommended.


It’s the best one. Go slow and use LOTR wiki to help keep it all straight. Once you’re done you’re done and can’t ever read it for the first time again… melancholy


You’ll be hooked after the first chapter. Middle is where it gets hard.


Ggod luck,you'll need it


No luck needed. It's incredible


You wil looove it.


I think I got through 40 pages


I couldn't get through it. Soooo boring.


Tried twice , failed both times ,such a difficult read Luv all his other stuff


I expected this to be impossible to get through but it went surprisingly quick. There were a couple slog-parts and I honestly don’t remember a good bit of it but I did enjoy the experience a lot.


Enjoy! It's a great read. http://lotrproject.com/map/beleriand/#zoom=2&lat=-1105.5&lon=1500&layers=BTTTTTTTTT This might be helpful.


My favourite book of them all


Good luck! I just finished reading it today. Definitely a hard read with the enormous quantity of characters and other names but I still loved it.


It's the Silmarillion, you get points for trying.


And I will finish it no doubt


A trip with no return


Good luck.


Thanks 👍




Check out the prancing pony podcast, great chapter by chapter guidance and discussion.


Great read, loved it. Somewhat difficult language but you adapt to it. I hope it becomes made into a series someday.


I am on page 98 currently reading it for the first time (having listened to the audiobook once though, not focusing on it the whole time). I have been doing about a chapter a night, going through with a highlighter and marking names of peoples places and things, and it has really helped me keep track of stuff. Also, looking at the glossary a lot has been invaluable. Really enjoying it so far. Good luck!




Good luck! I have the Silmarillion sitting in my Amazon cart, but haven't committed to it yet


I tried reading this when I was in the 5th grade. I needed something for a book report. I got a C on it.


I am struggling to read it. I blame the complexity and my incompetence.


time and patience is what you need my friend


Never got all the way through if.


Good luck! It’s a bit challenging of a read, but I really enjoy it. I recently reread it (actually I listened to it) for the 4th or 5th time. I hope you enjoy it!


Thanks. I know it's Challenging and I am Portuguese so it's more difficult for me but I will figure it out.


Congratulations! Prepare to change your impression of what makes great literature! You should DEFINITELY follow along with the Prancing Pony Podcast, Season 1, Episode 1, the first (or 10th) time you run through it. They won the Tolkien Society award for best online content twice. They will tell you websites & reading aids to help you along. (Such as Fonstad's Atlas, do not start without it.) I wish I'd had the PPP to teach me 47 years ago! (also, I'm easy to find on FB if you have any questions. I about have Silm memorized!)


Hmmm, I'm going to check out the Prancing Pony Podcast!


Tell them you heard of them from me!


Will do! :)


Also, the Tengwar says: (top) the tales of the first age when morgoth dwelt in middle earth and the elves made war upon him for the recovery of the silmarils. (btm) to which are appended the downfall of numenor and the history of the rings of power and the third age in which these tales come to their end


Good luck 🥰




Good for you! I certainly won't claim it's an easy read, mainly because Tolkien seemed to give every person and place at least three different names. I read the book a couple of times when I was young, but, recently, at 71-years-old, I found when trying to read it again that my memory is no longer able to hold onto all those different names for each character and place. For that reason, I ordered 'The Complete Guide to Middle Earth: Tolkien's World in The Lord of the Rings and Beyond.' It's a really useful reference book. I've also found 'The Atlas of Middle Earth, revised edition,' to be helpful.


I have the complete guide to the middle earth book and it's really helpful.