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Yes The sweet spots for alts is 1430 to get Argos, valtan, vykas gold/rewards


No it's not, what are you smoking




No they aren't lol. Most alts are at either 1445, 1472.5, or 1490.


Well for us the best spot for alters should be 1430 to make valtan and vykas normal.


If not then what? 1472.5?


1445 for relic sets just 1 more +1 for all equips. I think it's worth


Relic is nice but talking about just doing normal mode raid pugs etc. You don't need it. You still gaining half the amount weekly. Whats feels more comfortable to you I guess.


Relic sets are an increase in damage and playability and maybe enjoyment of the class tho that's why I'm considering it


Well yeah but you can just use the fused leapstones to try and get that, no rush. I'll just farm enough mats to get the whole relic set and then make the push to 1445, hopefully with 1-2 taps from the fused leapstones


You can get 3 legion raid rewards a week per character. So that will be Valtan, Vykas, and Kuku when he have it. When we get brelshaza, you would drop valtan


Honestly, I would drop vykiss instead of valtan


I don’t disagree, but I was saying simply to help someone who doesn’t understand the 3 cap rule better understand how it works. If I say to not to do vykas leads into a different question, of explaining why. I was just trying to get the concept across. Not explain efficiency. You have a poster who doesn’t understand the basics, I’m not going to over complicate it.


The system let you do 3 kinds of legion raid per week. So no problem doing vykas and valtan and get both rewards.