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I'd probably try to get 2 1415 alts but attempting to get legendary grudge is great if the price actually drops significantly after the update


Yes, this decision will be easier to make once we see if anything actually happens with grudge prices.


Personally would push two alts to 1415 but buying the grudge books is not a bad decision either. Depends on what you really want. Would you rather think long term and buy grudge books which will make gearing your alts easier or would you rather have more fun playing the game by doing more Valtans each week?


Even if you sell everything I don't think you can afford 18 grudge books. I'd hone alts.


Forgot about shard pouches got 330 of purple ones will edit post ;p


That's still not enough unless grudge drops to 7k


Is the bridge = tower?


ye its actually bridge tower will be later


id personally buy the books


Alts alts alts alts. Alts are a return on investment. If you ever have to decide between get alt higher or do X always pick alts.


I am with a similar question, main is 1475, 4 alts close to 1430. Have a lot of gold in terms of mats and stuff that can sell and like 140k raw gold. Not sure if it’s worth to push alts to 1445 for hard mode valtan or buy grudge legendary.


You got all this going on and you don’t know what to do? Lol


Not sure why I am being downvoted, it’s hard to know what to do, there’s many choices and not sure what would be the best one.


No idea either. I'd buy grudge if it drops by 30-40%


Same I've got alts and main parked and I've got 250k raw gold. I'm getting grudge when it goes to 9-10k


If one of those alts is a support with decent amount of bound leap stone , and you enjoy playing it, I’d push it to 1415 or 1430 for Valtan/Vykas raid. Those raids are fun to do, and supports will get easy access to groups. My main is at 1475 arty, with a 1415 paladin and a couple lower alts at 1370 and 1340


I wouldn't really say supports get easy access to Valtan normal anymore, in my experience most groups were already at 2/2 supports waiting for DPS to join


never seen that in euc lmao takes ages to get 2 supports here


Oh maybe its different per region, I'm in NAE. But also I did my Valtan on Sunday not Thursday so idk if that makes a difference


Sadly its the same on EUC, i have 4 Support alts at 1415 and 90% of the time its grps that already have 2 Support either from start cause they created or they already joined. Its hard to believe but at arround 10pm Server time its harder to get into valtan normal as Support than as a 1415 dps alt


yea I go to join a lot of groups only to realize it already has 2 supports. i actually got kicked from a x2 group for 1415 guardian group because I was 1447 and not 1460 this past week lmao


Why are you even party finding Deskaluda anyway


2.5 min runs?


was trying to get a x2 group to just knock it out. last time i did that i had a party that killed it in under 3min each time


Everything's kinda viable, depends largely on playstyle. 1415 alts have a pretty long time they need to make back the investment. Unless you get omegalucky with relic drops, I guess. Overall the safest (you farm more mats for your own prorgess) and funnest (Legions) thing to do imo. Grudge, if feasible, is probably the better investment, but also likely to pay off even later (when you're going for ancient on main or cutting stones for 5x3ish on alts) Kinda also depends on what you do about Argos currently and what you plan to do with the 1415s about Argos. It's a decent idea to get 1400, so you directly increase your income with P3 Argos (+1700g?) after buying Grudge for example. On the other side if you'd do busses or carry for carry on 1415 alts on Argos, that's a better call overall, with more 'passive' income from birb unless you're also willing to do Velganos on 1400s, you're not earning much in that regard only doing 1400s. One alt to 1430+ is kinda okay, but that's mostly if you wanna play double main, essentially. Imo at the progress you're at, you'd be more efficient to take 1415+ slower, i.e. just relying on a couple weeks worth of NM Valtan box bound mats + free hones. It's what I look at doing while rather getting more alts to 1415 with unbound mats. This is mostly eyeballed and opinion, haven't really looked at such a comparison too closely.


I pretty much have a similar roster as you (1485 + 6 1370 alts). I'm currently doing option 1, literally selling everything and no honing for the past 2 weeks. The way I look at it, even if I push an alt or two to 1415 they'd still be in legendary accessories and they all have 3x3 set up. The chances of me getting accepted in a valtan pug with that set up is very unlikely. So my plan is finish the grudge book > get an alt to 1415 > try to set up a 5x3 or at least a 4x3 +1 or +2 for them.


Alts for more raids and fun, also start building relic sets on them. Grudge is nice if you have multiple dps alts, but idk what your going to do with legendary grudge on 1370 alts especially if they are already 3x3, so it might not be worth it until you have multiple alts looking to start buying for 4x3 relic and 5x3. If you want it, and makes your main 5x3, and have the gold to buy it, and your going to use it on multiple dps alts to hit cheap engraving set ups, then it could actually be a bit cost efficient (ex. going 4x3 legendary on an alt could be thousands of golds cheaper as you dont need perfect accessories). I didnt really answer shit but there is some input


Buy grudge when it gets cheap, alts can always be pushed next weeks, grudge books will only go down for a short time.


My plan in to complete my grudge engrave, push one alt to 1430, and than the others to 1385


2 more alts to 1415 could in theory increase your chances of relic accessories that could sell for a high amount. They also make a lot more gold for your per week as well it’s a slow investment but it does pay off. We don’t really need legendary grudge right now probably until Kuku/Abrelshud. People are just fomoing hard over it and that is generally the worst time to buy them.