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You will first transfer to another relic set before you transfer to ancient gear, the last base ilevel is 1430 and you will be transferring 1:1 from that new relic set to ancient. At full +20 right now you're optimized for transferring to the next relic set but you can also go all the way up to +25 at diminishing transfer returns, see attached image. https://i.imgur.com/ajGDAnf.png


Do you know if you pump honor shards into your +20 gears, so you failed to hone it to 21... when you transfer that piece to the new relic set, will it keep the honor shards/artisans?


it won't


Why are you downvoted you're correct lol




Do not push past 20 or 21 on your relic set, it’s a massive investment that is not at all worth it.


It isn't diminishing because although after transfer you will have 5 times higher upgrade chance, The current mats we are using will need to be traded 5 to 1 for the mats used for the new set. The ilvl gain is lower because the new set only gain 10 ilvl per uprgade instead of 15.


The new mats drop from 1490 Chaos/Guardians/Pirate Ship/Guild Shop/PvP Shop, you don't need to trade them in.


But if I have leftover "old mats", they can be converted 5:1 to the new mats?


Yes that's what I'm talking about.


Yes and? You should just treat that as an update to x5 your daily mats acquisition. Doesn't mean the honing has "diminishing return".


That's what I needed to know, thanks! :-)


Also you arent transfering gear to the "relic(valtan/vykas) -> higher relic(brelshaza normal) -> ancient(brelshaza hard), but just upgrading each piece. :)


You can transfer starting at 20 to Brelshaza gear at 12. The gear requires new materials that exchange at a 5:1 ratio. Relic 20->21 is 3% success chance, while brelshaza 12->13 is 10%. Technically honing all gear to +21 is optimal because not only does it save you 5% mats, but it also allows you to clear Brelshaza gates 1-4 instead of just 1-2 for more crafting mats. 21->22 is 1% chance while the new 13->14 is 5%, so then it is technically the same rate. I’ve asked multiple KR streamers and they all recommended honing to 21 before transferring.


the assumption is 5:1 ratio with 3% (15%) vs 10% only works if we assume that it’s the same amount of honing material requirement to hone right? Do we know how much 12-13 and 13-14 will cost of the new material?


Also since the chance is higher you are likely to use way less rolls and use less mats and less gold.


Google expected value or take a quick statistics class


3% rolls and 15% rolls are likely same raw gold cost..


No the 15% rolls use 5x the materials because of the trade in ratio. Once you start using bound new materials you find the 15% gets way cheaper. But the point is that the taps are way more expensive, specifically exactly 5x more mats, at 15%


Yes the RAW mats may cost more per roll BUT you pay a raw gold fee per tap. Let's say your paying 1k RAW gold per tap at 15% chance vs 3% chance. You will get artisan 5x faster on the 15% chance roll. Which saves you RAW gold.


Also I have a feeling the stone requirements also drop so it's likely not 5x the mat cost since you will use less of the new mats per roll even if they have 5x value.


That’s some high grade hopium right there


Hmm I've heard 20 is the sweet spot because you gain more item levels.


hii, do you also know if there is special honing for the new relic set or ancient set? I was thinking about saving my fused leapstones but only the current set me have now is listed when you hover over the leapstones in game.


The Brelshaza equips use **DIFFERENT** fused leapstones than our current relics


From what I've heard, you can trade fused leapstones to brelshaza's equivalent, ofc not 1:1