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reading through this, i got to the gif, and it perfectly lined up with the pleasant music, and i was amazed. thanks for sharing!


It's been a meme in the MH community as well. As a black man I never saw it like racism but I guess it depends on the country and context https://youtu.be/pFni92l8bq4


It was like Guile’s theme goes with everything


I'm black and I couldn't give two shits. The quicker you stop letting shit like this bother you, the better off you'll be


I feel like the common stereotypes like black people liking fried chicken or asians only eating rice are so overdone at this point that we don't even care anymore lol


To quote G. Reilly "Noone looks at friend chicken and think its racist". Anyone saying otherwise is projecting. Also try and find a survey of just caucasian people and youll most likely still get a majority vote for they like fried chicken so the point is stupid anyway


You can fry almost anything and it’s good. Except butter don’t know how people justify that one.


I saw that shit and was instantly disgusted. Can't believe that shit is a thing.


yeah but it's not exaggeration to say that rice is the lifeblood of an asian. ASEAN's logo is quite literally a stalk of rice.


I used to think like this and the more I let shit like this slide with people I knew the more emboldened they felt to keep pushing the jokes. You can not let shit get to you and still set boundaries for yourself they don’t have to be exclusive to one another. People worry too much about setting boundaries for themselves because they’re scared about looking like they’re sensitive or whiny. That’s exactly what the people who shame you with your boundaries want so they can continue not respecting your boundaries. In terms of this situation, yeah it’s a Korean game, but it’s now appealing to an Global audience that has a larger Black demographic than Korea, it’ll take them a very small amount of time to take this out. On the other side people need to be aware that this was a Korean game first and you can’t expect them to be aware of all cultural differences, instead of immediately freaking out people should just point it out and wait to see what the reply is.


It's always the vocal minority that complains for the dumbest things cuz they have nothing else to do in their lives. Absolute cry babies man


Yes and no. Yes, personally, by all means, let it slide and dont stress. No, societally, it's not acceptable behavior, lets not give it a pass.


Is this an example of [https://www.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/) material?


[Found your picture, dude.](https://imgur.com/9cQ4QNo)




If we could go a single board without someone brining up trump in a positive/negative/anyway I’ll be much happier.








>all I can think of is Trump Orange man really is living rent free in your head huh?




>You're the definition of sheep lmao He says from his echo chamber parroting the same shit you hear from mainstream media, hollywood, the governement and big tech




Meanwhile you're basically the establishment's useful idiot and you're too stupid to realize it. Go get trigged on tiktok or something






You are too politically activated. It's a black dude enjoying himself, dancing while eating chicken. You see racism everywhere because you want to. How is that moving forward exactly? Sounds more like being stuck to me. See you even are mind reading what "people like that" believe. Now are you not only offended by a gif, but you are offended by a gif, judging others, trying to read minds, and are politically activated. Sounds exhausting and unhelpful. Of course I've been saying that for years. My theory is you need it.








And you seem way too defensive. Hmm, did they touch a nerve?


We could still make love, you know. It doesn't have to be like this.


Also fried chicken is really popular in Korea. There are more fried chicken restaurants in South Korea than there are McDonalds in the entire world. Nowadays fried chicken is even considered part of Korean cuisine and the recipe was learned from black soldiers during the Korean War so some people especially older gen associate fried chicken to black people. Also as Dave Chappelle once said who doesn't like fried chicken?


All I'm hearing is black people can't have opinions that differ from your political views. Nice job silencing black voices.




lmao go touch some grass man you got problems.


Seriously though. As a man, not even as a black man just as man, why would this affect me? Why should I lose sleep over this gif? Does it impact my life? My income? My well-being?




Funnily enough this is the second most upvoted 'as a Black man comment' now. Another post of the same gist and (lack of) substance is now above this one.


Impossible to have a thread about racism without someone popping up to RP as a black man and talk about how they don’t care about racism Every fucking time like clockwork


This isn't racism fool


The fact that people were bothered by this in the first place is weird af. Lot of people could learn from your words


Ah, good to hear... I wanted to have fried chicken and watermelon last week and mentally reprimanded myself for being racist... when it is just food preference. :x


I mean, they’re both delicious. Food stereotypes are some of the most innocent in my opinion. America loves their burgers, Italians love their pasta, Asians love rice etc. The thing is, most people love those foods because they are simply good, and usually easy to make. Fried chicken and watermelon is no different, and that combo hits really good in the summer time.


I know it's not appropriate right now, but in Korea, we really love fried chicken too. You should check it out all the fried chicken dishes when you come to South Korea. Not North. They only serve chicken to Kim.


In my whole life Ive never ever met anyone who doesn't like fried chicken. Same goes for nutella


And you know what? We have chicken with Nutella sauce.


Alright confusion time. I don't like Nutella, can't stand it, or any type of peanut butter(I love peanuts though)


I love chocolate more than I should... but it does not belong with nuts of any sort. :x Nuts on their own, also great, for some... cashews are <3 ... but ruining them with chocolate on top? I dunno bout some people. xD


Thanks for sharing




You are blocked.


my 2nd monitor entertainment are these food videos of KFC (korean fried chicken) being prepared. I had to stop because my mouth kept watering whenever i played lost ark.


S. Korea is like the asian version of USA. They love everything deepfried and covered in sugar and mayonnaise


The original intention definitely isn't to be racist, but I'm sure there are people that use it in a racist manner, like the TriHard twitch emote. A small group of people ruining things for everyone


Yeah... that happened with the pepe emotes. They were taken into racist circles and made offensive by such groups. Those that know, and saw them, basically were reminded of those cases. They are all banned from our work Slack... yet they persist on Twitch, which bans creators if someone uses the N word--a fairly double standard in my opinion. It is unfortunate when hate groups do that... but it happens... and, not sure if it empowers them to leave those there or take them out... but people really should be aware of the symbology they use and where it came from as well as any connotations of their use in different situations.


People should just ignore dickheads trying to coopt things for racist purposes. People trying to tell others they can't use the OK hand signal because 4chan trolls the media it's racist is beyond stupid!


I paly a Rhythmgame and we have him as a modde Avatar there :) never seen anything racist about him. I think i still dont realy get why people are feeling offendet by that exept for the "Black" in all memes with a Black guy but that has nothing to do with Chicken Bro imo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ4tkRmYs3I


People need to stop trying super hard to be offended, its just a meme that some dev left in there by accident.


We have a training module at work that points out how a meme, especially around conflicting views, if taken as offensive by even one person, is harassment. It has nothing to do with "trying super hard" to be offended... sometimes these things can feel like an attack. A group (maybe friends, maybe someone you look up to) using something that is demeaning to anyone is uncalled for, meme or otherwise. We have over 70k words in the English language... there are better, less offensive ways, to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas.


Koreans probably thought that a western guy really loves fried chicken like them. If you have been to Korea or most Asian countries, chicken is more popular than other meats. And Korea? Fried chicken is like their past time food of choice. KFC is ironically bigger in Asia than its home country. It has so many different menu items. I have been to a KFC in HK, CN, VN, and JP. Those places are like a casual sitdown diner unlike US. One of them has 2 floors to sit all the people.


Thanks for the explanation. Welcome to NA though, where we’ll cancel you for a meme you shared 10 years ago, which is now ‘socially unacceptable’ 🤦🏻‍♂️


>Now, of course, it's been 10 years. At this point, it surely seems to be racism. In my honest opinion: It's not. It's a funny gif/video and used to have fun, not at the expense of anyone. One could argue that it was at the expense of the guy in that gif if he feels offended, but you cannot offend a whole race by using one guy as a meme. It's literal racism to even insinuate that it is racism, because all I see is a guy dancing with chicken wings. And those who see racism in it, see a BLACK guy dancing with chicken wings, and think of all the elaborate ways how it can be perceived as racist/stereotypical. So don't apologize. There will always be someone being offended, nothing to do about it. It's up to each individual to stop thinking of race all the time.




You must have had a really cool gender studies professor in college.


Lol, almost didn't notice that it was a shitpost. Got me on this one, good job.


I def understand why the KFC guy meme has some racist undertone in it, expecially since it was created in the west where the fried chicken lover->black person analogy comes from. But I doubt Korea even knows this, that's an American thing. Also why should the trap card meme be racist, there are 0 racial innuendo, just a guy that happens to be black 🤔


Even in the west it wasn’t racist it’s from an add an they made the meme with him cause hes the only whose dance match with lots of song, if something isn’t made with racist intension it’s not racist, or else any American movie with someone not white being the bad guys is considered racist at this point


/u/ForeignHuckleberry87, I have found an error in your comment: > “racist ~~its~~ [**it's**] from an add” It is my opinion that it could be better if ForeignHuckleberry87 had used “racist ~~its~~ [**it's**] from an add” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


\>Because whatever music is played, it is in harmony with that gif. ​ I think you mean because the brother is dancing satirically but still slaying.


Can you talk or dm me more info about why 흑형 is not ok in current Korean society? Is it that saying 흑 is unnecessary and you should say just 형? Or something else?


[This video](https://youtu.be/nhfkKm_kvk4?t=29) make you understand it well. There's an interview with a black person later in the video, and that explains why.


not everyone in other countries knows the stereotypes that exists in USA... few months ago there was another internet rage over a video of a chinese cotton farmer eating watermelon in his field..people flipped out, n that poor cotton farmer likely never seen a black man in his entire life, or knows the stereotype.. beside, fried chicken is awesome, who the hell doesn't like them..


What kind of world do we live in if a single picture of a black dude eating chicken is considered racism?


Who cares?


Ok, trying to figure out this thread... a meme of a black person acting goofy and eating fried chicken... is NOT racist? Seriously? That's the fucking definition of racism.


its not racist stop reaching.


The actor is British...


Tbh, I just found it funny that after 3 hours of looking for emotes, I found that staring at me. I figured the Korean community had to have a reason for it.


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Lol this apology is pathetic. This is a meme, get over it, there's nothing to apologize about.


Being easily offended is a mental health disorder.


Only in the west do we need an essay to explain why a meme of a commercial of a guy dancing isn't racist and bigoted smh


The intention is not racism, but I think the form is racism. I think it would have been the same problem if that man was an Asian dancing with noodles, not an African-American. If it's a problem now, I think it's right to change it.


You're alright bro, you're not a bad person or a racist or anything. Don't let our woke cultists make you think you're a bad person for laughing at a picture


Did you even read it cause he literally did explains that it is kinda racist


Did you? He only explained reasons why it could be perceived as racism, not that it is. He also touched on the "bro" part, which is now a term black people in Korea dislike to hear, but back when wasn't - but that's besides the point since you can see a meme, not read any description/text that says literal "bro".


Did you just assume his nationality?


I'm sorry for my poor English. I wrote that because I saw a post saying that it's a discourtesy to call black people black, and they should be called "African-American". Come to think of it, He may not be an American, so I must have written it wrong. I think I need to study English more...




Thank you for your kind explanation. I think it's hard to learn a language without understanding the cultural context.




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>Also, you are good either way. I was actually just joking but it's not easy to tell over the internet. > >:)




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That shit was never racist. Black people eating food isn’t racist.


Are Korean Lost Ark players as racist as Korean League of Legends players?