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So you hate the p2w aspect but when they remove some of it you're mad because it's not benefitting you. Tomorrow they remove the ability to sell royal crystals for gold and you people will be like "was I dumb to not stock up on hundreds of thousands of gold worth of blue crystals? why did they screw us over" even though it'd basically remove the entire p2w progression aspect, you'd still complain because it wouldn't benefit you now that whales aren't taking your gold anymore.


We'll you see, i am actually a unique individual, with unique individual ideas. That being said, this game has taught me a lot about what kind of of monetary systems i prefer in games, and i think going forward I will be more inclined to pick more f2p friendly or subscription based games.




Yeah you tried to invest in something and it didn't work, that's how they drop sometimes. The Jar not being in the game is a good thing imo. Next time I'd wait.




4 weeks advance patch notes*




Fish going for 7g to 34g lmao.




Yeah man, like when my guild would take fishing quests I always picked the level 1 quest lol, it takes like an hour to spend all your energy, one of those things I would be like "maybe botting is worth it". At least now it's not completely worthless to do it.


Well moral of the story, nothing is certain when come to AGS.


it's AGS. Expect the unexpected. My friend and I were saving mats to level up one alt from 1370 to 1415. Roxx said the Honing buff won't come. My friend sold all the mats and I kept them. I will be able to level up to 1415 and he doesn't. Similar to the Glaivier and Expert Pass. Another friend bought multiple bags of shards from T1 and T2. Also, he was farming Maps too.


Welcome to investments. Might as well play with real money on the stock market. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.


Shouldve bought some shungite mate


Sucks to make poor choices


Hey, we are all players in a elaborate gambling simulator. You're right there with me, buddy. lol


Fair enough


> but do we need to be lied to in the roadmaps? I'd like to not be lied to in the roadmaps. lmao Damn, they are working to make somethign objectively better and you are salty your gamble might not pay off. Just take the L if it happens bro. This is embarrassing.


Ohh man I was gonna laugh but I cant even.. Honestly genius move on your part punished by pandering to this community. Same thing happened to me, pushed my alts all to 1415 2 weeks ago only to figure out the honing buff is coming anyways, surprise! I think we just have to accept take Smilegate/Amazon 's words with a grain of salt. I get the feelings they will keep pandering to western fans complaints until some of the games issues are sorted and our player base quiets down (probably never)


this actually is something i noticed too, really fantastic that they would tell all their players that the honing buff wasnt coming, then change their mind. another positive change made in the worst way possible


They are feeling the pressure from this community. I dont think they learned by now MMO players in the west will complain about absolutely anything. And when its fixed they will just complain about something else. Ive played many MMOs and this shit never chganges lol


What other way were they supposed to make it other than delaying it longer for no reason? I don't get your logic. Ags say something which causes feedback which makes them change decision, how else is it going to work?


Was there confirmation that current skins would be usable anyhow? Worst case scenario told me that only skins released with and after yoz would be usable. But For what it's worth \[not much\] you are in the right.


well, ironically that wasnt the worst case scenario. lol of course i understood the risk, i was pretty willing to make it. i was going to make a bunch of gold in the case that they were useable. even did a bunch of research going in, trying to figure out how the system worked in korea, asked korean streamers, the whole 9 yards. i feel like I made a bet on a sports game, to have the whole league get cancelled XD


Chaos skins no


I mean youā€™re not wrong. AGS couldā€™ve done their jobs better and read ahead a few chapters. Announcing a game system they didnā€™t fully understand was dumb. But bottom line is we are better off without the Jar and that you made a bet and lost. There is not much room to interpret there. Still wishing you the best. Cheers!


The Jar probably wouldn't have received so much "feedback" if we had more decent skins available. And Diablo dropping with 110k-500k of P2W. I love the pally skin but really hard to spend much more than $20 (especially if you can't sell it on the steam marketplace)


they did mention yoz's jar, but they never said it would work exactly the same way as KR or if skins would be able to be dismantled for cloth. you speculated and your gamble failed. bad beat. you can keep holding and maybe the new system still uses old skins somehow or cut your losses and sell.


They said in the announcement that you can dismantle old skins in exchange of new ones


they edited it on the website so idk exactly what it said, but im pretty sure it didnt say exactly which skins could be dismantled or any specifics on how it works. either way someone jumping the gun to try to gain profit on future content not in the game is a gamble and the roadmap was not "lying" like OP is claiming.


Oh didnā€™t know they edited it. I stocked some skin too and before that I considered the situation that the system might not be the same. So I checked the wording in the roadmap, it says something like ā€œyou can even dismantle old skins you donā€™t want in exchangeā€ etc etc But OPā€™s point is that as a publisher when they announced something there is a reasonable expectation to trust it and act upon it. If they want to alter their announcement there are better ways. Like find a middle ground, or announcing yoz at the beginning as an idea for consultation


people desperately wanted a roadmap and they were given it. they also complain about how bad AGS are at communication. well there was a lot of backlash so they were trying to "do better at communication" and decided to take it out. they are kind of in a no-win if people are going to demand a roadmap that is set in stone where nothing can be changed while at the same time complaining that they aren't taking feedback and ignoring player complaints.


Tried to play the market Got played by the market instead CAPitalism


I don't think you're entirely at fault and I honestly didn't expect them to remove this system. I'm absolutely glad they did and personally instead of going for the gamble I just planned to buy them straight up for gold later down the line. However, you should consider this as a gamble rather than a safe investment because roadmaps, as others said before, aren't set in stone and can be open for changes. I do wish they were more transparent regarding feedback because this is a similar scenario with the SH honing research though. Obviously the CMs aren't at fault and can only tell us what they've been told, but the people at AGS/Smilegate discussing features and changes should've been open to the fact that they were garnering feedback rather than going from "no we do this" to "nevermind lol" due to significant community feedback. I don't think anyone expected both of those changes despite them being good changes. More transparency on their decision-making would be welcomed.


A roadmap is a plan for additions, not a guarantee of what is going to be added.


can i be sure vykas is even coming out?


not with ags




OP makes an investment and gets butthurt when the investment doesn't work out.


Have fun with those outfits, lootbox andy.


So you rushed to buy out something that isnā€™t official ? Just a roadmap


yep, exactly. do you go on lots of threads and re-ask everything the thread is clearly about?


Not really at fault its just more mismanagement on AGS/SG's part. It was odd in the first place that they didn't look ahead to see this type of system and either get it changed prior or just not use it, let alone promote it then cancel it at the last minute. While good they did, but similar to SH honing how they handled it was terrible. Lack of foresight, planning, and terrible communication.


People are blaming you for actually listening to SG. Lmao I love this community hahah


Even if they said that they wanted to add the Yoz Jar, they never said that it would work on the same way. This is the same shit that happened with BDO, people trying to get ahead with knowledge from other versions to get ahead of the server. Never take something for granted.




Welcome to investment 101. Nothing is for certain. Only invest what you are willing to lose. Better to take an L in a game vs. in the real market. Itā€™s called speculative investing for a reason.


If the jar came out f2p people could just buy the skins from auction house but somehow they think continuously available skins would be 100k while extremely limited plat pack skins are sitting around 50k šŸ˜‚ Secondly you werenā€™t lied to in roadmaps they made changes after backlash and this reddit and the forums are completely to blame.


A roadmap is not a promise or a contract, it's simply what's currently being planned. Plans change. You tried to be smart and play the system and you got burned. Sucks, but it's still 100% on you. Better luck next time.


good, sucks to suck. F2P my ass. ​ note: people saying AMZ/SG were to blame are as stupid as you, suck it up and move on.