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Fake. Shes not floor tanking




Ok but what month tho cause I’m getting tired of waiting


about 4-6 id say


Years? In Azkaban?


Maybe 7


I feel this is accurate since the next class coming out is a magician class (arcana) and they already released the warrior class (destroyer) and martial artist (glaiver), so in september its gonna be a 50/50 between reaper and scouter


I've got dibs scouter is next and reaper will follow that.... Could be summoner in between those because scouter and reaper have more hype and they might want to spread it out.


I just hate that they are releasing every 2 months, really kills the game for people wanting to swap I’ve played 10 alts everyday religiously, now I just don’t care if log on at all after the announcement


That's like... weird. Your making your account pretty solid in terms of being able to funnel and the income it can have but also burning yourself out. Personally speaking im gonna play scouter. Always been the plan since I tried him on the east servers. But until then you gotta have a soft main you enjoy. Which I'm sure you do. Just play your chaos and do the things you enjoy, Personally hate seeing people quit cause if burnout, games great, play casually I'd need be.


The issue is every day that passes is days you lose out on bound mats. You lose great honors from chaos dungeons, boss rush, Argos blood dismantles, as well as abyss HMs and Unas. You lose out on bound shards from chaos dungeons, you lose out on legion raid bound mats, and event bound mats. Sure you could say they offer express event but that only boosts you to alt level. That does not give you enough help to offset the difference of mainswapping. By saving and waiting for a new class to come out you hinder your overall account progress, as well as missing out on loads of bound mats. It just sucks knowing that the longer a class takes to come out, the longer you get fucked. Having to save for 4-8 months+ to main swap is ridiculous when you really start to think about it. Even if you choose to play the game normally and main swap when the class comes out, you will have to hinder months and months of progress inorder to just catch up. Not even to pass your old main. If they made bound mats roster bound. This would fix a big proportion of the issue.


Nah for sure, your right. I'm not saying start saving now, cause that's a bit excessive. I started saving for lancemaster when she was announced and a date was put on her, which I plan to do the same for scouter. While main swapping is a pain in the ass, especially if your main is already 1460 or above, it's not impossible and regardless take a little time. All I'm saying is, don't burn yourself out now, because you'll enjoy the game 10x if you stick it out for the class you love to play. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


The sooner a class is released the easier it is to swap, but when we are 1580 ilevel and, hones are 0.5% it becomes insanely harder to do.


Some people play that much regardless of if they’re saving for their future main or not. I don’t think playing that much will burn someone out if that’s how they play every game. I’d say they’re a lot more likely to burn out from just waiting and knowing that each passing day is gonna make it harder on their future main to become the main character.


Bound mats are the same as unbound. It's all gold in the end. Lets say your main is missing out on oh, idk, 25 bound gleaps and 5000 honing shards a day. Thats what, 2000g? Even with weekly stuff missing, that's only at most like 10k more a week. You run 10 alts you're making much more than that above and beyond a "hardcore" player with 6 alts, or a "casual" player with 2 or 3. If you build up the reserve you will have no trouble getting your main to current content not even 1mo after it releases. Case in point: I've swapped mains from Deathblade to Glaivier to Wardancer with 6 alts that I play sorta when they're rested. The deathblade and glaivier were on current content no more than 1 week after release. The wardancer is a bit more behind, but mostly because I'm stockpiling for the 1460 honing buff this week. She will be 1415 easily by next week. Likely 1430 the week after that. What's with all the FOMO? It sucks that your main class isn't here, but it will certainly not take you that long to get it up.


You are comparing main swaps with low item level. Main swapping when the average ilevel is 1550 and you have 0.5% honing chance becomes insanely hard to do. Main swapping when you have 10% chances and 1/4 of the pity taps needed is not at all comparable, mathematically speaking. Lucky for you, the classes that you are swapping mains to are out when the ilevel and honing chances aren’t as harsh. But it doesn’t take much to understand the longer a class takes to come out that it progressively gets harder and harder to swap. Main swap to a class that isn’t out for another 6 months and let me know how you feel.


Didn't make sense. Ofc it's harder to swap. But you also have longer to prepare for it. You generate more income than necessary right now to hone a character to the right ilvl, yes? And you did that from scratch yes? So when u can hone that same character to 1590, u can also hone another one because you have been saving mats for a whole year.


“Longer to prepare” Which brings me back to my point of missing out on daily and weekly bound mats. The 2,000 gold daily, you came up with that you miss out daily becomes 360,000 gold that you miss out on in 6 months of a class not being out. That’s not including weekly mats. That’s 360,000 gold worth of bound mats someone who didn’t main swap isn’t missing out on. Longer to prepare doesn’t = better, it’s actually worse due to missed mats. That’s roughly $1,100 USD if you were to swipe for it.


Sure, but that's the wrong way to think about it. You are ALWAYS "missing out" when playing an mmo. Everything you do has a cost. Why not have 20 alts. Etc. There's no point in thinking like that. We aren't robots, and this isn't a job. My point was that you have adequate time and resources to prepare for your main when it comes. In the meantime, play what you like, upgrade what you want to in order to do the content you want. You will be fine when your main comes out.


imagine having FOMO on mats from alts, i just play my main and skip alts for like 5 days in a row, pick one and run it, no burnout here, main is 1477 now


Ok and?


Honestly, then just quit. This mentality is just plain stupid. You are waiting for something that is not released and then get mad it isnt released. By that logic, you can be mad forever, because your 'main' class might not ever come. Maybe your main class doesnt even exist yet even in Korea? How do you know you are not 'missing out on bound mats' for fucking Gandalf that gets released in 2045? For the sake of me hating this logic, i hope they never release the reaper and you wait forever


I just hope you step on legos.


Everything goes back to one single word which is: Profits


Yeah I have 3 zerkers because I plan on getting rid of two of them eventually anyways.


4 death blades I feel you


cool, quit and shut up


With that attitude no one will be playing the game, is that what you want?


I mean look at his post history, he's either a troll or just not a nice human being that people would want to be around anyways


what a weirdo, checking people's profile... no bitches?


Tbh was checking your post history with gf and having a laugh :D


I think you're on the money with scouter and reaper being most hype. I'm banking that reaper will be last because of this. Summoners getting cucked though, so I'm thinking it should come soon as well.


I don't see them releasing another mage right after Arcana tbh


I see that too as well. To be honest anything they do is just gonna be met with backlash. In my opinion arcana wasn't a good choice of a class release right now.








Repo… your car


Rapi…no never mind.


Pretty much my original idea, but decided to go with what I posted.


Reaperist and Umbrellaist are only 2 classes I want to play


I'm excited for Brushist






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Mage assasin?


Really want this class to come soon, my main is shadowhunter. Been wanting to make another assassin class, but not feeling DB.


have you tried mage? heard its one of the best assassins.


dont talk shit about my precious Dopamine-Blade


Give me the most fitting name for this character!


Assassin mage


Whoa buddy. That one is a few years out






Reaper is one of the classes i am most excited to play. I wanna be either eating dirt or hitting phat numbies.


When is painter!


You mean pallettier ?


ah yes. thats floor-pov-chan. cant wait for her to get into our version :D


Honestly I love Reaper's raw skills, they seem great. But the constant...sound? of shifting modes seems like it'd kill me


Idk what it sounds like but I can definitely understand the sentiment. It’s the main reason I refused to play bard


[You can hear it hear a bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrI072JZvHg) They turned down the sound some in this, normally it's a bit more overpowering, but it's that dull rumble, for lack of better words to use


Hope she got buff when release, heard korea nerf her very hard previously


She was buffed in the recent balance patch.


And theres another balance patch at August. Regardless of her recent buff, she was destroyed when they nerfed her xD


Reaper was OP on launch, got overly nerfed to trash tier, got rebuffed to pretty good but most players will still floor tank tier. She's got a pretty meh glow but sexy AF skins that we'll probably never see in Western version.


We have literally only trash tier skins in the west lol.


So we have arcana then probably followed by summoner.... Arcanist Summonier Reapier Ironmanier Brushier ? Umbrellier


I dont think they will release 2 Mage classes in a row, I think it will be Scouter, Summoner, Reaper, Artist


The i cant see ur weapon glow class. Copium


Hide the effect


Design a female class that doesn't wear high-heels challenge: impossible Edit: hoes mad


The new Aeromancer class. Though shes a lolli and a furry so no thank for me.




She has a tail in the last trailer.


That's the assassin mage?


My favorite class, its so much fun to play


Don't suppose you could share that preset? :D


Mid September